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为解决数据共享应用中的隐私保护问题和提高数据共享的可用性,提出一种以用户为中心的隐私保护模型.在该模型中,用户可以通过关键字和特征的选取对隐私信息进行自主设置,并采用基于信任的方法来确定共享数据对象可获得的隐私量.当共享数据中包含的隐私量超过共享对象可获得的范围后,通过替换的方法来保护用户隐私.仿真实验表明,对比基于访问控制的隐私保护法,该模型在数据共享应用中能够有效保护隐私并保证较高的数据共享可用性.  相似文献   

本文针对网络领域的隐私权的法律保护问题进行了探讨.本文通过多方面的对比分析对我国在隐私权保护方面存在的不足进行了概括分析,然后针对这些不足提出了针对性的建议.  相似文献   

2003年伊朗核问题产生之后,从欧盟三国到P5+1与伊朗的多边协商为各方提供了一个交流的平台,缓解了伊朗核问题导致的国际紧张局势.解决伊朗核问题的多边协商具有地区和国际原因,并将影响未来协调伊朗核问题的模式.  相似文献   

郑剑  杨立聪 《江西冶金》2022,42(1):61-68
在社交网络的隐私保护中,针对三元闭包算法存在无法提供可控的隐私保护和无法抵御背景知识攻击的问题,结合差分隐私技术,提出基于三元闭包的不确定图差分隐私保护改进算法.改进算法首先利用三元闭包原理对原始社交网络图进行加边形成三角形,然后对三角形的边赋予符合拉普拉斯分布的存在概率,最后,根据社交网络图中每条边的存在概率生成新的...  相似文献   

陈薛辉  冯燕  钱权 《工程科学学报》2023,45(7):1194-1204
基于数据驱动的材料信息学被认为是材料研发第四范式,可以极大降低新材料的研发成本,缩短研发周期。然而,数据驱动的方法在材料数据共享利用时,会增加材料研发中关键工艺等敏感信息的隐私泄露风险。因此,面向隐私保护的机器学习是材料信息学中的关键问题。基于此,本文针对在材料信息学领域广泛使用的随机森林模型,提出了一种差分隐私保护的随机森林算法。算法将整体隐私预算分配到每棵树上,在建决策树过程中引入差分隐私的拉普拉斯机制和指数机制,即在决策树的分裂过程中采用指数机制随机选择分裂特征,同时采用拉普拉斯机制对节点数量添加噪声,实现对随机森林算法的差分隐私保护。本文结合钢材料疲劳性能预测实验,验证算法在数据分别采用集中式存储和分布式存储下的有效性。实验结果表明,在添加差分隐私保护后,各目标性能的预测决定系数R2值均达到0.8以上,与普通随机森林的结果相差很小。另外,在数据分布式存储情况下,随着隐私预算的增加,各目标性能的预测R2值随之增加。同时,随着最大树深度的增加,算法整体的预测精度先增加后降低,当最大树深度取5时,预测精度最好。综合看来,本文算法在实现随机森林的差分隐私保护前提下,仍能保持较高的预测精度,且数据在分散存储的分布式网络的环境中,可根据隐私预算等算法参数设置,实现隐私保护强度和预测精度的平衡,有广泛的应用前景。   相似文献   

介绍了合作中信任的产生与作用机制,表明信任可以促进成员参与管理和投资的积极性,减少成员违约行为和意愿的产生,保证农民合作组织稳定发展;信任程度降低则会危害农民合作组织的发展.在此基础上,对陕西省阎良、西安、临潼、杨凌4个地区10多个农民合作社197个农户进行问卷调查,通过分析信任机制的产生和调研数据,提出加强内部沟通、重塑非正式制度的信任文化、坚持契约制度、完善激励和惩罚制度、建立平等产权和投资制度、实施轮流上岗管理监督等提高农民合作组织成员信任程度的建议,以维持"信任一合作"的良性循环.  相似文献   

提出了一种软硬件结合的数据加密传输方案,实现了Intemet通信的局域网之间传输的数据的加解密.该方案采用基于OpenSSL的认证中心对网关服务器进行身份认证,用DH算法分配初始密钥,用SSX31-B加密卡对传输数据进行3DES加解密.结果表明,该方案具有良好的安全性和稳定性,以及较高的传输效率.  相似文献   

由于Java语言面向对象和编译成中问代码执行的特点,其在抗反编译和反盗版方面显得尤其脆弱.本文针对Java软件的特点,运用多种方法,综合设计出一个保护Java类文件的方法.  相似文献   

在市场经济体制新形势下,如何提高人事科人事管理效能,已经成为人事科人事管理如今最重要的研究项目.通过分析人事科人事管理的工作职能和所面临的问题,制定出相关有效提高人事科人事管理效能的策略方针.  相似文献   

近年来构建服务型政府、加快政府职能转变,是我国政治体制改革的重点,乡镇政府是我国最基层的政府,构建服务型政府应从基层开始.文章在分析我国服务型乡镇政府建设的问题的基础上,进一步提出相应策略,希望能为我国服务型政府建设贡献力量.  相似文献   

Used 60 male and 60 female undergraduates in same sex dyads to study the effects of trust (defined as belief that the other negotiator is cooperatively motivated), aspirations, and gender on the conditions and processes leading to outcomes that jointly benefit both parties. Under high aspirations, high trust produced self-consciously cooperative behavior in the form of direct information exchange; low trust produced self-consciously distributive (competitive) behavior and one form of indirect information exchange. A correlational analysis showed that joint benefit was a positive function of a set of trial and error tactics and 2 forms of indirect information exchange, a negative function of the use of distributive tactics, and unrelated to direct information exchange. Joint benefit was greater under higher aspirations but was not a function of trust or the interaction between trust and aspirations. Women engaged in less distributive behavior and were less interested in the task than men, especially under high aspirations. A theory of strategic choice is presented to explain the findings. (14 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Three studies contrasting Indian and American negotiators tested hypotheses derived from theory proposing why there are cultural differences in trust and how cultural differences in trust influence negotiation strategy. Study 1 (a survey) documented that Indian negotiators trust their counterparts less than American negotiators. Study 2 (a negotiation simulation) linked American and Indian negotiators' self-reported trust and strategy to their insight and joint gains. Study 3 replicated and extended Study 2 using independently coded negotiation strategy data, allowing for stronger causal inference. Overall, the strategy associated with Indian negotiators' reluctance to extend interpersonal (as opposed to institutional) trust produced relatively poor outcomes. Our data support an expanded theoretical model of negotiation, linking culture to trust, strategies, and outcomes. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Two studies tested the effects of negotiators' social motive (cooperative vs. individualistic) and punitive capability (high vs. low) on trust, negotiation behavior, and joint outcomes. On the basis of structural goal-expectation theory (T. Yamagishi, 1986), it was predicted that in the case of a cooperative motive higher levels of punitive capability lead to less trust, less exchange of information about preferences and priorities, and agreements of lower joint outcome. Study 1 (N?=?41 ) supported this prediction: Cooperative negotiators had lower trust, exchanged less information, and attained lower joint outcomes under high rather than low punitive capability; individualistic negotiators were not influenced by punitive capability, presumably because they have low levels of trust to start with. Study 2 (N?=?21 ) showed that these effects happened because higher levels of punitive capability increase conflict avoidance in negotiators with a cooperative motive. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Major sections are: Rates for Higher Benefits; Eligibility for Increased Benefits; Members under 40 May Increase Benefits Annually; Premium Credits Announced. "Members in Plan A, which has a 7-day waiting period, are currently limited to a $100 weekly maximum. The new maximum will be $200 a week." Members in Plan B, Plan C, and Plan D, all with longer waiting periods, will presently be eligible for a maximum of $250 weekly. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The privacy of health information is a subject of great sensitivity in both Canada and the United States. As a result of public demands for more effective protection of such information as medical records, Canada and, particularly, its provincial governments, have implemented extensive legislation. The United States, on the other hand, has largely confined its efforts to private sector initiatives that are more reflective of voluntary codes than legal statutes. Because new technologic developments facilitate data sharing in the medical field, especially in the face of a continual reduction of healthcare budgets, the concern for privacy protection in this domain has intensified. Correspondingly, there has been a gradual theoretical shift in protective health information policies on both sides of the border. As Canada pushes to extend its federal and provincial legislation to the private sector, the United States is on the brink of approving a national bill that would protect the privacy of personal medical records. It is becoming evident that efforts to secure the privacy of health information in both countries are converging.  相似文献   

Generalized expectancies for interpersonal trust.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Describes results of a program of research on interpersonal trust, defined as belief in social communications. Construction of a scale for measuring individual differences, construct validity studies, and investigations of antecedents of trust, correlates of trust, and changes of college student trust are included. The evidence supports the hypothesis of (a) stable individual differences in a generalized expectancy for interpersonal trust, and (b) the feasibility of studying such trust under a variety of conditions. (29 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Using a 3?×?2?×?2 experimental design and data from 188 managers and professionals, this study examined the main and interactive effects of information management strategy (missing information vs. no reported conviction vs. reported conviction), race of the applicant (White vs. Black), and job type (cashier vs. road laborer) on ratings of an applicant's qualifications and likelihood of job success. For the qualification criterion, there were significant main effects for information management strategy and job type. In the case of the success criterion, there were significant main effects for information management strategy and job type and two significant two-way interactions. Constraints on the generalizability of the findings to personnel decision making in actual organizational contexts are considered. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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