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The Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) 2000 requires that students participate in a major design experience prior to graduation. A well-planned senior design capstone program will satisfy this criterion while meeting the Criterion 3 (a–k) program outcomes. Seattle University has an industrially sponsored, year-long, senior design program that has been in existence for the past 20 years. In addition to applying the knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering to solve a real-life engineering problem, students develop the soft skills such as project management, leadership, team work, written and oral communication, and professional networking which are important for a successful career. This paper describes the program within the Civil and Environmental Engineering department, lists the various tools used to assess the program outcomes, and includes assessment of the program by sponsoring agencies, alumni, and reflection by faculty.  相似文献   

This paper presents an approach for implementing sustainability within a university environment, and for helping students become more effective problem solvers and professionals. In a “Sustainable Urban Development” course, taught by the writer, students develop projects to make their campus and community more sustainable. In the process, students learn how to analyze sustainability, work with decision makers, and put classroom knowledge into practice. Further, through this course’s emphasis on problem-based learning, students acquire critical cognitive skills and professional skills as they tackle complex, interdisciplinary, and real-world problems. Systematic evaluations of the course offer useful lessons. One is how to create synergies. For instance, while students benefited from hands-on experience with sustainability, the university benefited from students’ work. Another is how to demonstrate and quantify benefits from sustainability, which is vital to gaining support. Yet another is how to enable students to learn from both successful and unsuccessful attempts to implement ideas. Courses such as this can create important bridges between theory and application, and between education and professional practice.  相似文献   

The Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) has adopted a revised set of criteria for accrediting engineering programs. Nevertheless, as in the past, civil engineering departments will be required to demonstrate proficiency in specific subject areas which are included in the ABET program criteria. This paper investigates how civil engineering students at Lamar University improved their understanding of various subject areas required by ABET and listed in the Program Criteria for Civil and Similarly Named Engineering Programs and the General Criteria (professional component) by being involved with cooperative, part-time, and summer work experiences. In particular, the findings suggest that both undergraduate and graduate students believe that three areas have been greatly enhanced with engineering work. They include structural engineering, project management/scheduling and estimating, and teamwork. In addition, undergraduates perceive that their understanding of health and safety issues and ethical considerations has also increased. In contrast, graduate students believe that their knowledge of hydraulics, hydrology, and water resources, constructability, and economic factors has been enhanced by civil engineering work experiences.  相似文献   

According to C. L. Dym and P. Little, the complete design process includes identifying a need or problem, recognizing constraints, identifying and developing courses of action, testing potential courses of action, selecting optimum courses of action, preparing the documents required for the design, managing the overall process, communicating the design, construction, and testing. We have addressed these design considerations by linking design projects in our introductory physicochemical treatment processes course (EV401, taken by second-semester juniors) and our senior capstone design course (EV490, taken by second-semester seniors). The process developed and implemented addresses the integration of professional practice into design inexperience. We require our cadet students to communicate with their customers, an illustrator, and tradesmen, three forms of communication that are necessarily quite different from traditional student-professor exchanges. Also, students must design under constraints, this time not because of the closed nature of the project but rather because of “real world” resource constraints: time to complete the project, a limited budget to purchase materials and labor, availability of materials, ease of construction, and balancing competing projects (in other courses). The first attempt at implementing this engineering design learning model occurred during the spring of 2001 in EV401. Herein we assess the design and construction of one of two projects, oriented toward modification of a surface-water treatment plant model. Results suggest that iterative growth can occur and a more complete appreciation of the design process can result.  相似文献   

The Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) has adopted a revised set of criteria for accrediting engineering programs. Nevertheless, as in the past, civil engineering departments will be required to demonstrate proficiency in specific subject areas which are included in the ABET program criteria. This paper investigates, according to civil engineering students, the level at which their understanding of various subjects required by ABET and listed in the Program Criteria for Civil and Similarly Named Engineering Programs and the General Criteria (Professional Component) has been enhanced by being involved with projects associated with the steel bridge and concrete canoe competitions. The results are also compared with students who have practical civil engineering experience. In particular, the findings suggest that students who are directly involved with project work believe that four areas have been greatly enhanced. They include: structural engineering, project management/scheduling and estimating, constructability, and teamwork. Understanding of engineering codes and standards, health and safety issues, materials engineering, and ethical considerations are also perceived to be enhanced. Furthermore, the results complement documentation from the American Institute of Steel Construction including comments from students participating in the steel bridge competition.  相似文献   

The American Society of Civil Engineers is asserting an increasingly broad and deep body of knowledge (BOK) that reflects contemporary expectations for professional leadership. The BOK is to be fulfilled with a combination of formal education and practical experience. The formal education part includes renewed emphasis on an integrated base of liberal learning, greater technical breadth, specific professional preparation, and mastery of a specialization. Important elements of cognitive development are “assigned” to prelicensure experience. Among these are several learning outcomes critical to realizing the announced vision of the professional for the current century. The current system of prelicensure experience is inadequate and will not perform without structural change. The shortfall lies in the arrangements for fulfilling and validating specific learning outcomes beyond the university. The status quo in engineering is reviewed and compared with other professions. A model program is sketched in terms of specifications and some suggested actions.  相似文献   

The Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) and practitioners recognize professional practice issues as important in undergraduate civil engineering education. This paper describes a creative approach for incorporating professional practice issues into the civil engineering curriculum through a course entitled “Civil Engineering Practice.” This course has the following advantages: (1) It encourages active learning via activities as opposed to a traditional seminar; (2) forms long-term teaching partnerships with engineering professionals; (3) offers a venue where important yet distinct topics can be presented systematically; (4) provides the local engineering community with the opportunity to share its accomplishments and to further continuing education credits; (5) reinforces the professional practice elements of the capstone design project; and (6) supplies structured time where students can interact with potential employers and vice-versa. The course feedback from students, faculty, engineering professionals, and ABET evaluators has been overwhelmingly positive.  相似文献   

Contemporary visions of engineering depict a deepening professionalism, a broadening sphere of competence with technology, and an enhanced social role. Professional societies have increasingly focused on the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for achievement of this vision, and have done so in terms of developmental outcomes. This paper relates specific technical and professional outcomes to their preprofessional foundation in liberal education. Strength and coherence in an expanding foundation, and a close coupling with the outcomes it supports, is necessary if visions of enhanced professional performance are to be fulfilled. Curricular experiments are encouraged.  相似文献   

Current civil engineering education should address the need to provide a broad vision, develop the higher-order skills of future civil engineers, enable them to adopt emerging technologies, and formulate innovative solutions to complex problems. This paper introduces relevant nanotechnology developments to convey the new vision and inspire creativity in civil engineering. It also presents a pedagogical framework for integrating nanotechnology education into a civil engineering curriculum and cultivating self-regulated learning and creativity skills for civil engineering students. The pedagogical framework includes the introduction of nanotechnology innovations and other relevant innovative technologies, and explicit instructions on cognitive strategies for facilitating and inspiring self-regulated learning and creativity. It is implemented with problem/project-based learning for a cocurricular project that requires self-regulated learning and creativity. This pedagogical framework provides a model for integrating emerging technology education and higher-order skill development into existing engineering curriculum. The outcomes from the implementation of the pedagogical framework are presented, and their further improvements are discussed.  相似文献   

Engineering has been defined as the vocation of guiding nature to produce something needed or desired. A historical review of the evolution of engineering and engineering education leads to the conclusion that sustainability in design and construction requires the engineer to approach nature with imagination and humility. As part of its Engineer of 2020 initiative, the National Academy of Engineering in 2001 questioned how engineering education should evolve to prepare the profession for the future. From that work and efforts by ASCE, it is clear that an educational system that fails to provide engineers with a broad base of learning results in graduates ill-prepared to enter professional practice. The National Academy Engineer of 2020 work and ASCE Policy Statement 465, “Academic Prerequisites for Licensure and Professional Practice,” echo a call to adopt a new educational model. The new model seeks to strengthen the cognitive ability of engineers and leads them to practices that work in cooperation and harmony with nature for the benefit of society.  相似文献   

Industry, educational institutions, government bodies, and academic accreditation entities have all stressed the need to incorporate sound assessment techniques into educational programs. However, many of the items listed in the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology 3(a–k) criteria are not commonly addressed in engineering programs. Literature has shown that case study methodology is an effective way to bridge this gap, particularly with regard to improving higher-cognitive skills. In this paper we discuss the various approaches to assessing cognitive improvements when case study methods are implemented in classrooms, along with a literature review, and the various methods are illustrated with examples. The limitations of these methods are examined and the paper concludes by stressing the need to conduct further research to identify the optimum way to assess the effectiveness of the case study methodology in engineering classrooms.  相似文献   

In the United States, requirements in the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) engineering criteria provide a strong incentive to integrate engineering codes and standards into civil engineering undergraduate curricula. Under the current criteria, specifically Criterion 4, appropriate engineering standards must be incorporated into the major design experience. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the current ABET Engineering Criteria requirements with respect to engineering standards and suggest some ways standards can be included in both the technical and nontechnical portions of undergraduate curricula.  相似文献   

This paper describes an initiative to enthuse undergraduate Civil Engineering (CE) students in India about the profession. Various issues impacting CE students are addressed in a novel approach, the 2001 Summer Camp at IIT Kanpur. A select group of undergraduate students who had completed their second year of the Bachelors program in CE were chosen for the camp from different engineering colleges across the country. The objective of the camp was to provide an exposure to technology through motivation, personality development, fun-filled schedules, and excursions. For one month, through a series of activities, these students (1) interacted closely with the captains of CE industry in India to share their present concerns and future dreams in the CE profession and to understand expectations of the industry and society, (2) visited various sites with impressive engineering projects and some outstanding projects under construction, and (3) took part in diverse technical, nontechnical, and extracurricular activities, such as technical video shows, personality development workshop, debates, quizzes, sports, and entertainment. The camp proved to be an eye opener to all participants, the CE industry, and institutions imparting CE education. A questionnare administered at the end of the camp revealed that the perceptions of the students about the CE profession and their self-esteem underwent a positive change. The camp also helped bring the industry and academia in India onto a common platform.  相似文献   

There are notable challenges in translating empirically supported psychosocial treatments (ESTs) into general routine clinical practice. However, there may be additional unique dissemination and implementation obstacles for ESTs for trauma-related disorders. For example, despite considerable evidence from randomized clinical trials that attests to the efficacy of exposure therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder, front-line clinicians in real-world settings rarely use this treatment. Perceived and actual barriers that interfere with adoption include clinician misconceptions about what exposure entails and complex cases to which ESTs may not be readily applicable. Specific suggestions for bridging the science-into-service gap in trauma ESTs (in general) and in exposure therapy (in particular) are proposed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This paper presents a unique treatment of competitive bidding theory as applied to pricing engineering services. Unlike low-bid procurement, the selection of engineers and design consultants is often based on several factors such as quality, availability, reputation, resume, and references, and these criteria may or may not include price. From preliminary interviews, the authors conclude that there is a need for a systematic method of evaluating potential job opportunities and determining fair market prices. This hybrid model, Value-Bidding, refocuses the competitive bidding model from a fee-based selection criteria to a value-based selection criteria. Value-Bidding utilizes an established marketing research methodology, conjoint analysis, to establish the probability of winning based on multiple factors. The resulting analytical model enables engineers to analyze market conditions, evaluate client priorities, systematically track competitors, and optimize proposals, while maximizing the probability of winning, maximizing profit, and optimizing price.  相似文献   

Construction contract modules are delivered to second-year architectural technology and construction/construction management students undertaking foundation and undergraduate degree programs. Feedback and assessment results from recent years showed that students generally found these modules difficult. Studies were conducted to further understand students’ experiences and expectations, to assess quality of teaching, and to evaluate the dissemination of theoretical and practical knowledge during the delivery of construction contract modules. The objective was to review the methods used for teaching, learning, and assessment of construction contract modules and make recommendations to inform and improve future module development and delivery. This paper is based on a first-time experience of teaching a law-related subject to construction students. Reflection on the teaching and assessment methods implemented during the term and on student responses permits conclusions to be drawn on how best to improve students’ learning experience and simultaneously maintain the university’s quality standards.  相似文献   

Reports on a brief orientation program designed to familiarize new interns with some of the major signs of psychopathology they will encounter and to help bridge gaps in training for individual interns. The orientation consists of four 1-day workshops focusing on the areas of depression, suicide and hospitalization, schizophrenia, and neuropsychological problems. Completing these intensive workshop experiences provides a brief overview of psychopharmacology and a short introduction to the evaluation process of child problems. The workshops are regarded as important both for the interns and the staff. As the interns become more curious and less defensive about beginning their clinical rotations, the staff become less frustrated about handling the interns' anxieties concerning their lack of preparation for the internship year. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Traditionally recognized construction professionals such as architects, engineers, and surveyors occupy segregated roles in the construction industry. With the rapidly growing complexity and ever increasing sophistication in project procurement and construction, new disciplines have been added to the traditional construction professions. The characteristics and the roles of the different disciplines in the construction industry are becoming less clear-cut. Specialism within the different disciplines and the working relationship among them are also not easily defined. Transprofessional practice among the several disciplines of construction professionals is commonplace. The skills needed by each discipline and the education structure required to develop those skills cannot be usefully examined on a discipline-by-discipline basis. This paper, based on a research study carried out with a questionnaire survey, aims to investigate these phenomena in professional practices within the construction industry and to develop cogent and sustainable directions for the education of construction professionals in the new millennium. Results from the study suggest that the demands of a transprofessional discipline practice call for construction professionals to critically reexamine their professional skills and realistically evaluate the professional demands made on them by the ever-increasing complexity and technological sophistication in construction and project procurement. The work concludes that the curricula for educating aspiring construction professionals should embrace a multidisciplinary and an integrative-professional approach. Such an approach should be implemented in curricula designed for undergraduates and for the continuing professional education of practitioners.  相似文献   

The overall goal of this research project was to improve an organization’s core competency in construction project management in a focused and systematic manner, with the help of a formalized education and training model. This paper describes the development of such a model for education and training standards for career development at Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The need for this model was driven by the tremendous increase in the volume of construction work at SNL (post 9/11) along with several other factors [i.e., self-governance, customer feedback, and a new Department of Energy Order (413.3) for the handling of program and project management capital assets acquisition]. The goal of this research was to create a defined procedure to identify and quantify project management gaps and strengths, and then to develop a process to succinctly characterize each Sandia model participant’s background qualification. This was achieved by administering a survey followed by a questionnaire whose results led to a customized training and development path, tracked both by individual and by department. Tools to address gaps were then identified and a role-task-competency hierarchy was created called the Sandia Project Management Career Development Academy model.  相似文献   

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