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A series of 7 experiments used dual-task methodology to investigate the role of working memory in the operation of a simple action-control plan or program involving regular switching between addition and subtraction. Lists requiring switching were slower than blocked lists and showed 2 concurrent task effects. Demanding executive tasks impaired performance on both blocked and switched lists, whereas articulatory suppression impaired principally the switched condition. Implications for models of task switching and working memory and for the Vygotskian concept of verbal control of action are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reaction time task rule congruency effects (RT-TRCEs) reflect faster responses to stimuli for which the competing task rules indicate the same correct response than to stimuli indicating conflicting responses. The authors tested the hypothesis that RT-TRCE reflects activated overlearned response category codes in long-term memory (such as up or left). The results support the hypothesis by showing that (a) RT-TRCE was absent for tasks for which there were no response codes ready beforehand, (b) RT-TRCE was present after these tasks were practiced, and (c) these practice effects were found only if the tasks permitted forming abstract response category codes. The increase in the RT-TRCE with response slowness, found only for familiar tasks, suggests that the abstract response category codes may be verbal or linguistic in these cases. The results are discussed in relation to task-switching theories and prefrontal functions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The neural correlates of prospective retrieval mode, and the basis of the interaction between prospective memory (PM) and task switching, were examined using event-related brain potentials (ERPs). In two experiments individuals performed pure and mixed blocks of trials where they indicated whether or not a word was a noun or a verb or contained one or two vowels based upon a cue that was presented before the target stimulus. Experiment 1 revealed that prospective retrieval mode was associated with slow wave activity over the frontal and posterior regions of the scalp that differed in topography depending upon whether the PM cues were embedded in pure or mixed blocks of trials. This experiment also revealed that the neural correlates of task set configuration, but not cue encoding, were sensitive to PM load. These data indicate that PM load may effect task switching by influencing an individual's ability to maintain multiple task sets in working memory and to efficiently implement a given task set to guide task performance. Additionally, task switching may effect PM by influencing the degree to which individuals rely on stimulus-independent and stimulus-oriented processing to support the realization of delayed intentions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Recent studies suggest that timing and tasks involving executive control processes might require the same attentional resources. This should lead to interference when timing and executive tasks are executed concurrently. This study examined the interference between timing and task switching, an executive function. In 4 experiments, memory search and digit classification were performed successively in 4 conditions: search–search (search followed by search), search–digit, digit–search, and digit–digit. In a control reaction time (RT) condition, participants provided RT responses in each of the 2 tasks. In a time production condition, an RT response was provided to the first stimulus, but the response to the second stimulus, S2, was given only when participants judged that a previously presented target duration had elapsed. When responding to S2 required a switch, RTs to S2 were longer, but produced intervals were unaffected. These results show that memory search affects concurrent timing, but not task switching. Task switching seems therefore to be 1 executive function that does not interfer with timing. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Four experiments explored the task span procedure: Subjects received lists of 1-10 task names to remember and then lists of 1-10 stimuli on which to perform the tasks. Task span is the number of tasks performed in order perfectly. Experiment 1 compared the task span with the traditional memory span in 6 practiced subjects and found little difference. Experiment 2 compared the task span and the memory span in 64 unpracticed subjects and also found little difference. Experiment 3 compared practice with consistent and varied lists to address retrieval from long-term memory. Experiment 4 manipulated the number of task switches and found that it had little effect on task spans. The results suggest there is no trade-off between storage and task switching, which supports some theories of executive control and challenges others. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The n-back task requires participants to decide whether each stimulus in a sequence matches the one that appeared n items ago. Although n-back has become a standard "executive" working memory (WM) measure in cognitive neuroscience, it has been subjected to few behavioral tests of construct validity. A combined experimental- correlational study tested the attention-control demands of verbal 2- and 3-back tasks by presenting n = 1 "lure" foils. Lures elicited more false alarms than control foils in both 2- and 3-back tasks, and lures caused more misses to targets that immediately followed them compared with control targets, but only in 3-back tasks. N-back thus challenges control over familiarity-based responding. Participants also completed a verbal WM span task (operation span task) and a marker test of general fluid intelligence (Gf; Ravens Advanced Progressive Matrices Test; J. C. Raven, J. E. Raven, & J. H. Court, 1998). N-back and WM span correlated weakly, suggesting they do not reflect primarily a single construct; moreover, both accounted for independent variance in Gf. N-back has face validity as a WM task, but it does not demonstrate convergent validity with at least 1 established WM measure. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors investigated the units of selective attention within working memory. In Experiment 1, a group of participants kept 1 count and 1 location in working memory and updated them repeatedly in random order. Another group of participants were instructed to achieve the same goal by memorizing the verbal and spatial information in an integrative way as a moving digit. The behavioral data showed that switching attention between properties of an integrated working-memory item was faster than switching between respective properties of different items. Experiment 2 demonstrated that this switching facilitation cannot be simply ascribed to the different amount of working-memory items maintained by the two groups of participants. Finally, by adopting a pure verbal task in Experiment 3, the authors observed the same binding facilitation, with the possibility of "location-based selection" excluded. They summarize the observations of all 3 experiments in the study and suggest both a location- and object-based mechanism for attention selection in working memory. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Backward inhibition (BI) is a performance cost that occurs when an individual returns to a task after 1 (vs. more than 1) intervening trial, and it may reflect the inhibition of task-set components during switching. In 3 experiments, we support the theory that inhibition can target cue-based preparatory stages of a task. Participants performed a cued target-localization task that had been previously shown to produce BI. In Experiment 1, reassignment of arbitrary cue-target pairings midway through the experiment doubled the size of BI, though cue, target, and response sets remained unchanged. In Experiment 2, we controlled for effects of order of conditions or simple change of cue meaning. In Experiment 3, we demonstrated that the effect depends on re-pairing members of the same cue and target sets. The results are attributed to heightened conflict (and hence greater inhibition) during cue-target translation when a previously learned cue-target mapping is remapped. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Two voluntary task-switching experiments probed the influence of previous exposures to stimuli and categorizations of these stimuli on task choice during subsequent exposures to the same stimuli. Subjects performed origin and size judgments under standard voluntary task-switching instructions to perform the tasks equally often in a random order. Both when subjects voluntarily selected the task on the first exposure (Experiment 1) and when the experimenter manipulated the task on the first exposure (Experiment 2), subjects chose to perform the same task on subsequent exposures significantly more often than would be expected on the basis of the instructions to perform tasks in a random order. Presentation of a previously encountered stimulus may result in the retrieval of a stimulus–task binding or event file that biases task selection as well as task readiness. The pattern of data across the 2 experiments suggests that stimulus-based priming influences task choice through both retrieval of episodes within the context of the experiment and semantic memory mechanisms. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The switch cost (the disadvantage of performing a new task vs. a repeated task) has been attributed to lack of preparation for the switched task or priming of the repeated task. These sources were examined by manipulating foreknowledge of task transition (repeat or switch), response-to-stimulus interval (RSI), and practice level. Regardless of foreknowledge, the cost decreased with RSI and practice. The reduction was greater with foreknowledge than with no foreknowledge, and the amount of switch cost did not depend on foreknowledge. These results suggest that the switch cost with foreknowledge may consist of both inadequate preparation and repetition benefit but the switch cost with no foreknowledge may reflect repetition benefit only. An ACT-R (adaptive control of thought-rational) model was proposed, accommodating both preparation and priming effect with 2 independent processes: conflict resolution among productions and decay of chunk activation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Task switching involves processing target stimuli in accordance with a frequently changing series of tasks. An outstanding issue is whether this processing is tailored to the perceptual or categorical representation of targets. To address this issue, the authors compared switch costs in responding to targets that were perceptually distinct (words and images) but associated with the same categories (colors and shapes). In four experiments that varied the degree to which words and images were mixed together, no differences in switch costs were observed. These results support the idea that categorical target representations are central to task switching. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The time-based resource-sharing model (P. Barrouillet, S. Bernardin, & V. Camos, 2004) assumes that during complex working memory span tasks, attention is frequently and surreptitiously switched from processing to reactivate decaying memory traces before their complete loss. Three experiments involving children from 5 to 14 years of age investigated the role of this reactivation process in developmental differences in working memory spans. Though preschoolers seem to adopt a serial control without any attempt to refresh stored items when engaged in processing, the reactivation process is efficient from age 7 onward and increases in efficiency until late adolescence, underpinning a sizable part of developmental differences. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Objective: This study examines working memory (WM) in mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and Alzheimer's disease (AD). Method: Performances on sentence span and operation span were measured in individuals meeting criteria for MCI (n = 20) and AD (n = 16) as well as in healthy older adults (n = 20). In addition, the effect of retention interval was assessed by manipulating the length of first and last items of trials (long-short vs. short-long), as forgetting might contribute to impaired performance in AD and MCI. Results: Results show a group effect (p  相似文献   

The task-switching paradigm offers enormous possibilities to study cognitive control as well as task interference. The current review provides an overview of recent research on both topics. First, we review different experimental approaches to task switching, such as comparing mixed-task blocks with single-task blocks, predictable task-switching and task-cuing paradigms, intermittent instructions, and voluntary task selection. In the 2nd part, we discuss findings on preparatory control mechanisms in task switching and theoretical accounts of task preparation. We consider preparation processes in two-stage models, consider preparation as an all-or-none process, address the question of whether preparation is switch-specific, reflect on preparation as interaction of cue encoding and memory retrieval, and discuss the impact of verbal mediation on preparation. In the 3rd part, we turn to interference phenomena in task switching. We consider proactive interference of tasks and inhibition of recently performed tasks indicated by asymmetrical switch costs and n-2 task-repetition costs. We discuss stimulus-based interference as a result of stimulus-based response activation and stimulus-based task activation, and response-based interference because of applying bivalent rather than univalent responses, response repetition effects, and carryover of response selection and execution. In the 4th and final part, we mention possible future research fields. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In 2 experiments, the authors compare stimulus-based versus task-rule-based task performance. Participants practiced 8 stimulus-response mappings either with or without knowledge about 2 underlying task sets. After practice, 2 transfer blocks with 8 new stimuli were presented. Results show that rule knowledge leads to significant switch and transfer costs, whereas without rule knowledge neither switch nor transfer costs occur. However, significant Task Type × Response Type interactions occurred in both conditions. In a second experiment including only the no rule condition, half of the stimulus-response mappings in the transfer blocks were incongruent to the underlying task rule. Slower response times for these incongruent stimuli as compared with congruent stimuli and the absence of switch costs suggest that participants acquired (presumably implicit) knowledge about 4 different stimulus-response categories. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Measures of retrieval speed indicated that only a small subset of representations in working memory falls within the focus of attention. An n-back task, which required tracking an item 1, 2, or 3 back in a sequentially presented list, was used to examine the representation and retrieval of recent events and how control processes can be used to maintain an item in focal attention while concurrently processing new information. A speed–accuracy trade-off procedure was used to derive measures of the availability and the speed with which recent events can be accessed. Results converge with other time course studies in demonstrating that attention can be concurrently allocated only to a small number of memory representations, perhaps just 1 item. Measures of retrieval speed further demonstrate that order information is retrieved by a slow search process when an item is not maintained within focal attention. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Research has suggested that short-term memory and working memory (as measured by simple and complex span tasks, respectively) are separate constructs that are differentially related to higher order cognitive abilities. This claim is critically evaluated by reviewing research that has compared simple and complex span tasks in both experimental and correlational studies. In addition, a meta-analysis and re-analyses of key data sets were conducted. The review and analyses suggest that simple and complex span tasks largely measure the same basic subcomponent processes (e.g., rehearsal, maintenance, updating, controlled search) but differ in the extent to which these processes operate in a particular task. These differences largely depend on the extent to which phonological processes are maximized and variability from long list lengths is present. Potential methodological, psychometric, and assessment implications are discussed and a theoretical account of the data is proposed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Whether olfactory working memory involves verbal representations or neural images of odor per se remains unclear. This study investigated whether verbal representation influences performance in an olfactory delayed-match-to-sample task and used monorhinal presentation to generate hypotheses as to the underlying anatomy of this mechanism. The main findings were that (a) nameable odorants were easier to remember than hard-to-name odorants and (b) the nameability effect was more pronounced when the evaluation was done across nostrils. Considering these results within a proposed model implies dual representation in olfactory working memory: All odors, nameable and hard to name, are represented both perceptually and verbally. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A meta-analysis of 26 published articles (with 36 independent participant groups) was conducted to analyze the relationship between task-switching effects and aging. Latency served as the dependent measure. Multilevel modeling was used to test for additive and multiplicative complexity effects in local and global switch costs. Global task switching was found to add 1 or more stages to processing and resulted in a marked age deficit. Local task-switching costs, on the other hand, showed a multiplicative complexity effect but no specific attention-related age deficits. Cueing or switch predictability did not affect age differences. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

How can a task-appropriate response be selected for an ambiguous target stimulus in task-switching situations? One answer is to use compound cue retrieval, whereby stimuli serve as joint retrieval cues to select a response from long-term memory. In the present study, the authors tested how well a model of compound cue retrieval could account for a complex pattern of congruency effects arising from a procedure in which a cue, prime, and target were presented on each trial. A comparison of alternative models of prime-based effects revealed that the best model was one in which all stimuli participated directly in the process of retrieving a response, validating previous modeling efforts. Relations to current theorizing about response congruency effects and models of response selection in task switching are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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