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Handheld rectilinear ion trap mass spectrometer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A shoebox-sized, 10-kg, handheld mass spectrometer, Mini 10, based on a rectilinear ion trap mass analyzer has been designed, built, and characterized. This instrument has evolved from a decade-long experimental and simulation program in mass spectrometer miniaturization. The rectilinear ion trap has a simplified geometry and high trapping capacity, and when used with a miniature and ruggedized pumping system, it allows chemical analysis while the instrument is being carried. Compact electronics, including an air core RF drive coil, were developed to control the instrument and to record mass spectra. The instrument runs on battery power, consuming less than 70 W, similar to a laptop computer. Wired and wireless networking capabilities are implemented. The instrument gives unit resolution and a mass range of over m/z 500. Tandem mass spectrometry capabilities are implemented using collision-induced dissociation, and they are used to provide confirmation of chemical structure during in situ analysis. Continuous monitoring of air and solution samples is demonstrated, and a limit of detection of 50 ppb was obtained for toluene vapor in air and for an aqueous naphthalene solution using membrane sample introduction.  相似文献   

A new ion soft landing instrument has been built for the controlled deposition of mass selected polyatomic ions. The instrument has been operated with an electrospray ionization source; its major components are an electrodynamic ion funnel to reduce ion loss, a 90-degree bent square quadrupole that prevents deposition of fast neutral molecules onto the landing surface, and a novel rectilinear ion trap (RIT) mass analyzer. The ion trap is elongated (inner dimensions: 8 mm x 10 mm x 10 cm). Three methods of mass analysis have been implemented. (i) A conventional mass-selective instability scan with radial resonance ejection can provide a complete mass spectrum. (ii) The RIT can also be operated as a continuous rf/dc mass filter for isolation and subsequent soft landing of ions of the desired m/ z value. (iii) The 90-degree bent square quadrupole can also be used as a continuous rf/dc mass filter. The mass resolution (50% definition) of the RIT in the trapping mode (radial ion ejection) is approximately 550. Ions from various test mixtures have been mass selected and collected on fluorinated self-assembled monolayers on gold substrates, as verified by analysis of the surface rinses. Desorption electrospray ionization (DESI) has been used to confirm intact deposition of [Val (5)]-Angiotensin I on a surface. Nonmass selective currents up to 1.1 nA and mass-selected currents of up to 500 pA have been collected at the landing surface using continuous rf/dc filtering with the RIT. A quantitative analysis of rinsed surfaces showed that the overall solution-to-solution soft landing yields are between 0.2 and 0.4%. Similar experiments were performed with rf/dc isolation of both arginine and lysine from a mixture using the bent square quadrupole in the rf/dc mode. The unconventional continuous mass selection methods maximize soft landing yields, while still allowing the simple acquisition of full mass spectra.  相似文献   

A multiplexing method for performing MS/MS on multiple peptide ions simultaneously in a quadrupole ion trap mass spectrometer (QITMS) has been developed. This method takes advantage of the inherent mass bias associated with ion accumulation in the QITMS to encode the intensity of precursor ions in a way that allows the corresponding product ions to be identified. The intensity encoding scheme utilizes the Gaussian distributions that characterize the relationship between ion intensities and rf trapping voltages during ion accumulation. This straightforward approach uses only two arbitrary waveforms, one for isolation and one for dissociation, to gather product ion spectra from N precursor ions in as little as two product ion spectra. In the example used to illustrate this method, 66% of the product ions from five different precursor peptide ions were correctly correlated using the multiplexing approach. Of the remaining 34% of the product ions, only 6% were misidentified, while 28% of the product ions failed to be identified because either they had too low intensity or they had the same m/z ratio as one of the precursor ions or the same m/z ratio as a product ion from a different precursor ion. This method has the potential to increase sample throughput, reduce total analysis times, and increase signal-to-noise ratios as compared to conventional MS/MS methods.  相似文献   

We describe a novel radio frequency ion trap mass analyzer based on toroidal trapping geometry and microfabrication technology. The device, called the halo ion trap, consists of two parallel ceramic plates, the facing surfaces of which are imprinted with sets of concentric ring electrodes. Radii of the imprinted rings range from 5 to 12 mm, and the spacing between the plates is 4 mm. Unlike conventional ion traps, in which hyperbolic metal electrodes establish equipotential boundary conditions, electric fields in the halo ion trap are established by applying different radio frequency potentials to each ring. The potential on each ring can be independently optimized to provide the best trapping field. The halo ion trap features an open structure, allowing easy access for in situ ionization. The toroidal geometry provides a large trapping and analyzing volume, increasing the number of ions that can be stored and reducing the effects of space-charge on mass analysis. Preliminary mass spectra show resolution (m/Deltam) of 60-75 when the trap is operated at 1.9 MHz and 500 Vp-p.  相似文献   

A miniature, handheld mass spectrometer, based on the rectilinear ion trap mass analyzer, has been applied to air monitoring for traces of toxic compounds. The instrument is battery-operated, hand-portable, and rugged. We anticipate its use in public safety, industrial hygiene, and environmental monitoring. Gaseous samples of nine toxic industrial compounds, phosgene, ethylene oxide, sulfur dioxide, acrylonitrile, cyanogen chloride, hydrogen cyanide, acrolein, formaldehyde, and ethyl parathion, were tested. A sorption trap inlet was constructed to serve as the interface between atmosphere and the vacuum chamber of the mass spectrometer. After selective collection of analytes on the sorbent bed, the sorbent tube was evacuated and then heated to desorb analyte into the instrument. Sampling, detection, identification, and quantitation of all compounds were readily achieved in times of less than 2 min, with detection limits ranging from 800 parts per trillion to 3 parts per million depending on the analyte. For all but one analyte, detection limits were well below (3.5-130 times below) permissible exposure limits. A linear dynamic range of 1-2 orders of magnitude was obtained over the concentration ranges studied (sub-ppbv to ppmv) for all analytes.  相似文献   

Miniature cylindrical ion trap mass spectrometer   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A miniature cylindrical ion trap mass spectrometer is described, and preliminary data are presented. Functionality and performance of laboratory-scale instruments have been maintained to the extent possible in this battery-operated mass spectrometer. Capabilities include tandem mass spectrometry experiments. Custom-designed electronic components include the RF scanning and amplification system, data acquisition components, and lens power supplies, as well as a custom-software application. Direct leak and membrane introduction inlet systems are used for sample introduction. A mass/charge range of approximately 250 Th with unit mass resolution has been demonstrated.  相似文献   

Hou K  Xu W  Xu J  Cooks RG  Ouyang Z 《Analytical chemistry》2011,83(5):1857-1861
A new sampling wand concept for ion trap mass spectrometers equipped with discontinuous atmospheric pressure interfaces (DAPI) has been implemented. The ion trap/DAPI combination facilitates the operation of miniature mass spectrometers equipped with ambient ionization sources. However, in the new implementation, instead of transferring ions pneumatically from a distant source, the mass analyzer and DAPI are separated from the main body of the mass spectrometer and installed at the end of a 1.2 m long wand. During ion introduction, ions are captured in the ion trap while the gas in which they are contained passes through the probe and is pumped away. The larger vacuum volume due to the extended wand improves the mass analysis sensitivity. The wand was tested using a modified hand-held ion trap mass spectrometer without additional power or pumping being required. Improved sensitivity was obtained as demonstrated with nano-electrospray ionization (ESI), atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI), and low temperature plasma (LTP) probe analysis of liquid, gaseous, and solid samples, respectively.  相似文献   

High-throughput miniature cylindrical ion trap array mass spectrometer   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A fully multiplexed cylindrical ion trap (CIT) array mass spectrometer with four parallel ion source/mass analyzer/detector channels has been built to allow simultaneous high-throughput analysis of multiple samples. A multielement external chemical ionization/electron ionization source was coupled to a parallel array of CITs each of equal size (internal radius 2.5 mm), and the signal was recorded using an array of four miniature (2-mm inner diameter) electron multipliers. Using external electron ionization, the spectra of four separate samples were recorded simultaneously in real time using a four-channel preamplifier system and a data acquisition program written using LabVIEW software. These experiments mark the first demonstration of externally generated ions being successfully trapped in a miniature CIT mass analyzer. The instrument currently provides mass/charge range of approximately m/z 50-500. Average peak width is m/z 0.3, corresponding to a resolution of 1000 at m/z 300. The four-channel mass spectrometer is housed in a single vacuum manifold and operated with a single set of control electronics. The modular design of this instrument allows scale-up to many more channels of analysis for future applications in the areas of industrial process monitoring and combinatorial analysis and in the fields of proteomics and metabolomics.  相似文献   

We present a novel, hybrid ion trap/time-of-flight mass spectrometer that is based on a planar multipole design. Compared with Paul trap/time-of-flight instruments, this design possesses the principal advantages of higher injection efficiency and more homogeneous extraction fields. We demonstrate the viability of the concept and describe the characterization of a first prototype. Ions can be injected into the trap with little mass discrimination and stored for several minutes. A resolution of over 1300 is achieved in reflectron mode, and the influence of the RF amplitude and pressure on the resolution is analyzed. We suggest several applications in which this new instrument could offer advantages over existing technology.  相似文献   

Lu IC  Lin JL  Lai SH  Chen CH 《Analytical chemistry》2011,83(21):8273-8277
This study presents the first report on the development of a matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) linear ion trap mass spectrometer for large biomolecular ion detection by frequency scan. We designed, installed, and tested this radio frequency (RF) scan linear ion trap mass spectrometer and its associated electronics to dramatically extend the mass region to be detected. The RF circuit can be adjusted from 300 to 10 kHz with a set of operation amplifiers. To trap the ions produced by MALDI, a high pressure of helium buffer gas was employed to quench extra kinetic energy of the heavy ions produced by MALDI. The successful detection of the singly charged secretory immunoglobulin A ions indicates that the detectable mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) of this system can reach ~385 000 or beyond.  相似文献   

A cold-cathode electron impact ionization source based on field emission from an array of diamond-coated silicon whiskers is described. The source is coupled to a microscale ion trap mass spectrometer (r0 = 0.50 mm, z0 = 0.50 mm). An electron beam of 250 nA could be obtained through the 0.45-mm diameter opening in the end cap electrode.  相似文献   

Electron capture dissociation was implemented in a digital ion trap without using any magnetic field to focus the electrons. Since rectangular waveforms are employed in the DIT for both trapping and dipole excitation, electrons can be injected into the trap when the electric field is constant. Following deceleration, electrons reach the precursor ion cloud. The fragment ions produced by interactions with the electron beam are subsequently analyzed by resonant ejection. [Glu(1)]-Fibrinopeptide B and substance P were used to evaluate the performance of the current design. Fragmentation efficiency of 5.5% was observed for substance P peptide ions. Additionally, analysis of the monophosphorylated peptide FQ[pS]EEQQQTEDELQDK shows that in the resulting c- and z-type ions, the phosphate group is retained on the phophoserine residue, providing information on which amino acid residue the modification is located.  相似文献   

Chen CH  Lin JL  Chu ML  Chen CH 《Analytical chemistry》2010,82(24):10125-10128
Up to now, all commercial matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) mass spectrometers still can not efficiently analyze very large biomolecules. In this work, we report the development of a novel MALDI ion trap mass spectrometer which can enrich biomolecular ions to enhance the detection sensitivity. A charge detector was installed to measure the large ions directly. With this design, we report the first measurement of IgM with the mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) at 980?000. In addition, quantitative measurements of the number of ions can be obtained. A step function frequency scan was first developed to get a clear signal in the m/z range from 200,000 to 1,000,000.  相似文献   

Constant neutral loss (CNL) and precursor ion (PI) scan have been widely used for the in vitro screening of glutathione conjugates derived from reactive metabolites, but these two methods are only applicable to triple quadrupole or hybrid triple quadrupole mass spectrometers. Additionally, the success of CNL and PI scanning largely depends on structure and CID fragmentation pathways of GSH conjugates. In the present study, a highly efficient methodology has been developed as an alternative approach for high-throughput screening and structural characterization of reactive metabolites using the linear ion trap mass spectrometer. In microsomal incubations, a mixture of glutathione [GSH, gamma-glutamyl-cystein-glycin] and the stable-isotope labeled compound [GSX, gamma-glutamyl-cystein-glycin-(13)C2-(15)N] was used to trap reactive metabolites, resulting in formation of both labeled and unlabeled conjugates at a given isotopic ratio. A mass difference of 3.0 Da between the natural and labeled GSH conjugate (mass tag) at a fixed isotopic ratio constitutes a unique mass pattern that can selectively trigger the data-dependent MS(2) scan of both isotopic partner ions, respectively. In order to eliminate the response bias of GSH adducts in the positive and negative mode, a polarity switch is executed between the mass tag-triggered data dependent MS(2) scan, and thus ESI- and ESI+ MS(2) spectra of both labeled and nonlabeled GSH conjugates are obtained in a single LC-MS run. Unambiguous identification of glutathione adducts was readily achieved with great confidence by MS(2) spectra of both labeled and unlabeled conjugates. Reliability of this method was vigorously validated using several model compounds that are known to form reactive metabolites. This approach is not based on the appearance of a particular product ion such as MH(+) - 129 and anion at m/z 272, whose formation can be structure-dependent and sensitive to the collision energy level; therefore, the present method can be suitable for unbiased screening of any reactive metabolites, regardless of their CID fragmentation pathways. Additionally, this methodology can potentially be applied to triple quadrupole or hybrid triple quadrupole mass spectrometers.  相似文献   

Thermally assisted collision-induced dissociation (TA-CID) provides increased dissociation in comparison with CID performed at ambient temperature in a quadrupole ion trap mass spectrometer. Heating the bath/collision gas during CID increases the initial internal energy of the ions and reduces the collisional cooling rate. Thus, using the same CID parameters, the parent ion can be activated to higher levels of internal energy, increasing the efficiency of dissociation and the number of dissociation pathways. The increase in the number of dissociation pathways can provide additional structural information. A consequence of the increase in initial internal energy is the ability to use less power to effect collisional activation. This allows lower q(z) values to be used and, thus, a greater mass range of product ions to be observed. TA-CID alleviates the problems associated with traditional CID and results in more available information than traditional CID.  相似文献   

We propose and demonstrate a new method for multiple-stage mass spectrometry (MSn), collision-activated infrared multiphoton dissociation (CA-IRMPD), which is very effective for the quadrupole ion trap mass spectrometer (QITMS). CA-IRMPD uses a combination of focused laser irradiation (beam radius, approximately 0.4 mm) and collisional activation by a supplemental AC voltage between endcap electrodes. This combination enables IRMPD, which has conventionaLly been ineffective above 10(-4) Torr, to be used under a standard bath gas pressure of 2-8 mTorr. CA-IRMPD can produce richer spectra of product ions than CID or IRMPD while maintaining high sensitivity and mass resolution; thus, it will contribute to an accurate determination of peptide sequences.  相似文献   

An instrument for the study of gas-phase ion/ion reactions in which three independent sources of ions, namely, two electrospray ionization sources and one atmospheric sampling glow discharge ionization source, are interfaced to a quadrupole ion trap mass analyzer is described. This instrument expands the scope of gas-phase ion/ion reaction studies by allowing for manipulation of the charge states of multiply charged reactant and product ions. Examples are provided involving the formation of protein-protein complexes in the gas phase. Complexes with charge states that cannot be formed from reactant ion charge states present in the normal electrospray charge state distributions can be formed in the new apparatus. Strategies that rely on both reactant ion charge state manipulation and product ion charge state manipulation are demonstrated. In addition, simplification of product ion spectra generated from dissociation of complexes formed via ion/ion reactions can be effected by using the discharge source to reduce the charge state of the product ions to primarily 1+.  相似文献   

A tandem quadrupole ion trap/ion mobility spectrometer (QIT/IMS) has been constructed for structural analysis based on the gas-phase mobilities of mass-selected ions. The instrument combines the ion accumulation, manipulation, and mass-selection capabilities of a modified ion trap mass spectrometer with gas-phase electrophoretic separation in a custom-built ion mobility drift cell. The quadrupole ion trap may be operated as a conventional mass spectrometer, with ion detection using an off-axis dynode/multiplier arrangement, or as an ion source for the IMS drift cell. In the latter case, pulses of ions are ejected from the trap and transferred to the drift cell where mobility in the presence of helium buffer gas is determined by the collision cross section of the ion. Ions traversing the drift cell are detected by an in-line electron multiplier and the data processed with a multichannel scaler. Preliminary data are presented on instrumental performance characteristics and the application of QIT/ IMS to structural and conformational studies of aromatic ions and protonated amine/crown ether noncovalent complexes generated via ion/molecule reactions in the ion trap.  相似文献   

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