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With the popularization of social media and the exponential growth of information generated by online users, the recommender system has been popular in helping users to find the desired resources from vast amounts of data. However, the cold-start problem is one of the major challenges for personalized recommendation. In this work, we utilized the tag information associated with different resources, and proposed a tag-based interactive framework to make the resource recommendation for different users. During the interaction, the most effective tag information will be selected for users to choose, and the approach considers the users’ feedback to dynamically adjusts the recommended candidates during the recommendation process. Furthermore, to effectively explore the user preference and resource characteristics, we analyzed the tag information of different resources to represent the user and resource features, considering the users’ personal operations and time factor, based on which we can identify the similar users and resource items. Probabilistic matrix factorization is employed in our work to overcome the rating sparsity, which is enhanced by embedding the similar user and resource information. The experiments on real-world datasets demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can get more accurate predictions and higher recommendation efficiency.  相似文献   

Tag recommender schemes suggest related tags for an untagged resource and better tag suggestions to tagged resources. Tagging is very important if the user identifies the tag that is more precise to use in searching interesting blogs. There is no clear information regarding the meaning of each tag in a tagging process. An user can use various tags for the same content, and he can also use new tags for an item in a blog. When the user selects tags, the resultant metadata may comprise homonyms and synonyms. This may cause an improper relationship among items and ineffective searches for topic information. The collaborative tag recommendation allows a set of freely selected text keywords as tags assigned by users. These tags are imprecise, irrelevant, and misleading because there is no control over the tag assignment. It does not follow any formal guidelines to assist tag generation, and tags are assigned to resources based on the knowledge of the users. This causes misspelled tags, multiple tags with the same meaning, bad word encoding, and personalized words without common meaning. This problem leads to miscategorization of items, irrelevant search results, wrong prediction, and their recommendations. Tag relevancy can be judged only by a specific user. These aspects could provide new challenges and opportunities to its tag recommendation problem. This paper reviews the challenges to meet the tag recommendation problem. A brief comparison between existing works is presented, which we can identify and point out the novel research directions. The overall performance of our ontology‐based recommender systems is favorably compared to other systems in the literature.  相似文献   

The rapid evolution of the Internet has been appealing for effective recommender systems to pinpoint useful information from online resources. Although historical rating data has been widely used as the most important information in recommendation methods, recent advancements have been demonstrating the improvement in recommendation performance with the incorporation of tag information. Furthermore, the availability of tag annotations has been well addressed by such fruitful online social tagging applications as CiteULike, MovieLens and BibSonomy, which allow users to express their preferences, upload resources and assign their own tags. Nevertheless, most existing tag-aware recommendation approaches model relationships among users, objects and tags using a tripartite graph, and hence overlook relationships within the same types of nodes. To overcome this limitation, we propose a novel approach, Trinity, to integrate historical data and tag information towards personalised recommendation. Trinity constructs a three-layered object-user-tag network that considers not only interconnections between different types of nodes but also relationships within the same types of nodes. Based on this heterogeneous network, Trinity adopts a random walk with restart model to assign the strength of associations to candidate objects, thereby providing a means of prioritizing the objects for a query user. We validate our approach via a series of large-scale 10-fold cross-validation experiments and evaluate its performance using three comprehensive criteria. Results show that our method outperforms several existing methods, including supervised random walk with restart, simulation of resource allocating processes, and traditional collaborative filtering.  相似文献   

推荐系统的目标是从物品数据库中,选择出与用户兴趣偏好相匹配的子集,缓解用户面临的“信息过载”问题。因而近年来推荐系统越来越多地应用到电商、社交等领域,展现出巨大的商业潜力。传统推荐系统中,系统对用户的认知往往来源于历史交互记录,例如点击率或者购买记录,这是一种隐式用户反馈。对话推荐系统能够通过自然语言与用户进行多轮对话,逐步深入挖掘其兴趣偏好,从而向对方提供高质量的推荐结果。相比于传统推荐系统,对话推荐系统主要有两方面的不同。其一,对话推荐系统能够利用自然语言与用户进行语义上连贯的多轮对话,提升了人机交互中的用户体验;其二,系统能够询问特定的问题直接获取用户的显式反馈,从而更深入地理解用户兴趣偏好,提供更可靠的推荐结果。目前已经有不少工作在不同的问题设定下对该领域进行了探索,然而尽管如此,这些工作仍仅局限于关注当前正在进行的对话,忽视了过去交互记录中蕴涵的丰富信息,导致对用户偏好建模的不充分。为了解决这个问题,本文提出了一个面向用户偏好建模的个性化对话推荐算法框架,通过双线性模型注意力机制与自注意力层次化编码结构进行用户偏好建模,从而完成对候选物品的排序与推荐。本文设计的模型结构能够在充分利用用户历史对话信息的同时,权衡历史对话与当前对话两类数据的重要性。丰富的用户相关信息来源使得推荐结果在契合用户个性化偏好的同时,更具备多样性,从而缓解“信息茧房”等现象带来的不良影响。基于公开数据集的实验表明了本文方法在个性化对话推荐任务上的有效性。  相似文献   

何明  要凯升  杨芃  张久伶 《计算机科学》2018,45(Z6):415-422
标签推荐系统旨在利用标签数据为用户提供个性化推荐。已有的基于标签的推荐方法往往忽视了用户和资源本身的特征,而且在相似性度量时仅针对项目相似性或用户相似性进行计算,并未充分考虑二者之间的有效融合,推荐结果的准确性较低。为了解决上述问题,将标签信息融入到结合用户相似性和项目相似性的协同过滤中,提出融合标签特征与相似性的协同过滤个性化推荐方法。该方法在充分考虑用户、项目以及标签信息的基础上,利用二维矩阵来定义用户-标签以及标签-项目之间的行为。构建用户和项目的标签特征表示,通过基于标签特征的相似性度量方法计算用户相似性和项目相似性。基于用户标签行为和用户与项目的相似性线性组合来预测用户对项目的偏好值,并根据预测偏好值排序,生成最终的推荐列表。在Last.fm数据集上的实验结果表明,该方法能够提高推荐的准确度,满足用户的个性化需求。  相似文献   

More and more content on the Web is generated by users. To organize this information and make it accessible via current search technology, tagging systems have gained tremendous popularity. Especially for multimedia content they allow to annotate resources with keywords (tags) which opens the door for classic text-based information retrieval. To support the user in choosing the right keywords, tag recommendation algorithms have emerged. In this setting, not only the content is decisive for recommending relevant tags but also the user's preferences.In this paper we introduce an approach to personalized tag recommendation that combines a probabilistic model of tags from the resource with tags from the user. As models we investigate simple language models as well as Latent Dirichlet Allocation. Extensive experiments on a real world dataset crawled from a big tagging system show that personalization improves tag recommendation, and our approach significantly outperforms state-of-the-art approaches.  相似文献   

Recommender systems have been increasingly adopted as personalisation services in e-commerce. They facilitate users to locate items which they would be interested in viewing or purchasing. However, most studies have emphasised on the algorithm's performance, rather than on in-depth analysis of user experiences with the recommender interface. In this article, we report the results of two studies that compared two recommender interfaces: the organisation-based interface (where recommendations are presented in a category structure via the preference-based organisation method) and the standard ranked list (where recommendations are listed one after the other as ordered by their prediction scores).The first study focuses on evaluating users' eye-movement behaviour in these interfaces. With the help of an eye tracker, we found that the organisation interface (ORG) can significantly attract users' attentions to more recommended items. As a result, more users made product choices in that interface. The second, larger-scale, cross-cultural user survey further shows that the ORG performed significantly better in terms of enhancing users' perceived recommendation quality, perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness of the system. Hence, these empirical findings suggest that the change of recommender interface design can not only alter users' attention distribution, but also influence their subjective attitudes towards the system.  相似文献   

The last few years have witnessed an explosion of information caused by the exponential growth of the Internet and World Wide Web, which confronted us with information overload and brought about an era of big data, appealing for efficient personalized recommender systems to assist the screening of useful information from various sources. As for a recommender system with more than the fundamental object-user rating information, such accessorial information as tags can be exploited and integrated into final ranking lists to improve recommendation performance. However, although existing studies have demonstrated that tags, as the additional yet useful resource, can be designed to improve recommendation performance, most network-based approaches take users, objects and tags as two bipartite graphs, or a tripartite graph, and therefore overlook either the important information among homogeneous nodes in each sub-graph, or the bipartite relations between users, objects or tags. Moreover, recent studies have suggested that the filtration of weak relationships in networks may reasonably enhance recommendation performance of collaborative filtering methods, and it has also been demonstrated that approaches based on the diffusion processes could more effectively capture relationships between objects and users, hence exhibiting higher performance than a typical collaborative filtering method. Based on these understandings, we propose a data fusion approach that integrates historical and tag data towards personalized recommendations. Our method coverts historical and tag data into complex networks, resorts to a diffusion kernel to measure the strength of associations between users and objects, and adopts Fisher’s combined probability test to obtain the statistical significance of such associations for personalized recommendations. We validate our approach via 10-fold cross-validation experiments. Results show that our method outperforms existing methods in not only the recommendation accuracy and diversity, but also retrieval performance. We further show the robustness of our method to related parameters.  相似文献   

Social online learning environments provide new recommendation opportunities to meet users' needs. However, current educational recommender systems do not usually take advantage of these opportunities. To progress on this issue, we have proposed a knowledge engineering approach based on human–computer interaction (i.e. user‐centred design as defined by the standard ISO 9241‐210:2010) and artificial intelligence techniques (i.e. data mining) that involve educators in the process of eliciting educational oriented recommendations. To date, this approach differs from most recommenders in education in focusing on identifying relevant actions to be recommended on e‐learning services from a user‐centric perspective, thus widening the range of recommendation types. This approach has been used to identify 32 recommendations that consider several types of actions, which focus on promoting active participation of learners and on strengthening the sharing of experiences among peers through the usage of the social services provided by the learning environment. The paper describes where data mining techniques have been applied to complement the user‐centred design methods to produce social oriented recommendations in online learning environments.  相似文献   

The rapid growth of the so-called Web 2.0 has changed the surfers’ behavior. A new democratic vision emerged, in which users can actively contribute to the evolution of the Web by producing new content or enriching the existing one with user generated metadata. In this context the use of tags, keywords freely chosen by users for describing and organizing resources, spread as a model for browsing and retrieving web contents. The success of that collaborative model is justified by two factors: firstly, information is organized in a way that closely reflects the users’ mental model; secondly, the absence of a controlled vocabulary reduces the users’ learning curve and allows the use of evolving vocabularies. Since tags are handled in a purely syntactical way, annotations provided by users generate a very sparse and noisy tag space that limits the effectiveness for complex tasks. Consequently, tag recommenders, with their ability of providing users with the most suitable tags for the resources to be annotated, recently emerged as a way of speeding up the process of tag convergence. The contribution of this work is a tag recommender system implementing both a collaborative and a content-based recommendation technique. The former exploits the user and community tagging behavior for producing recommendations, while the latter exploits some heuristics to extract tags directly from the textual content of resources. Results of experiments carried out on a dataset gathered from Bibsonomy show that hybrid recommendation strategies can outperform single ones and the way of combining them matters for obtaining more accurate results.  相似文献   

Social tagging systems leverage social interoperability by facilitating the searching, sharing, and exchanging of tagging resources. A major drawback of existing social tagging systems is that social tags are used as keywords in keyword-based search. They focus on keywords and human interpretability rather than on computer interpretable semantic knowledge. Therefore, social tags are useful for information sharing and organizing, but they lack the computer-interpretability needed to facilitate a personalized social tag recommendation. An interesting issue is how to automatically generate a personalized social tag recommendation list to users when a resource is accessed by users. The novel solution proposed in this study is a hybrid approach based on semantic tag-based resource profile and user preference to provide personalized social tag recommendation. Experiments show that the Precision and Recall of the proposed hybrid approach effectively improves the accuracy of social tag recommendation.  相似文献   

The motivation of collaborative filtering (CF) comes from the idea that people often get the best recommendations from someone with similar tastes. With the growing popularity of opinion-rich resources such as online reviews, new opportunities arise as we can identify the preferences from user opinions. The main idea of our approach is to elicit user opinions from online reviews, and map such opinions into preferences that can be understood by CF-based recommender systems. We divide recommender systems into two types depending on the number of product category recommended: the multiple-category recommendation and the single-category recommendation. For the former, sentiment polarity in coarse-grained manner is identified while for the latter fine-grained sentiment analysis is conducted for each product aspect. If the evaluation frequency for an aspect by a user is greater than the average frequency by all users, it indicates that the user is more concerned with that aspect. If a user's rating for an aspect is lower than the average rating by all users, he or she is much pickier than others on that aspect. Through sentiment analysis, we then build an opinion-enhanced user preference model, where the higher the similarity between user opinions the more consistent preferences between users are. Experiment results show that the proposed CF algorithm outperforms baseline methods for product recommendation in terms of accuracy and recall.  相似文献   

知识图谱在推荐系统中的应用越来越受重视,可以有效地解决推荐系统中存在的数据稀疏性和冷启动问题.但现有的基于路径和基于嵌入的知识感知推荐算法在合并知识图谱中的实体来表示用户时,并没有考虑到实体对于用户的重要性并不相同,推荐结果会受到无关实体的影响.针对现有方法的局限性,提出了一种新的结合注意力机制的知识感知推荐算法,并给...  相似文献   

Social annotation systems enable the organization of online resources with user-defined keywords. Collectively these annotations provide a rich information space in which users can discover resources, organize and share their finds, and connect to other users with similar interests. However, the size and complexity of these systems can lead to information overload and reduced utility for users. For these reasons, researchers have sought to apply the techniques of recommender systems to deliver personalized views of social annotation systems. To date, most efforts have concentrated on the problem of tag recommendation – personalized suggestions for possible annotations. Resource recommendation has not received the same systematic evaluation, in part because the task is inherently more complex. In this article, we provide a general formulation for the problem of resource recommendation in social annotation systems that captures these variants, and we evaluate two cases: basic resource recommendation and tag-specific resource recommendation. We also propose a linear-weighted hybrid framework for resource recommendation. Using six real-world datasets, we show that its integrative approach is essential for this recommendation task and provides the most adaptability given the varying data characteristics in different social annotation systems. We find that our algorithm is more effective than other more mathematically-complex techniques and has the additional advantages of flexibility and extensibility.  相似文献   

徐鹏宇  刘华锋  刘冰  景丽萍  于剑 《软件学报》2022,33(4):1244-1266
随着互联网信息的爆炸式增长,标签(由用户指定用来描述项目的关键词)在互联网信息检索领域中变得越来越重要.为在线内容赋予合适的标签,有利于更高效的内容组织和内容消费.而标签推荐通过辅助用户进行打标签的操作,极大地提升了标签的质量,标签推荐也因此受到了研究者们的广泛关注.总结出标签推荐任务的三大特性,即项目内容的多样性、标...  相似文献   

随着Web的推广和普及,产生了越来越多的网络数据。 广泛应用了 标签系统 ,以便人们使用搜索技术来组织和使用这些信息。这些数据允许用户使用关键字(标签)注释资源,为传统的基于文本的信息检索提供了方案。为了支持用户选择正确的关键字,标签推荐算法应运而生。提出了一种个性化标签推荐方法,该方法综合了用户的资源标签与标签概率模型。该模型利用了简单语言模型和隐含狄利克雷分配模型,并针对现实世界的大型数据集进行了大量实验。实验表明,该个性化方法改进了标签推荐算法,推荐结果优于传统方法。  相似文献   

标签推荐的现有方法忽视了多种属性特征之间的联系,无法保证大数据环境下推荐系统的准确率。针对该问题,提出了一种基于用户聚类和张量分解的新标签推荐方法,以进一步提高标签推荐的质量。该方法首先对一些对产品具有重要影响的用户进行聚类,然后根据用户、产品、标签和产品评分之间的多元关系综合计算总权重。最后,根据聚类之后的用户群体以及多元关系的总权值构建张量并进行张量因式分解。实验与传统张量分解方法相对比,结果表明提出的方法在准确率上具有一定的提高,验证了算法的有效性。  相似文献   

Collaborative tagging systems, also known as folksonomies, have grown in popularity over the Web on account of their simplicity to organize several types of content (e.g., Web pages, pictures, and video) using open‐ended tags. The rapid adoption of these systems has led to an increasing amount of users providing information about themselves and, at the same time, a growing and rich corpus of social knowledge that can be exploited by recommendation technologies. In this context, tripartite relationships between users, resources, and tags contained in folksonomies set new challenges for knowledge discovery approaches to be applied for the purposes of assisting users through recommendation systems. This review aims at providing a comprehensive overview of the literature in the field of folksonomy‐based recommender systems. Current recommendation approaches stemming from fields such as user modeling, collaborative filtering, content, and link‐analysis are reviewed and discussed to provide a starting point for researchers in the field as well as explore future research lines.  相似文献   

随着互联网技术的发展, 个性化标签推荐系统在海量信息或资源过滤中起着重要的角色. 在新浪微博平台中, 用户可以自主的给自己添加标签来表明自己的兴趣爱好. 同时, 用户也可以通过标签来搜索与自己兴趣爱好相似的用户. 针对新浪微博中大部分用户没有添加标签或添加标签数目较少的问题, 提出了一种基于RBLDA模型和交互关系的微博标签推荐算法, 它首先利用RBLDA模型来产生用户的初始标签列表, 然后再结合用户的交互关系而形成的交互图来预测用户标签的算法. 通过在新浪微博真实数据集上的实验发现, 该方案与传统的标签推荐算法相比, 取得了良好的实验效果.  相似文献   

Collaborative filtering (CF) recommender systems have emerged in various applications to support item recommendation, which solve the information-overload problem by suggesting items of interest to users. Recently, trust-based recommender systems have incorporated the trustworthiness of users into CF techniques to improve the quality of recommendation. They propose trust computation models to derive the trust values based on users' past ratings on items. A user is more trustworthy if s/he has contributed more accurate predictions than other users. Nevertheless, conventional trust-based CF methods do not address the issue of deriving the trust values based on users' various information needs on items over time. In knowledge-intensive environments, users usually have various information needs in accessing required documents over time, which forms a sequence of documents ordered according to their access time. We propose a sequence-based trust model to derive the trust values based on users' sequences of ratings on documents. The model considers two factors – time factor and document similarity – in computing the trustworthiness of users. The proposed model enhanced with the similarity of user profiles is incorporated into a standard collaborative filtering method to discover trustworthy neighbors for making predictions. The experiment result shows that the proposed model can improve the prediction accuracy of CF method in comparison with other trust-based recommender systems.  相似文献   

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