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The laser was once defined as a solution in search of a problem. It is a definition that could equally apply to smart materials. Successful users have to be able to integrate an aspect of this wide versatility, back in the product design or redesign phase. A reason to suspect that smart materials are in fact spreading quietly into industry and consumer worlds comes not from success stories, but because those using materials successfully are selling a more effective product. This offers customers a genuinely cost effective approach to whatever application seek. The presence of smart materials themselves, is of no more significance to a user than knowing the precise types and grade of plastic making up a component. It's the real and perceived benefits that matter.  相似文献   

Further to prior development in enhancing structural health using smart materials, an innovative class of materials characterized by the ability to feel senses like humans, i.e. ‘nervous materials’, is discussed. Designed at all scales, these materials will enhance personnel and public safety, and secure greater reliability of products. Materials may fail suddenly, but any system wishes that failure is known in good time and delayed until safe conditions are reached. Nervous materials are expected to be the solution to this statement. This new class of materials is based on the novel concept of materials capable of feeling multiple structural and external stimuli, e.g. stress, force, pressure and temperature, while feeding information back to a controller for appropriate real-time action. The strain–stress state is developed in real time with the identified and characterized source of stimulus, with optimized time response to retrieve initial specified conditions, e.g. shape and strength. Sensors are volumetrically embedded and distributed, emulating the human nervous system. Immediate applications are in aircraft, cars, nuclear energy and robotics. Such materials will reduce maintenance costs, detect initial failures and delay them with self-healing. This article reviews the common aspects and challenges surrounding this new class of materials with types of sensors to be embedded seamlessly or inherently, including appropriate embedding manufacturing techniques with modeling and simulation methods.  相似文献   

The microwave caesium (Cs) atomic clock has formed an enduring basis for the second in the International System of Units (SI) over the last few decades. The advent of laser cooling has underpinned the development of cold Cs fountain clocks, which now achieve frequency uncertainties of approximately 5×10(-16). Since 2000, optical atomic clock research has quickened considerably, and now challenges Cs fountain clock performance. This has been suitably shown by recent results for the aluminium Al(+) quantum logic clock, where a fractional frequency inaccuracy below 10(-17) has been reported. A number of optical clock systems now achieve or exceed the performance of the Cs fountain primary standards used to realize the SI second, raising the issues of whether, how and when to redefine it. Optical clocks comprise frequency-stabilized lasers probing very weak absorptions either in a single cold ion confined in an electromagnetic trap or in an ensemble of cold atoms trapped within an optical lattice. In both cases, different species are under consideration as possible redefinition candidates. In this paper, I consider options for redefinition, contrast the performance of various trapped ion and optical lattice systems, and point to potential limiting environmental factors, such as magnetic, electric and light fields, collisions and gravity, together with the challenge of making remote comparisons of optical frequencies between standards laboratories worldwide.  相似文献   

Debate continues over bicycle helmet laws. Proponents argue that case-control studies of voluntary wearing show helmets reduce head injuries. Opponents argue, even when legislation substantially increased percent helmet wearing, there was no obvious response in percentages of cyclist hospital admissions with head injury-trends for cyclists were virtually identical to those of other road users. Moreover, enforced laws discourage cycling, increasing the costs to society of obesity and lack of exercise and reducing overall safety of cycling through reduced safety in numbers. Countries with low helmet wearing have more cyclists and lower fatality rates per kilometre. Cost-benefit analyses are a useful tool to determine if interventions are worthwhile. The two published cost-benefit analyses of helmet law data found that the cost of buying helmets to satisfy legislation probably exceeded any savings in reduced head injuries. Analyses of other road safety measures, e.g. reducing speeding and drink-driving or treating accident blackspots, often show that benefits are significantly greater than costs. Assuming all parties agree that helmet laws should not be implemented unless benefits exceed costs, agreement is needed on how to derive monetary values for the consequences of helmet laws, including changes in injury rates, cycle-use and enjoyment of cycling. Suggestions are made concerning the data and methodology needed to help clarify the issue, e.g. relating pre- and post-law surveys of cycle use to numbers with head and other injuries and ensuring that trends are not confused with effects of increased helmet wearing.  相似文献   

This paper examines climate change mitigation and adaptation from an insurance industry perspective, with particular reference to London and the USA. It illustrates how British insurers are increasingly shaping public policy and using new technology to manage the risks from climate change impacts and makes a plea for society to make more use of insurance expertise in future decision making. In particular, more dialogue is needed between architects, planners and insurers to adapt our buildings and cities for climate change impacts. The paper is an abbreviated and updated version of the paper presented by the author in Houston, Texas, in 2005.  相似文献   

This paper describes a novel application of information-asymmetric (signalling) games to molecular biology in which utility is determined by the message complexity (rate) in addition to the error in information transfer (distortion). We show using a computational model how it is possible for the agents in one such game to evolve a signalling convention (separating equilibrium) that is suboptimal in terms of information transfer, but is nonetheless stable. In the context of an RNA world merging with a nascent amino acid one, such a game''s equilibrium is alluded to by the genetic code, which is nearly optimal in terms of information transfer, but is also near-universal and nearly immutable. Such a framework suggests that cellularity may have emerged to encourage coordination between RNA species and sheds light on other aspects of RNA world biochemistry yet to be fully understood.  相似文献   

‘Triad’ or ‘tetrad’? On global changes in a dynamic world   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The US-EU race for world leadership in science and technology has become the favourite subject of recent studies. Studies issued by the European Commission reported the increase of the European share in the world’s scientific production and announced world leadership of the EU in scientific output at the end of the last century. In order to be able to monitor those types of global changes, the present study is based on the 15-year period 1991–2005. A set of bibliometric and technometric indicators is used to analyse activity and impact patterns in science and technology output. This set comprises publication output indicators such as (1) the share in the world total, (2) subject-based publication profiles, (3) citation-based indicators like journal-and subject-normalised mean citation rates, (4) international co-publications and their impact as well as (5) patent indicators and publication-patent citation links (both directions). The evolution of national bibliometric profiles, ‘scientific weight’ and science-technology linkage patterns are discussed as well. The authors show, using the mirror of science and technology indicators, that the triad model does no longer hold in the 21st century. China is challenging the leading sciento-economic powers and the time is approaching when this country will represent the world’s second largest potential in science and technology. China and other emerging scientific nations like South Korea, Taiwan, Brazil and Turkey are already changing the balance of power as measured by scientific production, as they are at least in part responsible for the relative decline of the former triad.  相似文献   

We develop a methodology to evaluate the usability of prototypes for supporting digital socialization within geographically dispersed, or “virtual”, engineering design teams. Socialization converts individual into group tacit knowledge to enhance collaborative work. Extant theory in computer-supported collaborative work (CSCW) underpins IDRAK, a proof-of-concept prototype of a rich Internet application to promote socialization. Our methodology employs an engineering design exercise (Delta design, as in Bucciarelli (Delta design game, MIT, Cambridge, 1994) to simulate, in a computer lab, a virtual team undertaking a project feasibility stage. We apply this methodology to evaluate the usability of IDRAK to support “virtual” four-people teams (architect, project manager, thermal and structural engineers). Our findings yield few statistically significant differences between the performance of virtual and co-located teams. The experiments suggest that IDRAK encourages individuals to work collaboratively. It allows for a leveling of status and eases communication since individuals’ accents are not an issue. However, IDRAK makes it difficult for the project manager to exercise authority and it cannot capture nuances in speech such as tone and expression. The experiments suggest that more research is needed to explore the ways to enhance the performance of virtual teams by: first, alternating between voice/video and text-based chat; second, documenting chat-based conversations; and third, enforcing communication and design process protocols.
Jim FreemanEmail:

An analysis [McCall, M.W. J. Mod. Opt. 2007, 54, 119–128] based on the electromagnetic energy-momentum tensor, to explore the prospects for negative-phase-velocity (NPV) propagation in gravitationally affected vacuum, did not consider (i) the total energy-momentum tensor and (ii) the global perspective of curved spacetime. Also, the appearance of NPV was wrongly attributed to a change in signature of the spacetime metric.  相似文献   

Scientometrics - There has been a generalization in the use of two publication practices by scientific journals during the past decade: (1) ‘article in press’ or early view, which...  相似文献   

For biomedical applications the physico-chemical properties of oxide layers, always present in titanium-based materials, are of special interest because the biological system is in direct contact only with these oxides. Using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and galvanostatic polarization it is shown that the different compositions of c.p.-titanium, Ti6Al4V, and Ti6Al7Nb result in different physico-chemical properties of air formed passive layers and anodic oxide layers. This may have a direct impact on the biocompatibility of these materials. Results of impedance spectroscopy distinctly differ in the flatband potentials as well as in the donor densities of air-formed passive layers with Ti6Al7Nb showing an approximately 50% smaller donor density than the other materials. Anodic galvanostatic polarization results in voltage–charge density curves with distinct differences in the Faraday efficiency of the oxide formation between Ti6Al7Nb and c.p.-titanium/Ti6Al4V, especially for low current densities. These effects correlate strongly with the donor densities in the air formed passive films of the examined materials. SEM-images of anodic oxide layers show a blister containing surface morphology of the outer part of the oxide layers for all materials. This morphology is probably caused by oxygen evolution, a process which relies on the transfer of electrons through the growing anodic oxide layers and strongly depends on the donor density in the air formed passive layers. Again, the much more pronounced morphology on c.p. titanium/Ti6Al4V agrees with the different donor densities in the air formed passive layers on the materials. These findings correlate with the good biocompatibility of Ti6Al7Nb and suggest that conduction mechanisms, in air formed passive layers and anodic oxide layers, contribute to processes that determine the biocompatibility of these materials.  相似文献   

Literature on lot-sizing models with random yields has been traditionally limited to random occurrences that cannot be anticipated in advance; for instance, day-to-day production errors and minor machine repairs. However, in reality, manufacturing processes are subject to other risks that are anticipatory, or non-random, in nature. One example would be yield loss resulting from non-random events such as process, product or material changes. Yield uncertainties of these types are temporary in nature with an impact that decays over time until the manufacturing system fully re-stabilises. One way of reducing the impact of such events is to split the lot and to process a small sub-batch in advance to stabilise the process, thus absorbing the risk associated with the change event. We refer to this approach as ‘anticipatory batch insertion’. This paper presents an exploratory study to analyse the performance of batch insertion under various scenarios related to product sensitivity, risk magnitude and schedule hardness. Results indicate that batch insertion is most advantageous whenever the production schedule is loose, multiple products are sensitive to the risk and the risk magnitude is high.  相似文献   

For North Dakota teens, three of every four deaths are from motor vehicle crashes. Injury crash records for teen drivers were studied to gain insight regarding driver, vehicle, and road factors for public safety policy and program discussions. Results show 14-year-old drivers are three times more likely to die or be disabled in an injury crash than 17-year-old drivers, and that male drivers are 30% less likely to incur severe injury. As expected, seat belt use is a critical factor in severe injury avoidance. The likelihood for death or disablement is 165% greater for unbelted teen drivers than for those who are properly belted. In addition, rural and gravel roads pose a risk. Teens are six times more likely to be severely injured in crashes on rural roads than on urban roads. Findings suggest that an increased licensing age and seat belt emphasis may reduce teen traffic injuries in the state. In addition, more information on exposure should be attained to better understand rural and gravel road as risks.  相似文献   

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