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QuickBird卫星影像处理技术实践 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用卫星遥感方法制作的数字正射影像是获取基础空间信息最快速、高效的手段,利用高精度卫星遥感成图,处理速度快、工艺简便、图像清晰,而且精度达到成图要求。本文重点介绍以QuickBird0.6米全色和2.4米多光谱为数据源,制作DOM的技术要求、方法、工艺流程和质量控制指标。 相似文献
资源三号卫星的成功发射填补了我国立体卫星测绘的空白,可以提供优于5m地面分辨率的遥感影像.论文提出基于资源三号卫星遥感数据的数字正射影像图(DOM)制作流程,重点对影像纠正、影像配准、影像融合、影像镶嵌等关键步骤进行研究,并通过实验验证方法的可行性.实验证明该方法具有较强的实用价值和广泛的应用前景. 相似文献
一、前言大亚湾是我国南海最优良的海湾之一,位于深圳市东面大鹏湾与红海湾之间,距香港约40海浬。大亚湾核电站是我国目前在建的第一大核电站,装机容量为180万瓩。按照设计要求,建成后的核电站每天都要向大亚湾内排出大量的热水,同时也需要补充大量的冷却水,因此核电站进出水口的畅通与否,直接影响着核电站的安全运行。而大亚湾海域生长了许多大型海藻(主要是马尾藻),这种海藻每年秋冬季 相似文献
应用前景广阔的高分辨率遥感卫星QuickBird(快鸟)影像数据 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Quick Bird高分辨率遥感卫星是由美国 Digital Globe /Earth Watch公司于 2 0 0 1年 1 0月 1 8日发射成功的目前全世界最高分辨率的商用遥感卫星。 Quick Bird遥感卫星影像在空间分辨率 ( 0 .61 m)、多光谱成像( 1个全色通道、4个多光谱通道 )、成像幅宽 ( 1 6.5 km X1 6.5 km)、成像摆角 ( 0 - 2 5°)等方面具有显著的优势 ,能够满足更专业、更广泛应用领域的遥感应用需求 ,能提供更好、更快的遥感信息源服务。Quick Bird影像产品分基本影像、标准影像、正射影像、立体像对等不同类型 ,从波段组成上影像产品分全色波段影像数据、多光… 相似文献
目前,遥感图像处理技术包含的内容太广泛,应该分解为预处理与应用处理两部分,后者的总目标是从预处理获得的综合反映地面状况的图像中排除无用信息的干扰,突出用户感兴趣的有用信息。 相似文献
中国假彩色卫星影像图编制技术说明 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
中国假彩色卫星影像图是由584幅MSS卫星影像,经彩色合成后镶嵌而成,图幅面积约为450cm×550cm。编制这样大幅面的卫星影像图是一项工艺复杂、技术难度较大的技术工程。为此,我们先后查阅了4000多套卫星资料条目,在此基础上,认真进行综合分析,周密地设计编制工艺方案。 相似文献
从理论上研究了遥感图像阴影产生的过程,得到了同一象素点在无阴影与有阴影时灰度值的定量关系。将分别采用直方图匹配法、线性相关修正法和Gamma 修正法得到的同一QuickBird影像阴影区图像重建结果进行对比,选择影像重建最适合的方法。再通过阴影边界区处理和图像平滑技术,提高图像平滑过渡特性。实验结果表明了该方法的有效性。 相似文献
武汉市TM卫星影像图制作的几点体会 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为武汉市政府对武汉市管辖区的投资、环境、交通、人文、旅游、工农业、水利等方面进行规划和管理,武汉测绘科技大学与武汉勘测设计研究院共同研制了1:10000O和1:50000两种比例尺的卫星影像图。卫星影像图的制作一般经过纠正、增强等预处理,最后扫描在彩色底片上,再按一定 相似文献
《Applied Soft Computing》2001,1(1):53-62
This paper presents a new approach to the application mode of image processing operators, the so-called steady-state image processing. The approach reminds a steady-state genetic processing of images by considering each pixel of the image as an individual. So, some pixels are selected, processed and copied back into the image. This differs from the standard approach, where all image pixels are processed at once. The proposed approach offers many choices for variation, and allows for the assignment of dynamic measures to images. This will serve new families of soft computing methods as, e.g. immune-based algorithms, which need images as non-static objects in order to fulfill reasonable tasks. This paper also introduces some basic steady-state operators and exemplifies the analysis of an image by means of a small example. Also, it is shown how steady-state image processing can be applied in the context of texture segmentation. Steady-state image processing can be considered a way of processing images, which is deeply inspired by genetic algorithms. 相似文献
We discuss a new deblurring problems in this paper. Focus measurements play a fundamental role in image processing techniques. Most traditional methods neglect spatial information in the frequency domain. Therefore, this study analyzed image data in the frequency domain to determine the value of spatial information. but instead misleading noise reduction results . We found that the local feature is not always a guide for noise reduction. This finding leads to a new method to measure the image edges in focus deblurring. We employed an all-in-focus measure in the frequency domain, based on the energy level of frequency components. We also used a multi-circle enhancement model to analyze this spatial information to provide a more accurate method for measuring images. We compared our results with those using other methods in similar studies. Findings demonstrate the effectiveness of our new method. 相似文献
We present a morphological multi-scale method for image sequence processing, which results in a truly coupled spatio-temporal anisotropic diffusion. The aim of the method is not to smooth the level-sets of single frames but to denoise the whole sequence while retaining geometric features such as spatial edges and highly accelerated motions. This is obtained by an anisotropic spatio-temporal level-set evolution, where the additional artificial time variable serves as the multi-scale parameter. The diffusion tensor of the evolution depends on the morphology of the sequence, given by spatial curvatures of the level-sets and the curvature of trajectories (=acceleration) in sequence-time. We discuss different regularization techniques and describe an operator splitting technique for solving the problem. Finally we compare the new method with existing multi-scale image sequence processing methodologies. 相似文献
Elías Todorovich Ana Lucia Dai Pra Lucia Isabel Passoni Martín Vázquez Ezequiel Cozzolino Fernando Ferrara Gery Bioul 《Journal of Real-Time Image Processing》2016,11(3):535-545
The laser dynamic speckle is an optical phenomenon produced when a laser light is reflected from an illuminated surface undergoing some kind of activity. It allows a non-destructive process for the detection of activities that are not easily observable, such as seed viability, paint drying, bacterial activities, corrosion processes, food decomposition, fruit bruising, etc. The analysis of these processes in real time makes it possible to develop important practical applications of commercial, biological and technological interest. This paper presents a new digital system based on granular computing algorithms to characterize speckle dynamics within the time domain. The selected platform to evaluate the system is Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) technology. The obtained minimum clock periods and latencies enable speckle image processing with real-time constraints with a maximum throughput of about thousand 512 × 512 fps. 相似文献