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Four popular West African local cultivars of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata), with distinctly different seed coat colors, were evaluated for their relative amylograph pasting characteristics, condensed tannin content, in vitro protein digestibility and Tetrahymena protein efficiency ratio (t-PER). The effects of roasting and dehulling on these properties were also determined. There were wide variations in the hot paste viscosity characteristics of the different cultivars studied. The raw cowpea flour samples exhibited maximum paste viscosities ranging between 260 Brabender Units (BU) for the Mottled cultivar and 460 BU for the cream-colored Blackeye cultivar. Cowpea cultivars with the greatest peak viscosities showed low stabilities to extended cooking. Roasting depressed paste viscosity properties of all the cowpea cultivars studied. Tannin concentrations were 0.3-6.9 and 7.2-116 mg CE/g flour from whole cowpea seeds and seed coats respectively, increasing with intensity of seed color. Although dehulling removed 98% of the tannin content of raw cowpeas, improvement in protein quality as a result of dehulling was observed for only the highly-pigmented Maroon-red variety. Roasting significantly improved digestibility and more than doubled the t-PER of all cowpea cultivars studied. Roasted cowpeas possess adequate nutritional and functional qualities as protein supplements in cereal-based weaning foods. However, it appears that dehulling is necessary to enhance the nutritional quality of the highly pigmented cultivars of cowpea.  相似文献   

Describes studies conducted with an inbred strain of Belgian "Wasserschlager" canaries bred selectively by aviculturalists in Europe for particular patterns of singing behavior. As in other songbirds, early deafening had drastic effects on the song of the roller canary, a caudueline finch, resulting in a song that was much simpler and more variable than the normal. The repertoire of syllable types was reduced from 30 to a mean of 5.0. Loud white noise was successfully used as a reversible method of cutting off auditory feedback from vocal behavior. Although suffering permanent elevation of hearing thresholds, Ss reared in noise to 200 days, singing at first like deaf Ss, subsequently increased their syllable repertoires significantly. Ss reared in noise to weaning at 40 days, again partly deaf, achieved a normal repertoire size when stimulated with a singing adult. Without such stimulation the repertoire was significantly reduced, showing that canary song is not fully innate. Although abnormal, the song of deaf canaries retained more species-specific features than did the song of emberizine sparrows when the songs developed without auditory feedback. Results are interpreted in terms of a sensory template theory. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) learn song primarily at 35–65 days of age, but birds deprived of experience at that stage may modify their songs later. Experiments on 5 groups examined the effect of varying early social experience on the plasticity of adult song. Major changes of song in adulthood were rare, and new syllables were memorized only in the more socially impoverished groups. Most songs underwent minor changes, in syllable structure or stereotypy, as well as in the addition or deletion of syllables. Two factors appeared to be important in determining the amount of change: the extent of social deprivation that the bird had experienced and, in the case of group-reared birds, the degree of song matching between social companions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

We have shown previously that de novo methylation activities persist in mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells homozygous for a null mutation of Dnmt1 that encodes the major DNA cytosine methyltransferase. In this study, we have cloned a putative mammalian DNA methyltransferase gene, termed Dnmt2 , that is homologous to pmt1 of fission yeast. Different from pmt1 in which the catalytic Pro-Pro-Cys (PPC) motif is 'mutated' to Pro-Ser-Cys, Dnmt2 contains all the conserved methyltransferase motifs, thus likely encoding a functional cytosine methyltransferase. However, baculovirus-expressed Dnmt2 protein failed to methylate DNA in vitro . To investigate whether Dnmt2 functions as a DNA methyltransferase in vivo , we inactivated the Dnmt2 gene by targeted deletion of the putative catalytic PPC motif in ES cells. We showed that endogenous virus was fully methylated in Dnmt2 -deficient mutant ES cells. Furthermore, newly integrated retrovirus DNA was methylated de novo in infected mutant ES cells as efficiently as in wild-type cells. These results indicate that Dnmt2 is not essential for global de novo or maintenance methylation of DNA in ES cells.  相似文献   

Adult male and female zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata), previously trained with operant conditioning to discriminate between conspecific songs, were tested to determine their dependence on 2 properties of songs, the presence of song syllables and the temporal order of songs. The removal of song syllables disrupted discrimination performance but usually only if the stimulus was the bird's own song. All birds initially failed to identify reversed songs correctly, but males relearned discriminations with reversed songs in fewer trials than did females. The results suggest that there are 3 levels of song perception: a bird's own song, other males' songs as processed by males, and songs as processed by females. Each of these levels correlates with the known electrophysiological and neuroanatomical properties of the song system and with the natural history of song.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Bronchial asthma is characterized by a TH2 type immune response, chronic inflammation of the airways and increased airway responsiveness. The relationship between IgE- and inflammatory-dependent mechanisms that contribute to bronchial asthma are not well defined. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to compare and analyse the immune pathways that resulted in development of allergen-induced and/or inflammatory dependent increased airways responsiveness. RESULTS: BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice responded to OVA-sensitization with elevated allergen-specific IgE/IgG1 serum antibody-titres and the development of cutaneous immediate-type hypersensitivity reactions. Increased airway responsiveness was observed following airway allergen challenges. However, the inflammatory component of the lung differed between the strains. In OVA-sensitized BALB/c mice a marked increase in lymphocytes, eosinophils and neutrophils in BAL fluids was parallelled with elevated production of IL-4, IL-5 and TNFalpha in the lung. In contrast in OVA-sensitized C57BL/6 mice, the inflammatory immune response in the lung was much weaker. We postulate that two pathways can regulate the induction of increased airway responsiveness. One depends on the presence of allergen-specific IgE/IgG1 and allergen, and a second is mediated by allergen-independent inflammation of the lung. To test this hypothesis, BALB/c mice were treated nasally with low doses of bacterial superantigen (SEB) as a prototypical inducer of airway inflammation, following which influx of lymphocytes, eosinophils and neutrophils into the airways was parallelled by development of increased airway-responsiveness in the absence of allergen-specific IgE/IgG1 antibodies and allergen. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that increased airway responsiveness is associated with different immunological phenotypes in BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice.  相似文献   

PrP expression in B lymphocytes is not required for prion neuroinvasion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To assess the effect of increased renewal of intestinal epithelial cells on leucine and glutamine (Gln) turnover, 4-hour intravenous infusions of L-[1-(13)C]leucine and L-[2-(15)N]Gln were administered to five adult patients with active celiac disease in the postabsorptive state. There was a 35% increase in leucine flux (micromoles per kilogram per hour) in patients (117 +/- 17) compared with healthy controls (96 +/- 11, P < .03). Gln flux was increased by 13% in patients (377 +/- 35) versus controls (335 +/- 16, P < .04). These results suggest that active celiac disease, characterized by villous atrophy and crypt cell hyperplasia, is associated with a dramatic increase in whole-body protein breakdown as assessed by 13C-leucine, which may contribute per se to the protein malnutrition status of the patients. The increase in Gln utilization as assessed by L-[2-(15)N]Gln was moderate, but may have been offset due to the villose atrophy and ensuing reduced intestinal epithelial cell mass. The results are consistent with the concept that increased renewal of intestinal epithelial cells represents a sizable fraction of whole-body protein turnover and that Gln is an important fuel for epithelial intestinal cells in vivo.  相似文献   

Pathogenic enteric microorganisms induce the NF-kappaB-dependent expression of proinflammatory genes in intestinal epithelial cells. The purpose of the present study was to clarify the contribution of microbial invasion to the degradation of the regulatory protein Ikappa Balpha and the subsequent activation of NF-kappaB in cultured intestinal epithelial cells. Caco-2BBe cells were incubated with Salmonella dublin, Salmonella typhimurium, or a weakly invasive strain of E. coli. S. dublin and S. typhimurium (10(7) organisms/ml) induced equivalent concentration-dependent gel mobility shifts of an NF-kappaB consensus sequence that was preceded by Ikappa Balpha degradation. E. coli (10(7) organisms/ml) did not induce Ikappa Balpha degradation or NF-kappaB translocation. Pretreatment with cytochalasin D blocked invasion of all three strains but had no effect on Ikappa Balpha degradation or NF-kappaB activation. S. dublin and S. typhimurium adhered to Caco-2BBe cells 3- to 10-fold more than E. coli. NF-kappaB activation was prevented by physical separation of S. dublin from Caco-2BBe cells by a 0. 4-micrometers-pore-size filter. Our results imply that bacterial adhesion, rather than invasion or release of a secreted factor, is sufficient to induce IkappaBalpha degradation and NF-kappaB activation in intestinal epithelial cells. Our data suggest that strategies to reduce enteric inflammation should be directed to the reduction of bacterial enterocyte adhesion.  相似文献   

Pertussis toxin inhibits chemotaxis of neutrophils by preventing chemoattractant receptors from activating trimeric G proteins in the Gi subfamily. In HEK293 cells expressing recombinant receptors, directional migration toward appropriate agonist ligands requires release of free G protein betagamma subunits and can be triggered by agonists for receptors coupled to Gi but not by agonists for receptors coupled to two other G proteins, Gs and Gq. Because activation of any G protein presumably releases free Gbetagamma, we tested the hypothesis that chemotaxis also requires activated alpha subunits (Galphai) of Gi proteins. HEK293 cells were stably cotransfected with the Gi-coupled receptor for interleukin-8, CXCR1, and with a chimeric Galpha, Galphaqz5, which resembles Galphai in susceptibility to activation by Gi-coupled receptors but cannot regulate the Galphai effector, adenylyl cyclase. These cells, unlike cells expressing CXCR1 alone, migrated toward interleukin-8 even after treatment with pertussis toxin, which prevents activation of endogenous Galphai but not that of Galphaqz5. We infer that chemotaxis does not require activation of Galphai. Because chemotaxis is mediated by Gbetagamma subunits released when Gi-coupled receptors activate Galphaqz5, but not when Gq- or Gs-coupled receptors activate their respective G proteins, we propose that Gi-coupled receptors transmit a necessary chemotactic signal that is independent of Galphai.  相似文献   

A discrete-trial peak-interval procedure was used to evaluate the effects of hippocampal damage on the control of an internal clock's criterion. Rats first received either lesions of the fimbria-fornix or sham operations. Following surgery rats were trained on a 20-s peak-interval procedure and later were transferred to a 10-s peak-interval procedure. Rats with sham operations were maximally responsive about the time that reinforcement was sometimes made available (10 or 20 s) and showed an oscillation of successive peak-time values similar to biological feedback control systems. In contrast, rats with fimbria-fornix lesions were maximally responsive at a time about 20% earlier than the time that reinforcement was made available (8 or 16 s) and showed no control of successive peak-time values. Taken together, these results demonstrate that a fimbria-fornix lesion reduces the remembered time of reinforcement stored in reference memory, interferes with the internal control of temporal criteria stored in working memory, and has no effect on the animal's sensitivity to stimulus duration or the acquisition of a new temporal criterion. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Spinal motoneurons are highly vulnerable to kainate both in vivo and in vitro. Tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA) and plasmin have recently been shown to mediate kainate-induced neuronal death in the mouse hippocampus in vivo. The aim of the present study was to determine whether tPA also mediates the kainate-induced death of motoneurons in vitro. A motoneuron-enriched neuronal population was isolated from the ventral spinal cord of wild-type (WT) and tPA-deficient (tPA-/-) mouse embryos. WT and tPA-/- neurons were cultured on WT and tPA-/- spinal glial feeder layers, respectively. WT and tPA-/- co-cultures were morphologically indistinguishable. Expression of tPA in WT co-cultures was demonstrated using RT-PCR. WT and tPA-/- co-cultures were exposed to kainate for 24 h. The neurotoxic effect of kainate did not differ significantly between WT and tPA-/- cultures. The plasmin inhibitor alpha2-antiplasmin did not protect WT neurons against kainate-induced injury. These results indicate that the plasmin system is not a universal mediator of kainate-induced excitotoxicity.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To evaluate prospectively the use of peripherally inserted central catheters in a large pediatric population. MATERIALS AND METHODS: During a 3-year period, data were collected prospectively on 523 consecutive attempts to place peripherally inserted central catheters in children. Patients underwent radiologically guided placement because attempts were unsuccessful on the inpatient units or a patient request was made. Fluoroscopy with use of contrast material and venography were used to place catheters and document the position of the catheter tip. Follow-up data were collected until treatment cessation or catheter removal. RESULTS: Among 523 attempts, 486 (92.9%) catheters were successfully placed. In the 37 (7.1%) unsuccessful cases, more than half of these children were younger than 24 months of age or weighed less than 5 kg. Ages of patients in whom 523 placement attempts were made ranged from 3 weeks to 18 years (mean, 6.9 years). Catheters were in place from 1 to 390 days (mean, 20 days). Frequency of infection was 1.9% (nine cases); incidence of infection was 0.93 per 1,000 catheter-placement days. There were two cases (0.4%) of central venous thrombosis. Most patients were discharged within 2 days of catheter placement. CONCLUSION: Fluoroscopically guided placement of peripherally inserted central catheters is a safe and effective method for establishing intermediate- and long-term central venous access in the pediatric population.  相似文献   

Characterized the physical structure of distance calls by the Bengalese finch (Lonchura striata domestica) and its relation to perception. Distance calls were recorded from 12 female and 12 male Bengalese finches and analyzed; such acoustic parameters as length, bandwidth, and peak frequency were obtained, and differences between sexes on combinations of these parameters were tested and shown to be significant. To assess perceptual salience of acoustic parameters, discrimination of 4 female and 4 male calls was examined. The reaction time (RT) required to discriminate a pair of distance calls was used as a measure of similarity between the 2 calls and analyzed by a multidimensional scaling procedure to find the perceptual dimensions. The results suggest that the sex difference in Bengalese finch distance calls is easily perceived by Bengalese finches and that the males and females were not different in their perception of the calls. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

ADP ribosylation factor (ARF) is thought to play a critical role in recruiting coatomer (COPI) to Golgi membranes to drive transport vesicle budding. Yeast strains harboring mutant COPI proteins exhibit defects in retrograde Golgi to endoplasmic reticulum protein transport and striking cargo-selective defects in anterograde endoplasmic reticulum to Golgi protein transport. To determine whether arf mutants exhibit similar phenotypes, the anterograde transport kinetics of multiple cargo proteins were examined in arf mutant cells, and, surprisingly, both COPI-dependent and COPI-independent cargo proteins exhibited comparable defects. Retrograde dilysine-mediated transport also appeared to be inefficient in the arf mutants, and coatomer mutants with no detectable anterograde transport defect exhibited a synthetic growth defect when combined with arf1Delta, supporting a role for ARF in retrograde transport. Remarkably, we found that early and medial Golgi glycosyltransferases localized to abnormally large ring-shaped structures. The endocytic marker FM4-64 also stained similar, but generally larger ring-shaped structures en route from the plasma membrane to the vacuole in arf mutants. Brefeldin A similarly perturbed endosome morphology and also inhibited transport of FM4-64 from endosomal structures to the vacuole. Electron microscopy of arf mutant cells revealed the presence of what appear to be hollow spheres of interconnected membrane tubules which likely correspond to the fluorescent ring structures. Together, these observations indicate that organelle morphology is significantly more affected than transport in the arf mutants, suggesting a fundamental role for ARF in regulating membrane dynamics. Possible mechanisms for producing this dramatic morphological change in intracellular organelles and its relation to the function of ARF in coat assembly are discussed.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae MRE11 gene is required for the repair of ionizing radiation-induced DNA damage and for the initiation of meiotic recombination. Sequence analysis has revealed homology between Mre11 and SbcD, the catalytic subunit of an Escherichia coli enzyme with endo- and exonuclease activity, SbcCD. In this study, the purified Mre11 protein was found to have single-stranded endonuclease activity. This activity was absent from mutant proteins containing single amino acid substitutions in either one of two sequence motifs that are shared by Mre11 and SbcD. Mutants with allele mre11-D56N or mre11-H125N were partially sensitive to ionizing radiation but lacked the other mitotic phenotypes of poor vegetative growth, hyperrecombination, defective nonhomologous end joining, and shortened telomeres that are characteristic of the mre11 null mutant. Diploids homozygous for the mre11-H125N mutation failed to sporulate and accumulated unresected double-strand breaks (DSB) during meiosis. We propose that in mitotic cells DSBs can be processed by other nucleases that are partially redundant with Mre11, but these activities are unable to process Spo11-bound DSBs in meiotic cells.  相似文献   

Zebra finches develop abnormal song if they cannot interact with adult song tutors during the 1st few months after hatching. The authors investigated whether untutored juveniles would learn song from each other. The birds were isolated from adult males at 10 days of age and their songs recorded after Day 80. By the authors' measures of syllable sharing and the judgments of human listeners, the songs of untutored brothers were as similar to each other as those of birds reared together with a tutor. The songs of group untutored birds were, however, more variable, and they contained abnormal elements, as did the songs of birds reared apart from all other males. The fact that untutored brothers copied song from each other raises the possibility that juveniles might influence each other's song development, even when adult tutors are present. If this were the case, it would increase the range of social interactions that determine which songs juveniles learn. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Sphingomyelin hydrolysis is induced in myeloid cell-lines by tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha), interleukin 1 beta (IL-1beta), and interferon gamma (IFN-gamma). Ceramide, a product of sphingomyelin hydrolysis, recapitulates many of the cellular responses elicited by these cytokines, and this has lead to the hypothesis that ceramide is a second messenger of cytokine signalling. Sphingomyelin hydrolysis is catalysed by an acid spingomyelinase (ASMase) and one or more neutral sphingomyelinases (NSMase); both ASMase and NSMase are activated during cytokine signalling. In the present study, the contribution of ASMase to TNF-alpha, IL-1beta, and IFN-gamma signalling in murine macrophages was addressed. Cytokine-induced responses were compared in macrophages derived from the bone marrow of AMSase null and wild-type mice. Specifically, TNF-alpha-and IFN-gamma-induced nitric oxide production and TNF-alpha- and IL-1beta-induced expression of the alpha-chemokine, KC, were intact in ASMase null macrophages. Furthermore, TNF-alpha induction of p42/p44 ERK and p38-MAPK phosphorylation, c-jun kinase activation, and IkappaBalpha degradation were normal. Also normal in ASMase null macrophages was TNF-alpha-, IL-1beta- and IFN-gamma-induced expression of a panel of early response genes. It is concluded that ASMase is non-essential for the inflammatory signals activated in murine macrophages by TNF-alpha, IL-1beta and IFN-gamma.  相似文献   

Four-day-old pullets fed a vitamin A-deficient diet were stimulated daily with 1 mg 17beta-estradiol-3-benzoate/day for 6 to 19 days. The onset of vitamin A deficiency had no effect on oviduct growth in these chicks; even though vitamin A-deficient chicks showed a severe decline in growth rate while controls (fed the same diet supplemented with retinyl palmitate) continued to grow, estrogen stimulated resulted in similar oviduct size. Ovalbumin concentrations of estrogen-stimulated chicks were determined by immunoprecipitation of the soluble protein supernatant fraction of oviduct. The concentration of ovalbumin in oviducts of chicks fed a vitamin A-supplemented diet was similar in the concentration in oviducts of chicks fed a vitamin A-deficient diet. The incorporation of [3H]glucosamine and 14C-amino acids into immunoprecipitable ovalbumin, following the in vitro incubation of minced oviduct, indicated that ovalbumin synthesis was not affected by vitamin A deficiency. The specific activity of incorporated [3H]glucosamine, the 14C-amino acid incorporation into ovalbumin, the relative rate of ovalbumin synthesis, and the relative effiency of [3H]glucosamine incorporation into ovalbumin were each similar between the two diet groups. The relative efficiency of [3H]glucosamine incorporation into sodium dodecyl sulfate and dithiothreitol extractable membranous proteins of oviduct was not affect by vitamin A deficiency.  相似文献   

This meta-analysis quantitatively summarized the developmental influence and the effects of locomotor experience as well as the benefits of locomotor practice, locomotor assistance, and active searching patterns on children's search performance. Based on specific criteria, a search of a database and reference lists identified 19 studies, including 1,029 children (510 boys and 519 girls) from 4 to 144 months of age. Outcome measures of spatial performance were converted to 83 effect sizes that reflected the effects of specific experimental characteristics. Analyses of variance indicated that with older children, locomotor activities are more important to their spatial searching. Locomotor status, searching patterns, locomotor assistance, test conditions, and test reliability were identified as moderator variables. In addition, locomotor training significantly improved children's spatial search. The results supported the hypothesis that children's development of spatial search skills is influenced by locomotor experience.  相似文献   

The myb proto-oncogenes are thought to have a role in the cell division cycle. We have examined this possibility by genetic analysis in Drosophila melanogaster, which possesses a single myb gene. We have described previously two temperature-sensitive, recessive lethal mutants in Drosophila myb (Dm myb). The phenotypes of these mutants revealed a requirement for myb in diverse cellular lineages throughout the course of Drosophila development. We now report a cellular explanation for these findings by showing that Dm myb is required for both mitosis and prevention of endoreduplication in wing cells. Myb apparently acts at or near the time of the G2/M transition. The two mutant alleles of Dm myb produce the same cellular phenotype, although the responsible mutations are located in different functional domains of the gene product. The mutant phenotype can be partially suppressed by ectopic expression of either cdc2 or string, two genes that are known to promote the transition from G2 to M. We conclude that Dm myb is required for completion of cell division and may serve two independent functions: promotion of mitosis, on the one hand, and prevention of endoreduplication when cells are arrested in G2, on the other.  相似文献   

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