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基于小波变换的静态图像数字水印算法   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
提出了一种基于小波变换并且不需要利用原始图像信息的静态图像数字水印算法,并给出了检测门限的确定方法,实验结果表明,该算法较好地保持了图像质量,并且对各种常用的图像处理方法显示出较强的稳健性。  相似文献   

小波域自适应图像水印算法研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
刘彤  裘正定 《计算机学报》2002,25(11):1195-1199
该文提出一种在小波域内自适应于图像内容的数字水印方案,算法利用图像系数的零树结构,自适应地确定被嵌水印序列的长度,并根据小波域的量化噪声自适应地确定水印的嵌入强度,保证了水印序列的能量小于图像可容纳的噪声上限,使水印图像同时具有良好的视觉效果和鲁棒性,在检测端可根据水印图像的统计特性确定水印的检测阈值,不需要参考原图就能判断水印是否存在,对水印图象的攻击实验表明该算法对噪声干扰及常见的图像处理技术具有较好的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

基于图像小波变换的数字水印   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
提出基于图像小波变换与密钥相联系的数字水印技术。使用密钥把水印序列嵌入到不同的空域位置,通过小波变换,自适应的水印能嵌入到各层小波系数中。由于使用了多层结构的小波变换,小波系数划分为最低层逼近系数和中频子带系数。当水印嵌入时,修改小波变换最低层的高频分量。实验表明:这种算法对常规的干扰具有良好的不可见性和鲁棒性。  相似文献   

一、前言随着当代信息技术的迅猛发展,各种数字化产品、电子出版物(图片、音频、视频、文本等)的发布变得日益流行,数字信息的复制也变得越来越简单。同时,伴随着Internet的日益普及,使得人们可以通过计算机网络传播多媒体资源而带来巨大的商业利润。因此对于内容提供商和版权所有者而言,在网络上发布他们的数字作品(例如数字图像、数字音乐、数字视频等)时如何保护他们的知识产权就成了一个非常迫切的问题。众所周知,网络上传播最为广泛的是各种数字图像,许多个人平面设计者、广告公司、建筑设计单位、报社编辑部门、网  相似文献   

提出一种基于分块图像小波变换的数字水印嵌入和提取算法,使每一个水印像素隐藏在相应的图像块的中低频小波系数之中,保证了水印的稳健性和不可觉察性,实验表明水印具有抗一般信号处理(例如图像压缩、剪切等)能力.  相似文献   

小波变换用于基于图像内容的自适应数字水印算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了提高在频率域嵌入水印抵抗攻击的能力,该文提出一种基于DWT的CBWM自适应数字水印嵌入算法,该算法依据离散小波变换域的水印嵌入策略:水印应当首先嵌入小波图像的低频系数中,若有剩余,再按小波图像频带重要性的排序,嵌入高频带中,并且水印嵌入到图像的低频系数和高频系数中时,需采用不同的嵌入强度;将水印嵌入到图像三级小波分解变换域的低频空间(LL3)的特征向量中,并且水印与特征向量两者正交。并且,其中水印的嵌入过程是自适应的,即先将小波系数组织成小波块,再依据纹理强弱对小波块分类,然后根据分类结果,将不同强度的水印分量嵌入到特征向量的不同分量中。此外,该算法对静止图像的水印检测是通过Neymann-Pearson决策准则来实现的。实验结果证明,该算法对滤波、噪声、几何变换、图像压缩、以及x-y方向修剪、StirMark攻击等都具有很好的抵抗能力;对裁剪和图像旋转也具有较好的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

一种基于小波变换的图像自适应盲水印算法*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据人类视觉系统(HVS)特征和小波变换的多分辨分解特性,提出了一种基于小波变换的图像数字水印算法。该算法在原始图像的LL域自适应地嵌入盲水印,提取或检测时无需参考原始图像或原始水印,实现了全盲检测,与其他许多算法相比,提高了水印的强度,且兼顾了水印的容量,计算简单,易于实现。实验结果表明,该方法具有较强的鲁棒性和安全性,适用于数字图像的版权保护。  相似文献   

图像数字水印中的小波变换技术研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于小波变换的图像水印方法与其它传统变换技术相比具有很多优势。介绍了小波变换域水印算法的关键技术,从小波变换的空间一尺度定位特性、全帧变换形式、对图像的多分辨率表示,与人类视觉系统相适应的能力和小波基的可选择性等方面,详细地分析了该方法自身所具有的特性,并阐述了其能有效地应用于图像水印的原因。  相似文献   

自适应小波变换的图像扩频数字水印   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
张连俊 《计算机工程与设计》2005,26(11):3074-3075,3105
在分析了自适应小波变换和扩频特性关系的基础上,提出一种基于小波变换的扩频数字水印算法。利用该算法,计算机模拟实验表明该方法具有较好的不可视性、鲁棒性,并且可以实现扩频数字水印的盲检测性。  相似文献   

基于自适应小波变换的图像数字水印算法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
提出一种基于自适应小波变换的图像数字水印算法,并对该算法进行了实验分析。  相似文献   

我国应急物流物资保障体系在近两年的重大突发事件中暴露出有待完善之处.采用区块链技术构建应急物资保障体系,重点建设信息记录管理和物资调度管理系统,实现信息记录、溯源、供需匹配等功能,以期在一定程度上解决应急物资质量无法保障、供需不匹配等问题.  相似文献   

中发[2015]9号文颁布三年以来,我国电力体制改革不断深化,市场规则运行日趋完善,售电侧改革稳步推进,传统趸售式电力营销模式已发生根本性改变,售电企业作为电力市场新兴要素应运而生,备受社会关注,众多社会资本竞相进入售电行业,售电同业之间竞争愈演愈烈,机遇与挑战并存。新形势下售电企业立足电力市场的关键在于提供优质的售电及相关衍生服务,而在激烈的电力营销市场竞争中,如何转变电力营销观念、如何创新市场营销模式建设、如何构筑稳定客户关系管理机制已成为当前售电行业经营发展所共同关心的大趋势,已成为在激烈电力营销市场竞争突围的关键所在。本文主要对新电改下市场营销模式建设及客户关系管理进行浅析,旨在为售电企业运营决策提供参考。  相似文献   

The opportunities of modeling and optimization of motion of elastic systems with distributed parameters are investigated. A regular integro-differential approach, which reduces a wide class of linear initialboundary value problems to a conditional minimization of non-negative quadratic functionals is developed, and a cost function of approximate solutions obtained is proposed. For longitudinal motions of a uniform straight elastic rod, the case of polynomial control of the motion of its end is considered. An algorithm of constructing an optimal control that steers the system to the state of a minimal mechanical energy at the final time instant. The parameters of the problem are adjusted so that the time of transition processes would be comparable with the interval, on which the motions are investigated. The analysis and comparison of the results obtained by using the method of integro-differential relations for a one-dimensional model of a thin elastic rod and a proposed approximate three-dimensional model of a prismatic beam.  相似文献   

基于LABVIEW软件开发的控制工程基础课程教学软件的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用labview软件开发各类实验教学软件已是实验教学领域的热点之一,本文介绍了利用该软件开发的控制工程基础课程实验教学软件,重点介绍了实验系统的硬件平台和软件设计思路,并展示了软件的主要界面,具有一定的教学实用价值。  相似文献   

傅毅峰 《计算机时代》2022,(2):80-82,86
近三年物联网赛项没有了全国职业技能大赛做指引,宁波市各校物联网竞赛团队的发展均陷入困境.文章以宁波经贸学校物联网竞赛队为例,分析中职技能竞赛团队发展遇到的困境,以校物联网专业产教融合项目化课程改革为契机,构建学科竞赛群,探索出一套符合中职学校情况的信息技术类学科竞赛群组建和运营方案,进而促进中职竞赛团队的长期发展.  相似文献   

系统建设目标是收集保存电视音视频素材、开发与再利用节目资料,同时收集和保护广播媒体资源。系统的建成满足了重庆台对历史的、现实的具有保存价值的资料进行收集、整理、存储和再利用的需求,同时为多种电视广播相关业务提供支持。  相似文献   

The complete set of measurements that could ever be used by a passive 3D vision algorithm is the plenoptic function or light-field. We give a concise characterization of when the light-field of a Lambertian scene uniquely determines its shape and, conversely, when the shape is inherently ambiguous. In particular, we show that stereo computed from the light-field is ambiguous if and only if the scene is radiating light of a constant intensity (and color, etc.) over an extended region.  相似文献   

Most of statistical studies on credit scoring focus on scores construction. It is more unusual that they link the statistical technics with a detailed analysis of the users’ requirements regarding the properties of these tools. Concerning companies’ failure the users are financial analysis experts or bankers in credit risk departments or banking supervisors. The increasing need for better control of credit risk by banks has led to a stepping-up of research concerning credit scoring. In the context of the Basel II agreement, the International Banking Committee has stressed the importance of forecasting the expected loss (EL) and, using extreme quantiles, the unexpected loss (UL) for a population of companies, in particular for customers of each commercial bank. In order to do so, it is necessary to estimate the default probability of each company at a given time horizon (PD). The objective of an accurate forecasting gives rise to several needed properties and questions that are presented in Sect. 1. We stress what is at stake in the construction and the use of credit scores. The experience of Banque de France in prudential supervision and the importance of its data files on companies give the possibility to developp a scoring system able to fullfil these needed properties, at least partially. Some principles of credit scoring construction in order to increase the quality of the tool and the accuracy of default probability are presented in Sect. 2. Without leading a complete debate on models’choice we discuss some arguments regarding this choice and we concentrate on comparison between Fisher linear discriminant analysis (LDA) and logistic regression (LOGIT) in Sect. 3. In relation with the early detection of companies default, two pratical uses of a credit scoring system are presented in Sect. 4. Research under way on Banque de France data concentrates on informations that can be extracted from these data on purpose to study how to increase the quality of tools needed by the Basel II agreement. A short overview of this research is given in Sect. 5. “Statistical inference techniques, if not applied to the real world, will lose their import and appear to be deductive exercises. Furthermore, it is my belief that a statistical course emphasis should be given to both mathematical theory of statistics and to application of the theory to practical problems. A detailed discussion on the application of a statistical technique facilitates better understanding of the theory behind the technique.” C. Radhakrishna RAO in Linear Statistical Inference and Its Applications  相似文献   

If A is a Hamiltonian matrix and P a symplectic matrix, the product P−1AP is a Hamiltonian matrix. In this paper, we consider the case where the matrix A has a pair of imaginary eigenvalues and develop an algorithm which finds a matrix P such that the matrix P−1AP has a particularly simple form, a canonical form.  相似文献   

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