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Selecting tourist attractions to visit at a destination is a main stage in planning a trip. Although various online travel recommendation systems have been developed to support users in the task of travel planning during the last decade, few systems focus on recommending specific tourist attractions. In this paper, an intelligent system to provide personalized recommendations of tourist attractions in an unfamiliar city is presented. Through a tourism ontology, the system allows integration of heterogeneous online travel information. Based on Bayesian network technique and the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method, the system recommends tourist attractions to a user by taking into account the travel behavior both of the user and of other users. Spatial web services technology is embedded in the system to provide GIS functions. In addition, the system provides an interactive geographic interface for displaying the recommendation results as well as obtaining users’ feedback. The experiments show that the system can provide personalized recommendations on tourist attractions that satisfy the user.  相似文献   

随着无线传感器网络的高速发展和多种移动智能设备的普及,移动群智感知(mobile crowd sensing,MCS)成为移动计算的核心。利用群智感知可完成大规模、复杂环境及社会感知任务,其中任务分发是这种应用中的一个重要环节。针对任务分发过程中存在感知环境复杂、用户数量达不到要求、收集数据质量低等问题,提出一种基于社交属性及有效用户计算的任务分发机制(effective user calculation,EUC),该机制具有根据任务来筛选用户的特点,从用户角度看,EUC考虑了用户的社会性,由用户的社交网络传递相关信息来增加平台的有效用户数;从平台的角度看,EUC可根据任务的接收和提交情况,动态调整有效用户的积分,从而保障整个系统的有效用户数。理论分析和实验结果表明,所提出的机制可提高系统的任务分发效率,并改善了收集数据的质量。  相似文献   

A web-based pervasive recommendation system for mobile tourist guides   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Mobile tourist guides have attracted considerable research interest during the past decade, resulting in numerous standalone and web-based mobile applications. Particular emphasis has been given to personalization of services, typically based on travel recommender systems used to assist tourists in choosing places to visit; these systems address an important aspect of personalization and hence reduce the information burden for the user. However, existing systems fail to exploit information, behaviours, evaluations or ratings of other tourists with similar interests, which would potentially provide ground for the cooperative production of improved tourist content and travel recommendations. In this paper, we extend this notion of travel recommender systems utilizing collaborative filtering techniques while also taking into account contextual information (such as the current user’s location, time, weather conditions and places already visited by the user) for deriving improved recommendations in pervasive environments. We also propose the use of wireless sensor network (WSN) installations around tourist sites for enabling precise localization and also providing mobile users convenient and inexpensive means for uploading tourist information and ratings about points of interest (POI) via their mobile devices. We also introduce the concept of ‘context-aware rating’, whereby user ratings uploaded through WSN infrastructures are weighted higher to differentiate among users that rate POIs using the mobile tourist guide application while onsite and others using the Internet away from the POI.  相似文献   

As one of the most vigorous industries in the new era, China's tourism industry has undergone changes in just a few de- cades. However, it is not difficult to find that the mainstream travel website on the network are hotels and air ticket booking as the core. Few websites provide users with the auxiliary function of travel decision. This makes it difficult for people to quickly and con- veniently understand the current tourism hotspots and provide appropriate travel plans. With the rapid development of information technology, Internet technology and computer technology, WebGIS is entering people's life and gradually becoming a topic of con- cern for Web applications. Network geographic information system is also becoming a popular information tool. Therefore, this pa- per establishes a tourism information decision system based on WebGIS, which will start from the perspective of geographic infor- mation system and carry out information optimization based on ant colony algorithm. It uses WebGIS to realize the function of que- ry and analysis of tourism spatial information and provide users with intelligent travel route planning.  相似文献   

As many researchers have taken an interest in social networks with the development of the user-generated web, trust management and its application have come into the spotlight. User information that is extracted by behavior patterns and user profiles provides the essential relationship between individuals. In this paper, we propose an intelligent movie recommender system with a social trust model. The proposed system is based on a social network for analyzing social relationships between users and generated group affinity values with user profiles. In experiments, the performance of this system is evaluated with precision-recall and F-measures.  相似文献   

Location-based services (LBS) are now the platforms for aggregating relevant information about users and understanding their mobile behavior and preferences based on the location histories. The increasing availability of large amounts of spatio-temporal data brings us opportunities and challenges to automatically discover valuable knowledge. While context-aware properties quickly became the key of the success of these pervasive applications, information related to user preferences and social signals still lack of adequate capitalization. Local search in LBSs is a peculiar service where recent and current interests, the network of explicit and implicit social interactions between users can be combined for effectively performing fine-tuned and personalized recommendations of points of interest. In this article we present the various and peculiar aspects of local search in mobile scenarios. Then we explore the added value of personalization and the benefits of considering social signals, summarizing open challenges and emerging technologies.  相似文献   

This paper proposes FMAP (Forward Multi-Agent Planning), a fully-distributed multi-agent planning method that integrates planning and coordination. Although FMAP is specifically aimed at solving problems that require cooperation among agents, the flexibility of the domain-independent planning model allows FMAP to tackle multi-agent planning tasks of any type. In FMAP, agents jointly explore the plan space by building up refinement plans through a complete and flexible forward-chaining partial-order planner. The search is guided by h D T G , a novel heuristic function that is based on the concepts of Domain Transition Graph and frontier state and is optimized to evaluate plans in distributed environments. Agents in FMAP apply an advanced privacy model that allows them to adequately keep private information while communicating only the data of the refinement plans that is relevant to each of the participating agents. Experimental results show that FMAP is a general-purpose approach that efficiently solves tightly-coupled domains that have specialized agents and cooperative goals as well as loosely-coupled problems. Specifically, the empirical evaluation shows that FMAP outperforms current MAP systems at solving complex planning tasks that are adapted from the International Planning Competition benchmarks.  相似文献   

Even though purely text-based Human Interaction Proofs (HIPs) have desirable usability and accessibility attributes; they could not overcome the security problems yet. Given the fact that fully automated techniques to generate pure-text HIPs securely do not exist, we propose leveraging human computation for this purpose. We design and implement a system called SMARTCHA, which involves a security engine to perform automated proactive checks on the security of human-generated HIPs and a module for combining human computation with automation to increase the number of HIP questions. In our work, we employ HIP operators who generate around 22 000 questions in total for SMARTCHA system. With a user study of 372 participants, we evaluate the usability of SMARTCHA system and observe that users find solving pure-text HIPs of SMARTCHA system significantly more enjoyable than solving reCAPTCHA visual HIPs.  相似文献   

Intelligent Adaptive Information Agents   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Adaptation in open, multi-agent information gathering systems isimportant for several reasons. These reasons include the inability toaccurately predict future problem-solving workloads, future changes inexisting information requests, future failures and additions of agents anddata supply resources, and other future task environment characteristicchanges that require system reorganization. We have developed a multi-agentdistributed system infrastructure, RETSINA (REusable Task Structure-based Intelligent Network Agents) that handles adaptation in an open Internetenvironment. Adaptation occurs both at the individual agent level as well asat the overall agent organization level. The RETSINA system has three typesof agents. Interface agents interact with the userreceiving user specifications and delivering results. They acquire, model,and utilize user preferences to guide system coordination in support of theusers tasks. Task agents help users perform tasks byformulating problem solving plans and carrying out these plans throughquerying and exchanging information with other software agents. Information agents provide intelligent access to a heterogeneouscollection of information sources. In this paper, we concentrate on theadaptive architecture of the information agents. We use as the domain ofapplication WARREN, a multi-agent financial portfolio management system thatwe have implemented within the RETSINA framework.  相似文献   

Socially important locations are places that are frequently visited by social media users in their social media life. Discovering socially interesting, popular or important locations from a location based social network has recently become important for recommender systems, targeted advertisement applications, and urban planning, etc. However, discovering socially important locations from a social network is challenging due to the data size and variety, spatial and temporal dimensions of the datasets, the need for developing computationally efficient approaches, and the difficulty of modeling human behavior. In the literature, several studies are conducted for discovering socially important locations. However, majority of these studies focused on discovering locations without considering historical data of social media users. They focused on analysis of data of social groups without considering each user’s preferences in these groups. In this study, we proposed a method and interest measures to discover socially important locations that consider historical user data and each user’s (individual’s) preferences. The proposed algorithm was compared with a naïve alternative using real-life Twitter dataset. The results showed that the proposed algorithm outperforms the naïve alternative.  相似文献   

随着网络应用的广泛普及,QQ、微信、YY语音、陌陌等社交软件走进千家万户,但社交网络用户浏览轨迹信息隐私保护问题也随之而来。由于社交网络平台安全机制存在漏洞,抵御网络攻击性能不强,使社交网络用户信息纷纷泄露。针对问题根源,提出ACP用户隐私信息防护系统,建立社交网络用户真空登陆模块(VM)、通讯信息密码文模块(RDT)及信息储存保护墙模块(LDM)一体化ACP用户隐私信息防护系统,从根源保护社交网络用户浏览轨迹信息的隐私安全。通过数据模拟仿真实验证明提出的ACP用户隐私信息防护系统,对社交网络用户浏览轨迹信息隐私保护具有可用性与有效性。  相似文献   

A bio-inspired human domain knowledge modeling method, BioDKM, is proposed and developed to make delivery robots think more humanly and act more effectively. This presented method focused on feasible fusion between artificial intelligent and bionics in the field of tasks planning or scheduling in delivery robots. BioDKM is designed and implemented with several components, in terms of human knowledge, workflow (WF), hierarchical task network (HTN), and planner. In detail, WF is utilized as the human domain knowledge modeling tool, because of its convenient applications, friendly user interface and explicit representation. Moreover, WF can effectively complement conventional HTN planning with great convenience to formalize human domain knowledge. Translation from WF to HTN is also considered and established to make task planning smooth. Finally, examples and simulations are carried out to validate the effectiveness of this proposed bio-inspired domain knowledge modeling method.  相似文献   

赵蒙  宋俊德  鄂海红 《软件》2013,(12):136-138
随着互联网技术的发展,海量信息同时呈现,使得用户难以有效发现本身感兴趣信息,并且大量的网络暗信息少人问津,难以被普通用户获取,为了处理信息过载问题,出现了个性化用户系统,以弥补海量信息中用户很难找到有用信息的问题。而只有具备了精准的用户兴趣模型,个性化用户系统才得以真正存在。因此用户兴趣建模的研究与探索具有深远的意义。从而,本文首先介绍了社会化标签Tag系统,其次分析了用户兴趣建模的四种表示方法,最后讨论了一种基于社会化标签系统的兴趣建模方法。  相似文献   

A knowledge-based framework to support task-level programming and operational control of robots is described. Our bask intention is to enhance the intelligence of a robot control system so that it may carefully coordinate the interactions among discrete, asynchronous and concurrent events under the constraints of action precedence and resource allocation. We do this by integrating both off-line and on-line planning capabilities in a single framework. The off-line phase is equipped with proper languages for describing workbenches, specifying tasks, and soliciting knowledge from the user to support the execution of robot tasks. A static planner is included in the phase to conduct static planning, which develops local plans for various specific tasks. The on-line phase is designed as a dynamic control loop for the robot system. It employs a dynamic planner to tackle any contingent situations during the robot operations. It is responsible for developing proper working paths and motion plans to achieve the task goals within designated temporal and resource constraints. It is implemented in a distributed and cooperative blackboard system, which facilitates the integration of various types of knowledge. Finally, any failures from the on-line phase are fed back to the off-line phase. This forms the interaction between the off-line and on-line phases and introduces an extra closed loop opportunistically to tune the dynamic planner to adapt to the variation of the working environment in a long-term manner.  相似文献   

针对目前偏远地区旅游景区配电设备常出现超负荷运行和火灾隐患的情况,本文基于地理信息系统设计了低压配电用户安全预警系统。研制了保护控制器并对各低压配电用户电气量、开关量及温度数据进行实时采集,将用户的地理位置和对应数据显示在系统中。系统对数据进行智能分析,可以实现用电安全与火灾隐患预警功能。该系统可以较好的适应旅游景区低压配电设备复杂的特点,提高低压配电网的可视化管理和信息化水平。  相似文献   

Recently, the Internet has made a lot of services and products appear online provided by many tourism sectors. By this way, many information such as timetables, routes, accommodations, and restaurants are easily available to help travelers plan their travels. However, how to plan the most appropriate travel schedule under simultaneously considering several factors such as tourist attractions visiting, local hotels selecting, and travel budget calculation is a challenge. This gives rise to our interest in exploring the recommendation systems with relation to schedule recommendation. Additionally, the personalized concept is not implemented completely in most of travel recommendation systems. One notable problem is that they simply recommended the most popular travel routes or projects, and cannot plan the travel schedule. Moreover, the existing travel planning systems have limits in their capabilities to adapt to the changes based on users’ requirements and planning results. To tackle these problems, we develop a personalized travel planning system that simultaneously considers all categories of user requirements and provides users with a travel schedule planning service that approximates automation. A novel travel schedule planning algorithm is embedded to plan travel schedules based on users’ need. Through the user-adapted interface and adjustable results design, users can replace any unsatisfied travel unit to specific one. The feedback mechanism provides a better accuracy rate for next travel schedule to new users. An experiment was conducted to examine the satisfaction and use intention of the system. The results showed that participants who used the system with schedule planning have statistical significant on user satisfaction and use intention. We also analyzed the validity of applying the proposed algorithm to a user preference travel schedule through a number of practical system tests. In addition, comparing with other travel recommendation systems, our system had better performance on the schedule adjustment, personalization, and feedback giving.  相似文献   

This article describes the development of a new modeling environment that supports the building of intelligent associates for turning operation planning. By intelligent associates, we mean a computer-based system that allows a process planner to assert a greater degree of control during a consultation than do traditional expert systems. Intelligent associates are able to assist process planners in a colleague-like manner while solving domain tasks. They relieve routine operations while supporting creative problem-solving. Multiple levels of human experience are supported, advising and constraining inexperienced planners while providing a flexible environment for experienced planners working on new planning strategies. Several Al-based techniques have been employed in the development of this new modeling environment. The utility of this environment is demonstrated by developing a turning operation planning intelligent associate (TOPS). TOPS assists a process planner by computing interactions and checking for consistency among the various attributes of a lathe machine-operation planning problem and searching databases for machines, tool holders, and inserts.  相似文献   

Building a collaborative trusting relationship with users is crucial in a wide range of applications, such as advice-giving or financial transactions, and some minimal degree of cooperativeness is required in all applications to even initiate and maintain an interaction with a user. Despite the importance of this aspect of human–human relationships, few intelligent systems have tried to build user models of trust, credibility, or other similar interpersonal variables, or to influence these variables during interaction with users. Humans use a variety of kinds of social language, including small talk, to establish collaborative trusting interpersonal relationships. We argue that such strategies can also be used by intelligent agents, and that embodied conversational agents are ideally suited for this task given the myriad multimodal cues available to them for managing conversation. In this article we describe a model of the relationship between social language and interpersonal relationships, a new kind of discourse planner that is capable of generating social language to achieve interpersonal goals, and an actual implementation in an embodied conversational agent. We discuss an evaluation of our system in which the use of social language was demonstrated to have a significant effect on users’ perceptions of the agent’s knowledgableness and ability to engage users, and on their trust, credibility, and how well they felt the system knew them, for users manifesting particular personality traits.This revised version was published online in July 2005 with corrections to the author name Bickmore.  相似文献   

With the popular of online social network, the studies of information diffusion on social media also become very attractive direction. Knowing the influence of users and being able to predict it can be very helpful in enhancing or controlling the information diffusion process, where the identification of influential spreaders in online social network is very critical. In this paper, a novel method called SIRank is proposed to measure the spread influence of users in microblog, considering the user interaction features, retweet intervals, location of users in information cascades and other relevant features. By quantifying cascade structure influence and user interaction influence on information diffusion, the proposed methods uses random walk on microblog network, successfully ranked the users’ spread influence. Experiments were conducted on an anonymous real microblog dataset, the results shown that our method can efficiently measure the users’ spread influence, and perform better in both coverage and prediction comparison than other ranking methods.  相似文献   

Automatic 3D animation generation techniques are becoming increasingly popular in different areas related to computer graphics such as video games and animated movies. They help automate the filmmaking process even by non professionals without or with minimal intervention of animators and computer graphics programmers. Based on specified cinematographic principles and filming rules, they plan the sequence of virtual cameras that the best render a 3D scene. In this paper, we present an approach for automatic movie generation using linear temporal logic to express these filming and cinematography rules. We consider the filming of a 3D scene as a sequence of shots satisfying given filming rules, conveying constraints on the desirable configuration (position, orientation, and zoom) of virtual cameras. The selection of camera configurations at different points in time is understood as a camera plan, which is computed using a temporal-logic based planning system (TLPlan) to obtain a 3D movie. The camera planner is used within an automated planning application for generating 3D tasks demonstrations involving a teleoperated robot arm on the the International Space Station (ISS). A typical task demonstration involves moving the robot arm from one configuration to another. The main challenge is to automatically plan the configurations of virtual cameras to film the arm in a manner that conveys the best awareness of the robot trajectory to the user. The robot trajectory is generated using a path-planner. The camera planner is then invoked to find a sequence of configurations of virtual cameras to film the trajectory.  相似文献   

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