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This study investigated the changes in chemical composition, nitrogen fraction distribution, and AA profile of milk samples obtained during lactation from the Jiangyue breed of donkey in Northwest China. Results showed that donkey milk contained 9.53% total solids, 1.57% protein, 1.16% fat, 6.33% lactose, and 0.4% ash on average, which is more similar to mare and human milk than to the milk of other mammals. Throughout the lactation investigated, pH and density were constant, protein and ash content showed an apparent negative trend (an increase in lactose content during 120 d postpartum, followed by a decrease), fat content exhibited wide variability, and variations in the content and percentage of whey protein, casein, and AA were small. The casein to whey protein ratio of 52:37 was between the lower value of human milk and the higher value of cow milk. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-PAGE results demonstrated that donkey milk is rich in β-lactoglobulin and lysozyme. The percentages of 8 essential AA in protein of donkey milk were 38.2%, higher than those of mare and cow milk; donkey milk also had higher levels of serine (6.2%), glutamic acid (22.8%), arginine (4.6%), and valine (6.5%) and a lower level of cystine (0.4%).  相似文献   

Changes in milk composition during a milking are well characterized, but variation in milk fatty acid (FA) profile is not well described and may affect the accuracy of in-line milk composition analyzers and could potentially be used for selective segregation of milk. Within-milking samples were collected from 8 multiparous high-producing Holstein cows (54.86 ± 6.8 kg of milk/d; mean ± standard deviation). A milk-sampling device was designed to allow collection of multiple samples during a milking without loss of vacuum or interruption of milk subsampling. Milk was collected during consecutive morning and afternoon milkings (12-h intervals) and was replicated 1 wk later. Each sample represented approximately 20% of the milking and was analyzed for fat, true protein, and lactose concentration and FA profile. Milk fat concentration markedly increased over the course of milk let down (4.4 and 4.2 percentage units at the a.m. and p.m. milking, respectively), whereas milk fat globule size did not change. Milk protein and lactose concentration decreased slightly during milking. Modest changes in milk FA profile were also observed, as milk de novo and 16-C FA concentrations increased approximately 10 and 8%, respectively, whereas the concentration of preformed FA decreased about 7% during the milking. In agreement, mean milk FA chain length and unsaturation modestly decreased during milking (0.59 and 0.014 U, respectively). The observed changes in milk fat concentration during a milking are consistent with previous reports and reflect the dynamic nature of milk fat secretion from the mammary gland. Changes in milk FA profile are not expected to practically affect the accuracy of spectroscopy methods for determination of milk fat concentration. Furthermore, the small variation in FA profile during a milking limits the use of within-milking milk segregation to tailor milk FA profile.  相似文献   

Control (CL) and select line (SL) dairy cows (n = 22) managed identically but differing in milk yield (>4100 kg/305 d) were used to determine differences in milk fatty acid profile as lactation progressed. Milk yield was recorded daily and milk samples were collected during wk 1, 4, 8, 12, and 16 postpartum for milk composition analysis. Milk samples from wk 1, 8, and 16 were also analyzed for fatty acid composition. Select-line cows produced more milk (44.4 vs. 31.2 kg/d) and milk components than CL cows during the 16-wk period. There was no difference in rate of milk yield increase, but peak milk yield for SL cows was greater and occurred later in lactation. There were no differences in milk SCC or milk fat, protein, or lactose content. Selection for milk yield did not affect the content of most individual milk fatty acids; however, compared with CL, SL cows had a reduced Delta(9)-desaturase system and tended to produce milk with lower monounsaturated fatty acid content. Selection for milk yield did not affect milk fatty acid origin but the percentage of de novo fatty acids increased and preformed fatty acids decreased as lactation progressed. Milk fat trans-11 18:1 and cis-9,trans-11 conjugated linoleic acid increased with progressing lactation (10.7 vs. 14.1 and 3.1 vs. 5.4 mg/g, or 31 and 76%, respectively) and were correlated strongly among wk 1, 8, and 16 of lactation. Temporal changes in the Delta(9)-desaturase system occurred during lactation but these changes were not correlated with milk fat cis-9,trans-11 conjugated linoleic acid content. Results indicate prolonged genetic selection for milk yield had little effect on milk fatty acid composition, but milk fatty acid profiles varied markedly by week of lactation.  相似文献   

A recently developed biological model of lactation described changes in daily milk yield throughout lactation as the result of 3 processes, secretory cell differentiation, cell death, and secretion rate per cell. This paper extends the model to describe the production of milk components (fat, protein, lactose, and water) throughout lactation by replacing milk secretion rate of the original model with the secretion rates of the four components. The milk component model approach was used to examine the relationship between milk yield and the major determinants of its production, using the secretion of milk components throughout lactation. Newly derived models were tested on 461 lactations from a single Holstein herd and used to estimate variability of secretion rates throughout lactation. Because the pattern of cell numbers throughout lactation is not precisely known, an alternative pattern of cell numbers was modeled and the concomitant change in secretion rates outlined. Fat secretion rate was the most variable, as measured by its weekly coefficient of variation throughout lactation. Secretion rates of lactose and water were nearly constant throughout lactation and highly correlated (0.94). Fat and protein secretion rates also were well correlated (0.53). The known biochemistry of milk component production related well to the secretion rate observations derived from the model. Lactose secretion rate and numbers of active secretory cells primarily determined daily milk yield.  相似文献   

The effect of milk thermisation and farming system on the sensory profile and fatty acid (FA) composition of a traditional cheese under real production conditions was evaluated. Raschera Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) cheese, which is produced in North-West Italy, was chosen as a case study. Cheese samples were collected in summer and winter from dairy plants that processed raw milk (IR) or thermised milk (IT) collected from intensive farms, or raw milk (ER) collected from extensive farms. The sensory profile and FA composition of IR and IT cheese were similar. The ER summer cheeses had a lower cream odour, butter odour and aroma. They had a higher rennet, strong toasted, silage, barn, garlic, boiled vegetables, and smoked odours and aromas, a higher hazelnut odour, and tasted more bitter. The ER summer cheese also expressed a more favourable FA composition for human health, which allowed it to be distinguished among the other Raschera cheese.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(6):4971-4986
Residual feed intake (RFI) is a moderately heritable trait of feed efficiency in dairy cows. The main objective of the present study was to assess potential differences in the ruminal microbiome, milk fatty acid (FA) composition, and plasma concentrations of glucose, nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA), and β-hydroxybutyrate between the most (M-EFF) and the least efficient (L-EFF) dairy cows during early lactation. Forty-seven multiparous Holstein dairy cows with daily ad libitum access to a total mixed ration from 30 d before calving to 30 d in milk were used. Cows were retrospectively classified into M-EFF (i.e., low RFI, n = 29) and L-EFF (high RFI, n = 18) based on a linear regression model. Ruminal digesta and milk samples were collected from each cow at 15 and 30 d in milk for microbiome analysis using 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Microbiome sequencing data were analyzed with the QIIME 2 platform (http://qiime.org/), whereas the microbiome statistical analyses and visual explorations were performed using the web-based MicrobiomeAnalyst platform. Milk FA composition was measured via gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The statistical model used in SAS 9.4 (SAS Institute Inc.) included RFI, time, and their interactions as fixed effects. The cor() function in R programming was used to determine Pearson correlations between relative abundance of significant bacteria and milk FA. Overall, daily milk yield did not differ due to RFI and averaged 42 ± 1.6 kg for L-EFF and 43 ± 1.3 kg for M-EFF cows. However, M-EFF cows had lower overall dry matter intake (14.9 ± 0.5 kg/d) compared with L-EFF cows (19.2 ± 0.6 kg/d). No incidence of clinical disease was recorded for cows in the study. Compared with L-EFF, overall glucose concentration was lower, whereas NEFA and β-hydroxybutyrate concentrations were greater in M-EFF cows. Ruminal digesta from both RFI groups had similar bacterial composition, but differed in the relative abundance of some bacteria. Compared with L-EFF, M-EFF cows had greater relative abundance of Lachnospiraceae, Lachnoclostridium, Papillibacter, Desulfovibrio, Sphaerochaeta, Acetobacter, and Histophilus. In contrast, relative abundance of Bifidobacterium, Ruminiclostridium, Prevotellaceae, and Erysipelotrichaceae bacterium was lower in M-EFF cows. Compared with L-EFF, M-EFF cows had greater proportions of long-chain monounsaturated FA, including 16:1 trans-9, 16:1 cis-9, 17:1 trans-10, 17:1 cis-10, 18:1 cis-9, 18:1 cis-11, whereas proportions of medium-chain saturated and 16:0 were lower in M-EFF. Acetate-producing bacteria (Sphaerochaeta and Acetobacter) were positively and significantly correlated (r ≥ 0.24) with concentrations of 16:1 cis-9 and 17:1 cis-10, whereas Prevotellaceae was significantly and negatively correlated (r = ?0.25) with these FA. Butyrate-producing bacterium (Papillibacter) had a significant negative correlation (r = ?0.27) with concentration of 15:0. Overall, data suggested that feed-efficient cows have unique profiles of ruminal microbiota, some of which are correlated with concentrations of milk FA during early lactation.  相似文献   

The fatty acid (FA) and free fatty acid (FFA) profiles of caprine milk from a native Greek breed were investigated during a period of 6 months (January–June). The most abundant FAs were palmitic, oleic, stearic and capric. The short- and medium-chain FAs represented 17.5 and 14.5% of total FA, respectively, while long-chain FAs accounted for the rest (68.0%). From January to April, the major FFAs were acetic, palmitic, stearic and caproic, but afterwards, acetic and propionic were the principal FFAs, followed by stearic, palmitic, oleic and capric.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(5):4692-4710
The specific fatty acid (FA) profile of colostrum may indicate a biological requirement for neonatal calves. The objective of this study was to characterize the FA profile and yields in colostrum, transition milk, and mature milk in primiparous (PP) and multiparous (MP) cows. Colostrum was milked from 10 PP and 10 MP Holstein cows fed the same pre- and postpartum rations. Milkings (M) 2 to 5 and 12 were respectively termed transition and mature milk. Overall, short-chain FA (C4:0 and C6:0) were 61 and 50% lower in colostrum than mature milk, respectively. A parity by milking interaction was also present, with higher C4:0 for PP cows at M2 and for MP cows at M12. Additionally, higher concentrations of C6:0 were present for PP cows at M2 through M4 and for MP cows at M12. Palmitic (C16:0) and myristic (C14:0) acids were 38% and 19% higher in colostrum than mature milk, respectively. However, total saturated FA remained relatively stable. Branched-chain FA were 13% lower in colostrum than mature milk and higher in PP than MP cows throughout the milking period. The proportion of trans-monounsaturated FA (MUFA) was 72% higher in PP cows throughout the milking period, as well as 13% lower in colostrum than mature milk. In contrast, cis-MUFA and total MUFA were not affected by milking nor parity. Linoleic acid (LA) was 25% higher in colostrum than transition and mature milks, but α-linolenic acid (ALA) did not differ. Consequently, the ratio of LA to ALA was 29% higher in colostrum than mature milk and 33% higher in MP cows. Linoleic acid was also 15% higher in MP cows, whereas ALA was 15% higher in PP cows. Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA, cis-9,trans-11) was 2.7-fold higher in PP cows, and no differences between colostrum and mature milk were detected. Overall, polyunsaturated FA (PUFA) from the n-6 and n-3 series were over 40% higher in colostrum compared with transition and mature milk. Milking by parity interactions were present for arachidonic acid (ARA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosapentaenoic acid (DPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), and total n-3 PUFA, translating to higher proportions in PP cows in M1 to M3, whereas proportions remained relatively stable throughout the milking period in MP cows. Despite increasing milk yields throughout the subsequent milkings, higher yields of EPA, ARA, DPA, and DHA were present in colostrum than in mature milk. Greater proportions and yields of n-3 and n-6 FA in colostrum may translate to specific requirements for newborn calves. Differences were also observed between PP and MP cows and may reflect different nutrient requirements and partitioning.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(3):2612-2630
The specific fatty acid (FA) profile of colostrum may indicate a biological requirement for neonatal calves. The objective of this study was to characterize the FA profile and yields in colostrum, transition milk, and mature milk in primiparous (PP) and multiparous (MP) cows. Colostrum was milked from 10 PP and 10 MP Holstein cows fed the same pre- and postpartum rations. Milkings (M) 2 to 5 and 12 were respectively termed transition and mature milk. Overall, short-chain FA (C4:0 and C6:0) were 61 and 50% lower in colostrum than mature milk, respectively. A parity by milking interaction was also present, with higher C4:0 for PP cows at M2 and for MP cows at M12. Additionally, higher concentrations of C6:0 were present for PP cows at M2 through M4 and for MP cows at M12. Palmitic (C16:0) and myristic (C14:0) acids were 16% and 27% higher in colostrum than mature milk, respectively. However, total saturated FA remained relatively stable. Branched-chain FA were 13% lower in colostrum than mature milk and higher in PP than MP cows throughout the milking period. The proportion of trans-monounsaturated FA (MUFA) was 42% higher in PP cows throughout the milking period, as well as 15% lower in colostrum than mature milk. In contrast, cis-MUFA and total MUFA were not affected by milking nor parity. Linoleic acid (LA) was 13% higher in colostrum than transition and mature milks, but α-linolenic acid (ALA) did not differ. Consequently, the ratio of LA to ALA was 23% higher in colostrum than mature milk and 25% higher in MP cows. Linoleic acid was also 13% higher in MP cows, whereas ALA was 15% higher in PP cows. Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA, cis-9,trans-11) was 63% higher in PP cows, and no differences between colostrum and mature milk were detected. Overall, polyunsaturated FA (PUFA) from the n-6 and n-3 series were over 25% higher in colostrum compared with transition and mature milk. Milking by parity interactions were present for arachidonic acid (ARA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosapentaenoic acid (DPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), and total n-3 PUFA, translating to higher proportions in PP cows in M1 to M3, whereas proportions remained relatively stable throughout the milking period in MP cows. Despite increasing milk yields throughout the subsequent milkings, higher yields of EPA, ARA, DPA, and DHA were present in colostrum than in mature milk. Greater proportions and yields of n-3 and n-6 FA in colostrum may translate to specific requirements for newborn calves. Differences were also observed between PP and MP cows and may reflect different nutrient requirements and partitioning.  相似文献   

Oleamide was previously reported to resist ruminal biohydrogenation and elevate milk oleic acid concentration when fed to lactating Holstein cows. To determine if Jersey cows responded similarly to oleamide, four lactating Jersey cows (mean 417 kg of body weight and 64 days in milk) were fed four diets in a 4x4 Latin square with 2-wk periods. Diets were total mixed ration containing 47% corn silage and 53% concentrate (dry matter basis) and were supplemented with no added fat (control), or with 3.5% added fat from either higholeic canola oil, a commercial source of oleamide, or oleamide synthesized from oleic acid and urea. The canola oil supplement had no effect on milk yield or composition. Compared to canola oil, the oleamide supplements reduced milk yield, dry matter intake, and milk fat and protein contents. Milk oleic acid concentration increased from 17.4% of total fatty acids for the control diet to 22.1% for the canola oil diet. Both oleamides further increased milk oleic acid to 30.0 and 27.1% of total fatty acids for the commercial and synthesized oleamides, respectively. Milk palmitic acid was reduced and stearic acid was increased by all fat supplements but more so by the oleamides than by the canola oil. Consistent with previous reports that fatty acyl amides resist ruminal biohydrogenation, feeding oleamide to Jersey cows in this study increased milk oleic acid concentration but had negative effects on feed intake and milk yield.  相似文献   

Changes in fat matter due to the microbial thermostable lipases are among the most significant deteriorations influencing the shelf life of whole milk powder. As a consequence, free fatty acids are produced, being the short-chain acids mainly responsible for the rancidity flavour. The aim of this work was to evaluate changes in different fatty acid concentrations during the storage of whole milk powder produced in two different seasons. Samples of whole milk powder produced in winter and summer and packed under inert atmosphere were used in the study. The samples were stored at 21°C and 40°C. Samples stored at 21°C were evaluated every 3 months, whereas samples stored at 40°C were evaluated monthly by free fatty acids profile and sensory analysis. Data were processed by principal component analysis and anova . Results showed that changes in the free fatty acids of milk powders were correlated with the season of manufacture. Temperature and storage time had little influence on that profile.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to assess the relationship between individual milk fatty acids (FA) and diet-induced milk fat depression (MFD) using principal component analysis (PCA) and multivariate analysis (MA). Cow treatment observations (n = 63) from 3 published feeding experiments with lactating dairy cows were used in the analyses. In the PCA, principal component loading plots 1 (PC1) and 2 (PC2) described 55.9% of the total variation in milk FA and fat concentrations. Saturated FA (14:0, 16:0, and 17:0) and milk fat percentage showed negative loading for PC1. Trans-18:1 isomers (trans-6+7+8 to trans-15), trans-7, cis-9 conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), and trans-10, cis-12 CLA showed positive (opposite) loading, suggesting a negative relationship between these isomers and milk fat percentage. Cis-11, trans-13 CLA and cis-9, trans-11 CLA were associated with the PC2 axes (neutral), indicating that they were not associated with MFD. Multivariate analysis with milk fat percentage as the dependent variable and individual PC1 positive loading variables showed a breakpoint relationship for trans-6+7+8-, trans-9-, trans-10-, and trans-13+14-18:1 and a linear relationship for trans-11-, trans-12-, trans-15-18:1, trans-10, cis-12 CLA, and trans-7, cis-9 CLA. Subsequent MA was conducted on 41 treatment means from 12 independent experiments from the literature, in which concentrations of trans-6+7+8-, trans-9-, trans-10-, and trans-11-18:1, and cis-9 trans;-11, and trans-10, cis-12 CLA were reported. Significant negative effects of trans-9-18:1, trans-10-18:1, and trans-10, cis-12 CLA on milk fat percentage were observed. In this study, the PCA and MA showed that among trans-18:1 isomers, trans-10-18:1 was the most negatively correlated to milk fat percentage. However, the threshold concentration related to maximum MFD indicated that the relative potency was greatest for trans-6+7+8- and lowest for trans-10-18:1. These results suggested that trans-6+7+8-18:1 might be more important than trans-10-18:1 in MFD. Principal component analysis also showed that trans-10, cis-12 and trans-7, cis-9 CLA were the isomers most negatively correlated to milk fat percentage, implying a possible role of trans-7, cis-9 CLA in MFD. Additional experiments are needed to establish whether trans-7-18:1 is involved in MFD or that its effects are mediated via the endogenously synthesized trans-7, cis-9 CLA.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to perform genetic, genome-wide association (GWAS), and gene-set enrichment analyses with latent variables related to milk fatty acid profile (i.e., fatty acids factor scores; FAF), milk composition, and udder health in a cohort of 1,158 Italian Brown Swiss cows. The phenotypes under study were 12 FAF previously identified through factor analysis and classified as follows: de novo FA (F1), branched-chain FA-milk yield (F2), biohydrogenation (F3), long-chain fatty acids (F4), desaturation (F5), short-chain fatty acids (F6), milk protein and fat contents (F7), odd fatty acids (F8), conjugated linoleic acids (F9), linoleic acid (F10), udder health (F11) and vaccelenic acid (F12). (Co)variance components were estimated for factor scores using a Bayesian linear animal model via Gibbs sampling. The animals were genotyped with the Illumina BovineSNP50 BeadChip v.2 (Illumina Inc., San Diego, CA). A single marker regression model was fitted for GWAS analysis. The gene-set enrichment analysis was run on the GWAS results using the Gene Ontology and the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes pathway databases to identify the ontologies and pathways associated with the FAF. Marginal posterior means of the heritabilities of the aforementioned FAF ranged from 0.048 for F12 to 0.310 for F5. Factors F1 and F6 had the highest number of relevant genetic correlations with the other traits. The genomic analysis detected a total of 39 significant SNP located on 17 Bos taurus autosomes. All latent variables produced signals except for F2 and F10. The traits with the highest number of significant associations were F11 (17) and F12 (7). Gene-set enrichment analyses identified significant pathways (false discovery rate 5%) for F3 and F7. In particular, systemic lupus erythematosus was enriched for F3, whereas the MAPK (mitogen-activated protein kinase) signaling pathway was overrepresented for F7. The results support the existence of important and exploitable genetic and genomic variation in these latent explanatory phenotypes. Information acquired might be exploited in selection programs and when designing further studies on the role of the putative candidate genes identified in the regulation of milk composition and udder health.  相似文献   

Diet-induced milk fat depression (MFD) in lactating cows has been attributed to alterations in ruminal lipid metabolism leading to the formation of specific fatty acid (FA) biohydrogenation intermediates that directly inhibit milk fat synthesis. However, the mechanisms responsible for decreased lipid synthesis in the mammary gland over time are not well defined. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of diet on milk FA composition and milk fat production over time, especially during MFD, and explore the associations between MFD and FA biohydrogenation intermediates in omasal digesta and milk. Four lactating Finnish Ayrshire cows used in a 4 × 4 Latin square with a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments and 35-d experimental periods were fed diets formulated to cause differences in ruminal and mammary lipid metabolism. Treatments consisted of an iso-nitrogenous total mixed ration based on grass silage with a forage to concentrate ratio of 65:35 or 35:65 without added oil, or with sunflower oil at 50 g/kg of diet dry matter. The high-concentrate diet with sunflower oil (HSO) induced a 2-stage drop in milk fat synthesis that was accompanied by specific temporal changes in the milk FA composition. The MFD on HSO was associated especially with trans-10 18:1 and also with trans-9,cis-11 conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) in milk and omasal digesta across all diets and was accompanied by the appearance of trans-10,cis-15 18:2. Trans-10,cis-12 CLA was increased in HSO, but milk fat secretion was not associated with omasal or milk trans-10,cis-12 CLA. The temporal changes in milk fat content and yield and milk FA composition reflect the shift from the predominant ruminal biohydrogenation pathway to an alternative pathway. The ambiguous role of trans-10,cis-12 CLA suggests that trans-10 18:1, trans-9,cis-11 CLA and trans-10,cis-15 18:2 or additional mechanisms contributed to the diet-induced MFD in lactating cows.  相似文献   

Flaxseed supplementation improves fatty acid profile of cow milk   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The objective of the study was to determine the effects of adding flaxseed or fish oil to the diet on the milk fatty acid profile of cows. The experiment was conducted in the summer of 2006 and involved 24 Friesian cows that were divided into 3 groups of 8 animals according to different type of fat supplementation: a traditional diet with no fat supplementation, a diet supplemented with whole flaxseed, and a diet supplemented with fish oil. Results suggested that whole flaxseed supplementation positively affects the milk fatty acid profile during summer. In particular, milk from cows receiving flaxseed supplementation showed a decrease in saturated fatty acid, an increase in monounsaturated fatty acid, and, together with the milk from fish oil-supplemented cows, an increase in polyunsaturated fatty acid content compared with milk from control cows. As expected, both fish oil and flaxseed supplementation increased the content of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in milk fat. The increased dietary intake of C18:3 in flaxseed-supplemented cows resulted in increased levels of milk C18:1 trans-11 and increased conjugated linoleic acid C18:2 cis-9,trans-11 by Δ9-desaturase activity. Milk from flaxseed-supplemented cows together with the high conjugated linoleic acid content was characterized by low atherogenic and thrombogenic indices, suggesting that its use has less detrimental effects concerning the atherosclerosis and coronary thrombosis risk associated with the consumption of milk and dairy products. In conclusion, flaxseed supplementation improves composition and nutritional properties of milk from cows milked during times of high ambient temperature.  相似文献   

Lipid composition, fatty acid profile and lipid oxidative stability were evaluated during Cantonese sausage processing. Free fatty acids increased with concomitant decrease of phospholipids. Total content of free fatty acids at 72 h in muscle and adipose tissue was 7.341 mg/g and 3.067 mg/g, respectively. Total amount of saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids (SFA, MUFA, and PUFA) in neutral lipid exhibited a little change during processing, while the proportion of PUFA significantly decreased in the PL fraction. The main triacylglycerols were POO + SLO + OOO, PSO (P = palmitic acid, O = oleic acid, L = linoleic acid, S = stearic acid), and a preferential hydrolysis of palmitic, oleic and linoleic acid was observed. Phosphatidylcholines (PC) and phosphatidylethanolamines (PE) were the main components of phospholipids and PE exhibited the most significant degradation during processing. Thiobarbituric acid values (TBARS) increased while peroxide values and hexanal contents varied during processing.  相似文献   

This study compared the chemical composition and fatty acid (FA) profile of Manchego type cheese and Panela cheese made from hair sheep milk and compared these with both types of cheese manufactured with cow milk as a reference. In addition, this study aimed to determine differences in sensory characteristics between Manchego type cheeses manufactured with either hair sheep milk or cow milk. A total of 25 and 14 Manchego type cheeses from hair sheep milk and cow milk were manufactured, respectively. In addition, 30 and 15 Panela cheeses from hair sheep milk and cow milk were manufactured, respectively. The chemical composition and FA profile were determined in all cheeses. In addition, a sensory analysis was performed in Manchego type cheeses manufactured from either hair sheep milk or cow milk. Moisture content was lower in Manchego type cheeses (37.5 ± 1.26 and 37.5 ± 1.26 g/100 g in cheeses manufactured from hair sheep milk and cow milk, respectively) than in Panela cheeses (54.0 ± 1.26 and 56.1 ± 1.26 g/100 g in cheeses manufactured from hair sheep milk and cow milk, respectively). Ash, protein, and sodium contents were higher in Manchego type cheeses than in Panela cheeses. Manchego type cheese manufactured from hair sheep milk contained more C4:0, C6:0, C8:0, C10:0, C12:0, C14:0, C18:2 cis-9,cis-12, total saturated FA, total short-chain FA, total medium-chain FA, total polyunsaturated FA, and de novo FA than Manchego type cheeses from cow milk. Total content of short-chain FA was higher in hair sheep cheeses (24.4 ± 1.30 and 19.6 ± 1.30 g/100 g in Manchego type and Panela cheeses, respectively) than in cow cheeses (8.89 ± 1.30 and 8.26 ± 1.30 g/100 g in Manchego type and Panela cheeses, respectively). Manchego type cheeses from hair sheep milk obtained higher scores for odor (7.05), texture (6.82), flavor (7.16), and overall acceptance (7.16) compared with those made from cow milk (6.37, 6.12, 6.17, and 6.83, respectively). In conclusion, both Manchego type cheese and Panela cheese manufactured with hair sheep milk had a similar chemical composition and contained higher levels of short-chain FA, total polyunsaturated FA, and de novo FA than those manufactured with cow milk.  相似文献   

Comparing the fatty acid composition of organic and conventional milk   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
During a 12-mo longitudinal study, bulk-tank milk was collected each month from organic (n = 17) and conventional (n = 19) dairy farms in the United Kingdom. All milk samples were analyzed for fatty acid (FA) content, with the farming system type, herd production level, and nutritional factors affecting the FA composition investigated by use of mixed model analyses. Models were constructed for saturated fatty acids, the ratio of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) to monounsaturated fatty acids, total n-3 FA, total n-6 FA, conjugated linoleic acid, and vaccenic acid. The ratio of n-6:n-3 FA in both organic and conventional milk was also compared. Organic milk had a higher proportion of PUFA to monounsaturated fatty acids and of n-3 FA than conventional milk, and contained a consistently lower n-6:n-3 FA ratio (which is considered beneficial) compared with conventional milk. There was no difference between organic and conventional milk with respect to the proportion of conjugated linoleic acid or vaccenic acid. A number of factors other than farming system were identified which affected milk FA content including month of year, herd average milk yield, breed type, use of a total mixed ration, and access to fresh grazing. Thus, organic dairy farms in the United Kingdom produce milk with a higher PUFA content, particularly n-3 FA, throughout the year. However, knowledge of the effects of season, access to fresh grazing, or use of specific silage types could be used by producers to enhance the content of beneficial FA in milk.  相似文献   

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