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Anthropogenic influences, including climate change, are increasing river temperatures in northern and temperate regions and threatening the thermal habitats of native salmonids. When river temperatures exceed the tolerance levels of brook trout and Atlantic salmon, individuals exhibit behavioural thermoregulation by seeking out cold‐water refugia – often created by tributaries and groundwater discharge. Thermal infrared (TIR) imagery was used to map cold‐water anomalies along a 53 km reach of the Cains River, New Brunswick. Trout and salmon parr did not use all identified thermal anomalies as refugia during higher river temperature periods (>21°C). Most small‐bodied trout (8–30 cm) were observed in 80% of the thermal anomalies sampled. Large‐bodied trout (>35 cm) required a more specific set of physical habitat conditions for suitable refugia, that is, 100% of observed large trout used 30% of the anomalies sampled and required water depths >65 cm within or adjacent to the anomaly. Densities of trout were significantly higher within anomalies compared with areas of ambient river temperature. Salmon parr were less aligned with thermal anomalies at the observed temperatures, that is, 59% were found in 65% of the sampled anomalies; and densities were not significantly different within/ outside anomalies. Salmon parr appeared to aggregate at 27°C, and after several events over 27°C variability in aggregation behaviour was observed – some fish aggregated at 25°C, others did not. We stipulate this is due to variances of thermal fatigue. Habitat suitability curves were developed for velocity, temperature, depth, substrate, and deep water availability to characterize conditions preferred by fish during high‐temperature events. These findings are useful for managers as our climate warms, and can potentially be used as a tool to help conserve and enhance thermal refugia for brook trout and Atlantic salmon in similar systems.  相似文献   

In recent decades, there has been an increase in conservation and restoration projects targeting Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar – AS), as populations in eastern Canada decline. Missing however, is an understanding of thermo-hydraulic habitat use by adult AS during summer, and thus the actual benefits of altering in-river physical structures. Here, we illustrated how optical and thermal infrared (TIR) imagery acquired from a UAV can be used in concert with in-situ depth and velocity data to map adult AS and develop models of thermo-hydraulic habitats in the Miramichi River, New Brunswick. We found during normal temperature conditions (<19°C) boulder proximity, depth, velocity, and Froude number, a non-dimensional hydraulic metric, were key parameters that characterized adult AS habitat. However, during behavioural thermoregulation events (>19°C), proximity to the cool thermal plume and Froude number were critical controls on habitat use. We also observed AS forming a distinct geometric formation during behavioural thermoregulation events, and term this formation a “thermal-peloton”; in reference to competitive cycling in which groups of cyclists pack together. The primary function of the peloton is undoubtedly to reduce thermally induced stressed; however, we conceptualize that the geometry of the peloton attenuates hydraulic-drag, and reduces the energetic expenditure of individuals practicing behavioural thermoregulation. These data provide a blue print for Atlantic salmon restoration work. The use of UAV-based sensors has the potential to initiate a paradigm shift for river sciences.  相似文献   

Two morphologically distinct moss communities were found in the River Suldalslågen. The liver moss community consists of species which form a dense mat on the bottom, while the river moss (Fontinalis) community forms long tufts. Moss growth has increased since hydropower regulations due to reduced floods and increased winter flows. Increased moss cover affects the bottom structure, as well as intra‐gravel and near‐bottom hydraulics. We studied densities of juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and brown trout (Salmo trutta) by electrofishing and habitat selection by direct underwater observation, in areas with natural moss cover compared with areas where mosses were experimentally removed. Areas with dense mats of liver mosses held lower densities of young of year (YoY) and older salmon parr than areas where liver moss had been removed. No differences in densities of YoY salmon were found between areas with and without Fontinalis. For older salmon, parr results were inconclusive. In some samples more and in others fewer fish were found in areas with Fontinalis moss removed. For trout, densities were higher in areas with Fontinalis, while results for liver moss were inconclusive. No major differences were found with regard to microhabitat selection between areas with and without river moss, suggesting that habitat quality in these areas was similar during summer, except with respect to substrate. Salmon held more exposed positions in areas without liver moss, but this is mainly attributed to different habitat availabilities. It is concluded that the relative increase in liver mosses in the River Suldalslågen has a negative impact on juvenile Atlantic salmon fish density. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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