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Deficit in active and inhibitory avoidance behaviour has been pentylenetetrazole (PTZ)-kindled rats. This supports the view that memory deficit is an integral part of epilepsy. In the present study we examined the effect of the nootropic drugs piracetam and fipexide on memory deficit induced by PTZ-kindling in shuttle-box- and step-down-trained rats. The retention in piracetam- and fipexide-treated animals was significantly improved compared to the kindled controls. The mechanisms of action of the two drugs are considered. The favourable of nootropic drugs in cases of amnesia provoked by PTZ-kindling might be of interest in clinical practice.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Spectral analysis of RR interval and systolic arterial pressure variabilities may provide indirect markers of the balance between sympathetic and vagal cardiovascular control. METHODS AND RESULTS: We examined the relationship between power spectral measurements of variabilities in RR interval, systolic arterial pressure, and muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) obtained by microneurography over a range of blood pressures. In eight healthy human volunteers, MSNA, RR interval, intra-arterial pressure, and respiration were measured during blood pressure reductions induced by nitroprusside and during blood pressure increases induced by phenylephrine. Both low-frequency (LF; 0.10 +/- 0.01 Hz) and high-frequency (HF; 0.23 +/- 0.01 Hz) components were detected in MSNA variability. Increasing levels of MSNA were associated with a shift of the spectral power toward its LF component. Decreasing levels of MSNA were associated with a shift of MSNA spectral power toward the HF component. Over the range of pressure changes, the LF component of MSNA variability was positively and tightly correlated with LF components of RR interval (in normalized units; P < 10(-6)) and of systolic arterial pressure variability (both in millimeters of mercury squared and normalized units; P < 5 x 10(-5) and P < 5 x 10(-6), respectively). The HF component of MSNA variability was positively and tightly correlated with the HF component (in normalized units) of RR-interval variability (P < 3 x 10(-4)) and of systolic arterial pressure variability (P < .01). CONCLUSIONS: During sympathetic activation in normal humans, there is a predominance in the LF oscillation of blood pressure, RR interval, and sympathetic nerve activity. During sympathetic inhibition, the HF component of cardiovascular variability predominates. This relationship is best seen when power spectral components are normalized for total power. Synchronous changes in the LF and HF rhythms of both RR interval and MSNA during different levels of sympathetic drive are suggestive of common central mechanisms governing both parasympathetic and sympathetic cardiovascular modulation.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to clarify how the regional differentiation of sympathetic nerve activity (SNA) is modified during natural sleep in humans. In humans, muscle and skin sympathetic nerve activities (MSNA, SSNA) have been reported to discharge independently according to a regional differentiation of SNA during wakefulness. However, in natural sleep, MSNA and SSNA have been documented to synchronize during sleep stage 2 (Rechtschaffen and Kales). In the present study, we measured MSNA and SSNA simultaneously using a double recording technique of microneurography in eight healthy volunteers during natural sleep, and analyzed how MSNA and SSNA can be synchronized. We found that the synchronicity of MSNA and SSNA was accelerated in correlation with the deepening of the non-rapid eye movement (nonREM) sleep stages. We also documented that the burst properties of MSNA different from those of SSNA in wakefulness become similar to those of SSNA in the sleep stage, and MSNA synchronizes with SSNA. The synchronicity of MSNA and SSNA is presumably caused by a reduced effect of central inhibitory baroreflex pathways on MSNA during nonREM sleep. The present findings suggest that the regional differentiation of sympathetic nerve activity is attenuated with the deepening of nonREM sleep stages.  相似文献   

To clarify the functional mechanism of the Esmarch device in the treatment of sleep apnea, its effect on muscle activity during sleep was studied electromyographically with and without the appliance at the inferior head of the lateral pterygoid muscle, the genioglossal muscle, and the masseter muscle in 15 patients with sleep apnea syndrome. During the obstructive apnea the muscles showed significantly lower amplitudes than before the apnea. No significant decrease in the amplitude was observed during the central apnea, but, after the obstructive and central apnea, significantly higher amplitudes were seen than beforehand. The amplitudes rose after the placement of the appliance, and the amplitudes of the genioglossal and lateral pterygoid muscles during obstructive apnea increased significantly after the insertion of the appliance. The results suggest that the device can activate the masticatory and tongue muscle activity and indicate that the muscles activated with the appliance can prevent obstruction in the oropharynx. The Esmarch device not only helps avoid obstruction by mandibular protraction, but also affects function by activating the muscles.  相似文献   

Ethanol consumption slows down the rate of hepatic protein catabolism. The present study was conducted to determine whether ethanol consumption, given by voluntary (pair) feeding or by intragastric administration, affected the peptidase activities of the proteasome in rat liver. Rats were pair-fed liquid diets containing either ethanol or isocaloric maltose-dextrin. A separate group of animals was intragastrically infused continuously with similar liquid diets containing either ethanol or isocaloric dextrose. Crude liver homogenates and their cytosolic fractions were assayed for their chymotrypsin-like (Cht-L), trypsin-like (T-L), and peptidyl-glutamyl-peptide hydrolase (PGPH) activities, using specific fluorogenic peptides as substrates. Voluntary ethanol feeding did not affect the three peptidase activities of the proteasome. However, intragastric ethanol administration caused a 35% to 40% decline in the Cht-L and the T-L activities, but did not significantly change the PGPH activity. The lower peptidase activities in cytosol samples from intragastrically ethanol-fed rats were not restored to control levels by overnight dialysis, nor by the inclusion of low levels of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) or of 0.5 mmol/L adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in the proteasome assay mixture. Immunoblot analyses using anti-rat liver proteaseome exhibited equal levels of immunoreactive proteasome subunits in livers of control and ethanol-fed rats. Similar results were obtained when blots were probed with antibody made specifically against the proteasome subunit, LMP-7. The results indicate that intragastric, but not voluntary, ethanol consumption differentially affects the separate catalytic activities of the proteasome without affecting its steady-state levels. Such changes may be related to the degree of ethanol-induced oxidative stress.  相似文献   

The intravenous (i.v.) steroid anesthetic, eltanolone, compares favorably to propofol with respect to its induction characteristics. This double-blind investigation was designed to compare the induction and recovery profile of eltanolone (versus propofol) when it was used for both induction and maintenance of ambulatory anesthesia. Eighty-three consenting ASA physical status I-III outpatients undergoing minor gynecologic or urologic procedures lasting 10-40 min were randomly assigned to one of three anesthetic treatment groups. All patients received midazolam, 2 mg i.v., and fentanyl, 50 micrograms i.v., before induction of anesthesia. The control group (Group 1) was induced with propofol, 2.4 mg/kg i.v. (18-60 yr or ASA physical status I or II) or 1.6 mg/kg i.v. (61-80 yr and/or ASA physical status III), followed by intermittent bolus doses of 0.6 mg/kg i.v. in combination with N2O 67% for maintenance of anesthesia. In Group 2, anesthesia was induced with eltanolone, 0.75 mg/kg i.v., (18-60 yr and/or ASA physical status I or II) or 0.5 mg/kg i.v. (61-80 yr and/or ASA physical status III), and maintained with intermittent bolus injections of 0.2 mg/kg i.v. and N2O 67%. Group 3 received eltanolone, 1.0 mg/kg i.v. (18-60 yr and/or ASA physical status I or II), or 0.75 mg/kg i.v. (61-80 yr and/or ASA physical status III), followed by intermittent bolus injections of 0.2 mg/kg i.v. and N2O 67%. In addition to recording the induction and recovery times and side effects, psychomotor testing was performed before and at 30-min intervals after anesthesia. Induction times (57 +/- 23, 67 +/- 26, and 61 +/- 22s, respectively) were similar in all three groups. Although eltanolone produced no pain on injection (versus 52% in the propofol group), 10% of the eltanolone-treated patients (versus none in the propofol group) developed transient cutaneous (rash-like) reactions. The total dose of study medication used during the anesthetic period was 9.2 +/- 3.7 mg.kg-1.h-1 in the propofol group compared with 3.3 +/- 1.4 mg.kg-1.h-1 and 3.3 +/- 1.9 mg.kg-1.h-1 in Groups 2 and 3, respectively. Early recovery times were significantly shorter after propofol anesthesia. However, times to ambulation, micturition, and being judged "fit for discharge," as well as recovery of cognitive function, were similar in all three groups. Although ethanolone seems to be a safe and effective i.v. anesthetic, these data suggest that it is unlikely to replace propofol in the ambulatory setting. Implications: Eltanolone is an investigational steroid anesthetic that causes less pain on injection and less cardiovascular depression than propofol (the most widely used intravenous anesthetic in the outpatient setting). Unfortunately, emergence from anesthesia after ambulatory surgery is slower with eltanolone compared with propofol. Therefore, it is unlikely that eltanolone will replace propofol for outpatient anesthesia.  相似文献   

The dynamics of EEG spindle frequency activity (SFA; spectral power density in the 12.25-15.0 Hz range) and its relationship to slow-wave activity (SWA; 0.75-4.5 Hz) were investigated in long sleep episodes (> 12 h). Young healthy men went to bed at either 19:00 h (early sleep; prior waking 36 h, n = 9) or 24:00 h (late sleep; prior waking 17 h, n = 8). In both nights, SWA in non-rapid-eye-movement sleep (NREMS) decreased over the first three to four 1.5-h intervals and remained at a low level in the subsequent five to six 1.5-h intervals. In contrast, the changes of SFA were more variable and differed between the lower (12.25-13.0 Hz), middle (13.25-14.0 Hz) and higher frequency bin (14.25-15.0 Hz). A pronounced influence of time of day was present in the lower and higher SFA bin, when the dynamics were analyzed with respect to clock time. In both the early and late sleep condition, power density in the lower bin was highest between 2:00 and 5:00 h in the morning and decreased thereafter. In the higher bin, power density was low in the early morning hours and increased as sleep was extended into the daytime hours. The results provide further evidence for a frequency-specific circadian modulation of SFA which becomes more evident at a time when SWA is low.  相似文献   

Despite the substantial experimental literature that has accrued on factors associated with a reduction in neglect, few empirical studies have attempted to extrapolate these findings to clinical assessment and evaluate the efficacy of neglect-reducing strategies on patient performance. The current study developed a modified version of the Raven's Coloured Progressive Matrices (RCPM) by aligning the response alternatives in a column, in the right hemispace. Three groups of patients (right brain-damaged (RBD) with neglect, RBD without neglect, and orthopaedic controls) were administered abbreviated versions of the revised format, and performance was compared to the standard presentation format. The efficacy of left cues with the revised format was also investigated. Presence of neglect was assessed via the Schenkenberg Line Bisection Task and the Bells Test. Results showed a significant performance decrement among RBD neglect patients under all conditions. However, contrary to predictions, RBD neglect patients did not reveal significantly better performance on the revised version as compared to the standard presentation format. No significant effects associated with left side cueing were observed. The finding that no significant performance changes emerged as a function of stimulus modification and verbal prompts suggests that, although these manipulations may be employed by clinicians to maximize patient performance, empirical support for the efficacy of these procedures is lacking.  相似文献   

We measured electromyograms (EMGs) of genioglossus muscle (GG) and inspiratory intercostal muscle (IIM) in both rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and non-REM sleep of 12 patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) to examine the influence of different sleep stages on upper airway muscle activity during sleep apnea. Quantifications of both muscle activities were assessed by their individual peak amplitude of integrated inspiratory EMG. Genioglossus and IIM activities showed a qualitatively similar cyclic change with an alteration of apneic and ventilatory phases during both non-REM and REM sleep. Both muscle activities increased gradually in the late apneic phase and reached each peak at the opening of the upper airway and, subsequently, decreased gradually. There were no significant differences in both muscles activities in either the ventilatory or early apneic phase between non-REM sleep and REM sleep. On the other hand, GG and IIM activities in the late apneic phase during REM sleep were significantly lower than those during non-REM sleep. The relative activity of GG to IIM in the late apneic phase was significantly lower during REM sleep than that during non-REM sleep. These results indicate that upper airway and intercostal muscle activation in the later apneic phase during REM sleep were inhibited compared with those during non-REM sleep and that this inhibition was observed predominantly in upper airway muscles.  相似文献   

Recently, several systems of topical antibiotic administration have been investigated. Most systems use sustained release devices to obtain high levels of antibiotics in the deepened periodontal pockets. Metronidazole and tetracycline can be administered without causing systemic side-effects. All systems summarized in this article are to be used after scaling and root planing of the diseased sites to increase the effect of the mechanical treatment.  相似文献   

We examined muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) in the nonexercising lower limb during repetitive static quadriceps contraction paradigm at 25% maximal voluntary contraction in eight men. Subjects performed 20-s contractions with 5-s rest periods for up to 12 contractions. Although the workload was constant, we found that MSNA amplitude rose as a function of contraction number [0.6 ln (amplitude/min)/contraction]; this suggests chemical sensitization of the muscle reflex response. We employed signal-averaging techniques and then integrated the data to examine the onset latency of the MSNA response as a function of the 25-s contraction-rest period. We observed an onset latency of approximately 4-6 s. Moreover, although the onset latency did not appear to vary as a function of contraction number, the rate of MSNA increase took approximately four contractions to reach a steady-state rate of rise; this suggests contraction-induced sensitization. The onset latency reported here is similar to findings in recent animal studies, but it is at odds with latencies determined in prior human handgrip contraction studies. We believe our data suggest that 1) mechanically sensitive afferents contribute importantly to the MSNA response to the paradigm employed and 2) these afferents may be sensitized by the chemical products of muscle contraction.  相似文献   

Regulators of G-protein signalling (RGS) are recently identified proteins that shorten the lifetime of the activated G protein. We now show that rat cardiac myocytes express mRNA for at least 10 RGS. The mRNA for RGS-r is barely detectable in rat ventricles, but increases more than 20-fold during the 60- to 90-min process of isolating ventricular myocytes, and after 90 min of culture of atrial pieces in medium with Ca2+. Both in myocytes and in atria, the rise in RGS-r is transient. The mRNA for cardiac RGS5, but not RGS-r, is developmentally regulated. These studies suggest that rapid regulation of RGS levels may be a new mechanism that governs how signals are transmitted across the cardiac cell membrane.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to develop a method of studying the effects of mandibular advancement on oropharyngeal airway dimensions in the sagittal plane in conscious, supine patients. Six white, dentate, male patients with proven obstructive sleep apnoea had sagittal fluoroscopic recordings taken in the resting supine position. Images were recorded at four frames per second as the mandible was advanced with the teeth in contact to maximum protrusion and then opened. Software in the fluoroscopic imaging system permitted measurement of the change in mandibular position together with oropharyngeal airway dimensions expressed as the narrowest dimension observable in the post-palatal and post-lingual sites. Plotting of airway dimensions during mandibular advancement enabled estimation of the degree of protrusion associated with maximal airway benefits. Progressive mandibular advancement produced variable adaptive changes in the post-palatal and post-lingual regions of the oropharynx. The amount of airway opening appeared to be related to the horizontal and vertical relationships of the face and to the dimensions of the soft palate. The changes in post-palatal and post-lingual airway dimensions were not always identical, despite the observation that both tongue and soft palate were seen to move in unison, with close contact being maintained between the two structures. Jaw opening resulted in synchronous posterior movement of both tongue and soft palate, with consequent narrowing of oropharyngeal airspace. Fluoroscopy is a simple method of assessing upper airway changes with mandibular advancement in the conscious patient. The technique should facilitate the selection of subjects for whom mandibular advancement would seem advantageous. The nature of the adaptive response is dependent on individual structural variation. It is suggested that, where artificial mandibular advancement with dental devices is considered beneficial, jaw opening should be kept to a minimum.  相似文献   

Acoustic myography (AMG) offers some advantages over electromyography (EMG) in certain circumstances, but the use of AMG on the jaw-closing muscles has not been fully tested. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between AMG, EMG and force in the masseter muscles of nine healthy male subjects. The AMG was recorded using a piezoelectric crystal microphone and the EMG was recorded simultaneously with surface electrodes. Force was recorded between the anterior teeth with a strain-gauge transducer. Analysis showed that Pearson's correlation coefficient was 0.913 for force/AMG and 0.973 for force/EMG in all subjects, indicating a linear relationship between force, AMG and EMG at the four different force levels tested (25-75% of maximum). It is apparent that AMG may be used as an accurate monitor of masseter muscle force production, although some care is required in the technique.  相似文献   

Pain has been shown to have an effect on muscle activity even when it does not originate in the muscle itself or in the related joint. The effect of pain from arch wire adjustment on jaw muscle activity is unclear. This study systematically evaluated the effects of orthodontic arch wire adjustment pain on masseter electromyographic (EMG) activity and on the swallowing threshold. The EMG recordings were made on 22 subjects (ages 11 to 15) under three conditions: chewing five peanuts (10 seconds), watching TV chewing gum (15 minutes), and watching TV with no gum (15 minutes). An arch wire adjustment or placebo adjustment was then made. Subjects returned after 48 hours, and the EMG measurements were made under the same conditions. After 3 weeks, subjects received arch wire or placebo treatment in a crossover design with identical recording procedures. The EMG levels while chewing peanuts decreased in 18 of 22 subjects after treatment, compared with 9 of 22 subjects after the placebo. While watching TV with gum, the EMG levels of 20 of 22 subjects decreased after treatment, compared with 9 of 22 subjects after the placebo. The number of chewing strokes before swallowing increased significantly after treatment compared with after placebo. The results suggest that orthodontic pain on teeth tend to reduce muscle activity during function.  相似文献   

Regional limb blood flow has been measured with dilution techniques (cardio-green or thermodilution) and ultrasound Doppler. When applied to the femoral artery and vein at rest and during dynamical exercise these methods give similar reproducible results. The blood flow in the femoral artery is approximately 0.3 L min(-1) at rest and increases linearly with dynamical knee-extensor exercise as a function of the power output to 6-10 L min[-1] (Q= 1.94 + 0.07 load). Considering the size of the knee-extensor muscles, perfusion during peak effort may amount to 2-3 L kg(-1) min(-1), i.e. approximately 100-fold elevation from rest. The onset of hyperaemia is very fast at the start of exercise with T 1/2 of 2-10 s related to the power output with the muscle pump bringing about the very first increase in blood flow. A steady level is reached within approximately 10-150 s of exercise. At all exercise intensities the blood flow fluctuates primarily due to the variation in intramuscular pressure, resulting in a phase shift with the pulse pressure as a superimposed minor influence. Among the many vasoactive compounds likely to contribute to the vasodilation after the first contraction adenosine is a primary candidate as it can be demonstrated to (1) cause a change in limb blood flow when infused i.a., that is similar in time and magnitude as observed in exercise, and (2) become elevated in the interstitial space (microdialysis technique) during exercise to levels inducing vasodilation. NO appears less likely since NOS blockade with L-NMMA causing a reduced blood flow at rest and during recovery, it has no effect during exercise. Muscle contraction causes with some delay (60 s) an elevation in muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA), related to the exercise intensity. The compounds produced in the contracting muscle activating the group IIl-IV sensory nerves (the muscle reflex) are unknown. In small muscle group exercise an elevation in MSNA may not cause vasoconstriction (functional sympatholysis). The mechanism for functional sympatholysis is still unknown. However, when engaging a large fraction of the muscle mass more intensely during exercise, the MSNA has an important functional role in maintaining blood pressure by limiting blood flow also to exercising muscles.  相似文献   

Enzymatically formed peptides show positional variations as well as highly conserved amino acids. In the cases of gramicidin S, tyrocidine, linear gramicidins, enniatins, echinocandins and viridogrisein in vivo and in vitro studies indicate substrate selection at the level of amino acid activation as a major control step. Evidence for proof-reading steps beyond activation has been obtained in penicillin and cyclosporin biosynthesis. Activated substrate analogues may promote the formation of side products such as dipeptides and cyclodipeptides. Modifications of intermediates, such as N-methylation, influence the rates of peptide synthesis. These control steps pose limitations for the application of such enzyme systems in the production of peptide libraries. They may originate from a target oriented evolution of these synthetases.  相似文献   

We have shown previously that head-down neck flexion (HDNF) in humans elicits increases in muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA). The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of neck muscle afferents on MSNA. We studied this question by measuring MSNA before and after head rotation that would activate neck muscle afferents but not the vestibular system (i.e., no stimulation of the otolith organs or semicircular canals). After a 3-min baseline period with the head in the normal erect position, subjects rotated their head to the side (approximately 90%) and maintained this position for 3 min. Head rotation was performed by the subjects in both the prone (n = 5) and sitting (n = 6) positions. Head rotation did not elicit changes in MSNA. Average MSNA, expressed as burst frequency and total activity, was 13 +/- 1 and 13 +/- 1 bursts/min and 146 +/-34 and 132 +/- 27 units/min during baseline and head rotation, respectively. There were no significant changes in calf blood flow (2.6 +/- 0.3 to 2.5 +/- 0.3 ml.100 ml-1.min-1, n = 8) and calf vascular resistance (39 +/- 4 to 41 +/- 4 units; n = 8). Heart rate (64 +/- 3 to 66 +/- 3 beats/min; P = 0.058) and mean arterial pressure (90 +/- 3 to 93 +/- 3; P < 0.05) increased slightly during head rotation. Additional neck flexion studies were performed with subjects lying on their side (n = 5), MSNA, heart rate, and mean arterial pressure were unchanged during this maneuver, which also does not engage the vestibular system. HDNF was tested in 9 of the 13 subjects. MSNA was significantly increased by 79 +/- 12% (P < 0.001) during HDNF. These findings indicate that neck afferents activated by horizontal neck rotation or flexion in the absence of significant force development do not elicit changes in MSNA. These findings support the concept that HDNF increases MSNA by the activation of the vestibular system.  相似文献   

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