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Pollutant load reductions are often required to restore aquatic ecosystems experiencing eutrophication. Loads can be estimated using watershed models or data from monitoring stations, however data availability can limit the timeliness or comprehensiveness of the load estimates. We developed an approach to address this challenge that used watershed model results to estimate the proportion of annual nonpoint source nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and sediment (Sed) loads derived from unmonitored catchments. This proportion was multiplied by the nonpoint portion of United States Geological Survey (USGS) estimated annual river loads to account for annual variation in hydrologic conditions. Total loads were calculated as the sum of measured river loads, reported point sources from unmonitored areas and the estimated nonpoint source loads from unmonitored catchments. We applied this approach to the Chesapeake Bay because of its socio‐economic and ecological importance. Median watershed loads for N, P and Sed were 140, 6.4 and 3030 Mg year?1, respectively (1990–2004). Nonpoint source loads from the monitored areas constituted the greatest source of N, P and Sed (55, 47 and 74% respectively) to the Bay. The high N, P and Sed yield rates (7.3, 0.38 and 99 kg ha?1 year?1, respectively) from nonpoint loads originating from unmonitored areas near the Bay resulted in 25, 32 and 26% (N, P and Sed, respectively) of the Bay's total loads (excluding direct atmospheric deposition, shoreline erosion and oceanic inputs). Disproportionately high loads of P and Seds were associated with years that experienced elevated discharge whereas N loads were directly related to discharge. Error estimates indicated that our methods were most reliable for N (±6%) but reasonable for P (±22%) and provide an effective technique for the timely estimation of pollutant loads from watersheds with unmonitored catchments. Management strategies that decrease N deposition and reduce runoff to control P and Sed transport will effectively reduce pollutant loads. Published in 2010 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper examines the tributary monitoring network currently in place for sampling the amount of phosphorus entering the U.S. Great Lakes, focusing on the challenges faced by the agencies and organizations responsible for maintaining the network. The tributaries that are monitored vary in terms of flow, the size and terrain of the watershed being drained, and patterns of land use. Data generated by this network are used by researchers to compute lake-wide phosphorus loads. In this work, the primary drivers and challenges associated with operating an effective phosphorus tributary monitoring program were investigated through interviews with stakeholders responsible for managing a portion of the existing network. Based on these interviews, the authors identify three recommendations that policy makers interested in maintaining an effective phosphorus monitoring network in the Great Lakes should consider. The first is to provide states with incentives to support the long-term monitoring that is required to estimate phosphorus loads in tributaries to the Great Lakes; currently, most states design their programs to meet the requirements of the Clean Water Act, which results in patterns of sampling that are not necessarily useful for computing loads. The second recommendation is to facilitate the creation of a monitoring protocol that generates enough samples to identify trends and quantify loads at a level of certainty necessary for use in statistical models and load control programs. Finally, funding mechanisms capable of supporting long-term monitoring programs need to be established, with programs in Michigan and Minnesota serving as potential models.  相似文献   

Water quality (WQ) in many Great Lake tributaries has been degraded (increased nutrient and sediment concentrations) due to changes in their watersheds, resulting in downstream eutrophication. As part of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, specific goals were established for loading of specific constituents (e.g., phosphorus). In 2010, the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative was launched to identify problem areas, accelerate restoration efforts, and track their progress. In 2011, the U.S. Geological Survey established a monitoring program on 30 tributaries to the lakes, representing ~ 46% of the U.S. draining area and the spectrum of land uses. Discrete measurements of nutrients and suspended sediment, and continuous measurements of flow and WQ surrogates (turbidity, temperature, specific conductance, pH, and dissolved oxygen) are being collected in these tributaries to document their WQ and estimate continuous (5-min) loading. To estimate loadings, two regression models were developed for each constituent for each site: one using continuous flow and a seasonality factor; and one using flow, seasonality, and continuous surrogates. Variables included in the final models for each constituent were chosen from the explanatory variables that worked “best” for all sites. In computing loads, when continuous surrogate data were unavailable for short periods, loads were computed using the flow and seasonality models. Prediction intervals for all loads were calculated using results from both models. These results provide a better understanding of short-term variability and long-term changes in loading affecting the environmental health of the Great Lakes than traditional regression techniques that employ only flow and seasonality parameters.  相似文献   

As a result of increased harmful algal blooms and hypoxia in Lake Erie, the US and Canada revised their phosphorus loading targets under the 2012 Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement. The focus of this paper is the Detroit River and its watershed, a source of 25% of the total phosphorus (TP) load to Lake Erie. Its load declined 37% since 1998, due chiefly to improvements at the regional Great Lakes Water Authority Water Resource Recovery Facility (WRRF) in Detroit and phosphorus sequestered by zebra and quagga mussels in Lake Huron. In addition to the 54% of the load from Lake Huron, nonpoint sources contribute 57% of the TP load and 50% of the dissolved reactive phosphorus load, with the remaining balance from point sources. After Lake Huron, the largest source is the WRRF, which has already reduced its load by over 40%. Currently, loads from Lake Huron and further reductions from the WRRF are not part of the reduction strategy, therefore remaining watershed sources will need to decline by 72% to meet the Water Quality Agreement target - a daunting challenge. Because other urban sources are very small, most of the reduction would have to come from agriculturally-dominated lands. The most effective way to reduce those loads is to apply combinations of practices like cover crops, buffer strips, wetlands, and applying fertilizer below the soil surface on the lands with the highest phosphorus losses. However, our simulations suggest even extensive conservation on those lands may not be enough.  相似文献   

To support the 2012 Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement on reducing Lake Erie's phosphorus inputs, we integrated US and Canadian data to update and extend total phosphorus (TP) loads into and out of the St. Clair-Detroit River System for 1998–2016. The most significant changes were decreased loads from Lake Huron caused by mussel-induced oligotrophication of the lake, and decreased loads from upgraded Great Lakes Water Authority sewage treatment facilities in Detroit. By comparing Lake St. Clair inputs and outputs, we demonstrated that on average the lake retains 20% of its TP inputs. We also identified for the first time that loads from resuspended Lake Huron sediment were likely not always detected in US and Canadian monitoring programs due to mismatches in sampling and resuspension event frequencies, substantially underestimating the load. This additional load increased over time due to climate-induced decreases in Lake Huron ice cover and increases in winter storm frequencies. Given this more complete load inventory, we estimated that to reach a 40% reduction in the Detroit River TP load to Lake Erie, accounting for the missed load, point and non-point sources other than that coming from Lake Huron and the atmosphere would have to be reduced by at least 50%. We also discuss the implications of discontinuous monitoring efforts.  相似文献   

Variation in the timing and quantity of diffuse versus point-source inputs of phosphorus (P) to streams can be evaluated by examining P concentration-flow relationships. Diffuse load inputs usually increase with stream flow (due to increased delivery caused by precipitation); whereas, point-source concentrations decrease with rising river flow (due to increased dilution). This study tested the suitability of a load apportionment model (LAM), a power-law function of flow, to estimate contributions of diffuse and point inputs to P loads for eight sub-watersheds in the Red River Valley, a cold-climate rural region of Manitoba, Canada. For all but two sub-watersheds, annual and seasonal (snowmelt and summer) models of P concentration versus flow best fit a strictly diffuse source contribution. The models identified significant point-source inputs (in addition to diffuse sources) in two sub-watersheds, during summer in both watersheds (consistent with the fact that wastewater from sewage lagoons is discharged to upstream reaches between June and September) and during snowmelt for one watershed. Application of a LAM proved to be a simple and rapid method for nutrient source apportionment as well as detection of unknown sources for cold-climate, rural sub-watersheds. Such information is critical for developing the most effective mitigation strategies to reduce P concentrations and eutrophication risk.  相似文献   

Over the last century geological studies of the ancestral Great Lakes have confirmed that the large surface load of the Laurentide ice sheet deformed the region causing tilting of ancient lake shorelines. Models of this glacial isostatic adjustment mechanism have promoted understanding of this process but have only included ice sheet loads as the source of earth deformation in the region. We describe a method, utilizing a model of glacial isostatic adjustment combined with GIS, that recreates the paleohydrology of the Great Lakes. Predictions include the extent of late glacial, postglacial, and Holocene lakes and their associated outlets and bathymetries. This predicted history of the Great Lakes is similar to that obtained from a century of detailed field studies but our method uses only the present digital elevation model, a prescribed ice sheet chronology, and an assumed earth viscoelastic rheology. Ancient lake bathymetry predictions provide an estimate of water loads associated with each lake. The effect of these lake loads upon vertical deformation of the Great Lakes region is shown to be small, less than 15 m, but not insignificant when compared to approximately 150 m of deformation forced by ice and ocean loads. Maximum lake-induced deformation is centered upon Lake Superior where water depths were greatest. Where topography is low relief, prediction of shoreline locations should include the lake loading effect as well as the ice and ocean loads.  相似文献   

The Laurentian Great Lakes Watershed (LGLW) is a complex socio-ecological system that spans the United States and Canada and includes Anishinaabe Nations, the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, and Métis Nations. However, this system contains overlapping political and ecological boundaries that do not conform, obscuring a true geographic definition of the LGLW and complicating the inclusion of population data in policy and social-ecological systems research. In this Short Communication, we provide a spatial framework for assessing the LGLW population using the watershed footprint under the Great Lakes Commission’s jurisdiction with international consistency to support regional science and policy, and discuss challenges in accurately assessing Indigenous areas. Using the best available sources, we estimate a population of 38,327,681 people (2015–2019) within the watershed and 133,737 residents within government-delineated Indigenous, First Nation, and Métis census areas of 2021.  相似文献   

A multi-disciplinary, multi-institutional research team evaluated a broad range of physical and biological characteristics at six Great Lakes nearshore sites in order to develop and test a conceptual modeling framework to assess linkages between bluff erosion, sediment supply, coastal processes, and biological utilization of nearshore and coastal habitats. The sites were chosen to represent a broad range of hydrogeomorphic conditions, with the objective of assessing the response of these nearshore systems to anthropogenic modifications and coastal change. As a result of this 2-year field effort, new methods and integrated approaches were developed to characterize, map, and assess the dynamic nature of the nearshore zone (area generally less than 10 m water depth). Thus, these data provide an initial quantitative assessment of nearshore change. In addition, our data indicate that shoreline modifications have led to cumulative impacts that have irreversibly modified Great Lakes nearshore coastal habitats and the processes that create and maintain them. Of special note is our observation that altered nearshore substrate dynamics resulting from shoreline modifications may enhance the colonization success of lithophilic aquatic invasive species in nearshore areas of the Great Lakes. Continued development of the shoreline may exacerbate changes in Great Lakes nearshore food-web structures and ecosystem services. Further study and monitoring of these phenomena are needed, and our work suggests that a holistic, multidisciplinary approach is necessary to develop effective management strategies to address these and other issues affecting nearshore areas of the Great Lakes.  相似文献   

The Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement specifies “fish tumors or other deformities” as one of the 14 beneficial use impairments that can be used to declare a geographic area within the Great Lakes an Area of Concern (AOC). The International Joint Commission has suggested that the fish tumor impairment can be delisted when fish tumor incidence in the AOC does not exceed rates at unimpacted control sites. This paper presents a statistical technique utilizing Bayesian hierarchical logistic models to estimate tumor incidence on brown bullheads (Ameiurus nebulosus) in an AOC and in candidate least impacted control sites (LICS). Liver and skin tumor incidence are estimated using age, length, weight, and gender as possible covariates using a hierarchical framework to account for a sampling design in which sites are sampled over multiple years and/or at multiple sublocations within the site. By utilizing a Bayesian approach, estimates of uncertainty for tumor incidence in sites with no observed tumors can be obtained. The posterior distributions of tumor incidence can then be used to identify LICS for the watershed and subsequently compare the tumor incidence in the AOC to the LICS using a Bayesian form of the two one-side tests for equivalence procedure. Presque Isle Bay (Erie, PA) in the Lake Erie watershed is used as a case study to demonstrate the technique.  相似文献   

Great Lakes coastal wetlands provide critical habitat and food resources for more species than any other Great Lakes ecosystem. Due to past and current anthropogenic disturbances, coastal wetland area has been reduced by >50% while remaining habitat is frequently degraded. Invasive mute swans have contributed to the degradation of coastal wetlands by removing submergent vegetation and competitively excluding native species from breeding areas and food resources. Despite current control practices, mute swan population estimates in Michigan are ~8000, comparable to population estimates in the entire Atlantic Flyway of North America. We collected local abiotic data and adjacent land cover data at 3 scales from 51 sites during 2010 and 2011 and conducted 2 mute swan detection surveys each year during the summer and fall. We developed a single-species, single-season occupancy-based habitat suitability model to determine current and potential mute swan habitat among Great Lakes coastal wetlands. We found mute swans occupied heterotrophic coastal wetlands adjacent to urban areas, which were high in ammonium and oxidation-reduction potential and low in nitrates, dissolved oxygen, and turbidity. Our model provides managers with a valuable tool for rapidly identifying mute swan habitat areas for control efforts, particularly the need for targeting mute swan populations in or near urbanized areas. Our model will also aid managers in monitoring areas that mute swans may invade and prioritizing coastal wetland areas for restoration efforts.  相似文献   

This paper presents a synthesis of traditional and recently published work regarding the origin and evolution of the Great Lakes. It differs from previously published reviews by focusing on three topics critical to the development of the Great Lakes: the glaciation of the Great Lakes watershed during the late Cenozoic, the evolution of the Great Lakes since the last glacial maximum, and the record of lake levels and coastal erosion in modern times.The Great Lakes are a product of glacial scour and were partially or totally covered by glacier ice at least six times since 0.78 Ma. During retreat of the last ice sheet large proglacial lakes developed in the Great Lakes watershed. Their levels and areas varied considerably as the oscillating ice margin opened and closed outlets at differing elevations and locations; they were also significantly affected by channel downcutting, crustal rebound, and catastrophic inflows from other large glacial lakes.Today, lake level changes of about a 1/3 m annually, and up to 2 m over 10 to 20 year time periods, are mainly climatically-driven. Various engineering works provide small control on lake levels for some but not all the Great Lakes. Although not as pronounced as former changes, these subtle variations in lake level have had a significant effect on shoreline erosion, which is often a major concern of coastal residents.  相似文献   

A database of nearly 500 analyses of perchlorate in water samples from the Laurentian Great Lakes (LGL) watershed is presented, including samples from streams, from the Great Lakes and their connecting waters, with a special emphasis on Lake Erie. These data were assessed to test an earlier hypothesis that loading of perchlorate to the LGL watershed is relatively uniform. Higher perchlorate concentrations in streams in more developed and urban areas appear to indicate higher rates of loading from anthropogenic sources in these areas. Variable perchlorate concentrations in samples from Lake Erie indicate transient (un-mixed) conditions, and suggest loss by microbial degradation, focused in the central basin of that lake. Interpretation of the data included estimation of annual loading by streams in various sub-watersheds, and simulations (steady state and transient state) of the mass balance of perchlorate in the Great Lakes. The results suggest uneven loading from atmospheric deposition and other sources.  相似文献   

Communities throughout the Great Lakes basin are developing and implementing watershed management plans to address non-point sources of pollution and meet Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) requirements. Investigating sources of microbial contamination in key streams and creeks is critical for the development of effective watershed management plans. This work aims to present an approach that will facilitate source identification. In addition to conventional indicator analysis, the approach includes molecular analysis of species-specific markers and microbial community diversity analysis. We characterized microbial pollution in the Sloan Creek subwatershed in Ingham County MI, an impaired area, located in the Great Lakes Basin. To identify pollution sources (human or animal) and major sites of origin (tributaries with highest pollution loads) water samples were collected from three locations in the subwatershed representing the main creek upstream, main creek downstream, and tributary. A fecal indicator (E. coli) and host-specific human and bovine-associated Bacteroides genetic markers were quantified in all water samples. Results indicated that 54% of the samples from the three locations exceeded the recreational E.coli water quality guidelines. High concentrations of both human and bovine associated-Bacteroides indicated influence of multiple sources of fecal contamination. Statistical tests showed significantly different water characteristics between two of the sampling locations. Whole genome shotgun sequencing indicated fecal and sewer signatures, wastewater metagenome, human gut metagenome, and rumen gut metagenome in the water samples. Results suggested that probable sources of contamination were leakage from septic systems and runoff from agriculture activities nearby to Sloan Creek.  相似文献   

Phosphorus load estimates have been updated for all of the Great Lakes with an emphasis on lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron and Ontario for 1994–2008. Lake Erie phosphorus loads have been kept current with previous work and for completeness are reported here. A combination of modeling and data analysis is employed to evaluate whether target loads established by the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement (GLWQA, 1978, Annex 3) have been and are currently being met. Data from federal, state, and provincial agencies were assembled and processed to yield annual estimates for all lakes and sources. A mass-balance model was used to check the consistency of loads and to estimate interlake transport. The analysis suggests that the GLWQA target loads have been consistently met for the main bodies of lakes Superior, Michigan and Huron. However, exceedances still persist for Saginaw Bay. For lakes Erie and Ontario, loadings are currently estimated to be at or just under the target (with some notable exceptions). Because interannual variability is high, the target loads have not been met consistently for the lower Great Lakes. The analysis also indicates that, because of decreasing TP concentrations in the lakes, interlake transport of TP has declined significantly since the mid-1970s. Thus, it is important that these changes be included in future assessments of compliance with TP load targets. Finally, detailed tables of the yearly (1994–2008) estimates are provided, as well as annual summaries by lake tributary basin (in Supplementary Information).  相似文献   

The Great Lakes “Priority Watershed” effort targeted the Upper East River watershed, a 116.5-km2 tributary watershed to Wisconsin's Green Bay, to reduce its sediment and nutrients loads from agricultural sources. A Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model was created to determine the effectiveness of agricultural Best Management Practices (BMPs) funded through the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative. The model was calibrated at the monthly time-step for flow, sediment, dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP), total phosphorus (TP), nitrate, and total nitrogen (TN). Field- and watershed-scale sediment and nutrient reductions were calculated due to the implementation of 74 BMP combinations on dairy and cash grain rotations. Modeling results indicated that when multiple BMPs were placed on a field, especially those including filter strips and grassed waterways, sediment and nutrient loads generally were reduced more than single BMP implementation. The most effective in-field practice at reducing DRP and TP on dairy fields was a combination of 5 different BMPs: cover crops, crop rotation, nutrient management plan, reduced tillage, and a filter strip. Conservation cover was the single most effective practice at reducing sediment and nutrient yields. Sediment and nutrient loads decreased at the watershed scale as the quantity and coverage of BMPs increased. When all contracted BMPs were simulated at the watershed scale, sediment loads were reduced 2%, while TP, DRP, TN and nitrate loads were reduced 20%, 9%, 24%, and 17%, respectively. Modeling scenarios also indicated that over-winter manure storage was important to keep soluble nutrients out of waterways.  相似文献   

The Great Lakes watersheds have an important influence on the water quality of the nearshore environment, therefore, watershed characteristics can be used to predict what will be observed in the streams. We used novel landscape information describing the forest cover change, along with forest census data and established land cover data to predict total phosphorus and turbidity in Great Lakes streams. In Lake Superior, we modeled increased phosphorus as a function of the increase in the proportion of persisting forest, forest disturbed during 2000–2009, and agricultural land, and we modeled increased turbidity as a function of the increase in the proportion of persisting forest, forest disturbed during 2000–2009, agricultural land, and urban land. In Lake Michigan, we modeled increased phosphorus as a function of ecoregion, decrease in the proportion of forest disturbed during 1984–1999 and watershed storage, and increase in the proportion of urban land, and we modeled increased turbidity as a function of ecoregion, increase in the proportion of forest disturbed during 2000–2009, and decrease in the proportion softwood forest. We used these relationships to identify priority areas for restoration in the Lake Superior basin in the southwestern watersheds, and in west central and southwest watersheds of the Lake Michigan basin. We then used the models to estimate water quality in watersheds without observed instream data to prioritize those areas for management. Prioritizing watersheds will aid effective management of the Great Lakes watershed and result in efficient use of restoration funds, which will lead to improved nearshore water quality.  相似文献   

The Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement (GLWQA) established new Lake Erie phosphorus loading targets, including a 40% total phosphorus load reduction to its western and central basins. The Detroit and Maumee rivers’ loads are roughly equal and contribute about 90% of the load to the western basin and 54% to the whole lake. They are key drivers of central basin hypoxia and western basin algal production. So, accurate estimates of the Detroit River load are important. Direct measurement of that load near its mouth is difficult due to requiring real-time knowledge of flows around islands and the influence of Lake Erie’s seiches. Consequently, most estimates sum the loads to the St. Clair/Detroit River system. But this approach is complicated by uncertainties in the Lake Huron load and load retention in Lake St. Clair. Routine GLWQA reassessments will confirm or adjust over time the goals, loading targets, and approaches based on evolving information. So, there is a need to improve monitoring approaches that ensure accurate Detroit River loads. New approaches should take into account both the characteristics of this dynamic connecting channel and the uses of monitoring results: 1) determining the Detroit River loads to drive models, develop mass balances, set load reduction targets, and track progress; and 2) assessing the sources and processing of the loads to help guide reduction strategies. Herein, we review temporal and spatial variability in the St. Clair/Detroit River system, and suggest adjustments to monitoring that address those variabilities and both uses.  相似文献   

Atrazine is an herbicide used extensively throughout the Midwest corn belt, including the agricultural regions within the Great Lakes basin watershed. Measurements of atrazine concentrations in the Great Lakes are few, however, so knowledge of its current concentrations, persistence, and trends in this ecosystem is limited. A dynamic annual time step model was used to predict atrazine concentrations over time in the Great Lakes based on varied atrazine loading rates to the lakes (“most-likely” and “high” loading conditions). Four degradation scenarios were evaluated: no degradation, and atrazine degradation with half-lives of 2 years, 5 years, and 10 years. Predicted steady-state concentrations for all of the scenarios and all the Great Lakes ranged from 0.0024 to 0.88 μg/L. The number of years until steady-state conditions were achieved ranged from 4 to over 400 years. The most-likely loading rate and two-year half-life scenario had the lowest concentrations (0.0024 to 0.13 μg/L) and the fewest years (4 to 13 years) to achieve steady-state conditions. Available monitored atrazine concentrations in the Great Lakes are very similar to the most-likely loading rate and 2-year half-life scenario predicted values. Monitored and predicted concentrations in the Great Lakes indicate atrazine does not currently pose a toxicological risk to humans or aquatic organisms, and under current and expected lower loading rates should remain well below criteria values.  相似文献   

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