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An experimental study of hydrogen/air premixed flame propagation in a closed rectangular channel with the inhibitions (N2 or CO2) was conducted to investigate the inhibiting effect of N2 and CO2 on the flame properties during its propagation. Both Schlieren system and the pressure sensor were used to capture the evolution of flame shape and pressure changes in the channel. It was found that both N2 and CO2 have considerable inhibiting effect on hydrogen/air premixed flames. Compared with N2, CO2 has more prominent inhibition, which has been interpreted from thermal and kinetic standpoints. In all the flames, the classic tulip shape was observed. With different inhibitor concentration, the flame demonstrated three types of deformation after the classic tulip inversion. A simple theoretical analysis has also been conducted to indicate that the pressure wave generated upon the first flame-wall contact can affect the flame deformation depending on its meeting moment with the flame front. Most importantly, the meeting moment is always behind the start of tulip inversion, which suggests the non-dominant role of pressure wave on this featured phenomenon.  相似文献   

Hydrogen peroxide is generally considered to be an effective combustion promoter for different fuels. The effects of hydrogen peroxide on the combustion enhancement of premixed methane/air flames are investigated numerically using the PREMIX code of Chemkin collection 3.5 with the GRI-Mech 3.0 chemical kinetic mechanisms and detailed transport properties. To study into the enhancement behavior, hydrogen peroxide is used for two different conditions: (1) as the oxidizer substituent by partial replacement of air and (2) as the oxidizer supplier by using different concentrations of H2O2. Results show that the laminar burning velocity and adiabatic flame temperature of methane flame are significantly enhanced with H2O2 addition. Besides, the addition of H2O2 increases the CH4 consumption rate and CO production rate, but reduces CO2 productions. Nevertheless, using a lower volumetric concentration of H2O2 as an oxidizer is prone to reduce CO formation. The OH concentration is increased with increasing H2O2 addition due to apparent shifting of major reaction pathways. The increase of OH concentration significantly enhances the reaction rate leading to enhanced laminar burning velocity and combustion. As to NO emission, using H2O2 as an oxidizer will never produce NO, but NO emission will increase due to enhanced flame temperature when air is partially replaced by H2O2.  相似文献   

In this paper, large eddy simulation (LES) is performed to investigate the propagation characteristics of premixed hydrogen/methane/air flames in a closed duct. In LES, three stoichiometric hydrogen/methane/air mixtures with hydrogen fractions (volume fractions) of 0, 50% and 100% are used. The numerical results have been verified by comparison with experimental data. All stages of flame propagation that occurred in the experiment are reproduced qualitatively in LES. For fuel/air mixtures with hydrogen fractions of 0 and 50%, only four stages of “tulip” flame formation are observed, but when the hydrogen fraction is 100%, the distorted “tulip” flame appears after flame front inversion. In the acceleration stage, the LES and experimental flame speed and pressure dynamic coincide with each other, except for a hydrogen fraction of 0. After “tulip” flame formation, all LES and experimental flame propagation speeds and pressure dynamics exhibit the same trends for hydrogen fractions of 0 and 100%. However, when the hydrogen fraction is 50%, a slight periodic oscillation appears only in the experiment. In general, the different structures displayed in the flame front during flame propagation can be attributed to the interaction between the flame front, the vortex and the reverse flow formed in the unburned and burned zones.  相似文献   

An experimental and numerical study of premixed hydrogen/air flame propagation in a closed duct is presented. High-speed schlieren photography is used in the experiment to record the changes in flame shape and location. The pressure transient during the combustion is measured using a pressure transducer. A dynamic thickened flame model is applied to model the premixed combustion in the numerical simulation. The four stages of the flame dynamics observed in the experiment are well reproduced in the numerical simulation. The oscillations of the flame speed and pressure growth, induced by the pressure wave, indicate that the pressure wave plays an important role in the combustion dynamics. The predicted pressure dynamics in the numerical simulation is also in good agreement with that in the experiment. The close correspondence between the numerical simulation and experiment demonstrate that the TF approach is quite reliable for the study of premixed hydrogen/air flame propagation in the closed duct. It is shown that the flame wrinkling is important for the flame dynamics at the later stages.  相似文献   

This article introduced the experimental study of the propagation of a syngas premixed flame in a narrow channel. The structural evolution, flame front position and velocity characteristics of lean and rich premixed flames were investigated at different hydrogen volume fractions as the flame was ignited at the open end of the pipe and propagated to the closed end. The comparative study of the syngas fuel characteristics, flame oscillation frequency and overpressure oscillation frequency prove that the syngas explosion flame oscillation in the narrow passage has a strong coupling relationship with overpressure and fuel heat release rate. The results was shown that the flame structure was strongly influenced by the hydrogen volume fraction of the syngas and the fuel concentration. The distorted tulip flame only appears in lean mixture. At 30% of hydrogen volume fraction, the flame exhibits intense and unstable propagation, manifested as the reciprocating and alternating movement of the flame front. As the volume fraction of hydrogen increased, the velocity of flame propagation and the frequency of oscillation increased. When the hydrogen volume fraction γ ≥ 0.4 at the equivalence ratio of Φ = 0.8, the pressure oscillation amplitude gradually increases and reaching the peak after 200–320 ms. Significantly, when γ = 0.3, the pressure peak increases abnormally. This work can provide support for the safe use of syngas in industry by experimental study of various explosion parameters in the narrow channel.  相似文献   

针对贫油预混预蒸发燃烧室主燃级中横喷液雾现象进行研究,综合考虑RP-3航空煤油横喷液雾的雾化、蒸发和自燃过程构建自燃预测模型,基于CH基团随时间的变化规律对自燃延迟时间进行预测。结合试验测试结果对模型进行校验,并进一步分析温度、压力、流速、射流动量比等变量对自燃延迟时间的影响规律。结果表明:对于直射式喷嘴形成的横喷液雾,其下游的油气分布主要受射流动量比和流动速度的影响,射流动量比决定了液雾的总体油气比,流动速度则主要影响液滴的粒径及其蒸发时间;随着压力、射流动量比及气流速度的增加,自燃延迟时间均会缩短,相比于预混燃料液雾的自燃延迟时间受负温度效应的影响较弱。  相似文献   

The dynamics of premixed hydrogen/air flame ignited at different locations in a finite-size closed tube is experimentally studied. The flame behaves differently in the experiments with different ignition positions. The ignition location exhibits an important impact on the flame behavior. When the flame is ignited at one of the tube ends, the heat losses to the end wall reduce the effective thermal expansion and moderate the flame propagation and acceleration. When the ignition source is at a short distance off one of the ends, the tulip flame dynamics closely agrees with that in the theory. And both the tulip and distorted tulip flames are more pronounced than those in the case with the ignition source placed at one of the ends. Besides, the flame–pressure wave coupling is quite strong and a second distorted tulip flame is generated. When the ignition source is in the tube center, the flame propagates in a much gentler way and the tulip flame can not be formed. The flame oscillations are weaker since the flame–pressure wave interaction is weaker.  相似文献   

Premixed hydrogen/air deflagrations were performed in a 100 mm × 100 mm × 1000 mm square duct closed at one end and opened at the opposite end under ambient conditions, concerning with the combined effect of ignition position IP and equivalence ratio ?. A wide range of ? ranging from 0.4 to 5.0, as well as multiple IPs varying from 0 mm to 900 mm off the closed end of the duct were employed. It is indicated that IP and ? exerted a great impact on the flame structure, and the corresponding pressure built-up. Except for IP0, the flame can propagate in two directions, i.e., leftward and rightward. A regime diagram for tulip flames formation on the left flame front (LFF) was given in a plane of ? vs. IP. In certain cases (e.g. the combinations of ? = 0.6 and IP500 or IP700), distorted tulip flames were also observed on the right flame front (RFF). Furthermore, the combinations of IP and ? gave rise to various patterns of pressure profiles. The pressure profiles for ignition initiated at the right half part of the duct showed a weak dependence on equivalence ratio, and showed no dependence on ignition position. However, the pressure profiles for ignition initiated at the left half part of the duct were heavily dependent on the combination of IP and ?. More specifically, in the leanest (? = 0.4) and the richest (? = 4.0–5.0) cases, intensive periodical oscillations were the prime feature of the pressure profiles. With the moderate equivalence ratios (? = 0.8–3.0), periodical pressure oscillations were only observed for IP900. The maximum pressure peaks Pmax were reached at ? = 1.25 rather than at the highest reactivity ? = 1.75 irrespective of ignition position. The ignition positions that produced the worst conditions were different, implying a complex influence of the combination of IP and ?.  相似文献   

To investigate cell formation in methane (or propane)/hydrogen/carbon monoxide-air premixed flames, the outward propagation and development of surface cellular instabilities of centrally ignited spherical premixed flames were experimentally studied in a constant pressure combustion chamber at room temperature and elevated pressures. Additionally, unstretched laminar burning velocities and Markstein lengths of the mixtures were obtained by analyzing high-speed schlieren images. In this study, hydrodynamic and diffusional-thermal instabilities were evaluated to examine their effects on flame instabilities. The experimentally-measured unstretched laminar burning velocities were compared to numerical predictions using the PREMIX code with a H2/CO/C1-C4 mechanism, USC Mech II, from Wang et al. [22]. The results indicate a significant increase in the unstretched laminar burning velocities with hydrogen enrichment and a decrease with the addition of hydrocarbons, whereas the opposite effects for Markstein lengths were observed. Furthermore, effective Lewis numbers of premixed flames with methane addition decreased for all of the cases; meanwhile, effective Lewis numbers with propane addition increase for lean and stoichiometric conditions and increase for rich and stoichiometric cases for hydrogen-enriched flames. With the addition of propane, the propensity for cell formation significantly diminishes, whereas cellular instabilities for hydrogen-enriched flames are promoted. However, similar behavior of cellularity was obtained with the addition of methane, which indicates that methane is not a candidate for suppressing cell formation in methane/hydrogen/carbon monoxide-air premixed flames.  相似文献   

Hydrogen/air swirling premixed flames with different equivalence ratios are studied using direct numerical simulation. A fourth-order explicit Runge–Kutta method for time integration and an eighth-order central differencing scheme for spatial discretization are used to solve the full Navier–Stokes (N–S) equation system. A 9 species 19-step reduced mechanism for hydrogen/air combustion is adopted. The flames are stabilized with the help of a recirculation zone characterizing a high swirling flow. The vortex structures of the swirling premixed flames are presented. The flame structures are investigated in terms of the flame front curvature and tangential strain rate probability density functions (pdfs). The local flamelet temperature profiles are also extracted randomly along the flame front and compared with the corresponding laminar flame temperature profile. In order to study preferential diffusion effects, direct numerical simulation of two additional freely propagating planar flames in isotropic turbulence is conducted. Preferential diffusion effects observed in the planar flames are suppressed in the swirling flames. Further analysis confirms that the coherent small-scale eddies play important roles in the interactions between turbulence and the flame front. They are able to change the dynamic properties of the flame font and lead to enhanced burning intensity in the flame front with negative curvature for both stoichiometric and fuel-lean flames.  相似文献   

The propagation behaviour of a deflagration premixed syngas/air flame over a wide range of equivalence ratios is investigated experimentally in a closed rectangular duct using a high-speed camera and pressure transducer. The syngas hydrogen volume fraction, φ, ranges from 0.1 to 0.9. The flame propagation parameters such as flame structure, propagation time, velocity and overpressure are obtained from the experiment. The effects of the equivalence ratio and hydrogen fraction on flame propagation behaviour are examined. The results indicate that the hydrogen fraction in a syngas mixture greatly influences the flame propagation behaviour. When φ, the hydrogen fraction, is ≥0.5, the prominently distorted tulip flame can be formed in all equivalence ratios, and the minimum propagation time can be obtained at an equivalence ratio of 2.0. When φ < 0.5, the tulip flame distortion only occurs in a hydrogen fraction of φ = 0.3 with an equivalence ratio of 1.5 and above. The minimum flame propagation time can be acquired at an equivalence ratio of 1.5. The distortion occurs when the maximum flame propagation velocity is larger than 31.27 m s?1. The observable oscillation and stepped rise in the overpressure trajectory indicate that the pressure wave plays an important role in the syngas/air deflagration. The initial tulip distortion time and the plane flame formation time share the same tendency in all equivalence ratios, and the time interval between them is nearly constant, 4.03 ms. This parameter is important for exploring the quantitative theory or models of distorted tulip flames.  相似文献   

The use of hydrogenated fuels shows considerable promise for applications in gas turbines and internal combustion engines. In the present work, the effects of hydrogen addition in methane/air flames are investigated using both a laminar flame propagation facility and a high-pressure turbulent flame facility. The aim of this research is to contribute to the characterization of lean methane/hydrogen/air premixed turbulent flames at high pressures, by studying the flame front geometry, the flame surface density and the instantaneous flame front thermal thickness distributions. The experiments and analyses show that a small amount of hydrogen addition in turbulent premixed methane–air flames introduces changes in both instantaneous and average flame characteristics.  相似文献   

A computational study is performed to investigate the effects of hydrogen addition on the fundamental characteristics of propagating spherical methane/air flames at different conditions. The emphasis is placed on the laminar flame speed and Markstein length of methane/hydrogen dual fuel. It is found that the laminar flame speed increases monotonically with hydrogen addition, while the Markstein length changes non-monotonically with hydrogen blending: it first decreases and then increases. Consequently, blending of hydrogen to methane/air and blending methane to hydrogen/air both destabilize the flame. Furthermore, the computed results are compared with measured data available in the literature. Comparison of the computed and measured laminar flame speeds shows good agreement. However, the measured Markstein length is shown to strongly depend on the flame radii range utilized for data processing and have very large uncertainty. It is found that the experimental results cannot correctly show the trend of Markstein length changing with the hydrogen blending level and pressure and hence are not reliable. Therefore, the computed Markstein length, which is accurate, should be used in combustion modeling to include the flame stretch effect on flame speed.  相似文献   

High-speed schlieren cinematography and pressure records are used to investigate the dynamics of premixed hydrogen/air flame propagation and pressure build up in a partially open duct with an opening located in the upper wall near the right end of the duct. This work provides basic understanding of flame behaviors and the effects of opening ratio on the combustion dynamics. The flame behaves differently under different opening conditions. The opening ratio has an important influence on the flame propagation and pressure dynamics. When the opening ratio α ≤ 0.075 a significant distorted tulip flame can be formed after the full formation of a classical tulip flame. The propagation speed of flame leading tip increases with the opening ratio. The coupling of flame front with the pressure wave is strong at low opening ratio. Both the pressure growth rate and oscillation amplitude inside the duct increases as the opening ratio decreases. The formation times of tulip and distorted tulip flames and the corresponding distances of flame front increase with the increase of the opening ratio.  相似文献   

Hydrogen is a promising energy in the future, and it is desirable to characterize the combustion behavior of its blends with air. The premixed hydrogen/air flame microstructure and propagation in a horizontal rectangular closed duct were recorded using high-speed video and Schlieren device. Numerical simulation was also performed on Fluent CFD code to compare with the experimental result. A tulip flame is formed during the flame propagating, and then the tulip flame formation mechanism was proposed based on the analysis. The induced reverse flow and vortex motion were observed both in experiment and simulation. The interactions among the flame, reverse flow and vortices in the burned gas change the flame shape and ultimately it develops into a tulip flame. During the formation of the tulip flame, the tulip cusp slows down and stops moving after its slightly forward moving, and then, it starts to move backward and keeps on a longer time, after that, it moves forward again. The structure of the tulip flame is becoming less stable with its length decreasing in flame propagation direction. The flame thickness increases gradually which is due to turbulence combustion.  相似文献   

Quantitative measurements of atomic hydrogen are reported in laminar premixed tubular flames using femtosecond two-photon laser-induced fluorescence. The H-atom fluorescence is corrected for collisional quenching by using local values of major-species concentrations and temperature measured by spontaneous Raman scattering. Lean hydrogen flames are sustained with two different diluents (N2, CO2) to investigate low–Lewis number flames under high curvature. When compared to planar stretched flames, the curved tubular flames enhance the H-atom concentration and temperature through increased preferential diffusion. Peak H-atom number densities on the order of 1015 per cm3 are measured, and absolute H-atom profiles show differences up to 40% in peak number density and flame radial position when compared to the pseudo one-dimensional flame model with detailed chemistry and transport. Although the overall agreement in absolute H-atom profiles is “good” considering the relative uncertainties in the model and experiment, the differences suggest the ability for this flame geometry to provide evidence for revision of molecular transport and chemical kinetic modeling in flames with substantial preferential diffusion. Peak absolute H-atom concentrations vary up to 30% depending on the assumed temperature dependency for the collisional quenching factors pointing to the need for high-temperature data for H-atom collisional quenching. Relative H-atom profiles in the flames are minimally affected by the collisional quenching.  相似文献   

Experimental and numerical study on the lean methane–hydrogen–air flames at elevated pressures and temperatures was conducted. The unstretched laminar burning velocities and Markstein lengths were obtained over a wide range of hydrogen fractions at elevated pressures and temperatures. The sensitivity analysis and flame structure were also analyzed. The results show good agreement between the computed results and experimental data. The unstretched laminar burning velocities are increased with the increase of initial temperature and hydrogen fraction, and they are decreased with the increase of initial pressure. With the increase of initial pressure and hydrogen fraction, Markstein lengths are decreased, indicating the increase of flame instability. Laminar burning velocity is depended on the competition between the main chain branching reaction and chain recombination reaction. The chain branching reaction is a temperature-sensitive reaction, while the recombination reaction is a temperature-insensitive reaction. Numerical study shows that the suppression (or enhancement) of overall chemical reaction with the increase of initial pressure (or temperature) is closely linking to the decrease (or increase) of H, O and OH mole fractions in the flames. Strong correlation is existed between burning velocity and maximum radical concentrations of H and OH radicals in the reaction zone of premixed flames.  相似文献   

The stabilization and dynamics of lean (φ=0.5) premixed hydrogen/air atmospheric-pressure flames in planar microchannels of prescribed wall temperature are investigated with respect to the inflow velocity and channel height (0.3 to 1.0 mm) using direct numerical simulation with detailed chemistry and transport. Rich dynamics starting from periodic ignition and extinction of the flame and further transitioning to symmetric V-shaped flames, asymmetric flames, oscillating and pulsating flames, and finally again to asymmetric flames are observed as the inlet velocity is increased. The richest behavior is observed for the 1.0-mm-height channel. For narrower channels, some of the dynamics are suppressed. The asymmetric flames, in particular, vanish for channel heights roughly less than twice the laminar flame thickness. Stability maps delineating the regions of the different flame types in the inlet velocity/channel height parameter space are constructed.  相似文献   

In an effort to elucidate the influence of hydrogen addition on soot formation and oxidation, a series of numerical investigations was performed for fuel rich laminar C2H2/air premixed flat flames using a modified CHEMKIN-II PREMIX code with a detailed soot chemistry mechanism. To clarify the influence of hydrogen addition, the hydrogen content (in volume %) in the fuel mixture was gradually increased from 10 to 50%. The hydrogen addition was found to slow the oxidation of C2H2 near the burner surface. The lowered rate of C2H2 oxidation coupled with lower C2H2 concentration near the burner surface impedes the formation of benzene. However, the formation of benzene was enhanced with the hydrogen addition as the height above burner (HAB) was increased. This was due to the increased reverse rate of the H abstraction reaction that prevents the radical formation process. Through the identical mechanism, the hydrogen addition slows further growth of benzene to larger polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), eventually lowering the rate of particle inception. Numerical results also indicated that reductions in the soot emissions were mainly attributed to a significant reduction in the mass growth of soot particles. The abundance of hydrogen in the flames deactivated the surface site of soot particles covered with C-H bonds, lowering the surface growth rate (which leads to reductions in the mass growth of soot particles).  相似文献   

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