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In this paper, a salinity gradient solar pond (SGSP) is used to harness the solar energy for hydrogen production through two cycles. The first cycle includes an absorption power cycle (APC), a proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolyzer, and a thermoelectric generator (TEG) unit; in the second one, an organic Rankine cycle (ORC) with the zeotropic mixture is used instead of APC. The cycles are analyzed through the thermoeconomic vantage point to discover the effect of key decision variables on the cycles’ performance. Finally, NSGA-II is used to optimize both cycles. The results indicate that employing ORC with zeotropic mixture leads to a better performance in comparison to utilizing APC. For the base mode, unit cost product (UCP), exergy, and energy efficiency when APC is employed are 59.9 $/GJ, 23.73%, and 3.84%, respectively. These amounts are 47.27 $/GJ, 29.48%, and 5.86% if ORC with the zeotropic mixture is utilized. The APC and ORC generators have the highest exergy destruction rate which is equal to 6.18 and 10.91 kW. In both cycles, the highest investment cost is related to the turbine and is 0.8275 $/h and 0.976 $/h for the first and second cycles, respectively. In the optimum state the energy efficiency, exergy efficiency, UCP, and H2 production rate of the system enhances 42.44%, 27.54%,15.95%, and 38.24% when ORC with the zeotropic mixture is used. The maximum H2 production is 0.47 kg/h, and is obtained when the mass fraction of R142b, LCZ temperature, pumps pressure ratio, generator bubble point temperature are 0.603, 364.35 K, 2.12, 337.67 K, respectively.  相似文献   

The overall objective of this work is to identify the effects of climate change on the Norwegian energy system towards 2050. Changes in the future wind- and hydro-power resource potential, and changes in the heating and cooling demand are analysed to map the effects of climate change. The impact of climate change is evaluated with an energy system model, the MARKAL Norway model, to analyse the future cost optimal energy system. Ten climate experiments, based on five different global models and six emission scenarios, are used to cover the range of possible future climate scenarios and of these three experiments are used for detailed analyses. This study indicate that in Norway, climate change will reduce the heating demand, increase the cooling demand, have a limited impact on the wind power potential, and increase the hydro-power potential. The reduction of heating demand will be significantly higher than the increase of cooling demand, and thus the possible total direct consequence of climate change will be reduced energy system costs and lower electricity production costs. The investments in offshore wind and tidal power will be reduced and electric based vehicles will be profitable earlier.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the economics of a fuel cell bus fleet powered by hydrogen produced from electricity generated by a wind park in Austria. The main research question is to simultaneously identify the most economical hydrogen generation business model for the electric utility owning wind power plants and to evaluate the economics of operating a fuel cell bus fleet, with the core objective to minimize the total costs of the overall fuel supply (hydrogen production) and use (bus and operation) system. For that, three possible operation modes of the electrolyzer have been identified and the resulting hydrogen production costs calculated. Furthermore, an in-depth economic analysis of the fuel cell buses as well as the electrolyzer technology has been conducted. Results show that investment costs are the largest cost factor for both technologies. Thus, continuous hydrogen production with the smallest possible electrolyzer is the economically most favorable option. In such an operation mode (power grid), the costs of production per kg/H2 were the lowest. However, this means that the electrolyzer cannot be solely operated with electricity from the wind park, but is also dependent on the electricity mix from the grid. For fuel cell buses, the future cost development will depend very much on the respective policies and funding programs for the market uptake, as to date, the total cost of use for the fuel cell bus is more than two times higher than the diesel bus. The major final conclusion of this paper is that to make fuel cell electric busses competitive in the next years today severe policy interferences, such as subsidies for these busses as well as electrolyzers and bans for fossil energy, along with investments in the setup of a hydrogen infrastructure, are necessary.  相似文献   

The Global MARKAL-Model (GMM), a multi-regional “bottom-up” partial equilibrium model of the global energy system with endogenous technological learning, is used to address impacts of internalisation of external costs from power production. This modelling approach imposes additional charges on electricity generation, which reflect the costs of environmental and health damages from local pollutants (SO2, NOx) and climate change, wastes, occupational health, risk of accidents, noise and other burdens. Technologies allowing abatement of pollutants emitted from power plants are rapidly introduced into the energy system, for example, desulphurisation, NOx removal, and CO2 scrubbers. The modelling results indicate substantial changes in the electricity production system in favour of natural gas combined cycle, nuclear power and renewables induced by internalisation of external costs and also efficiency loss due to the use of scrubbers. Structural changes and fuel switching in the electricity sector result in significant reduction of emissions of both local pollution and CO2 over the modelled time period. Strong decarbonisation impact of internalising local externalities suggests that ancillary benefits can be expected from policies directly addressing other issues then CO2 mitigation. Finally, the detailed analysis of the total generation cost of different technologies points out that inclusion of external cost in the price of electricity increases competitiveness of non-fossil generation sources and fossil power plants with emission control.  相似文献   

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