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Pretreatment prior to anaerobic digestion is an effective option for increasing the biodegradability of organic waste. Vortex layer apparatus (VLA) is considered one of the promising types of equipment for pretreatment. In this work, confectionery wastewater (CW) was pretreated in VLA for 1 and 3 min before dark fermentative hydrogen production in anaerobic upflow biofilters. The pretreatment resulted in a slight increase in soluble chemical oxygen demand (COD), soluble sugars and acetic acid, and a decrease in the concentration of propionic, butyric and caproic acids. Due to the abrasion of steel needles in VLA, the concentration of iron in the pretreated CW increased by 2.57 times. Hydraulic retention time in anaerobic upflow biofilters was gradually reduced from 5.6 to 1.8 and 1.3 days, which corresponded to organic loading rate of 2.0, 6.3 and 8.8 kg COD/(m3 day). Although the highest hydrogen yield (96.2 ± 8.1 ml/g COD) was obtained for non-pretreated CW, the pretreatment contributed to a significant increase in methane yield (39.2 ± 2.5 ml/g COD), possibly due to higher iron content (1.8 ± 0.3 mg/L). The highest energy production rate (4407 J/(L day)) was achieved after 3 min CW pretreatment. Thus, pretreatment in VLA can be a promising method for improving the biohythane production process.  相似文献   

A novel single-reactor system having entrapped anaerobic microorganisms has been developed to co-produce H2 and CH4. pH is one of the key operating and environmental parameters affecting the performance of a bio-system. This work aimed to investigate the pH shock effects on the novel biohythane system. The experiments were suddenly changing the original cultivation pH value of 6 into 4, 5, 7 or 8 for 4 h. The results indicate that a short pH shock could be used to regulate H2/CH4 composition without notably affecting biogas yield and chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal. Peak biohythane production was obtained after the pH shock to 8, having H2/CH4 yields of 11.5 ± 1.6/44.8 ± 3.1 mL/g COD. During pseudo steady-state conditions of effective cultivation periods, the values of H2 content in biohythane and COD removal efficiency were in ranges of 20–39% and 71–79%, respectively. The significances and applications of the experimental results have been discussed. The novelty of this work is elucidating a less-discussed field-operation problem of pH perturbances for a newly-developed biohythane system.  相似文献   

Biohydrogen (Bio-H2) can be produced from starch factory wastewater and mixed microorganisms using dark fermentation. Acidic and basic chemicals were used to treat the microorganisms to select the hydrogen (H2)-producing culture. The experiment used a 120 mL bioreactor at 35 °C and the operation commenced with the initial pH level of wastewater in the pH range 4–7 in batch mode. The bacteria:chemical oxygen demand (COD) ratio was 0.2. The initial pH level of the wastewater in the fermentation process affected the H2 yield and the specific hydrogen production rate (SHPR). For acid-treated bacteria, the maximum H2 yield and SHPR were produced at an initial pH of 6.5. The maximum H2 yield and SHPR were 138 mL/g COD degraded and 7.42 mL/g cells?h, respectively. For the base-treated bacteria, the maximum H2 yield and SHPR were produced at initial pH of 6.5 and pH 7, respectively. The maximum H2 yield and SHPR were 182 mL/g COD degraded and 25.60 mL/g cells?h, respectively. The COD degradation efficiency levels were 16 and 20% for acid- and base-treated bacteria, respectively. The digested wastewater remained acidic at pH 4.79–4.83. Throughout the study, no methane gas was observed in the gas mixture produced.  相似文献   

Biohydrogen production from various organic wastes, wastewaters and biomass has been widely studied due to the higher production rates and fundamentals and technologies have also been well developed and heavily documented through diverse laboratory-scale bioreactors. Recently, research has been geared to the concomitant production of biohydrogen and methane which is so called “biohythane”. One-stage and two-stage (bio-H2 + bio-CH4) methods are the main biohythane production methods and this field of research for probing into green biofuels is gradually gaining ground. In this paper, the salient aspects of biohythane research at the present time are revisited and the research success and latent promise of biohythane are highlighted based on the findings of the relatively few publications in this area.  相似文献   

The research investigated the production of Biohythane in a two-phase anaerobic digestion process treating food waste as substrate. Preliminary batch assays were carried out at initial organic loadings of 15, 20, 25 and 30 kg TVS m−3, in stirred 1.5-l reactors at 55 °C. The results showed all hydrogen was produced within the first 24 h after feeding and the highest load tested gave the maximum hydrogen production (0.047 m3 H2 kg−1VS, H2 30%). Similar loadings were then tested in a two-phase system. Hydraulic retention times of 3 and 12 days were applied to the first and second reactor respectively. In order to keep the pH at ∼5.5, either supernatant or whole digestate from the methanogenic reactor was recirculated to the first phase. Results showed that hydrogen was produced (0.117 Nm3 kg−1 VS, 47.7%) when recirculating whole digestate with an organic loading rate of 20 kg TVS m−3 day−1.  相似文献   

Sugarcane straw is not effectively used in the industry currently. However, sugarcane straw hemicellulose hydrolyzate (HH) application as raw material for H2 and CH4 production is a promising alternative. In this work, the two-stage anaerobic digestion (TS-AD) approach led to 37.86 mLH2/L.h and 40.12 mLCH4/L.d, while the single-stage anaerobic digestion (SS-AD) generated 46.11 mLCH4/L.d. Hence, the two-stage process was energetically favorable than the single-stage by approximately 33%. Additionally, the comparison with standard medium (composed of glucose, xylose, and arabinose) applied as raw material indicated that although hydroxymethylfurfural and furfural from HH were not responsible for the decrease in H2 production, they extended the adaptive phase of methanogenic archaea during the methanogenesis. Hemicellulose hydrolysate is an attractive raw material for two-stage anaerobic digestion.  相似文献   

Hydrogen is a clean energy carrier which can be used as fuel in fuel cells. Today, hydrogen is produced mainly by steam reforming of fossil fuels like natural gas or oil. But only hydrogen produced by renewable sources can be called clean energy production. One possibility for hydrogen production is the biological fermentation of biogenous wastes by hydrogen producing bacteria. For the experimental setup four 30-L-working-volume reactors were constructed for continuous biohydrogen production. As inoculum, heat-treated sludge of a wastewater treatment plant was used. Different hydraulic retention times (HRT) were tested and an organic loading rate (OLR) of 2–14 kg VS/m3*d. As starting substrate, waste sugar medium was used. The pH and other parameters were observed to find boundary conditions for a stable continuous process with a minimum of online-control measurements. The high concentration of organic acids in the reactor led to a very low pH, which was controlled manually and online > 4 up to 5.5, otherwise the biohydrogen production decreased rapidly. The gas amount varied with the different OLRs, but could be stabilised on a high level as well as the hydrogen concentration in the gas with 44–52%. No methane was detected in the gas. It turned out, that continuous biohydrogen production with stable gas amounts and qualities could be achieved at different operation conditions. The results showed, that the operation of a continuous biohydrogen reactor has to be observed very carefully to ensure a constant gas production, and that pH-control is necessary to ensure stable operation conditions.  相似文献   

Macroalgae are rich in carbohydrates which can be used as a promising substrate for fermentative biohydrogen production. In this study, Cladophora sp. biomass was fermented for biohydrogen production at various inoculum/substrate (I/S) ratios against a control of inoculum without substrate in laboratory-scale batch reactors. The biohydrogen production yield ranged from 40.8 to 54.7 ml H2/g-VS, with the I/S ratio ranging from 0.0625 to 4. The results indicated that low I/S ratios caused the overloaded accumulation of metabolic products and a significant pH decrease, which negatively affected hydrogen production bacteria's metabolic activity, thus leading to the decrease of hydrogen fermentation efficiency. The overall results demonstrated that Cladophora sp. biomass is an efficient fermentation feedstock for biohydrogen production.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to compare the H2 production in a lab scale anaerobic fluidized bed bioreactors (AFBRs) at two levels of operational temperature: ambient temperature (A) and 35 °C (M) and two organic volumetric loading rates Bv: 5 and 8 g sucrose/L.day, with a constant hydraulic residence time of 1 day.  相似文献   

Hydrogen production from agricultural waste by dark fermentation: A review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The degradation of the natural environment and the energy crisis are two vital issues for sustainable development worldwide. Hydrogen is considered as one of the most promising candidates as a substitute for fossil fuels. In this context, biological processes are considered as the most environmentally friendly alternatives for satisfying future hydrogen demands. In particular, biohydrogen production from agricultural waste is very advantageous since agri-wastes are abundant, cheap, renewable and highly biodegradable. Considering that such wastes are complex substrates and can be degraded biologically by complex microbial ecosystems, the present paper focuses on dark fermentation as a key technology for producing hydrogen from crop residues, livestock waste and food waste. In this review, recent findings on biohydrogen production from agricultural wastes by dark fermentation are reported. Key operational parameters such as pH, partial pressure, temperature and microbial actors are discussed to facilitate further research in this domain.  相似文献   

A real textile desizing wastewater (TDW) was coagulation-pretreated to enhance its potential of biohydrogen production. Batch fermentation showed that the hydrogen production was efficiently enhanced (550 and 120% increments for hydrogen production rate and hydrogen yield, respectively) and the production performance was substrate-concentration dependent. A peak hydrogen production rate of 3.9 L/L-d and hydrogen yield of 1.52 mol/mol hexose were obtained while using coagulant GGEFloc-653 at a dosage of 1 g/L to pretreat TDW with the concentration of 15 g total sugar/L. The coagulation-pretreatment could have butyrate-type fermentation with high biohydrogen production and the removed some toxic materials that might drive the metabolic pathways to those not favoring biohydrogen production. Based on the data obtained, strategies to operate the coagulation and biohydogen fermentation are suggested. Moreover, fermentation effluent utilization such as for two-stage biogas production and further biohythane (a mixture of H2 and CH4) generation are also elucidated.  相似文献   

The dates production is usually accompanied by considerable loss of fruit byproducts. The chemical analysis showed that ‘Deglet Nour’ discarded flesh is rich in soluble sugars (79.8% ± 0.8%) and fibers (12.3% ± 0.4%). A processing approach was implemented to permit the production of biohydrogen from the flesh and biogas from the crude fiber fraction after soluble sugars extraction. This approach showed interesting results since the obtained biochemical hydrogen potential and the maximum methane yield were 292 mL H2/gVS initial and 235 mL CH4/gVS fibers respectively. Parallelly, the “hot water” soluble sugar fraction (date syrup) was of interest for agro-alimentary applications and showed a high sucrose, glucose and fructose content of 33.5%, 11.8% and 13.17% respectively. This study presents a proof of concept allowing an efficient sustainable energetic conversion of the date by-products biomass to biohydrogen via dark fermentation or to soluble sugars fraction and biogas via a biorefinery approach.  相似文献   

A newly isolated strain Enterococcus faecium INET2 was used as inoculum for biohydrogen production through dark fermentation. The individual and interactive effect of initial pH, operation temperature, glucose concentration and inoculation amount on the accumulation of hydrogen during fermentation was examined by a Box–Behnken Design (BBD), and hydrogen production process was analyzed at the optimal condition. A significant interactive effect between glucose concentration and pH was observed, the optimal condition was initial pH 7.1, operation temperature 34.8 °C, glucose concentration 11.3 g/L and inoculation amount 10.4%. Hydrogen yield, maximum hydrogen production rate and hydrogen production potential were determined to be 1.29 mol H2/mol glucose, 86.7 L H2/L/h and 1.35 L H2/L. Metabolites analysis showed that E. faecium INET2 followed the pyruvate: formate lyase (Pfl) pathway in first 16 h, followed by the acetate-type fermentation and then shifted to butyrate-type fermentation. Maximum hydrogen production rate was accompanied with a quick formation of acetic acid.  相似文献   

The effect of two different inoculum pretreatments, thermal and cell wash-out (A1 and A2, respectively) on the performance of anaerobic fluidized bed reactors for hydrogen production was determined. The reactors were operated for 112 days under the same operational conditions using glucose as substrate at increasing organic loading rates and decreasing hydraulic retention times. Both treatments were effective avoiding methanogenesis. Reactor A2 showed better performance and stability than reactor A1 in each one of the different operational conditions. Cell wash-out treatment produced higher hydrogen volumetric production rates and yields than thermal treatment (7 L H2/L-d, 3.5 mol H2/mol hexose, respectively). DGGE analysis revealed that the microbial communities developed were affected by the inoculum treatment. Organisms from the genera Clostridium and Lactobacillus predominated in both reactors, with their relative abundances linked to hydrogen production. Resilience was observed in both reactors after a period of starvation.  相似文献   

Present work describes a kinetic analysis of various aspects of biohydrogen production in batch test using optimized conditions obtained previously. Monod model and Logistic equation have been used to find growth kinetic parameters in batch test under uncontrolled pH. The values of μm, Ks, and Xm were 0.64 h−1, 15.89 g-COD L−1, and 7.26 g-VSS L−1, respectively. Modified Leudeking-Piret and Michaelis–Menten equation corroborates a flux of energy to hydrogen production pathway and energy sufficiency in the system. Modified Gompertz equation illustrates that the overall rate and hydrogen yield at 15 g-COD L−1 was higher compared to a dark fermentation of other wastewaters. Besides, Andrew's equation also suggests that since the higher value of KI (19.95 g-COD L−1), k (255 mL h−1 L−1) was not inhibited at high S. The experimental results implied that the entire products during the fermentation process were growth and substrate degradation associated. The result also confirms that the acetate and butyrate were substantially used for hydrogen production in acidogenic metabolism under uncontrolled pH.  相似文献   

Most dark fermentation (DF) studies had resorted to above-ambient temperatures to maximize hydrogen yield, without due consideration of the net energy gain. In this study, literature data on fermentative hydrogen production from glucose, sucrose, and organic wastes were compiled to evaluate the benefit of higher fermentation temperatures in terms of net energy gain. This evaluation showed that the improvement in hydrogen yield at higher temperatures is not justified as the net energy gain not only declined with increase of temperature, but also was mostly negative when the fermentation temperature exceeded 25 °C. To maximize the net energy gain of DF, the following two options for recovering additional energy from the end products and to determine the optimal fermentation temperature were evaluated: methane production via anaerobic digestion (AD); and direct electricity production via microbial fuel cells (MFC). Based on net energy gain, it is concluded that DF has to be operated at near-ambient temperatures for the net energy gain to be positive; and DF + MFC can result in higher net energy gain at any temperature than DF or DF + AD.  相似文献   

A novel hydrogen-producing strain was isolated from gamma irradiated digested sludge and identified as Clostridium butyricum INET1. The fermentative hydrogen production performance of the newly isolated C. butyricum INET1 was characterized. Various carbon sources, including glucose, xylose, sucrose, lactose, starch and glycerol were used as substrate for hydrogen production. The operational conditions, including temperature, initial pH, substrate concentration and inoculation proportion were evaluated for their effects on hydrogen production, and the optimal condition was determined to be 35 °C, initial pH 7.0, 10 g/L glucose and 10% inoculation ratio. Cumulative hydrogen production of 218 mL/100 mL and hydrogen yield of 2.07 mol H2/mol hexose was obtained. The results showed that C. butyricum INET1 is capable of utilizing different substrates (glucose, xylose, sucrose, lactose, starch and glycerol) for efficient hydrogen production, which is a potential candidate for fermentative hydrogen production.  相似文献   

In this study, the yield of hydrogen production was investigated under different feedstock pretreatment conditions. The feedstock for dark fermentative hydrogen production was textile wastewater which was obtained from the de-sizing process in a textile factory, located in northern Taiwan. The wastewater was pretreated with activated carbon, cation exchange resin or was not pretreated before being fed into the batch bottles. Biohydrogen production was carried out in a batch reactor with the sludge of mixed-culture using the feedstock from the pretreated wastewater. The sludge was obtained from the Taichung municipal wastewater treatment plant. The yield of hydrogen production using the two pretreatment methods or non – treatment were compared.  相似文献   

Biohydrogen production using dark fermentation (hydrolysis and acidogenesis) is one of the ways to recover energy from lactate wastewater from the food-processing industry, which has high organic matter. Dark fermentation can be affected by the temperature, pH and the microbial community structure. This study investigated the effects of temperature and initial pH on the biohydrogen production and the microbial community from a lactate wastewater using dark fermentation. Biohydrogen production was successful only at lower temperature levels (35 and 45 °C) and initial pH 6.5, 7.5 and 8.5. The highest hydrogen yield (0.85 mol H2/mol lactate consumed) was achieved at 45 °C and initial pH 8.5. The COD reduction achieved by fermenting the lactate wastewater at 35 °C ranged between 21 and 30% with the maximum COD reduction at pH 8.5, and at 45 °C, the COD reduction ranged between 12 and 21%, with the maximum at pH 7.5. At 35 °C, the lactate degradation ranged between 54 and 95%, while at 45 °C, it ranged between 77 and 99.8%. 16S rRNA sequencing revealed that at 35 °C, bacteria from the Clostridium genera were the most abundant at the end of the fermentation in the reactors that produced hydrogen, while at 45 °C Sporanaerobacter, Clostridium and Pseudomonas were the most abundant.  相似文献   

Residual Fermented Solid (RFS) is the used biocatalyst obtained after enzymatic biodiesel production carried out applying the fermented solid (FS) with lipase activity. Approximately 350 g of RFS are generated for each liter of biodiesel produced from palm residues fermented solid. In this study, this residue was used for the first time as a raw material for biological hydrogen production through dark fermentation and sequential application of the hydrogen production liquid waste (HPLW) for methane obtainment via anaerobic digestion. The RFS was composed mostly of oils and fats (60% wt.%), and carbohydrates, such as mannose, glucose, and xylose. Hydrogen yield reached 239 ± 44 mL H2/L after 24 h of fermentation using 31 gRFS/L at the beginning of the process. Additionally, 204 ± 13 mL CH4/g COD were produced through the anaerobic digestion of HPLW, which represented 61% of efficiency.  相似文献   

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