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1 绪论 随着当今信息化时代互联网的高速发展,人们的生活早已离不开互联网,从另一方面来说,亦是离不开移动终端.无论是哪一方面,甚至连交水电煤的日常费用,也只需指尖点一下就行.教育类行业也是如此,数字化、信息化教育早己成为潮流,通过移动终端学习早已是习以为常的方式.虽教育型app在市场上不计其数,但面对幼儿人群的教育类app则寥若晨星.而当今4-6岁孩子的平均英语水平并没有几年前高(以上海市为例).本文便是抓住这个环境特点,力求设计一款内容模式较为新颖亦不失实用性的英语幼教app.期望通过提出一个概念化模版,为移动应用及英语幼教行业作出一定贡献.  相似文献   

随着智能电视的普及,各种智能电视APP也应运而生。智能电视和传统电视媒体相比有很多的优点,传统电视媒体将如何与之竞争。  相似文献   

正你们是不是也和我一样,都在用手机里的app来帮助工作或生活中解决一部分事情呢?APP已经捆绑了我们的生活:这几乎是我标准的一天,起床睁眼,要先刷一遍微信朋友圈;然后边刷牙边打开墨迹天气,根据气温和污染指数来决定出门装备;上班坐地铁,是属于各种游戏的时间,当然这些游戏也会霸占工作间歇的厕所时光;中午吃饭,得用大众点评看看附近的馆子什么菜值得一点;加班回家,出租  相似文献   

在这个无论做什么都要“拼爹”的时代,找到一个靠谱的“爹”尤其重要。打车难、拥堵和雾霾催生了打车App,但是它们在方便生活的同时也带来了一些问题。有了“靠山”的嘀嘀打车和快B,gt]车,也J=BI]e里巴巴和腾讯的战火延伸到了打车App上。  相似文献   

<正>在移动时代,我们消费歌曲、视频,美图等内容时往往会遇到这样的问题。首先要跑到应用商店搜索了10分钟,在50个同名的结果中筛选,然后再等下载、打开app之后才能找到内容,这可以说是媒体消费和发现的彻底失败。你可能会说web浏览器难道不可以结束这个噩梦?是,但是web不够个性化,而且给人的感觉太大了。除了在喜爱的网站上逛和发现新内容以外,Web让人感觉不到任何的控制。无论是50英寸的大电视,还是4.8英寸的智能手  相似文献   

我们已经知道Windows 8将要在二月29号发布消费者预览版,届时我们也可以正式体验到Windows Store的风采,从中下载软件.微软最近在自己的官方博客向开发者解释了如何上传自己的app,不如一起先睹为快。微软正在鼓励开发者们尝试一下Windows Store.现在大家可以在正式递交软件之前先提交预定自己的软件名,以防未来被侵权。在博客中微软展示了提交app中的一些步骤,比如说软件的定价,评级以及免费试用.  相似文献   

郝影 《互联网周刊》2014,(18):68-69
正智能手机的普及,特别是苹果发布App Store之后,带动了另一个庞大的产业,一个全新的经济形态--App经济。游戏、社交、购物、多媒体、新闻阅读等等,各类app层出不穷,也造就了移动广告的无孔不入,造就了大数据分析的个人化和连续性。我们在为移动互联网的无所不包和强大的变现能力欢呼的时候,却忽略了  相似文献   

随着当前信息化技术的不断发展和进步,我国校园信息系统建设逐渐完善。在无线通信网络技术环境下,基于android平台的校园信息系统app已经成为校园信息系统的重中之重,从根本上改善了新型移动数字化校园建设的质量和效果。本文就基于android平台的校园信息系统app的设计原理及设计概念进行分析,对校园信息系统app平台设计内容进行控制,从总体到细节,层层设计、分布落实,完成系统的综合建设。  相似文献   

针对"最优化方法"的优化算法理论内容抽象的特点,使用MATLAB的app designer开发了最优化算法可视化平台,实现了对课程中传统算法、程序组合、智能算法、其他典例的可视化.平台的可视化界面具体直观、交互性强,有助于学生理解优化算法迭代过程,掌握优化算法迭代理论,从而激发学生学习兴趣,提高课堂教学效率.  相似文献   

随着互联网和科学技术的进步,数字化教育的发展成为势不可挡发展的大潮流,智能化的发展改变着学校教育甚至是家庭教育,智能设备拥有着易便携,更新快,优秀的操作系统等优势,越来越受到现在家庭家长的信赖,涌现出大量语言类、艺术类、写字画画类、游戏类、教育类app应用软件。但学龄前儿童应用软件也存在着设计界面不美观,不符合儿童审美,趋于成人化,趣味性不足,没有根据学龄前儿童需求进行设计。照本宣科严重等问题。本文基于用户体验的视角,来探讨学龄前儿童识字类app设计规范,分析如何设计出符合学龄前儿童审美的寓教于乐识字类app。  相似文献   

在教育领域,尤其在职业教育领域中,移动终端平台上的教学类应用软件仍处于空白状态。《小型网络组建》精品课程移动终端app的开发,在国内具有领先水平,填补国内职业类院校移动终端平台教学软件的空白。该移动终端app基于Java进行开发,适用于Android2.1或以上版本的各种Android移动平台。将介绍该教学软件的开发情况。  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of young adults’ social-cognitive characteristics and fitness apps’ quality-related characteristics on users’ intention to continue using apps. This study used a self-report questionnaire to collect data from 201 participants between November 29 and December 16, 2016. PASW/WIN 20.0 was used to perform Pearson’s correlation analysis, and hierarchical multiple regression. Results showed that users’ social-cognitive characteristics and the app’ quality-related characteristics accounted for 39.3 and 1.6% of users’ intention to continue using fitness apps, respectively. Social-cognitive characteristics included quality-related app characteristics, which explained 40.9% of users’ intention to continue using the apps. Self-efficacy, innovative propensity, outcome expectations, and engagement were key variables affecting the intention to continue using apps. Therefore, it is suggested that researchers or healthcare providers who want to utilize fitness apps for young adults could invest time and effort in the selection of existing high-quality apps and design intervention programs to stimulate users’ social-cognitive factors.  相似文献   

MM云开发平台是移动公司推出的手机应用制作平台,利用这个平台可以方便快捷地开发出很多手机应用程序.《基础维语》作为新疆大学生的一门选修课,被许多同学所喜欢,利用MM云开发平台的音乐制作模版,可以开发出很优秀《基础维语》移动学习app,经初步应用,取得很好的效果.  相似文献   

It is without a doubt that malware especially designed for modern mobile platforms is rapidly becoming a serious threat. The problem is further multiplexed by the growing convergence of wired, wireless and cellular networks, since virus writers can now develop sophisticated malicious software that is able to migrate across network domains. This is done in an effort to exploit vulnerabilities and services specific to each network. So far, research in dealing with this risk has concentrated on the Android platform and mainly considered static solutions rather than dynamic ones. Compelled by this fact, in this paper, we contribute a fully-fledged tool able to dynamically analyze any iOS software in terms of method invocation (i.e., which API methods the application invokes and under what order), and produce exploitable results that can be used to manually or automatically trace software’s behavior to decide if it contains malicious code or not. By employing real life malware we assessed our tool both manually, as well as, via heuristic techniques and the results we obtained seem highly accurate in detecting malicious code.  相似文献   

The explosive global adoption of mobile applications (i.e., apps) has been fraught with security and privacy issues. App users typically have a poor understanding of information security; worse, they routinely ignore security notifications designed to increase security on apps. By considering both mobile app interface usability and mobile security notification (MSN) design, we investigate how security perceptions of apps are formed and how these perceptions influence users’ intentions to continue using apps. Accordingly, we designed and conducted a set of controlled survey experiments with 317 participants in different MSN interface scenarios by manipulating the types of MSN interfaces (i.e., high vs. low disruption), the context (hedonic vs. utilitarian scenarios), and the degree of MSN intrusiveness (high vs. low intrusiveness). We found that both app interface usability and the design of MSNs significantly impacted users’ perceived security, which, in turn, has a positive influence on users’ intention to continue using the app. In addition, we identified an important conundrum: disruptive MSNs—a common approach to delivering MSNs—irritate users and negatively influence their perceptions of app security. Thus, our results directly challenge current practice. If these results hold, current practice should shift away from MSNs that interrupt task performance.  相似文献   

Icon color and icon border shape are two key factors that affect search efficiency and user experience but have previously been studied separately. This study aimed to ascertain their separate and combined effects on smartphone interfaces. We conducted an experiment using eye tracking in addition to performance and experience measures to understand the effects of app icon color and border shape on visual efficiency and user experience. The results identified both features as essential attributes with interactive effects in the process of searching app icons on a smartphone interface. The study confirmed that varied colors across icons and a rounded square border shape helped to improve search efficiency, decrease cognitive effort, and lead to a more positive user experience.Relevance to industryUsers of smartphones are often confronted with the problem of selecting a single app from a great number of apps. Visual design of app icons plays a key role in influencing visual search efficiency and user experience. The results of this study have implications for designing app icons on the interface of smartphones to improve search efficiency and elicit positive user experience.  相似文献   

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