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American wildcelery (Vallisneria americana Michx.) is a valuable submersed aquatic plant that was negatively affected by pollution and urban runoff in the lower Detroit River for much of the 20th century. Following 25 years of water-pollution and urban-runoff abatement initiated in the early 1970s, we postulated that water clarity had increased and that this would allow restoration of wildcelery in the lower Detroit River. In addition, water clarity increased in the late 1980s due to water filtration and particulate removal by exotic dreissenid mussels (Dreissena polymorpha and D. bugensis), which could contribute to potential wildcelery restoration. We sampled wildcelery in 1996–97 and compared these data to wildcelery data from 1950–51 and 1984–85. Over the 48-year period of comparison, areal density of wildcelery tubers decreased 72% (from 51.2 million to 14.4 million tubers) between 1950–51 and 1984–85 then increased 251% (from14.4 million to 50.5 million tubers) between 1984–85 and 1996–97. As a result, overall areal abundance was about the same in 1950–51 as in fall 1996–97. However, tuber densities in spring 1996 were similar to historical low abundances in springs of 1984–85. Then between spring and fall 1996, tuber densities increased 333% and remained relatively abundant through October 1997 indicating the beginning of the restoration of wildcelery in the lower Detroit River. In addition, we believe further reductions of turbidity through continued pollution-abatement programs and water filtration by dreissenid mussels combined with habitat protection and active management of wildcelery will contribute even further to the restoration of wildcelery in the Detroit River in the 21st century.  相似文献   

The connecting channels linking the Laurentian Great Lakes provide important migration routes, spawning grounds, and nursery habitat for fish, but their role as conduits between lakes for zooplankton is less understood. To address this knowledge gap in the St. Clair–Detroit River System (SCDRS), a comprehensive survey of crustacean zooplankton was performed in both riverine and lacustrine habitats from spring to fall 2014, providing the first system-wide assessment of zooplankton in the SCDRS. Zooplankton density and biomass were greatest in northern reaches of the system (southern Lake Huron and the St. Clair River) and decreased downstream towards Lake Erie. The composition of zooplankton also changed moving downstream, transitioning from a community dominated by calanoid copepods, to more cyclopoids and cladocerans in the Detroit River, and to cladocerans dominant in western Lake Erie. Coincidentally, species richness increased as sampling progressed downstream, and we estimated that our single-year sampling regime identified ~88% of potential taxa. Other species assemblages have responded positively to recent water quality and habitat restoration efforts in the SCDRS, and this survey of the zooplankton community provides benchmark information necessary to assess its response to continued recovery. In addition, information regarding the lower trophic levels of the system is integral to understanding recruitment of ecologically and economically valuable fish species targeted for recovery in the SCDRS.  相似文献   

This paper describes the creation of an environmentally conscious community group, the Great River Network, and the role that it has played in the remediation and restoration process as part of one of the Great Lakes environmental programs. Community engagement was initiated in the region as part of the Remedial Action Plan for the Area of Concern at Cornwall/Akwesasne/Massena within the Upper St. Lawrence River. The community group formalised as a network representing 50+ organisations in response to perceived inadequacies in the agency of the community to respond to new environmental concerns outside of the scope of the existing programs. As a grass-roots initiative, the Great River Network has successfully completed remediation and restoration actions of significant value to the environment. These include a series of river clean ups (>42 tonnes of garbage removed), fish habitat restoration, and addressing shoreline erosion issues. Success has been achieved through partnering with a range of organisations, including Indigenous, non-profit, governmental, Conservation Authorities, businesses and industry partners. The action-oriented approach showcases how remediation and restoration led by, and embedded in, the community can result in true revitalization. A simplified framework for adaptive management practices for remediation and restoration efforts that lead to revitalization, including knowledge translation, is proposed. This case study highlights the transformational opportunities that remediation and restoration initiatives can bring. In this instance, the process is intensely local and cooperative and lays the foundation for moving towards a collective impact approach for the region.  相似文献   

The St. Clair-Detroit River System watershed is a large, binational watershed draining into the connecting channel between lakes Huron and Erie. In addition to extensive agricultural lands, it contains large urban areas that discharge phosphorus from point source facilities, runoff of impervious surfaces, and overflows of combined sewers. To help guide actions to reduce phosphorus input to Lake Erie, we analyzed the spatial and temporal dynamics of loads from the three largest urban areas in the watershed (southeast Michigan; Windsor, Ontario; and London, Ontario), and used a previously calibrated storm water management model (SWMM) to explore options for reducing loads around metro Detroit. Point sources in these three urban areas contribute, on average, 81% of the total urban load and 19% of the Detroit River’s total phosphorus (TP) load to Lake Erie, while combined sewer overflows and runoff both contribute about 10% each to the urban load and about 2.5% each to the Detroit River’s load to Lake Erie. Most of the urban load (56%) comes from a single point source, the wastewater treatment facility in Detroit; however, TP loads from that facility have decreased by about 51% since 2008 due to improvements in wastewater treatment. Model simulations suggest that increasing pervious land area or implementing green infrastructure could help reduce combined sewer overflows in certain upper portions of the metro Detroit sewer system, but reductions were much less expressed for wet-weather discharge from the system.  相似文献   

The amount of time and money spent on restoring rivers for declining populations of salmon has grown substantially in recent decades. But despite the infusion of resources, many studies suggest that salmon populations are continuing to decline, leading some to question the effectiveness of restoration efforts. Here we examine whether a particular form of salmon restoration—channel reconfiguration with gravel augmentation—generates physical and biological habitat that is comparable with other streams that support salmon. We compared a suite of habitat features known to influence the various life stages of Chinook salmon in a restoration project in California's Merced River with 19 other streams that also support Chinook that we surveyed in the same geographic region. Our survey showed that riffle habitats in the restored site of the Merced River have flow discharge and depth, substrate and food web characteristics that cannot be distinguished from other streams that support Chinook, suggesting that these factors are unlikely to be bottlenecks to salmon recovery in the Merced. However, compared with other streams in the region, the Merced has minimal riparian cover, fewer undercut banks, less woody debris and higher water temperatures, suggesting that these factors might limit salmon recovery. After identifying aspects in the Merced that differ from other streams, we used principal components analysis to correlate salmon densities to independent axes of environmental variation measured during our survey. These analyses suggested that salmon densities tend to be greatest in streams that have more undercut banks and woody debris and lower water temperatures. These are the same environmental factors that appear to be missing from the Merced River restoration effort. Collectively, our results narrow the set of candidate factors that may limit salmon recovery in channel reconfiguration restoration efforts. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Surficial bottom sediment from twenty locations in the Detroit River and western Lake Erie has been analyzed for potentially available Ba, Be, Cd, Cr, Co, Cu, Pb, Mn, Mo, Ni, P, V, and Zn. The highest concentrations of all but one of these elements were found at a station at the river-lake interface very close to a dumping ground. The environmental mobility of Cd, Zn, Co, Pb, Cr, Ni, and P is controlled by hydrous iron oxides, whereas V and Mo is controlled by aluminosilicates. The iron oxide phase exhibits a very high sorption capacity for phosphorus (molar adsorption coefficient = .361) which is attributed to the high loadings of Fe and P at the confluence of the Rouge and Detroit rivers as well as continuous inputs along the length of the Detroit River. It is suggested that phosphorus controls instituted in the 1970s will probably result in the iron oxide phase having greater sorption capacity for toxic metals because of the decreasing competition from phosphorus for binding sites.  相似文献   

The Michigan Areas of Concern (AOC) program has made significant progress in recent years following the influx of external funding from the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative and the Great Lakes Legacy Act. However, as more AOCs near delisting, community members from Michigan Public Advisory Councils (PACs) are concerned that the loss of programmatic funding will constrain their ability to sustain key public engagement and long-term restoration progress. In order to understand the local community perspectives surrounding delisting, our study presents findings and recommendations that emerged from interviews with Michigan PAC members. We found that PACs recognize the need to transition away from projects with a short-term focus and instead prioritize longer-term, holistic strategies that could help catalyze effective public engagement and produce transformative community revitalization. This study’s recommendations for the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) include: (1) dedicating more time to post-delisting planning, (2) enhancing communication efforts with PACs, and (3) strengthening long-term public engagement efforts and PAC organizational capacity. These recommendations add to the growing literature supporting the value of local community perspectives and social dimensions of environmental restoration and may also provide transferable insights to communities outside of Michigan that are currently engaged in similar complex, multi-stakeholder environmental restoration projects.  相似文献   

The Great Lakes region was once a hub of industry and innovation that provided wealth and identity to the region. Economic upheavals have left the region trying to recreate economies and cleanup degraded environments. There have been multiple, overlapping efforts to change these conditions and create a new narrative for the region through environmental remediation, habitat restoration, and community revitalization on the path towards resilience. The elements that contribute to success are organized differently in different places, and are not always identified or characterized in the environmental literature. Trying to fill this conceptual gap is critical because landscape-scale environmental cleanup has been delivered at the local scale through various partnerships and arrangements. Thus, this special collection of articles in the Journal of Great Lakes Research explores how individuals, organizations, and communities are engaging in the complex process of environmental cleanup and revitalization throughout the region. This collection of articles represents a range of approaches to unpack how people are navigating and contributing to this regenerative process from quantitative studies at the regional scale that characterize global patterns to in-depth qualitative studies that identify and characterize the processes that unfold in specific places to change our environments both ecologically and socially. These articles represent the broad experience unfolding in the region to understand these activities through research and navigate them through practice. This collection will add new dimensions to Great Lakes research by including the individuals, organizations, and agencies as components of the ecosystem.  相似文献   

The Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement (GLWQA) established new Lake Erie phosphorus loading targets, including a 40% total phosphorus load reduction to its western and central basins. The Detroit and Maumee rivers’ loads are roughly equal and contribute about 90% of the load to the western basin and 54% to the whole lake. They are key drivers of central basin hypoxia and western basin algal production. So, accurate estimates of the Detroit River load are important. Direct measurement of that load near its mouth is difficult due to requiring real-time knowledge of flows around islands and the influence of Lake Erie’s seiches. Consequently, most estimates sum the loads to the St. Clair/Detroit River system. But this approach is complicated by uncertainties in the Lake Huron load and load retention in Lake St. Clair. Routine GLWQA reassessments will confirm or adjust over time the goals, loading targets, and approaches based on evolving information. So, there is a need to improve monitoring approaches that ensure accurate Detroit River loads. New approaches should take into account both the characteristics of this dynamic connecting channel and the uses of monitoring results: 1) determining the Detroit River loads to drive models, develop mass balances, set load reduction targets, and track progress; and 2) assessing the sources and processing of the loads to help guide reduction strategies. Herein, we review temporal and spatial variability in the St. Clair/Detroit River system, and suggest adjustments to monitoring that address those variabilities and both uses.  相似文献   

The Canada-U.S. State of the Strait Conference is a biennial forum with a 22-year history of assessing ecosystem status and providing advice to improve research, monitoring, and management of the Detroit River and western Lake Erie. The 2019 conference focused on assessing ecosystem health based on 61 indicators. Although there has been considerable improvement in the Detroit River since the 1960s, much additional cleanup is needed to restore ecosystem health. Western Lake Erie is now at risk of crossing several potential tipping points caused by the interactions of a variety of drivers and their stresses. This assessment identified eight environmental and natural resource challenges: climate change; population growth/transportation expansion/land use changes; chemicals of concern; human health/environmental justice; aquatic invasive species; habitat loss/degradation; nonpoint source pollution; and eutrophication/harmful algal blooms. Specific recommendations for addressing each challenge were also made. Climate change is the most pressing environmental challenge of our time and considered a “threat multiplier” whereby warmer, wetter, and more extreme climatic conditions amplify other threats such as poor air quality effects on vulnerable residents, species changes, and nonpoint source runoff and combined sewer overflow events that contribute to eutrophication and can manifest as harmful algal blooms. Our assessment found that investments in monitoring and evaluation are insufficient and that the region's intellectual and environmental capital is not being leveraged sufficiently to address current challenges. Continued investment in this transnational network is essential to support ecosystem-based management.  相似文献   

Surficial sediments from southern Lake Huron, Lake St. Clair, and Lake Erie have been analyzed for a broad spectrum of chlorinated organics including PCBs, chlorobenzenes, and several pesticides. The differences between sediment contaminant concentrations in Lake Huron and Lake St. Clair indicated sources of hexachlorobenzene, hexachlorobutadiene, octachlorostyrene, and several other chlorinated benzenes along the St. Clair River. Similar differences between sediment PCB concentrations in Lakes Huron/St. Clair and Lake Erie indicated major PCB sources along the Detroit River. Specific PCB congener analysis revealed that PCBs discharged to the Detroit River contained especially high concentrations of highly chlorinated hexa-, hepta-, and octachloro-biphenyls which are major constituents of the industrial mixture Aroclor 1260. The analysis of individual PCB congeners made it possible to trace PCBs of Detroit River origin to the central and eastern basins of Lake Erie, and to estimate the contribution of the Detroit River to the PCB burden in sediments of these basins.  相似文献   

The binational Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement (GLWQA) revised Lake Erie’s phosphorus (P) loading targets, including a 40% western and central basin total P (TP) load reduction from 2008 levels. Because the Detroit and Maumee River loads are roughly equal and contribute almost 90% of the TP load to the western basin and 54% to the whole lake, they have drawn significant policy attention. The Maumee is the primary driver of western basin harmful algal blooms, and the Detroit and Maumee rivers are key drivers of central basin hypoxia and overall western and central basin eutrophication. So, accurate estimates of those loads are particularly important. While daily measurements constrain Maumee load estimates, complex flows near the Detroit River mouth, along with varying Lake Erie water levels and corresponding back flows, make measurements there a questionable representation of loading conditions. Because of this, the Detroit River load is generally estimated by adding loads from Lake Huron to those from the watersheds of the St. Clair and Detroit rivers and Lake St. Clair. However, recent research showed the load from Lake Huron has been significantly underestimated. Herein, I compare different load estimates from Lake Huron and the Detroit River, justify revised higher loads from Lake Huron with a historical reconstruction, and discuss the implications for Lake Erie models and loading targets.  相似文献   

Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and PCBs in zebra mussels were elevated to concentrations greater than 5,000 ng/g lipid and 15,000 ng/g lipid, respectively, at the Ambassador Bridge in the Detroit River and concentrations gradually declined at downstream locations, which included three stations in the western basin of Lake Erie (Middle Sister Island, East Sister Island, Pelee Island). PCB concentrations in zebra mussels collected at the stations in western Lake Erie were elevated relative to the concentrations in mussels at the upstream end of the Detroit River (Stoney Point). There is no evidence that PAH contamination in the Detroit River elevated PAH concentrations in zebra mussels in western Lake Erie relative to mussels at Stoney Point. Fluorescent aromatic compounds (FACs) representing metabolites of PAHs were analyzed in the bile of gizzard shad (Dorosoma cepedianum) and freshwater drum (Aplodinotus grunniens) collected from several sites in the Detroit River and western Lake Erie. Mean FAC concentrations were >l,000 ng BaP equivalents per mL of bile in fish from the Trenton Channel and Boblo Island in the Detroit River, but FAC data provided no evidence that fish captured at two sites in western Lake Erie (East Sister Island, Pelee Island) were exposed to elevated concentrations of PAHs through ingestion of contaminated biota or exposure to contaminated sediments.  相似文献   

Historic reports imply that the lower Detroit River was once a prolific spawning area for lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) prior to the construction of the Livingstone shipping channel in 1911. Large numbers of lake whitefish migrated into the river in fall where they spawned on expansive limestone bedrock and gravel bars. Lake whitefish were harvested in the river during this time by commercial fisheries and for fish culture operations. The last reported landing of lake whitefish from the Detroit River was in 1925. Loss of suitable spawning habitat during the construction of the shipping channels as well as the effects of over-fishing, sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) predation, loss of riparian wetlands, and other perturbations to riverine habitat are associated with the disappearance of lake whitefish spawning runs. Because lake whitefish are recovering in Lake Erie with substantial spawning occurring in the western basin, we suspected they may once again be using the Detroit River to spawn. We sampled in the Detroit River for lake whitefish adults and eggs in late fall of 2005 and for lake whitefish eggs and fish larvae in 2006 to assess the extent of reproduction in the river. A spawning-ready male lake whitefish was collected in gillnets and several dozen viable lake whitefish eggs were collected with a pump in the Detroit River in November and December 2005. No lake whitefish eggs were found at lower river sites in March of 2006, but viable lake whitefish eggs were found at Belle Isle in the upper river in early April. Several hundred lake whitefish larvae were collected in the river during March through early May 2006. Peak larval densities (30 fish/1,000 m3 of water) were observed during the week of 3 April. Because high numbers of lake whitefish larvae were collected from mid-and downstream sample sites in the river, we believe that production of lake whitefish in the Detroit River may be a substantial contribution to the lake whitefish population in Lake Erie.  相似文献   

Ecological restoration efforts in large rivers generally aim to ameliorate ecological effects associated with large‐scale modification of those rivers. This study examined whether the effects of restoration efforts—specifically those of island construction—within a largely open water restoration area of the Upper Mississippi River (UMR) might be seen at the spatial scale of that 3476 ha area. The cumulative effects of island construction, when observed over multiple years, were postulated to have made the restoration area increasingly similar to a positive reference area (a proximate area comprising contiguous backwater areas) and increasingly different from two negative reference areas. The negative reference areas represented the Mississippi River main channel in an area proximate to the restoration area and an open water area in a related Mississippi River reach that has seen relatively little restoration effort. Inferences on the effects of restoration were made by comparing constrained and unconstrained models of summer chlorophyll a (CHL), summer inorganic suspended solids (ISS) and counts of benthic mayfly larvae. Constrained models forced trends in means or in both means and sampling variances to become, over time, increasingly similar to those in the positive reference area and increasingly dissimilar to those in the negative reference areas. Trends were estimated over 12‐ (mayflies) or 14‐year sampling periods, and were evaluated using model information criteria. Based on these methods, restoration effects were observed for CHL and mayflies while evidence in favour of restoration effects on ISS was equivocal. These findings suggest that the cumulative effects of island building at relatively large spatial scales within large rivers may be estimated using data from large‐scale surveillance monitoring programs. Published in 2010 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The importance of fish spawning habitat in channels connecting the Great Lakes to fishery productivity in those lakes is poorly understood and has not been adequately documented. The Detroit River is a reputed spawning and nursery area for many fish, including walleye (Sander vitreus) that migrate between adjacent Lakes Erie and St. Clair. During April–May 2004, near the head of the Detroit River, we collected 136 fish eggs from the bottom of the river on egg mats. We incubated the eggs at the Great Lakes Science Center until they hatched. All eleven larvae that hatched from the eggs were identified as walleye. These eggs and larvae are the first credible scientific evidence that walleye spawn in the Detroit River. Their origin might be a stock of river-spawning walleye. Such a stock of walleye could potentially add resilience to production by walleye stocks that spawn and are harvested in adjacent waters.  相似文献   

Bioavailable PAH and PCB water concentrations were evaluated along the Detroit River using the freshwater mussel, Elliptio complanata. Bioavailable concentrations ranged from 64.2 to 620.7 ng/L for ΣPAHs and 0.1 to 3.0 ng/L for ΣPCBs. A principal component analysis grouped contaminants primarily on the basis of hydrophobicity, indicating that physical-chemical properties regulate the relative concentrations and distributions of PAHs and PCBs among sites. Concentrations of the more hydrophobic PAHs and more water soluble PCBs were present at elevated concentrations at the Detroit Edison Generating Station, in the Trenton Channel. Elevated PAH levels were also detected at three other sites: West Windsor Sewage Treatment Plant, Grassy Island, and Ambassador Bridge, along the Detroit River. This study supports the conclusion that E. complanata is an effective biomonitor of water PAH and PCB concentrations in aquatic systems. In addition, the results indicate that areas of high contamination in the Detroit River are a result of continued loading of these chemicals into the Great Lakes system.  相似文献   

To support the 2012 Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement on reducing Lake Erie's phosphorus inputs, we integrated US and Canadian data to update and extend total phosphorus (TP) loads into and out of the St. Clair-Detroit River System for 1998–2016. The most significant changes were decreased loads from Lake Huron caused by mussel-induced oligotrophication of the lake, and decreased loads from upgraded Great Lakes Water Authority sewage treatment facilities in Detroit. By comparing Lake St. Clair inputs and outputs, we demonstrated that on average the lake retains 20% of its TP inputs. We also identified for the first time that loads from resuspended Lake Huron sediment were likely not always detected in US and Canadian monitoring programs due to mismatches in sampling and resuspension event frequencies, substantially underestimating the load. This additional load increased over time due to climate-induced decreases in Lake Huron ice cover and increases in winter storm frequencies. Given this more complete load inventory, we estimated that to reach a 40% reduction in the Detroit River TP load to Lake Erie, accounting for the missed load, point and non-point sources other than that coming from Lake Huron and the atmosphere would have to be reduced by at least 50%. We also discuss the implications of discontinuous monitoring efforts.  相似文献   

长江流域水生态问题是一个历史性、持续性问题,一直以来备受关注。随着国家保护力度的提升和众多修复保护措施的实施,长江流域的水生态环境得到了一定的改善,但其修复保护工作依然任重道远。依据长江流域水生态问题的区域差异性特点,将长江划分为长江上游、中下游及河口3个区域,并针对各区域特有的水生态问题及其修复保护措施进行了梳理和分析。水生态问题总体概况为:生物栖息地退化、鱼类资源减少、江湖阻隔,以及流域内水污染和底泥污染。针对这些水生态问题的修复保护措施,在全流域视角下,大多以人工修复为主,并与自然修复相结合,形成人工修复促进自然修复的运行模式。最后,通过对上述内容的整理与归纳,以期为更好地修复和保护长江流域水生态环境出谋划策,积极响应长江大保护的国家需求。  相似文献   

An understanding of the processes that determine plant community structure is a requisite for the planning and evaluation of restoration efforts on river floodplains. Variable disturbance regimes derived from flood pulses increase the susceptibility of river floodplains to colonizations by new species and establish invasibility as a potentially important factor in plant community assembly and dynamics. The role of invasibility in the restoration of a wet prairie community on the Kissimmee River floodplain in central Florida was evaluated by quantifying temporal species turnover rates during wet and dry season sampling over a 12‐year pre‐restoration and post‐restoration period. Turnover rates increased with reestablishment of annual inundation regimes and were significantly greater on the reflooded floodplain than on the drained, channelized floodplain. Recurrent periods of increased invasibility were associated with repeated high‐amplitude flood pulses and accompanied by increased diversity of plant communities within the wet prairie landscape. Neither invasibility nor beta diversity was strongly related to the variable hydroperiods or depths provided by local topography and restoration of seasonal hydrologic regimes. Results suggest that invasibility is a functional process by which the restored flood pulse has reestablished the structure and diversity of the wet prairie. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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