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For analyzing the performance of 120 kW polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) system and its air supply system, an air system test bench was built, then applied on a 120 kW PEMFC system test bench composed of air supply subsystem, hydrogen supply subsystem, stack, cooling subsystem and electronic control subsystem. The strategy composed of feedforward table and Piecewise proportional integral (PI) feedback control strategy is employed to regulate the flow rate and pressure of air supply system. Firstly, the air compressor map and the mapping relationship between the speed of air compressor, opening of back-pressure valve and stack current are obtained by carrying out experiments on the PEMFC air system bench. Then, the max output performance, steady-state performance, the startup performance, the dynamic response abilities of PEMFC system are tested, respectively. During the experiments, performances under different test conditions were analyzed by comparing parameters such as voltage inconsistency, average voltage, minimum voltage, voltage range, net power of the PEMFC system, and stack power. The test results show that the air supply system can provide qualified flow rate and pressure for the PEMFC stack. The peak power of the stack is 120 kW and net power of the system is 97 kW when the current is 538 A. The response time from rated net power to idle net power is 12 s and from idle net power to rated net power is 23 s. The overshoot of average voltage and minimum voltage in the process of increasing load is both 0.01 V, which are 0.015 V and 0.02 V lower than that when the load is decreased, respectively. The dynamic response speed and stability of the PEMFC system in the process of decreasing the load are better than those in the process of increasing the load.  相似文献   

The fuel delivery system using both an ejector and a blower for a PEM fuel cell stack is introduced as a fuel efficiency configuration because of the possibility of hydrogen recirculation dependent upon load states.A high pressure difference between the cathode and anode could potentially damage the thin polymer electrolyte membrane. Therefore, the hydrogen pressure imposed to the stack should follow any change of the cathode pressure. In addition, stoichiometric ratio of the hydrogen should be maintained at a constant to prevent a fuel starvation at abrupt load changes.Furthermore, liquid water in the anode gas flow channels should be purged out in time to prevent flooding in the channels and other layers. The purging control also reduces the impurities concentration in cells to improve the cell performance.We developed a set of control oriented dynamic models that include a anode model considering the two-phase phenomenon and system components The model is used to design and optimize a state feedback controller along with an observer that controls the fuel pressure and stoichiometric ratio, whereby purging processes are also considered. Finally, included is static and dynamic analysis with respect to tracking and rejection performance of the proposed control.  相似文献   

A polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell (PEM FC) system as a power source used in mobile applications should be able to produce electric power continuously and dynamically to meet the demand of the driver by consuming the fuel, hydrogen. The hydrogen stored in the tank is supplied to the anode of the stack by a fuel delivery system (FDS) that is comprised of supply and recirculation lines controlled by different actuators. Design of such a system and its operation should take into account several aspects, particularly efficient fuel usage and safe operation of the stack.  相似文献   

Durability and start-up ability in sub-zero environment are two technical bottlenecks of vehicular polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cell systems. With exhaust gas recirculation on the anode and cathode side, the cell voltage at low current density can be reduced, and the membrane can be humidified without external humidifier. They may be helpful to prolong the working lifetime and to promote the start-up ability. This paper presents an experimental study on a PEM fuel cell system with anodic and cathodic recirculation. The system is built up based on a 10 kW fuel cell stack, which consists of 50 cells and has an active area of 261 cm2. A cathodic recirculation pump and a hydrogen recirculation pump are utilized on the cathode and anode side, respectively. Key parameters, e.g., stack current, stack voltage, cell voltage, air flow, relative humidity on the cathode side, oxygen concentration at the inlet and outlet of the cathode side, are measured. Results show that: 1) with a cathodic recirculation the system gets good self-humidification effect, which is similar to that with an external humidifier; 2) with a cathodic recirculation and a reduction of fresh air flux, the cell voltage can be obviously reduced; 3) with an anodic recirculation the cell voltage can also be reduced due to a reduction in the hydrogen partial pressure, the relative humidity on the cathode side is a little smaller than the case with only cathode recirculation. It indicates that, for our stack the cathodic recirculation is effective to clamp cell voltage at low current density, and a self-humidification system is possible with cathodic recirculation. Further study will focus on the dynamic model and control of the dual recirculation fuel cell system.  相似文献   

This paper studies the air flow control for preventing the starvation and/or obtaining the maximum net power of a Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (PEM) fuel cell system using time delay control (TDC). Feedforward and feedback controls are utilized simultaneously to prevent air shortage during the transient response of the fuel cell operation. The TDC algorithm design is created with a low-order dynamic model, and its superior performances are proven using a real-time control experiment. The optimal air excess ratio is calculated experimentally given the variation of the external load, and the net power increase is discussed by comparison with the results obtained from fixed air excess ratio. The Ballard 1.2 kW PEM fuel cell system is used for the experiments as a test rig, and the LabView system is used for the real-time air flow control. The superiority of the TDC performance is proven by comparison with other control algorithms such as the proportional–integral control (PIC), feedforward control, and the original manufacturer's control. The proposed control algorithm can improve PEM fuel cell system performance by preventing air shortage and/or by obtaining higher performance.  相似文献   

High-efficiency thermal management subsystem has a key role on the PEM fuel cell performance and durability. In this study, design of thermal management subsystem for a 5 kW PEM fuel cell system is investigated. A numerical model is presented to study the cooling flow field performance. The number of parallel channels in parallel serpentine flow field is selected as the design parameter of the flow field and its optimum value is obtained by compromising between the minimum pressure drop of coolant across the flow field and maximum temperature uniformity within the bipolar plate criteria. The optimum coolant flow rate is also determined by compromising between different criteria. Test results of a 5-cells short stack are presented to verify the numerical simulation results.  相似文献   

The internal gas distribution system utilised for supplying fresh reactants and removing reaction products from the individual cells of a fuel cell stack can be designed in a parallel, a serial or a mixture of parallel and serial gas flow configuration. In order to investigate the interdependence between the internal stack gas distribution configuration and single cell as well as overall stack performance, a small laboratory-scale fuel cell stack consisting of identical unit cells was subject to operation with different gas distribution configurations and different operating parameters. The current/voltage characteristics measured with the different gas distribution configurations are analysed and compared on unit cell- as well as on stack-level. The results show the significant impact of the internal stack gas distribution system on operation and performance of the individual unit cells and the overall stack.  相似文献   

An anode gas recycle (AGR) system driven by a variable flow rate ejector was developed for use in small-scale solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) systems. The partial load conditions were simulated through recycling power generation experiments to clarify the fundamental characteristics of the variable flow ejector by using actual 1 kW-class SOFC equipment at the steady state. We achieved power generation in a range of recirculation ratios under partial load conditions of 62.5%–80% by controlling the recirculation characteristics with the developed ejector by using a needle. Results showed that the recirculation ratio can be controlled in the range of 0.595–0.694 by adjusting the driving energy with the ejector even at a partial load where the fuel gas flow rate of the ejector changes. Furthermore, the effect of the recirculation ratio on SOFC output was discussed based on the results of gas analyses and temperature measurements. As the recirculation ratio increased, the fuel concentration at the SOFC inlet decreased and the water vapor concentration increased. However, the effect of the recirculation ratio on the stack temperature and output power was proposed to be small. In addition, it was confirmed that the operation was performed under safe conditions where no carbon deposition occurred by circulating the steam generated inside the SOFC without an external water supply. Ejector characteristics during power generation experiments were lower than those at room temperature, which indicates that an ejector upstream pressure of approximately 20–170 kPa gauge pressure was required. Variations in the fluid properties of the driver gas in the ejector motive nozzle heated by the hot suction gas were found to degrade the performance of the ejector installed in the SOFC system, as compared with the results of simulation experiments at room temperature. Nevertheless, the recirculation ratio range required for operation could be satisfied by adjusting the flow velocity of the driving gas through needle control.  相似文献   

A two‐dimensional, multiphase, non‐isothermal numerical model was used to investigate the effect of the high performance catalyst layer (CL) design. Microstructure‐related parameters were studied on the basis of the agglomerate model assumption. A conventional CL design (uniform Pt/C composition, e.g., 40 wt%) was modified into two sub‐layers with two different Pt/C compositions (in this study, 40 and 80 wt%). The performance of sub‐layers with different CL designs is shown to be different. Simulation results show that substituting part of the Pt/C 40 wt% with Pt/C 80 wt% increases the cell performance. It was found that factors including proton conductivity, open circuit voltage, and sub‐layer thickness have a significant impact on overall cell performance. Different water distribution for different membrane electrode assembly designs was also observed in the simulation results. More liquid water accumulation inside the membrane electrode assembly is seen when the Pt/C 80 wt% sub‐layer is next to the gas diffusion layer. Finally, several key design parameters for the proposed high performance CL design including agglomerate radius, Nafion thin film thickness, and the Nafion volume fraction within the agglomerate in terms of CL fabrication were identified on the basis of our simulation results. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Four commercial gas diffusion layers (GDLs) are applied to high-temperature polymer electrolyte fuel cell anodes to investigate the relationship between microporous layer (MPL) properties and the performance of membrane electrode assembly. Subsequently, the physical properties such as the crack area and porosity of the MPL are analyzed via various methods. It is found that the capillary pressure of phosphoric acid (PA) from several theories is inversely related to the mass transfer capability (MTC) of the MPL. Finally, a new transport property named PA MTC of the MPL is proposed using the PA capillary pressure and MTC in MPL. The results indicate that the voltage at both low and high current densities increases separately as the PA MTC in the MPL adjusts to 0.5 MPa mm-1. Subsequently, the voltage beyond 0.5 MPa mm-1 increases in low current density contrary to the voltage at a high current density.  相似文献   

A free vibration analysis of a polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) is performed by modelling the PEMFC as a 20 cm × 20 cm composite plate structure. The membrane, gas diffusion electrodes, and bi-polar plates are modelled as composite material plies. Energy equations are derived based on Mindlin's plate theory, and natural frequencies and mode shapes of the PEMFC are calculated using finite element modelling. A parametric study is conducted to investigate how the natural frequency varies as a function of thickness, Young's modulus, and density for each component layer. It is observed that increasing the thickness of the bi-polar plates has the most significant effect on the lowest natural frequency, with a 25% increase in thickness resulting in a 17% increase in the natural frequency. The mode shapes of the PEMFC provide insight into the maximum displacement exhibited as well as the stresses experienced by the single cell under vibration conditions that should be considered for transportation and stationary applications. This work provides insight into how the natural frequencies of the PEMFC should be tuned to avoid high amplitude oscillations by modifying the material and geometric properties of individual components.  相似文献   

Air stoichiometry, pressure, and relative humidity in the air-feed system of a vehicular polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) influence efficiency, durability and reliability. It is critical to develop robust control algorithms for these internal states to improve system performance. There is limited extant research on designing robust control algorithms that consider the three internal states as well as the constraints of real actuators, such as an air compressor, a membrane humidifier, and a back-up pressure valve (BPV). This study examines robust control strategies for the three internal states based on adaptive second order sliding mode (ASOSM) and nonlinear proportional-integral (NPI) feedback control algorithms. In the study, control targets are established based on stable properties of the PEMFC system. The study involves proposing and comparing five control strategies that are a combination of NPI and ASOSM algorithms. The following results are obtained: (1) the stable control targets for the three internal states are followed adequately by using an NPI or an ASOSM algorithm and differences only exists in dynamic processes; (2) with respect to the control of air stoichiometry, an NPI algorithm performs better than an ASOSM algorithm as chattering in air stoichiometry can be avoided and the convergence time to the target value is acceptable; (3) with respect to the control of cathodic pressure, an ASOSM algorithm performs better than an NPI algorithm as the overshoots in cathodic pressures can be effectively reduced; (4) with respect to the control of relative humidity, both NPI and ASOSM algorithms lead to a practical bang–bang strategy. The strategy that performs the best among the five strategies is selected, and the robustness of the selected strategy with respect to parameter uncertainties is verified.  相似文献   

The performance of hydrogen ejectors can be affected by the working conditions of the fuel cell system especially associating with the working pressure and pressure drop of the anode. However, the pressure drop characteristics model of the anode is correlated to the fuel cell parameters. In this work, a porous jump boundary is used as a pressure drop characteristics model of the anode which is weakly relevant to the parameters of fuel cells by employing the pressure drop characteristic curve of fuel cells. Based on the model, the influence of the condition parameters on the property of the ejector can be predicted. According to our results, the entrainment performance of the ejector can be influenced by anode inlet temperature, relative humidity, and differential pressure. Also, it is helpful for the design and prediction of the ejector in different fuel cell systems depend on the pressure drop.  相似文献   

Pd-based nanoparticles, such as 40 wt.% carbon-supported Pd50Pt50, Pd75Pt25, Pd90Pt10 and Pd95Pt5, for anode electrocatalyst on polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) were synthesized by the borohydride reduction method. PdPt metal particles with a narrow size distribution were dispersed uniformly on a carbon support. The membrane electrode assembly (MEA) with Pd95Pt5/C as the anode catalyst exhibited comparable single-cell performance to that of commercial Pt/C at 0.7 V. Although the Pt loading of the anode with Pd95Pt5/C was as low as 0.02 mg cm−2, the specific power (power to mass of Pt in the MEA) of Pd95Pt5/C was higher than that of Pt/C at 0.7 V. Furthermore, the single-cell performance with Pd50Pt50/C and Pd75Pt25/C as the anode catalyst at 0.4 V was approximately 95% that of the MEA with the Pt/C catalyst. This indicated that a Pd-based catalyst that has an extremely small amount of Pt (only 5 or 50 at.%) can be replaced as an anode electrocatalyst in PEMFC.  相似文献   

Anodic fuel recirculation system has a significant role on the parasitic power of proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC). In this paper, different fuel supply systems for a PEMFC including a mechanical compressor, an ejector and an electrochemical pump are evaluated. Furthermore, the performances of ejector and electrochemical pump are studied at different operating conditions including operating temperature of 333 K–353 K, operating pressure of 2 bar–4 bar, relative humidity of 20%–100%, stack cells number from 150 to 400 and PEMFC active area of 0.03 m2–0.1 m2. The results reveal that higher temperature of PEMFC leads to lower power consumption of the electrochemical pump, because activation over-potential of electrochemical pump decreases at higher temperatures. Moreover, higher operating temperature and pressure of PEMFC leads to higher stoichiometric ratio and hydrogen recirculation ratio because the motive flow energy in ejector enhances. In addition, the recirculation ratio and hydrogen stoichiometric ratio increase, almost linearly, with increase of anodic relative humidity. Utilization of mechanical compressor leads to lower system efficiency than other fuel recirculating devices due to more power consumption. Utilization of electrochemical pump in anodic recirculation system is a promising alternative to ejector due to lower noise level, better controllability and wide range of operating conditions.  相似文献   

This article presents a dynamic simulation study for the modeling and identification of a 5 kW Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) fuel cell system using intelligent ANN approach to get rid of the complexity involved in the analytical modeling as it is intricate with the highly non-linear dynamics such as electrochemical, thermodynamic and water-transport mechanisms. The proposed artificial networks for the prediction and identification of a highly non-linear fuel cell system performance are Radial Basis Function Network (RBFN), dynamic Elman Recurrent Network (ERN) and NARX Recurrent Network (NRN) that has delayed context unit. A comparative study is made between the performances of the proposed neural network models for identifying an optimal network structure and configuration based on network performance measures. The optimal NARX network ascertained having an appreciable learning and generalization ability is adopted for the prediction and identification of the fuel cell system for its static and dynamic behavior. The network prediction over the system behavior shows good agreement with the benchmark results acquired from a 5 kW-Ballard fuel cell system. The proposed optimal intelligent parametric model can facilitate in replacing a highly non-linear fuel cell system in the fuel cell related model developments that are adopted in several research sectors particularly in transportation applications.  相似文献   

In this study, the anodic recirculation system (ARS) based on ejector technology in polymer electrolyte membrane PEM fuel cell is studied with employing a theoretical model. A practical method is presented for selecting or designing the ejector in an ARS, that offers the best selection or design. A comprehensive parametric study is performed on the design parameters of a PEM fuel cell stack and an ARS ejector. Four geometrical parameters consist of cell active area, cell number, nozzle throat diameter, and mixing chamber diameter in the design of ARS are intended. The effect of each contributes to the overall system performance parameters is studied. In this parametric study, the correlation between stack design parameters and ejector design parameters are studied. Eventually, based on the results, two dimensionless parameters are useful in the design process are proposed.  相似文献   

Improvement in the cooling system performance by making the temperature distribution uniform is an essential part in design of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells. In this paper, we proposed to use water-CuO nanofluid as the coolant fluid and to fill the flow field in the cooling plates of the fuel cell stack by metal foam. We numerically investigated the effect of using nanofluid at different porosities, pore sizes, and thicknesses of metal foam, on the thermal performance of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell. The accuracy of present computations is increased by applying a three-dimensional modeling based on finite-volume method, a variable thermal heat flux as the thermal boundary condition, and a two-phase approach to obtain the distribution of nanoparticles volume fraction. The obtained results indicated that at low Reynolds numbers, the role of nanoparticles in improvement of temperature uniformity is more dominant. Moreover, metal foam can reduce the maximum temperature for about 16.5 K and make the temperature distribution uniform in the cooling channel, whereas increase in the pressure drop is not considerable.  相似文献   

A novel test scheme for in situ measurement of temperature within a single polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) is proposed, which possesses the following attractive features: measuring interference with the internal environment of the fuel cell is likely reduced to minimum; simultaneous measurements for local temperatures of both sides of the fuel cell are conducted with enough numbers of measurement locations; and the cell temperatures are controlled in relatively careful and stringent strategies. Thermal and electrical behaviors of the cell tested are investigated, including the local and averaged temperatures at the back sides of cathode and anode flow field plates (FFPs), the outlet currents, and their variations with the test time. It is found that both temperatures and outlet currents exhibit complex dynamic behaviors; and the rise of temperature and the non-uniformity of temperature distribution of the back sides of the two FFPs are not negligible.  相似文献   

Acid-doped polybenzimidazole (PBI) membrane and polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)-based electrodes are used for the membrane electrode assembly (MEA) in high-temperature polymer electrolyte fuel cells (HTPEFCs). To find the optimum PTFE content for the catalyst layer, the PTFE ratio in the electrodes is varied from 25 to 50 wt%. To improve the performance of the electrodes, PBI is added to the catalyst layer. With a weight ratio of PTFE to Pt/C of 45:55 (45 wt% PTFE in the catalyst layer), the fuel cell shows good performance at 150 °C under non-humidified conditions. When 5 wt% PBI is added to the electrodes, performance is further improved (250 mA cm−2 at 0.6 V). Our 20 W class HTPEFC stack is fabricated with a novel MEA. This MEA consists of 8 layers (1 phosphoric acid-doped PBI membrane, 2 electrodes, 1 sub-gasket, 2 gas-diffusion media, 2 gas-sealing gaskets). The sub-gasket mitigates the destruction of a highly acid-doped PBI membrane and provides long-term durability to the fuel cell stack. The stack operates for 1200 h without noticeable cell degradation.  相似文献   

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