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Sandia National Laboratories is working with stakeholders to develop scientific data for use by standards development organizations to create hydrogen codes and standards for the safe use of liquid hydrogen. Knowledge of the concentration field and flammability envelope for high-pressure hydrogen leaks is an issue of importance for the safe use of liquid hydrogen. Sandia National Laboratories is engaged in an experimental and analytical program to characterize and predict the behavior of liquid hydrogen releases. This paper presents a model for computing hydrogen dilution distances for cold hydrogen releases. Model validation is presented for leaks of room temperature and 80 K high-pressure hydrogen gas. The model accounts for a series of transitions that occurs from a stagnate location in the tank to a point in the leak jet where the concentration of hydrogen in air at the jet centerline has dropped to 4% by volume. The leaking hydrogen is assumed to be a simple compressible substance with thermodynamic equilibrium between hydrogen vapor, hydrogen liquid and air. For the multi-phase portions of the jet near the leak location the REFPROP equation of state models developed by NIST are used to account for the thermodynamics. Further downstream, the jet develops into an atmospheric gas jet where the thermodynamics are described as a mixture of ideal gases (hydrogen–air mixture). Simulations are presented for dilution distances in under-expanded high-pressure leaks from the saturated vapor and saturated liquid portions of a liquid hydrogen storage tank at 10.34 barg (150 PSIG). 相似文献
C. San Marchi E.S. Hecht I.W. Ekoto K.M. Groth C. LaFleur B.P. Somerday R. Mukundan T. Rockward J. Keller C.W. James 《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2017,42(11):7263-7274
Hydrogen fuels are being deployed around the world as an alternative to traditional petrol and battery technologies. As with all fuels, regulations, codes and standards are a necessary component of the safe deployment of hydrogen technologies. There has been a focused effort in the international hydrogen community to develop codes and standards based on strong scientific principles to accommodate the relatively rapid deployment of hydrogen-energy systems. The need for science-based codes and standards has revealed the need to advance our scientific understanding of hydrogen in engineering environments. This brief review describes research and development activities with emphasis on scientific advances that have aided the advancement of hydrogen regulations, codes and standards for hydrogen technologies in four key areas: (1) the physics of high-pressure hydrogen releases (called hydrogen behavior); (2) quantitative risk assessment; (3) hydrogen compatibility of materials; and (4) hydrogen fuel quality. 相似文献
The development of a set of safety codes and standards for hydrogen facilities is necessary to ensure they are designed and operated safely. To help ensure that a hydrogen facility meets an acceptable level of risk, code and standard development organizations (SDOs) are utilizing risk-informed concepts in developing hydrogen codes and standards. Two SDOs, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) through its Technical Committee (TC) 197 on hydrogen technologies have been developing standards for gaseous hydrogen facilities that specify the facilities have certain safety features, use equipment made of material suitable for a hydrogen environment, and have specified separation distances. Under Department of Energy funding, Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) has been supporting efforts by both of these SDOs to develop the separation distances included in their respective standards. Important goals in these efforts are to use a defensible, science-based approach to establish these requirements and to the extent possible, harmonize the requirements. International harmonization of regulations, codes and standards is critical for enabling global market penetration of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies. 相似文献
《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2022,47(40):17845-17858
The wider adoption of hydrogen in multiple sectors of the economy requires that safety and risk issues be rigorously investigated. Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) is an important tool for enabling safe deployment of hydrogen fueling stations and is increasingly embedded in the permitting process. QRA requires reliability data, and currently hydrogen QRA is limited by the lack of hydrogen specific reliability data, thereby hindering the development of necessary safety codes and standards [1]. Four tools have been identified that collect hydrogen system safety data: H2Tools Lessons Learned, Hydrogen Incidents and Accidents Database (HIAD), National Renewable Energy Lab's (NREL) Composite Data Products (CDPs), and the Center for Hydrogen Safety (CHS) Equipment and Component Failure Rate Data Submission Form. This work critically reviews and analyzes these tools for their quality and usability in QRA. It is determined that these tools lay a good foundation, however, the data collected by these tools needs improvement for use in QRA. Areas in which these tools can be improved are highlighted, and can be used to develop a path towards adequate reliability data collection for hydrogen systems. 相似文献
Mohammad Dadashzadeh Sergii Kashkarov Dmitriy Makarov Vladimir Molkov 《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2018,43(12):6462-6475
A quantitative risk assessment of onboard hydrogen-powered vehicle storage, exposed to a fire, is performed. The risk is defined twofold as a cost of human life per vehicle fire, and annual fatality rate per vehicle. The increase of fire resistance rating of the storage tank is demonstrated to drastically reduce the risk to acceptable level. Hazard distances are calculated by validated engineering tools for blast wave and fireball, which follow catastrophic tank rupture in a fire, act in all directions and have larger hazard distances compared to jet fire. The fatality cash value, probabilities of vehicle fire and failure of thermally activated pressure relief device are taken from published sources. A vulnerability probit function is employed to calculate probability of emergency operations' failure to control fire and prevent tank rupture. The risk is presented as a function of fire resistance rating of onboard storage. 相似文献
As part of the US Department of Energy Hydrogen, Fuel Cells & Infrastructure Technologies Program, Sandia National Laboratories is developing the technical basis for assessing the safety of hydrogen-based systems for use in the development/modification of relevant codes and standards. This work includes quantitative risk assessments (QRA) of hydrogen facilities. The QRAs are used to identify and quantify scenarios for the unintended release of hydrogen and thus help identify the code requirements that would reduce the risk at hydrogen facilities to acceptable levels. 相似文献
国际氢安全会议是氢安全领域的国际顶级会议,受到各国学术界、工程界和政府部门的高度重视。第五届国际氢安全会议(ICHS 2013)在比利时布鲁塞尔召开,会议的主题是"氢能技术与基础设施安全的新进展:向零碳能源进发"。大会共设9大类议题——氢气泄漏与扩散、氢气燃烧与爆炸、储氢安全、风险评估、氢与材料相容性、燃料电池安全、氢传感器、规范标准、氢安全教育,共收录论文99篇,组织报告会29场,重点关注的研究领域集中在氢气行为(泄漏、扩散、燃烧、爆炸)、储氢安全、风险评估三个方面。英、法、美、德四国是ICHS 2013文章收录数量的第一梯队,也是氢安全领域研究的主力军和ICHS的重要参与者。加拿大、日本、中国、荷兰排在文章收录数量的第二梯队。美、日、欧盟等氢能领域先进国家或地区都在积极研发推广氢能技术。我国在ICHS 2013的论文发表数量和领域覆盖面上都与先进国家存在一定差距,今后应积极投稿并参加会议,提升我国在氢安全领域的国际影响力和话语权。 相似文献
In recent years, consumers calling for the protection of the environment on a regional and global scale are demanding the use of vehicles that do not emit harmful exhaust. It is anticipated that one response to this demand is the widespread use of fuel cell vehicles (FCVs). In order to achieve this, it is necessary to provide hydrogen fueling stations where FCVs can refuel. 相似文献
《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2022,47(43):18748-18762
During the past decade, Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) has become an important set of tools in various areas of industry and academic reliability engineering. PHM consists of a variety of mathematical and computational methods used to support data-driven decision-making to increase the safety, availability, and reliability of complex engineering systems. In particular, PHM can provide crucial insight into reliability and safety design improvements for developing technologies where historical performance and failure data are limited. This is the case of hydrogen fueling and storage technologies. This work presents a high-level approach for designing data-driven PHM applications for bulk liquid hydrogen (LH2) storage systems for hydrogen fueling stations. This paper addresses core aspects of the design, development, and implementation of data-driven PHM applications that can improve the reliability assessment of hydrogen components. The analysis focuses on the relationship between data availability and diagnostic/prognostic capabilities; potential challenges; and integration schemes for current risk mitigation measures. We identify potential condition-monitoring data sources for key components in an LH2 storage system, including storage tanks, piping, and pumps. We determine that the short-term goals for the implementation of data-driven models in PHM frameworks in hydrogen systems should focus on developing adequate data collection and analysis strategies, as well as exploring the effect on reliability, safety, and regulations for hydrogen systems. 相似文献
This paper discusses the preliminary results of the Risk Management subtask efforts within the International Energy Agency (IEA) Hydrogen Implementing Agreement (HIA) Task 19 on Hydrogen Safety to develop uniform harm criteria for use in the Quantitative Risk Assessments (QRAs) of hydrogen facilities. The IEA HIA Task 19 efforts are focused on developing guidelines and criteria for performing QRAs of hydrogen facilities. The performance of QRAs requires that the level of harm that is represented in the risk evaluation be established using deterministic models. The level of harm is a function of the type and level of hazard. The principle hazard associated with hydrogen facilities is uncontrolled accumulation of hydrogen in (semi) confined spaces and consecutive ignition. Another significant hazard is combustion of accidentally released hydrogen gas or liquid, which may or may not happen instantaneously. The primary consequences from fire hazards consist of personnel injuries or fatalities, or facility and equipment damage due to high air temperatures, radiant heat fluxes, or direct contact with hydrogen flames. The possible consequences of explosions on humans and structures or equipment include blast wave overpressure effects, impact from fragments generated by the explosion, the collapse of buildings, and the heat effects from subsequent fire balls. A harm criterion is used to translate the consequences of an accident, evaluated from deterministic models, to a probability of harm to people, structures, or components. Different methods can be used to establish harm criteria including the use of threshold consequence levels and continuous functions that relate the level of a hazard to a probability of damage. This paper presents a survey of harm criteria that can be utilized in QRAs and makes recommendations on the criteria that should be utilized for hydrogen-related hazards. 相似文献
《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2019,44(40):22643-22653
Composite tanks for on-board gaseous hydrogen storage is one of key parts of the hydrogen fuel cell vehicle. Regulations, codes and standards (RC & S) are conducive to overcoming technological barriers to commercialization. This paper reviews the development of RC & S on composite tanks for on-board gaseous hydrogen storage and addresses their highlights on technical requirements. First, an overview of RC & S for composite tanks is introduced. Then, a comparative study on technical requirements of RC & S including service conditions, design requirements, materials, manufacture, qualification tests and management is presented. Finally, several major differences in RC & S, i.e., tank classification in ISO 19881 and penetration test method are discussed. Some issues for further research, such as initial burst pressure, material hydrogen compatibility and periodic inspection methods are proposed. 相似文献
《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2019,44(23):12254-12269
Among all introduced green alternatives, hydrogen, due to its abundance and diverse production sources is becoming an increasingly viable clean and green option for transportation and energy storage. Governments are considerably funding relevant researches and the public is beginning to talk about hydrogen as a possible future fuel. Hydrogen production, storage, delivery, and utilization are the key parts of the Hydrogen Economy (HE). In this paper, hydrogen storage and delivery options are discussed thoroughly. Then, since safety and reliability of hydrogen infrastructure is a necessary enabling condition for public acceptance of these technologies and any major accident involving hydrogen can be difficult to neutralize, we review the main existing safety and reliability challenges in hydrogen systems. The current state of the art in safety and reliability analysis for hydrogen storage and delivery technologies is discussed, and recommendations are mentioned to help providing a foundation for future risk and reliability analysis to support safe, reliable operation. 相似文献
Byeong Soo Shin Chang Won Yoon Sang Kyu Kwak Jeong Won Kang 《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2018,43(27):12158-12167
Liquid organic hydrogen carriers (LOHCs) are promising candidates for storage and transport of renewable energy due to their reversible reaction characteristics. For the proper assessment of candidate molecules, various thermochemical properties are required, and significant experimental efforts are necessary. In this work, we suggest a systematic method for the estimation of thermochemical properties for LOHC candidate molecules combining Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations, Conductor-like Screening Model (COSMO) and Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations. We applied the suggested method for the assessment of previously reported LOHC materials. Based on the analysis, new candidates of carbazole-derivative compounds (N-acetylcarbazole, N-phenylcarbazole, N-benzoylcarbazole, and 4-methyl-4H-benzocarbazole) are suggested, and their properties are estimated and reviewed. Calculation results show that these candidates can provide high theoretical hydrogen uptake capacities above 6 wt% and optimal heats of dehydrogenation in the liquid phase. Analysis on the stereoisomerism showed that the structure-selectivity toward less stable stereoisomers of the hydrogen-rich form is preferable for the dehydrogenation process. 相似文献
《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2023,48(50):19340-19355
With the increasing deployment of hydrogen fuel cell forklifts, it is essential to understand the risks of incidents involving these systems. A quantitative risk assessment (QRA) study was conducted to determine the potential hydrogen release scenarios, probabilities, and consequences in fuel cell forklift operations. QRA modeling tools, such as fault tree analysis (FTA) and event sequence diagrams (ESD), were used together with hydrogen systems data. This work provides insights into the fatality risk from a hydrogen fuel cell forklift and the reliability of its design and components. The analysis shows that the expected fatal accident rate of a hydrogen forklift is considerably higher than current fatal injury rates observed by the Bureau of Labor Statistics for industrial truck operators and material handling occupations. Nevertheless, the average individual risk posed to forklift drivers was found to be likely tolerable based on current risks accepted by industrial truck operators. Jet fires are found to dominate the system's risk, however, the risk of explosions is also considerable. An importance measures analysis shows that these risks could be mitigated by improving the design and reliability of pressure relief devices, as well as other components prone to leak such as filters and check valves. We also identify sources of uncertainty and conservatisms in the QRA process that can guide future research in hydrogen systems. These results provide powerful insight into improvements in the design of fuel cell forklifts to reduce risk and enable the safe deployment of this key technology for a decarbonized future. 相似文献
《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2022,47(57):24242-24253
As hydrogen refueling stations become increasingly common, it is clear that a high level of economic efficiency and safety is crucial to promoting their use. One way to reduce costs is to use a simple orifice instead of an excess flow valve, which Japanese safety regulations have identified as a safety device. However, there is concern about its effect on refueling time and on risk due to hydrogen leakage. To clarify the effect, we did a study of model-based refueling time evaluation and quantitative risk assessment for a typical refueling station. This study showed that an orifice is an effective alternative safety device. The increase in refueling time was less than 10%, based on simulations using a dynamic physical model of the station. Neither was there a significant difference in the risk between a configuration with excess flow valves and one with an orifice. 相似文献
Leading physical and materials-based hydrogen storage options are evaluated for their potential to meet the vehicular targets for gravimetric and volumetric capacity, cost, efficiency, durability and operability, fuel purity, and environmental health and safety. Our analyses show that hydrogen stored as a compressed gas at 350–700 bar in Type III or Type IV tanks cannot meet the near-term volumetric target of 28 g/L. The problems of dormancy and hydrogen loss with conventional liquid H2 storage can be mitigated by deploying pressure-bearing insulated tanks. Alane (AlH3) is an attractive hydrogen carrier if it can be prepared and used as a slurry with >50% solids loading and an appropriate volume-exchange tank is developed. Regenerating AlH3 is a major problem, however, since it is metastable and it cannot be directly formed by reacting the spent Al with H2. We have evaluated two sorption-based hydrogen storage systems, one using AX-21, a high surface-area superactivated carbon, and the other using MOF-177, a metal-organic framework material. Releasing hydrogen by hydrolysis of sodium borohydride presents difficult chemical, thermal and water management issues, and regenerating NaBH4 by converting B–O bonds is energy intensive. We have evaluated the option of using organic liquid carriers, such as n-ethylcarbazole, which can be dehydrogenated thermolytically on-board a vehicle and rehydrogenated efficiently in a central plant by established methods and processes. While ammonia borane has a high hydrogen content, a solvent that keeps it in a liquid state needs to be found, and developing an AB regeneration scheme that is practical, economical and efficient remains a major challenge. 相似文献
《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2023,48(54):20827-20842
The extensive population growth calls for substantial studies on sustainable development in urban areas. Thus, it is vital for cities to be resilient to new situations and adequately manage the changes. Investing in renewable and green energy, including high-tech hydrogen infrastructure, is crucial for sustainable economic progress and for preserving environmental quality. However, implementing new technology needs an effective and efficient risk assessment investigation to minimize the risk to an acceptable level or ALARP (As low as reasonably practicable). The present study proposes an advanced decision-making framework to manage the risk of hydrogen refueling station leakage by adopting the Bow-tie analysis and Interval-Value Spherical Fuzzy Sets to properly deal with the subjectivity of the risk assessment process. The outcomes of the case study illustrate the causality of hydrogen refueling stations' undesired events and enhance the decision-maker's thoughts about risk management under uncertainty. According to the findings, jet fire is a more likely accident in the case of liquid hydrogen leakage. Furthermore, equipment failure has been recognized as the most likely cause of hydrogen leakage. Thus, in order to maintain the reliability of liquid hydrogen refueling stations, it is crucial that decision-makers develop a trustworthy safety management system that integrates a variety of risk mitigation measures including asset management strategies. 相似文献
Andrei V. Tchouvelev William J. Buttner Daniele Melideo Daniele Baraldi Benjamin Angers 《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2021,46(23):12439-12454
Guidance on Sensor Placement was identified as the top research priority for hydrogen sensors at the 2018 HySafe Research Priority Workshop on hydrogen safety in the category Mitigation, Sensors, Hazard Prevention, and Risk Reduction. This paper discusses the initial steps (Phase 1) to develop such guidance for mechanically ventilated enclosures. This work was initiated as an international collaborative effort to respond to emerging market needs related to the design and deployment equipment for hydrogen infrastructure that is often installed in individual equipment cabinets or ventilated enclosures. The ultimate objective of this effort is to develop guidance for an optimal sensor placement such that, when integrated into a facility design and operation, will allow earlier detection at lower levels of incipient leaks, leading to significant hazard reduction. Reliable and consistent early warning of hydrogen leaks will allow for the risk mitigation by reducing or even eliminating the probability of escalation of small leaks into large and uncontrolled events. To address this issue, a study of a real-world mechanically ventilated enclosure containing GH2 equipment was conducted, where CFD modeling of the hydrogen dispersion (performed by AVT and UQTR, and independently by the JRC) was validated by the NREL Sensor laboratory using a Hydrogen Wide Area Monitor (HyWAM) consisting of a 10-point gas and temperature measurement analyzer. In the release test, helium was used as a hydrogen surrogate. Expansion of indoor releases to other larger facilities (including parking structures, vehicle maintenance facilities and potentially tunnels) and incorporation into QRA tools, such as HyRAM is planned for Phase 2. It is anticipated that results of this work will be used to inform national and international standards such as NFPA 2 Hydrogen Technologies Code, Canadian Hydrogen Installation Code (CHIC) and relevant ISO/TC 197 and CEN documents. 相似文献
《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2019,44(2):1288-1298
Hydrogen is one of important energy source in the next generation of renewable energy. It has powerful strength such as no emission from CO2 for fuel, Nevertheless, many countries have difficulties to expand hydrogen infra due to high risky from hydrogen. Especially, the hydrogen refueling station which is located in urban area has congested structure and high population around, it has higher risk than conventional refueling station. This paper presents a quantitative risk assessment (QRA) of a high pressure hydrogen refueling station in an urban area with a large population and high congestion between the instruments and equipment. The results show that leaks from the tube-trailer and dispenser as well as potential explosion of the tube-trailer are the main risks. For the safety of the station operator, customers and people surrounding the refueling station, additional mitigation plans such as adding additional safety barrier system have to be implemented on the compressor and dispenser in order to prevent continuous release of hydrogen from an accident. 相似文献