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Liquid hydrogen (LH2) storage has the advantage of high volumetric energy density, while boil-off losses constitute a major disadvantage. To minimize the losses, complicated insulation techniques are necessary. In general, Multi Layer Insulation (MLI) and a Vapor-Cooled Shield (VCS) are used together in LH2 tanks. In the design of an LH2 tank with VCS, the main goal is to find the optimum location for the VCS in order to minimize heat leakage. In this study, a 2D thermal model is developed by considering the temperature dependencies of the thermal conductivity and heat capacity of hydrogen gas. The developed model is used to analyze the effects of model considerations on heat leakage predictions. Furthermore, heat leakage in insulation of LH2 tanks with single and double VCS is analyzed for an automobile application, and the optimum locations of the VCS for minimization of heat leakage are determined for both cases.  相似文献   

A composite thermal insulation system consisting of variable-density multi-layer insulation (VDMLI) and vapor-cooled shields (VCS) integrated with para-ortho hydrogen (P-O) conversion is proposed for long-term storage of liquid hydrogen. High-performance thermal insulation is realized by minimizing the thermal losses via the VDMLI design and fully recovering the cold energy released from the sensible heat and P-O conversion of the vented gas. Effects of different design considerations on the thermal insulation performance are studied. The results show that the maximum reduction of the heat leak with multiple VCSs can reach 79.9% compared to that without VCS. The heat leak with one VCS is reduced by 61.1%, and further reduced by 11.6% after adding catalysts. It is found that the deterioration of the insulation performance has an almost linear relationship with catalytic efficiency. A unified criterion with relative optimization efficiency is finally proposed to evaluate the improvement of the VCS number.  相似文献   

An accurate estimation of the effective thermal conductivity of various insulation materials is essential in the evaluation of heat leak and boil-off rate from liquid hydrogen storage tanks. In this work, we review the existing experimental data and various proposed correlations for predicting the effective conductivity of insulation systems consisting of powders, foams, fibrous materials, and multilayer systems. We also propose a first principles-based correlation that may be used to estimate the dependence of the effective conductivity as a function of temperature, interstitial gas composition, pressure, and structural properties of the material. We validate the proposed correlation using available experimental data for some common insulation materials. Further improvements and testing of the proposed correlation using laboratory scale data obtained using potential LH2 tank insulation materials are also discussed.  相似文献   

Thermal design analysis of a 1-L cryogenic liquid hydrogen storage tank without vacuum insulation for a small unmanned aerial vehicle was carried out in the present study. To prevent excess boil-off of cryogenic liquid hydrogen, the storage tank consisted of a 1-L inner vessel, an outer vessel, insulation layers and a vapor-cooled shield. For a cryogenic storage tank considered in this study, the appropriate heat inleak was allowed to supply the boil-off gas hydrogen to a proton electrolyte membrane fuel cell as fuel. In an effort to accommodate the hydrogen mass flow rate required by the fuel cell and to minimize the storage tank volume, a thermal analysis for various insulation materials was implemented here and their insulation performances were compared. The present thermal analysis showed that the Aerogel thermal insulations provided outstanding performance at the non-vacuum atmospheric pressure condition. With the Aerogel insulation, the tank volume for storing 1-L liquid hydrogen at 20 K could be designed within a storage tank volume of 7.2 L. In addition, it was noted that the exhaust temperature of boil-off hydrogen gas was mainly affected by the location of a vapor-cooled shield as well as thermal conductivity of insulation materials.  相似文献   

A dynamic model is used to characterize cryogenic H2 storage in an insulated pressure vessel that can flexibly hold liquid H2 and compressed H2 at 350 bar. A double-flow refueling device is needed to ensure that the tank can be consistently refueled to its theoretical capacity regardless of the initial conditions. Liquid H2 charged into the tank is stored as supercritical fluid if the initial tank temperature is >120 K and as a subcooled liquid if it is <100 K. An in-tank heater is needed to maintain the tank pressure above the minimum delivery pressure. Even if H2 is stored as a supercritical fluid, liquid H2 will form as H2 is withdrawn and will further transform to a two-phase mixture and ultimately to a superheated gas. The recoverable fraction of the total stored inventory depends on the minimum H2 delivery pressure and the power rating of the heater. The dormancy of cryogenic H2 is a function of the maximum allowable pressure and the pressure of stored H2; the evaporative losses cannot deplete H2 from the tank beyond 64% of the theoretical storage capacity.  相似文献   

This paper describes the characteristics and performance of a fuel cell powered unmanned aircraft. The aircraft is novel as it is the largest compressed hydrogen fuel cell powered airplane built to date and is currently the only fuel cell aircraft whose design and test results are in the public domain. The aircraft features a 500 W polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell with full balance of plant and compressed hydrogen storage incorporated into a custom airframe. Details regarding the design requirements, implementation and control of the aircraft are presented for each major aircraft system. The performances of the aircraft and powerplant are analyzed using data from flights and laboratory tests. The efficiency and component power consumption of the fuel cell propulsion system are measured at a variety of flight conditions. The performance of the aircraft powerplant is compared to other 0.5–1 kW-scale fuel cell powerplants in the literature and means of performance improvement for this aircraft are proposed. This work represents one of the first studies of fuel cell powered aircraft to result in a demonstration aircraft. As such, the results of this study are of practical interest to fuel cell powerplant and aircraft designers.  相似文献   

The paper deals with an analysis of the results of theoretical and experimental research on an evaporating system for cryogenic support as supplied to long length thermostatting channels of high-temperature superconducting (HTS) cables and hybrid power transmission lines as well as thermal control systems for cryogenic components in aircraft fuel tanks during long-term spaceflights. Experimental evidence for nitrogen and hydrogen are presented here. The importance of such research for practical application in developing modern cryostatting systems has been highlighted.The design of an experimental hybrid power transmission line for studying thermostatting of superconducting power cables has been considered in the paper. The transmission line contains three sections with different types of thermal insulation and current leads providing high current supply to superconducting threads with minimum external heat inflow. The unique experimental data on heat inflows from the outer surface of the transmission line in different sections has been obtained by the authors. It is shown that it may be possible to compensate fully for external heat inflow to a cryogenic line as well as to lower the temperature of a cryogenic coolant in the section with an evaporating system for cryogenic support. In order to determine the possible length of the cryostatting work field of a long length superconducting cable, estimates of using liquid nitrogen and liquid hydrogen as a working fluid for various mass flow rates of the coolant feed have been made via the mathematical model describing physical processes in a thermostatting channel using an evaporating system for cryogenic support. Calculation data on changes in the length of the long length temperature cryostat, pressure and cooling capacity of the evaporating cryostat system has been obtained.  相似文献   

At present, several composite insulation systems were proposed that can be used for passive insulation systems, including foam-variable density multilayer insulation (VDMLI), aerogel-VDMLI and hollow glass microspheres (HGMs)-VDMLI. The passive insulation systems with different inner material (IM) showed different performances. However, the relationship between the average thermal conductivity of IM and the insulation performance of the whole system has rarely been investigated. It is of great significance for efficient configuration and matching of the passive insulation system. In this paper, a series of average thermal conductivity of IM were assumed to predict the insulation performance of the whole system at 20 K–300 K and high vacuum. In order to further illustrate the relationship between IM and MLI/VDMLI, the foam was replaced by the HGMs as 5 mm a unit forming a series of HGMs-foam-MLI/VDMLI insulation systems. The performance of the systems was investigated. After the foam was completely replaced by the HGMs, the performance of MLI and VDMLI systems was improved 33% and 13%, respectively. Moreover, each mode of heat transfer including solid conduction, radiation, and gas conduction for foam-MLI/VDMLI and HGMs-MLI/VDMLI insulation systems were calculated and analyzed.  相似文献   

The passive thermal insulation system for liquid hydrogen (LH2) on orbit storage mainly consists of foam and variable density multilayer insulation (VDMLI) which have been considered as the most efficient and reliable thermal insulation system. The foam provides main heat leak protection on launch stage and the VDMLI plays a major role on orbit stage. However, compared with the extremely low thermal conductivity of VDMLI (1 × 10−5 W/(m·K)) at high vacuum, the foam was almost useless. Recently, based on hollow glass microspheres (HGMs) we have proposed the HGMs-VDMLI system which performs better than foam-VDMLI system. In order to improve insulation performance and balance weigh and environmental adaptability of passive insulation system, the HGMs-VDMLI insulation system should be configured optimally. In this paper, the thickness of HGMs and the number and arrangement of spacers of VDMLI were configured optimally by the “layer by layer” model. The effective thicknesses of HGMs were 25 mm for 60 layers MLI and 20 mm for 45 layers VDMLI. Compared with 35 mm foam and 45 layers VDMLI system, the heat flux of 20 mm HGMs and 45 layers VDMLI system was reduced by 11.97% with the same weight, or the weight of which was reduced by 9.91% with the same heat flux. Moreover, the effects of warm boundary temperature (WBT) and vacuum pressure on thermal insulation performance of the system were also discussed.  相似文献   

Liquid hydrogen (LH2) is one of the most economic methods for large-scaled utilization of hydrogen energy. However, safe operation and storage of LH2 relies on accurate prediction of the pressure rise and adequate investigation on thermal behaviors inside LH2 tank. In light of this, a modified thermal multi-zone model (TMZM) considering heat and mass transfer between vapor and liquid is developed in this paper. The model has a maximum relative error of 4.67% in predicting pressure rise against the experimental results from NASA. A thermodynamic analysis method is proposed to clarify the influences of key parameters including the temperature, compressibility factor and density of vapor, and working conditions including heat leakage and initial superheated degree on the pressurization rate. The results indicate that temperature of vapor in the ullage and vapor-liquid interfacial mass transfer rate are two main parameters determining the pressurization rate, and the effects of the two parameters are different between different stages. The distinction of stages depends on heat leakage and initial superheated degree. For the working condition with an initial filling rate of 50% and a heat leakage of 10 W, temperature of vapor is the parameter dominates pressurization rate during 96.8% of the whole self-pressurization process. Heat leakage also has a vital impact on the distinction of stages, when heat leakage increases to 80 W, the temperature of vapor dominating stage will reduce to 46.4%. Furthermore, pressurization rate is sensitive to initial superheated degree in the ullage. An increase of 4 K of the initial superheated degree leads to a 53.3% decrease of the pressurization rate. This study provides a useful method for the reliable design and quick optimization of high performance LH2 tanks.  相似文献   

The long-term storage of liquid hydrogen (LH2)-liquid oxygen (LO2) pair with extremely low heat leakage is essential for future deep space exploration. Vapor-cooled shield (VCS) is considered an effective insulation structure that can significantly reduce the heat penetration into the LH2 tanks, however it is relatively ineffective for the LO2 tanks. Novel coupled VCS insulation schemes for LH2-LO2 bundled tanks were proposed to achieve optimal performance not only for the LH2 but also for the LO2 tanks. A thermodynamic model had been developed and validated by experiments. The optimal VCS location, the temperature profile within the insulation, the heat leakage reduction contributed by the VCS, and the thermal performance versus scheme structural mass had been parametrically investigated. A comparison indicated that the proposed single integrated shield configuration can reduce the heat flux of the LH2 and the LO2 tanks by 64.0% and 54.8%, respectively compared with the non-VCS structure. In addition, the results also confirmed that zero boil-off storage of LO2 can be achieved by only utilizing the exhausted hydrogen vapor, with no need for an extra cryocooler.  相似文献   

Thermal management of metal hydride (MH) hydrogen storage systems is critically important to maintain the hydrogen absorption and release rates at desired levels. Implementing thermal management arrangements introduces challenges at system level mostly related to system's overall mass, volume, energy efficiency, complexity and maintenance, long-term durability, and cost. Low effective thermal conductivity (ETC) of the MH bed (~0.1–0.3 W/mK) is a well-known challenge for effective implementation of different thermal management techniques. This paper comprehensively reviews thermal management solutions for the MH hydrogen storage used in fuel cell systems by also focusing on heat transfer enhancement techniques and assessment of heat sources used for this purpose. The literature recommended that the ETC of the MH bed should be greater than 2 W/mK, and heat transfer coefficient with heating/cooling media should be in the range of 1000–1200 W/m2K to achieve desired MH's performance. Furthermore, alternative heat sources such as fuel cell heat recovery or capturing MH heat during charging and releasing it back during discharging have also been thoroughly reviewed here. Finally, this review paper highlights the gaps and suggests directions accordingly for future research on thermal management for MH systems.  相似文献   

While conventional low-pressure LH2 dewars have existed for decades, advanced methods of cryogenic hydrogen storage have recently been developed. These advanced methods are cryo-compression and cryo-adsorption hydrogen storage, which operate best in the temperature range 30–100 K. We present a comparative analysis of both approaches for cryogenic hydrogen storage, examining how pressure and/or sorbent materials are used to effectively increase onboard H2 density and dormancy. We start by reviewing some basic aspects of LH2 properties and conventional means of storing it. From there we describe the cryo-compression and cryo-adsorption hydrogen storage methods, and then explore the relationship between them, clarifying the materials science and physics of the two approaches in trying to solve the same hydrogen storage task (∼5–8 kg H2, typical of light duty vehicles). Assuming that the balance of plant and the available volume for the storage system in the vehicle are identical for both approaches, the comparison focuses on how the respective storage capacities, vessel weight and dormancy vary as a function of temperature, pressure and type of cryo-adsorption material (especially, powder MOF-5 and MIL-101). By performing a comparative analysis, we clarify the science of each approach individually, identify the regimes where the attributes of each can be maximized, elucidate the properties of these systems during refueling, and probe the possible benefits of a combined “hybrid” system with both cryo-adsorption and cryo-compression phenomena operating at the same time. In addition the relationships found between onboard H2 capacity, pressure vessel and/or sorbent mass and dormancy as a function of rated pressure, type of sorbent material and fueling conditions are useful as general designing guidelines in future engineering efforts using these two hydrogen storage approaches.  相似文献   

燃料电池用氢气燃料的制备和存储技术的研究现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
质子交换膜燃料电池(PEMFC)进行反应的燃料是高纯度氢气,氢气的制备和存储是质子交换膜燃料电池能否应用和规模化应用的先决条件和关键技术。对燃料电池用氢气的制备、纯化、存储技术的研究现状进行了综合分析。  相似文献   

简要介绍了氢气的多种存储方式以及储氢的现状,并对多种储氢方式进行了比较分析,讨论了氢气应用在燃料电池混合动力机车上的可行性。结合目前混合动力机车加氢装置安全保护要求,提出了几种可用的安全保护技术和措施。重点对车载加氢装置的安全管理做了介绍并展开了有益的探讨,为燃料电池混合动力机车加氢装置的研发和安全稳定工作提供了理论参考。  相似文献   

Two novel fuel cell designs attempt to improve efficiency and reduce the balance of plant weight by implementing a square hole through the center of the bipolar plates. Air is forced through the square hole for the purpose of oxygen delivery, water removal, and stack cooling. This study demonstrates, for the two novel designs, a more even temperature distribution and hot spots away from the center of the bipolar plates. This reduces the number and size of components required to effectively run the system, thus reducing the weight of the balance of plant. Four simulations are presented in this paper, with inlet gases and initial cell temperature set to 333 K. The maximum temperature for case 1 without cooling is 347.97 K, case 1 with water cooling is 335.29 K, case 2 with forced air cooling is 339.42 K, and case 3 with forced air cooling is 335.13 K.  相似文献   

The paper presents an analysis of thermodynamic losses in thermal reservoirs due to irreversible heat transfer and frictional effects. The focus is upon applications to large-scale electricity storage for which it is the loss in availability (or exergy) that is most relevant. Accordingly, results are presented as loss coefficients which are defined as the fractional loss of the entering availability. Only losses stemming from irreversibility are considered – heat losses to the surroundings are not included in the analysis. A number of simplifying assumptions have been adopted, but the results nonetheless clearly demonstrate the dependence of the losses on operating temperatures, reservoir geometry and mode of operation, and point the way towards methods of optimisation. Estimates for a typical installation suggest that the losses are not insignificant, particularly for one-off charge and discharge (i.e., for long-term storage), but remain acceptable for cyclic operation, so as to make the use of thermal reservoirs attractive for electricity storage schemes.  相似文献   

Fuel cell (FC) propulsion for small (MTOW < 25 kg) Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) provides a route for lower capital cost, environmentally friendlier and low noise operation. Most FC-based UAVs tested to date rely on compressed gas cylinders delivered to the point of use and used to refill the UAV hydrogen tanks on-site or chemical hydride systems to produce hydrogen on-board. An attractive alternative option is to produce hydrogen on-site from an off-grid renewable source according to the UAV fuel demand. A prototype off-grid solar-based hydrogen refuelling station for UAVs was developed for that purpose by Boeing Research & Technology Europe. A test program was carried out to evaluate the dynamic response of the hydrogen UAV refuelling system operating in an off-grid manner (disconnected from the AC grid). The system comprises a concentrated photovoltaic (CPV) array, an alkaline electrolyser, a low pressure hydrogen buffer tank and the required power electronics. The electrolyser was connected to the CPV source in an off-grid manner. The results from the off-grid tests are presented in this paper.  相似文献   

Finite element (FE) analysis of a filament wound 700-bar compressed hydrogen storage Type 4 tank is presented. Construction of the FE model was derived from an initial netting analysis to determine the optimal dome shape, winding angle, and helical and hoop layer thicknesses. The FE model was then used to predict the performance of the composite tank subject to the operating requirements and design assumptions, and to provide guidance for design optimization. Variation of the winding angle and helical layer thickness in the dome section was incorporated in the FE model. The analysis was used to determine the minimum helical and hoop layer thicknesses needed to assure structural integrity of the tank. The analysis also examined the use of “doilies” to reinforce the dome and the boss sections of the tanks to reduce the number of helical layers wound around the cylindrical section of the tank. The results of the FE analyses showed that the use of doilies reduces the stresses near the dome end but the stresses at the tank shoulder are not affected. A new integrated end-cap design is proposed to reinforce the dome section. With the integrated end-cap, FE analysis showed that the high stress points shift from the dome to the cylindrical section of the tank.  相似文献   

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