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This paper examines the helium dispersion behavior in a 16.6 m3 enclosure with a small opening in the floor and distributed leaks along the edges. Helium, a simulant for hydrogen, was injected near the center of the floor with an injection rate ranging from 2 to 50 standard liters per minute (Richardson number of 0.3–134) through an upward-facing nozzle. In a short-term transient, the helium distribution predicted with the models of Baines & Turner (1969) and Worster & Huppert (1983) matched the measured distributions reasonably well. In a long-term transient, the vertical helium profile always reached a steady state, which consisted of a homogenous layer at the top overlaying a stratified layer at the bottom. The helium transients in the uniform layer predicted with the models of Lowesmith (2009) and Prasad & Yang (2010), assuming a vent was located in the ceiling, were in good agreement with the measured transients.  相似文献   

Hydrogen, producing electricity in fuel cells, is a versatile energy source, but with risks associated with flammability. Fuel cells use enclosures for protection which need ventilating to remove hydrogen emitted during normal operation or from supply system leaks. Passive ventilation, using buoyancy driven flow is preferred to mechanical systems. Performance depends upon vent design, size, shape, position and number. Vents are usually plain rectangular openings, but environmentally situated enclosures use louvres for protection. The effect of louvres on passive ventilation is not clear and has therefore been examined in this paper. Comparison ‘same opening area’ louvre and plain vent tests were undertaken using a 0.144 m3 enclosure with opposing upper and lower vents and helium leaking from a 4 mm nozzle on the base at rates from 1 to 10 lpm, simulating a hydrogen leak. Louvres increased stratified level helium concentrations by typically in excess of 15%. The empirical data obtained was also used in a validation exercise with a SolidWorks: Flow Simulation CFD model, which provided a good qualitative representation of flow behaviour and close empirical data correlations.  相似文献   

We present an experimental investigation of the different concentration build-up regimes encountered during a release of helium/air mixture in an empty enclosure without ventilation. The release is a vertical jet issuing from a nozzle located near the floor. The nozzle diameter, the flow rate and the composition of the injected mixture have been varied such that the injection Richardson number ranges from 6 × 10−6 to 190. The volume Richardson number, which gives the ability of the release to mix the enclosure content, ranges from 2 × 10−3 to 2 × 104. This wide range allowed reaching three distinct regimes: stratified, stratified with a homogeneous upper layer and homogenous.  相似文献   

An experimental apparatus, which was based on the ¼-scale garage previously used for studying helium release and dispersion in our laboratory, was used to obtain effective diffusion coefficients of helium and hydrogen (released as forming gas for safety reasons) through gypsum panel. Two types of gypsum panel were used in the experiments. Helium or forming gas was released into the enclosure from a Fischer burner1 located near the enclosure floor for a fixed duration and then terminated. Eight thermal-conductivity sensors mounted at different vertical locations above the enclosure floor were used to monitor the temporal and spatial gas concentrations. An electric fan was used inside the enclosure to mix the released gas to ensure a spatially uniform gas concentration to minimize stratification. The temporal variations of the pressure difference between the enclosure interior and the ambience were also measured. An analytical model was developed to extract the effective diffusion coefficients from the experimental data.  相似文献   

The hydrogen dispersion phenomenon in an enclosure depends on the ratio of the gas buoyancy-induced momentum and diffusive motions. Random diffusive motions of individual gas particles become dominative when the release momentum is low, and a uniform hydrogen concentration appears in the enclosure instead of the gas cumulation below the ceiling. The expected hydrogen behavior could be projected by the Froude number, which value ~1 predicts a decline of buoyancy. This paper justifies this hypothesis by demonstrating full-scale experimental results of hydrogen dispersion within a confined space under six different release variations. During the experiments, hydrogen was released into the test room of 60 m3 volume in two methods: through a nozzle and through 21 points evenly distributed on the emission box cover (multi-point release). Each release method was tested with three volume flow rates (3.2 × 10−3 m3/s, 1.6 × 10−3 m3/s, 3.3 × 10−4 m3/s). The tests confirm the decrease of hydrogen buoyancy and its stratification tendencies when the Mach, Reynolds, and Froud number values decrease. Because the hydrogen dispersion phenomenon would impact fire and explosive hazards, the presented experimental results could help fire protection systems be in an enclosure designed, allowing their effectiveness optimization.  相似文献   

The time and space evolution of the distribution of hydrogen in confined settings was investigated computationally and experimentally for permeation from typical compressed gaseous hydrogen (CGH2) storage systems for buses or cars. The main goal was to examine whether hydrogen is distributed homogeneously within a garage-like facility or whether stratified conditions are developed, under certain conditions. The nominal hydrogen flow rate considered was 1.087 L/min in a bus facility with a volume of 681 m3. The release was assumed to be directed upwards from a 0.15 m diameter hole located at the middle part of the bus cylinders casing. Ventilation rates up to 0.03 air changes per hour (ACH) were considered. Simulated time periods extended up to 20 days. The CFD simulations performed with the ADREA-HF code showed that fully homogeneous conditions exist for low ventilation rates, while stratified conditions prevail for higher ventilation rates. Regarding flow structure it was found that the vertical concentration profiles can be considered as the superposition of the concentration at the floor (driven by diffusion) plus a concentration difference between floor and ceiling (driven by buoyancy forces). In all cases considered this concentration difference was found to be less than 0.5%. The dispersion experiments were performed in a large scale garage-like enclosure of 40 m3 using helium (GARAGE facility). Comparison between CFD simulations and experiments showed that the predicted concentrations were in good agreement with the experimental data. Finally, simulations were performed using two integral models: the fully homogeneous model and a two-layer model and the results were compared both against CFD and the experimental data.  相似文献   

This work presents a parametric study on the similitude between hydrogen and helium distribution when released in the air by a source located inside of a naturally ventilated enclosure with two vents. Several configurations were experimentally addressed in order to improve knowledge on dispersion. Parameters were chosen to mimic operating conditions of hydrogen energy systems. Thus, the varying parameters of the study were mainly the source diameter, the releasing flow rate, the volume and the geometry of the enclosure. Two different experimental set-ups were used in order to vary the enclosure's height between 1 and 2 m. Experimental results obtained with helium and hydrogen were compared at equivalent flow rates, determined with existing similitude laws. It appears, for the plume release case, that helium can suitably be used for predicting hydrogen dispersion in these operating designs. On the other hand – when the flow turns into a jet – non negligible differences between hydrogen and helium dispersion appear. In this case, helium – used as a direct substitute to hydrogen – will over predict concentrations we would get with hydrogen. Therefore, helium concentration read-outs should be converted to obtain correct predictions for hydrogen. However such a converting law is not available yet.  相似文献   

This paper examines the flame dynamics of vented deflagration in stratified hydrogen layers. It also compares the measured combustion pressure transients with 3D GOTHIC simulations to assess GOTHIC's capability to simulate the associated phenomena. The experiments were performed in the Large-Scale Vented Combustion Test Facility at the Canadian Nuclear Laboratories. The stratified layer was formed by injecting hydrogen at a high elevation at a constant flow rate. The dominant parameters for vented deflagrations in stratified layers were investigated. The experimental results show that significant overpressures are generated in stratified hydrogen–air mixtures with local high concentration even though the volume-averaged hydrogen concentration is non-flammable. The GOTHIC predictions capture the overall pressure dynamics of combustion very well, but the peak overpressures are consistently over-predicted, particularly with higher maximum hydrogen concentrations. The measured combustion overpressures are also compared with Molkov's model prediction based on a layer-averaged hydrogen concentration.  相似文献   

University of Pisa performed hydrogen releases and deflagrations in a 1.14 m3 test facility, which shape and dimensions resemble a gas cabinet. Tests were performed for the HySEA project, founded by the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking with the aim to conduct pre-normative research on vented deflagrations in enclosures and containers used for hydrogen energy applications. The test facility, named Small Scale Enclosure (SSE), has a vent area of 0,42 m2 which can host different types of vent; plastic sheet and commercial vent were tested. Realistic levels of congestion are obtained placing a number of gas bottles inside the enclosure. Releases are performed from a buffer tank of a known volume filled with hydrogen at a pressure ranging between 15 and 60 bar. Two nozzles of different diameter and three different release directions were tested, being the nozzle placed at a height where in a real application a leak has the highest probability to occur. Three different ignition locations were investigated as well. This paper is aimed to summarize the main features of the experimental campaign as well as to present its results.  相似文献   

We present an experimental study on the dispersion of helium in an enclosure of 1 m3 with natural ventilation through one vent. Three vent geometries have been studied. Injection parameters have been varied so that the injection Richardson number ranges from 2·10−6 to 9 and the volume Richardson number, which gives the ability of the release to mix the enclosure content ranges from 8·10−4 to 900. It has been found that the vertical distribution of helium volume fraction can exhibit significant gradient. Nevertheless, the results are compared to the simple analytical model based on the homogenous mixture hypothesis which gives fairly good estimates of the maximum helium volume fraction.  相似文献   

An experimental setup named GARAGE has been developed in order to analyze the condition of formation of an explosive atmosphere in an enclosure. This is a full scale facility in which a real car can be parked. Hydrogen releases were simulated with helium which volume fraction was measured with mini-katharometers. These thermal conductivity probes allow spatial and time volume fraction variations measurements. We present experimental results on the dispersion of helium in the enclosure due to releases in a typical car. The tested parameters are the location of the source (engine, bottom of the car, storage) and the flow rate. Emphasis is put on the influence of these parameters on the time evolution of the volume fraction in the enclosure as well as on the vertical distribution of helium.  相似文献   

Hydrogen deflagration in confined spaces is an important safety issue. The dispersion of a stratified layer of hydrogen due to molecular diffusion is studied. It represents an important class of problems related to long term behaviour of hydrogen release in confined spaces. Diffusion being a slow process, gives an upper bound on the time taken for the stratified layer to mix with air below. A method, based on four indices, namely, average mole fraction (of hydrogen), non-uniformity index, deflagration volume fraction and deflagration pressure ratio, developed recently by the authors, is used to provide vital temporal information on mixing of the stratified layer with air below and formation of flammable cloud in the enclosure. In the present paper, stratified layers of different thickness are considered and the temporal evolutions of the above indices are plotted against diffusion Fourier number. The results in non-dimensional form provide an upper bound of the time that would be required to form a uniform mixture and to attain a state with respect to deflagration potential for enclosures of different sizes. This estimate is an important input for planning mitigation measures before the accident and for post accident investigations.  相似文献   

In this study, natural convection heat transfer and fluid flow of two heated partitions. within an enclosure have been analysed numerically. The right side wall and the bottom wall of the enclosure were insulated perfectly while the left side wall and top wall were maintained at the same uniform temperature. The partitions were placed on the bottom of the enclosure and their temperatures were kept higher than the non-isolated walls. The effects of position and heights of the partitions on heat transfer and flow field have been investigated. Computations for Rayleigh number in the range of 104 and 106 have been conducted. Using the control volume approach, finite difference equations are obtained with non-staggered grid arrangement, a computer program based on the SIMPLEM algorithm was developed. The finite difference equations were solved iteratively with a line-by-line Thomas algorithm.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the dispersion of a fixed mass of the highly buoyant hydrogen when exposed to overlaying atmosphere with a negligible pressure difference from open vertical cylindrical enclosures are examined. Features of the rapid formation and dispersion of flammable mixtures both inside and immediate outside of the enclosure and their corresponding propagation rates were examined using a 3-D CFD model. For the cases considered, the puffs of the fuel–air mixture appear to produce lean flammable boundaries that move mainly at a near constant rate for much of the time. A similar simulation that used an axis-symmetrical 2-D model tended to under-predict the dynamics of the lean and rich mixture boundaries. Hydrogen plume characteristics were compared with that of the less buoyant methane and helium release. Unlike methane, helium propagation rate was found fairly close to that of hydrogen.  相似文献   

To simulate and investigate the irradiation damage of neutron and transmutation effect (He production) on the hydrogen isotope trapping behavior, in the present study, a new monoclinic hydrogen permeation barrier composed of Cr2O3 was fabricated and helium implantation with different fluences was tentatively employed. First, pure chromium samples were oxidized in an ultra-low oxygen partial pressure (1.7 × 10−23 Pa) environment to obtain a single Cr2O3 layer. Then a dense layer of helium bubbles was formed in a substrate using a helium ion implantation method. Finally, the samples were treated in a hydrogen plasma environment at 500 °C. The damage, vacancy, and helium distribution in these samples were then simulated by SRIM. The morphology, phase, surface characteristics, thermal desorption, and electrochemical properties were subsequently characterized and evaluated. Thermal desorption spectrum analysis (TDS) was used to study the thermal desorption of hydrogen and helium at different temperatures. Our results showed that the inhibitory effect of the composite hydrogen barrier layer on the hydrogen diffusion in the substrate first increased and then decreased with the increase of the helium ion implantation fluence.  相似文献   

A medium-scale model (1/10) of an underground parking garage is designed and built to study the characteristics of the release and dispersion of hydrogen leaked from hydrogen fuel cell vehicles (HFCVs) in underground garages. Helium is used in place of hydrogen for safety reasons. The helium release experiments are conducted and the variations in helium concentrations at different locations and times in the garage model are obtained. The influence mechanisms of the leakage flow rate and nozzle diameter on the spatial and temporal distributions of the helium concentration are revealed. The experimental results show that the initial release rate of helium is the key factor affecting the distribution of helium concentrations. Both leakage flow rate and nozzle diameter have a significant influence on helium concentrations by affecting the initial release rate. If the release time is long enough, the helium concentrations will experience three stages during release, namely, rapid growth, slow growth and relatively stable. Furthermore, the beams of the garage can reduce the area on the ceiling where the hydrogen concentration exceeds the lower flammable limit (LFL). On the other hand, the beams can make it easier for local hydrogen concentrations to reach the LFL. This work can provide theoretical support for the design and construction of underground parking garages and the arrangement of hydrogen detectors.  相似文献   

Experimental data from vented explosion tests using lean hydrogen–air mixtures with concentrations from 12 to 19% vol. are presented. A 63.7-m3 chamber was used for the tests with a vent size of either 2.7 or 5.4 m2. The tests were focused on the effect of hydrogen concentration, ignition location, vent size, and obstacles on the pressure development of a propagating flame in a vented enclosure. The dependence of the maximum pressure generated on the experimental parameters was analyzed. It was confirmed that the pressure maxima are caused by pressure transients controlled by the interplay of the maximum flame area, the burning velocity, and the overpressure generated outside of the chamber by an external explosion. A model proposed earlier to estimate the maximum pressure for each of the main pressure transients was evaluated for the various hydrogen concentrations. The effect of the Lewis number on the vented explosion overpressure is discussed.  相似文献   

The results of large scale experiments to study gas accumulation within a ventilated enclosure representing a domestic room are presented. Gas was released vertically upwards at a pressure typical of that experienced in a domestic environment from hole sizes representative of leaks and breaks in pipes. The released gas composition was either methane or a methane/hydrogen mixture containing up to 50% hydrogen. During the experiments, gas concentrations throughout the enclosure and the external wind conditions were monitored. A mathematical model has also been developed to describe the gas release as it mixes with air and forms a layer of gas/air mixture in the upper part of the enclosure. The model accounts for both wind and buoyancy driven ventilation, which arises as a result of the formation of the gas accumulation within the enclosure. The results show the importance of buoyancy driven ventilation on the steady state gas concentrations achieved.  相似文献   

In this study, the consequences of an accidental release of hydrogen within large scale, (>15,000 m3), facilities were modeled. To model the hydrogen release, an LES Navier–Stokes CFD solver, called fireFoam, was used to calculate the dispersion and mixing of hydrogen within a large scale facility. The performance of the CFD modeling technique was evaluated through a validation study using experimental results from a 1/6 scale hydrogen release from the literature and a grid sensitivity study. Using the model, a parametric study was performed varying release rates and enclosure sizes and examining the concentrations that develop. The hydrogen dispersion results were then used to calculate the corresponding pressure loads from hydrogen-air deflagrations in the facility.  相似文献   

This paper describes an experimental programme on vented hydrogen deflagrations, which formed part of the Hyindoor project, carried out for the EU Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking. The purpose of this study was to investigate the validity of analytical models used to calculate overpressures following a low concentration hydrogen deflagration. Other aspects of safety were also investigated, such as lateral flame length resulting from explosion venting. The experimental programme included the investigation of vented hydrogen deflagrations from a 31 m3 enclosure with a maximum internal overpressure target of 10 kPa (100 mbar). The explosion relief was provided by lightly covered openings in the roof or sidewalls. Uniform and stratified initial hydrogen distributions were included in the test matrix and the location of the ignition source was also varied. The maximum hydrogen concentration used within the enclosure was 14% v/v. The hydrogen concentration profile within the enclosure was measured, as were the internal and external pressures. Infrared video images were obtained of the gases vented during the deflagrations. Findings show that the analytical models were generally conservative for overpressure predictions. Flame lengths were found to be far less than suggested by some guidance. Along with the findings, the methodology, test conditions and corresponding results are presented.  相似文献   

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