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为了对冲击发电机的轴套温度进行监测,设计并研制了一种新型的红外光纤辐射温度计.温度计主要由红外空芯玻璃光纤、红外探测器、放大电路及80C552单片机组成.在分析各部分实现功能的基础上,重点研究了环境温度变化对探测器的影响,并实现了数学建模.温度计的工作波长是8~14μm,测量温度范围是60~400℃,测试环境温度范围是25~60℃.利用可精确控温的实物标定炉和环境模拟箱对温度计进行了标定,测量误差小于2%.经过几个月的在线监测,取得了较好的测量结果.  相似文献   

Very high interest in making a low-loss fiber for the infrared has been stimulated by important applications in optical communication, surgery, cutting, welding, and heat treatment. The leaky waveguide is one of the most promising types of future fiber in the infrared region where low-loss materials are not available or not suitable for making fibers (i.e., CO2 laser light lambda = 10.6 microm). In this paper a comparative model of a He-Ne laser beam and an oxide glass leaky hollow fiber for a CO2 laser light beam and a chalcogenide glass leaky hollow fiber are studied. Measurements of attenuation, dependence of output power on diameter and angle, and the angular dependence of output angle vs input angle were made. The experimental data were compared with theoretical calculations, and the critical value of the wall thickness for minimum attenuation is given.  相似文献   

Two kinds of reflection intensity sensor made of chalcogenide glass fiber for the mid-IR region are demonstrated. One is a double-fiber reflection sensor based on two tied fibers with a gold-coated hollow metal waveguide connected to the far end of the fibers. The other is a single-fiber reflection sensor based on contact couplers. These reflectance sensors were coupled to a Fourier-transform IR spectrometer by a unique accessory based on nonimaging concentrators. This setup was built to measure absorption spectra of a polymer coating of an aluminum can and a sheet of drafting paper. A theoretical model treating the ratio between the signal from the target and the background is introduced. This model was helpful in deriving the sensitivity characteristics of the sensors from experimental absorption peak heights. Hence, the absorption peaks heights that we obtained using a single-fiber reflection sensor with a symmetric coupler were nearly 50% relative to those obtained with a double-fiber reflection sensor.  相似文献   

Shi YW  Ito K  Ma L  Yoshida T  Matsuura Y  Miyagi M 《Applied optics》2006,45(26):6736-6740
The techniques for fabricating a hollow optical fiber with an inner silver layer and a cyclic olefin polymer (COP) layer have been improved to reduce the surface roughness of these two layers. The loss spectrum was thereby drastically reduced over a wide wavelength range, from visible to near infrared. Optimization of the COP layer thickness resulted in low loss simultaneously at several key laser wavelengths. Infrared hollow fiber with low loss was developed for Er:YAG and Nd:YAG lasers. It can also deliver green and red pilot beams with low loss. Use of this fiber in therapeutic and pilot lasers should prove useful for research and development in laser medicine.  相似文献   

Yokoyama E  Kakino S  Matsuura Y 《Applied optics》2008,47(23):4227-4230
Raman spectroscopy using a hollow optical fiber probe with a glass ball lens at the distal end is proposed for detection of early caries lesions. Raman spectroscopy on carious lesions of extracted teeth showed that the probe enables measurement with a high signal-to-noise ratio when combined with a ball lens with a high refractive index. The proposed probe and lens combination detects changes in Raman spectra caused by morphological differences between sound and carious enamel. We also obtained a high-contrast image of an early carious lesion by scanning the tooth surface with the probe.  相似文献   

A novel scheme for performing infrared multiphoton dissociation (IRMPD) is presented in which a hollow fiber waveguide (HFWG) is used to transmit IR radiation into the ion storage region of a mass spectrometer. Efficient dissociation of oligonucleotide and protein ions is demonstrated on an ESI-FTICR instrument in which IRMPD is performed in the external ion reservoir and on a quadrupole ion trap. Using a simple optical scheme consisting of a single focusing lens and an x, y translator, the 10.6-microm IR laser beam, initially 3.5 mm in diameter, is focused into the vacuum-sealed HFWG. The small internal diameter and the high transfer efficiency of the waveguide allow IR radiation of high power density to be employed for IRMPD. In studies performed on a quadrupole ion trap, a 500-microm-i.d. waveguide was used as a medium to transmit IR radiation directly through a 700-microm orifice in the ring electrode. Efficient IRMPD of both a 12-mer oligonucleotide and the protein melittin were performed at laser powers of 0.5 and 3.2 W, respectively.  相似文献   

An example of the measurement of detective quantum efficiency is illustrated for a scintillating glass optical fiber detector used in X-ray imaging. We have shown the necessity to filter the input Poisson noise of the incoming beam, by the MTF (Modulation Transfer Function) of the detector, in order to obtain the real DQE (Detective Quantum Efficiency).  相似文献   

We review the optical guidance properties of hollow-core photonic crystal fibers. We follow a historical perspective to introduce the two major optical guidance mechanisms that were identified as operating in these fibers: photonic bandgap guidance and inhibited coupling guidance. We then review the modal properties of these fibers and assess the transmission loss mechanisms in photonic bandgap guiding hollow-core photonic crystal fiber. We dedicate a section to a review of the technical basics of hollow-core photonic crystal fiber fabrication and photonic microcell assembly. We review some of the early results on the use of hollow-core photonic crystal fiber for laser guiding micro-sized particles, as well as the generation of stimulated Raman scattering, electromagnetically induced transparency and laser frequency stabilization when the fiber core is filled with a gas-phase material. We conclude this review with a non-exhaustive list of prospects where hollow-core photonic crystal fiber could play a central role.  相似文献   

Geng J  Wang Q  Jiang S 《Applied optics》2012,51(7):834-840
Broadband mid-infrared supercontinuum pulses were generated directly from a short piece of active fiber in a single-mode Tm-doped fiber amplifier. The broadband mid-infrared pulses have an extremely high spectral flatness with ~600 nm FWHM bandwidth (from 1.9 μm to 2.5 μm), >15 kW peak power, and >20 GW/cm(2) laser peak intensity. This new approach exhibits a significantly different physical mechanism from other supercontinuum generation demonstrations in the literature, in which usually a piece of passive fiber was used for nonlinear spectral broadening. The physical mechanism for the broadband mid-infrared supercontinuum generation in this approach has been attributed to a combined effect of two superradiative processes of Tm(3+) ions (i.e., the (3)F(4)-(3)H(6) transition covering the 1.8~2.1 μm spectral region and the (3)H(4)-(3)H(5) transition covering the 2.2~2.5 μm spectral region), and also nonlinear optical processes as well in the Tm-doped gain fiber. The spectra of the mid-infrared supercontinuum pulses were further broadened in a 2 m chalcogenide fiber with 20 dB bandwidth ~1100 nm and a 3 m fluoride fiber with 20 dB bandwidth ~2600 nm.  相似文献   

为研究玻璃纤维增强树脂复合材料(GFRP)管-钢筋/混凝土空心构件的抗弯性能,编制了受弯构件的非线性分析程序,系统地分析了空心率、配筋率、GFRP管管壁厚度及混凝土强度等级等主要参数对其抗弯性能的影响,并通过试验对所编制的程序进行验证,最后建立适用于GFRP管-钢筋/混凝土空心构件的抗弯承载力计算公式。结果表明:利用编制的受弯构件非线性分析程序与建立的抗弯承载力公式,计算结果与试验结果均吻合较好,抗弯承载力随空心率的减小、配筋率的提高、GFRP管管壁厚度的增加及混凝土强度的增大而增加,空心率对构件抗弯承载力影响最大,其次是配筋率和GFRP管管壁厚度,最后是混凝土强度等级,空心部分半径比在0.25~0.5为宜,可以适当提高配筋率、GFRP管管壁厚度或混凝土强度等级来弥补该空心构件抗弯承载力,研究结论可为该结构在实际应用中提供参考依据。   相似文献   

简述了磁光玻璃中Faraday效应的本质特征;综述了磁光玻璃的研究进展;对在光纤传感器中有潜在应用前景的高掺稀土玻璃材料作了介绍,并对当前磁光玻璃研究中存在的问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

碳化硅内膜空芯传能光纤的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了改进空芯传能光纤对10.6μm处CO2激光的传输性能,研制了具有SiC内膜的新型空芯玻璃波导,利用SEM和FTIR等技术分析了反应条件对sic膜层结构、物相的影响,并测试了光纤的性能.结果表明:温度是影响SiC膜层的重要因素;制得的孔径为950μm,长为2.5m的SiC传能光纤理论损耗约为0.7dB/m,实际传输损耗为0.74dB/m;SiC的吸收蜂有蓝移现象.  相似文献   

Vapor absorption refrigeration systems using the LiBr–water pair can be an alternative to existing automobile air-conditioning systems. To this purpose, the new system must be compact enough to fit into automobiles, and robust against sloping roads and unexpected vibrations while driving. The system uses a micro-porous hydrophobic hollow fiber membrane-based generator (HFM-G) instead of the conventional generator in the absorption cycle. HFM-G extracts water vapor from the LiBr solution that is mechanically constrained by a hydrophobic membrane. This paper presents the results of a parametric steady-state simulation investigating how the HFM-G affects the proposed absorption cooling cycle. We first describe the mechanism of the HFM-G, and the system performance of the proposed cycle under various operating conditions is examined. Simulation results show that the proposed system can achieve a cooling capacity and COP of approximately 2.88 kW and 0.63, respectively, by incorporating the solution recirculation process.  相似文献   

A gas sensor for application in water analysis was developed by combination of a mid-infrared (MIR) hollow waveguide with a Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectrometer and coupling of the hollow waveguide gas sensor module to a supported capillary membrane sampler (SCMS) for continuous liquid-gas extraction. Different hollow waveguides have been characterized in this study for developing an optimized optical configuration. Analysis of industrially relevant compounds has been performed, investigating chlorinated hydrocarbons (CHCs), such as dichloromethane and chloroform, representing highly volatile analytes, and 1,4-dioxane as an example of target compounds with low volatility. The suitability of this spectroscopic IR sensing system for industrial applications is demonstrated under simulated real-world conditions with limits of detection in the ppb (v/v) and ppm (v/v) concentration range for CHCs and 1,4-dioxane, respectively.  相似文献   

Tian F  Yuan L  Dai Q  Liu Z 《Applied optics》2011,50(33):6162-6167
We fabricate and demonstrate a hollow fiber with multiple embedded cores (MCHF) based on a modified "suspended core-in-tube" preform technique. Its birefringence properties are controlled by the MCHF core's ovality, which could be controlled by the applied pressure and drawing temperature in the MCHF preform. An in-fiber Mach-Zehnder interferometer with 90.38% visibility is built by fuse-tapering a single-mode fiber to the MCHF, and the splice loss is less than 2 dB. We expect that the proposed MCHF has some potential applications in in-fiber interferometers without the polarization-induced fading problem and in the biosensing area.  相似文献   

光纤智能混凝土结构自修复的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
研究了空心光纤的传输特性与匹配特性、混凝土结构损伤、裂缝的自诊断检测以及利用注入粘度小的缩聚高分子溶液粘结修补剂来实现混凝土的自修复。论述了空光纤与混凝土结构强度的匹配,为空心光纤用于混凝土结构损伤的自诊断与自修复提供了研究依据。对自诊断、自修复系统的总体方案进行了研究和分析,实验结果验证了该方案的可行性。  相似文献   

Kino S  Matsuura Y 《Applied spectroscopy》2007,61(12):1334-1337
Remote spectroscopy systems based on hollow optical fiber probes are proposed and experimental results using a Fourier transform spectroscope are presented. A hollow optical-fiber probe with a silver and polymer inner coating is used to deliver incoherent light to a target and another separate hollow fiber is used to collect the reflected light. The reflectance spectra of teeth, skin, and oral mucosa were successfully measured with the probe even from surfaces with reflectances lower than 0.5%. The preliminary results obtained using attenuated total reflection spectroscopy are also presented. This remote infrared spectroscope is useful for endoscopic measurements inside the body because it is flexible, durable, nontoxic, and has the low transmission losses associated with hollow-fiber-based probes.  相似文献   

Single hollow fiber microconcentrator   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

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