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K. M. Wilson E. B. Rimm K. M. Thompson L. A. Mucci 《Journal für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit》2006,10(6):19-27
In April 2002, researchers from the Swedish National Food Administration reported that they had detected elevated levels of
acrylamide in commonly consumed baked and fried foods. Acrylamide is known as a neurotoxin in humans and as a carcinogen in
experimental animals, and it is classified as a probable human carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer
(IARC, 1994). Therefore, the discovery that the compound forms naturally during high-heat cooking of starchy foods caused
substantial alarm in Sweden and worldwide. Within months of the initial Swedish report, national governments and food companies
began their own investigations on acrylamide in foods and discussed the potential impact of dietary acrylamide on the public’s
health. The discovery also provoked public debate among scientists about the importance of the finding because of the relative
lack of data in humans on the one hand and the knowledge that acrylamide in high doses is genotoxic in cell and animal studies
on the other. Since 2002, researchers have engaged in a wide range of studies spanning across disciplines. In this review,
we summarize the current state of knowledge on acrylamide in foods. We discuss the formation and intake of acrylamide in foods,
present evidence for carcinogenicity in cell and animal studies, and examine the findings from epidemiological studies of
occupational and dietary exposures. We conclude with a discussion of future directions in the field. 相似文献
ABSTRACTAcrylamide content in food market in China was determined with the goal to evaluate related health concern. In this survey, products of rice, potato corn, wheat as well as dried fruit slices and instant foods were analysed. All these types of thermal-processed carbohydrate-rich foods were frequently consumed in China. They were purchased from markets in Zhejiang province and analysed using a liquid chromatography tandem/mass spectrometry method. Acrylamide was detected in 94.3% of 105 investigated samples, ranging from 10 to 3649 μg/kg with an average value of 231 μg/kg and a median of 114 μg/kg. In this study, high levels were found in potato products (564 ± 285 μg/kg), corn products (524 ± 187 μg/kg) and instant foods (180 ± 35 μg/kg) while low levels were measured in rice products (82 ± 17 μg/kg), wheat products (96 ± 29 μg/kg) and dried fruit slices (83 ± 13 μg/kg). 相似文献
Joseph H. Ashmore Connie J. Rogers Shannon L. Kelleher Samuel M. Lesko 《Critical reviews in food science and nutrition》2016,56(6):1012-1020
Iron is an essential micronutrient that is involved in many redox processes and serves as an integral component in various physiological functions. However, excess iron can cause tissue damage through its pro-oxidative effects, potentiating the development of many diseases such as cancer through the generation of reactive oxidative species. The two major forms of iron in the diet are heme and nonheme iron, both of which are found in several different foods. In addition to natural food sources, intake of nonheme iron may also come from fortified foods or in supplement form. This review summarizes the results of human population studies that have examined the role of dietary iron (heme and nonheme), heme iron alone, and iron from supplements in colorectal carcinogenesis. 相似文献
杭州市场罐头类食品的双酚A污染调查及其膳食风险评估 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
目的:调查检测市场上罐头类食品的双酚A含量,明确其膳食暴露风险。方法:在杭州超市采集各类罐头食品样品93个,采用高效液相色谱法测定双酚A含量,采用点评估方法评估其膳食暴露风险。结果:罐头样品双酚A的检出率为29%,平均值为121.7μg/kg,最大值为2 840μg/kg,其中油性的鱼、肉和蔬菜类罐头双酚A含量较高;一般人群来源于罐头食品的双酚A膳食暴露量为0.04—0.20μg/(kg·bw)/d,占TDI的0.4%—2.0%。结论:油性的鱼、肉和蔬菜类罐头食品双酚A含量显著高于饮料和粥类罐头食品;在没有其他重大的暴露来源时,各类人群以罐头类食品为主的双酚A膳食暴露均在可接受的范围内。 相似文献
Up to now, no data are available which document possible time trends in acrylamide exposure. Therefore, 3 day dietary records
(n = 3494) from 704 children and adolescents in 5 age groups between 1 to 18 years from the DONALD Study were evaluated to
estimate the potential dietary intake of acrylamide by age and time between 1998 and 2004, hereby including the time when
acrylamide was in the focus of public interest in 2002/2003. Statistical data of the intake of 7 food groups (g/MJ) relevant
for acrylamide exposure were combined with available data for ranges of acrylamide concentrations in more than 1500 foods
in Germany published in 2003. Scenarios were calculated assuming minimum, median and maximum acrylamide concentration in food
groups. To analyse the influence of time (trend) on the outcome variables, mixed linear or non-linear models were used (PROC
Assuming median (minimum; maximum) acrylamide concentrations in foods and mean consumed food amounts, the calculated intake
of acrylamide ranged from 0,19–0,45 (0,08–0,18; 0,91–2,04)μg/(kgbw*d) in the age-sex groups from 1 to <19 years. The highest intake was calculated for children aged 1–<7 years. The highest
proportions of total intake of acrylamide came from bread (25%–47%), pastries (12%–39%), and potato products (3%– 31%) and
additionally commercial infant food in young children aged 1–<4 years. Significant time trends were found concerning the total
food intake and acrylamide exposure mainly in the form of a decline after 2001/2002 in some age-sex groups. Only few time
trends for single food groups were found.
Our estimated data are in the range of reports from the literature for adolescents and adults in Germany and other European
countries, but do not confirm that children and adolescents will have higher exposures to acrylamide than adults. However,
new analytical data are necessary to evaluate time trends for food consumption together with potential time trends for acrylamide
content of food.
Zusammenfassung (Redaktion). Bislang gab es noch keine Dokumentation über den zeitlichen Verlauf der Acrylamid-Exposition. Daher wurde im Rahmen der DONALD Studie ein Bericht über den Verzehr von Lebensmitteln w?hrend dreier Tage (n = 3494) von 704 Kindern und Jugendlichen in fünf Altersgruppen von 1 bis 18 Jahren eingeholt, um die potenzielle Aufnahme von Acrylamid in Abh?ngigkeit vom Lebensalter und im zeitlichen Verlauf zwischen den Jahren 1998 und 2004 absch?tzen zu k?nnen; damit wurde auch der Zeitraum von 2002 bis 2003 erfasst, wo dem Acrylamid in Lebensmitteln mehr ?ffentliches Interesse geschenkt wurde. Die statistischen Daten über den Verzehr von Lebensmitteln aus sieben verschiedenen Lebensmittel-Gruppen (g/MJ), welche für die Acrylamid-Exposition relevant waren, wurden in Relation gesetzt zu den verfügbaren Daten über die Grenzwerte von Acrylamidgehalten in mehr als 1500 verschiedenen Lebensmitteln in Deutschland. Szenarien wurden analysiert unter Verwendung des Minimal-, des Median- oder des Maximalwertes für die Acrylamid-Konzentration in den Lebensmittelgruppen. Zur Analyse der Zeitabh?ngigkeit der verschiedenen Variablen wurden verschiedene lineare oder nicht-lineare Modelle untersucht (PROC MIXED). Unter Voraussetzung des Median-Wertes (Minimum- oder Maximum-Wertes) der Acrylamid-Konzentration in den Lebensmitteln und ihrer verzehrten Menge kann mit einer aufgenommenen Acrylamid-Menge von 0,19–0,45 (0,08–0,18; 0,91–2,04) μg/(kgbw*d) in den Altergruppen zwischen 1 und 19 Jahren gerechnet werden. Die h?chste Aufnahme wurde für Kinder zwischen 1 und 7 Jahren berechnet. Der anteilig h?chste Eintrag an Acryl-amid erfolgte über Brot (25%–47%), Backwaren (12%–39%), und Kartoffelprodukte (3%–31%) und zus?tzlich über handelsübliche Babynahrung bei Kindern zwischen 1 und 4 Jahren. Ein signifikanter zeitlicher Zusammenhang zwischen dem Verzehr von Lebensmitteln und der Acrylamid-Exposition wurde haupts?chlich mit dem Sinken der Werte für einige Altersgruppen nach den Jahren 2001/2002 gefunden. Die Acrylamidaufnahme stimmt überein mit den Angaben anderer Berichte über Jugendliche und Erwachsene in Deutschland und anderen europ?ischen Staaten, sie best?tigen aber nicht, dass Kinder und Jugendliche einer h?heren Acrylamid-Exposition ausgesetzt sind als Erwachsene. Es sind jedoch weitere Analysen notwendig, um die zeitliche Entwicklung des Verzehrs von Lebensmitteln zusammen mit der zeitlichen Entwicklung der Acrylamid-Konzentration in Lebensmitteln bewerten zu k?nnen.
食品安全风险交流的理论探索与实践应用综述 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
世界各国越来越重视食品安全风险交流的作用,低效的食品安全风险交流不仅不能够达到解惑的目的,长期风险交流的不畅还会加重公众对政府、企业甚至专家的信任危机。目前我国食品安全风险交流工作仍处于探索阶段,如何建立有效的食品安全风险交流机制,已成为避免公众产生不必要的恐慌情绪、提高政府的食品安全监管公信力、保障食品企业长期健康发展乃至维护社会稳定所亟待解决的问题,任重而道远。本文在对研究风险交流效果评价理论文献梳理的基础上,结合国外食品安全风险交流的实践经验,探讨对我国食品安全风险交流的实践指导启示和意义。 相似文献
Acrylamide and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF): A review on metabolism, toxicity, occurrence in food and mitigation strategies 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
Edoardo Capuano 《LWT》2011,44(4):793-810
Neo-formed contaminants (NFCs) are compounds forming during heating or preservation processes and exhibiting possible harmful effects to humans. Among the several NFCs described in literature, Acrylamide and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) have attracted the attention of the scientific community in recent years. Both acrylamide and HMF are considered as probably or potentially carcinogenic to humans or might be metabolized by humans to potentially carcinogenic compounds. Acrylamide and HMF are mainly formed through Maillard Reaction and can be regarded as the most important heat-induced contaminants occurring in bread and bakery products. Acrylamide is carcinogen in rodent and some recent epidemiological studies have highlighted the association between dietary acrylamide and an increased risk of some types of cancer. HMF has been recently shown to be converted in vivo to 5-sulfoxymethylfurfural (SMF) which is a genotoxic compound. Dietary intake of HMF is in the order of mg/kg far above that of other food toxicants. In this paper, the latest available data on acrylamide and HMF have been reviewed focusing on available mitigation strategies, metabolism, dietary exposure, and toxicity. The results from the epidemiological studies about acrylamide and cancer risk and their relevance have been discussed, the major gaps of knowledge have been identified and the perspective of ongoing and future research was established. 相似文献
双酚A被广泛应用于食品接触材料中,人体暴露于双酚A可能会带来健康问题.目前中国是世界上最大的双酚A生产国,在全国范围内尚未对双酚A的暴露量进行系统性评估,缺乏相应的食品接触材料数据库.因此,了解食品接触材料迁移的双酚A暴露风险及国内外主要的风险管理措施,对于中国食品安全风险管理策略的制定及消费者食品选择指导具有重要的意... 相似文献
农药残留急性膳食风险评估研究进展 总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18
农药残留急性膳食风险评估直到最近才引起大家的关注。目前,JMPR研究国际范围农药急性膳食风险评估;美国、英国、荷兰、澳大利亚和新西兰也开始进行国家农药急性膳食风险评估。农药残留急性膳食风险是急性或短期接触毒性与农药残留急性膳食摄入量的函数。急性膳食风险评估包括设定急性毒性参考剂量、急性膳食摄入量评定和急性膳食风险描述。急性毒性参考剂量是根据现有的认知水平,在24h或少于24h的期间,人体摄入的食品或水中某物质对消费者不产生可察觉的健康危险的量,单位为毫克/公斤体重(mg/kgbw)。急性膳食接触量评估常用的方法有:定点或确定性方法和概率模型法。在确定性方法中选取食物的大部分人群消耗量和高残留量来计算膳食摄入量,为了解决混合样品中食品个体之间的残留差异,在计算中引入了变异因子。概率模型法是将食品中农药残留分布曲线与膳食摄入食品分布曲线进行整合得到农药膳食摄入量的分布曲线。目前最常用的是蒙特卡洛分析法。使用该方法需要收集个体在每天或每顿饭的食品膳食消耗数据和田间残留试验、市场残留检测数据以及关于加工、削皮、清洗、烹饪等行为对农药残留影响的研究数据。我国应该尽快建立健全膳食结构和农产品性状数据库,建立健全市场中农产品的农药残留数据库,并在高毒和中等毒性农药登记前,进行急性膳食风险评估,提高农药膳食摄入的安全性。首先应采用JMPR的确定性方法,然后再开发适合我国使用的概率模型法。 相似文献
ABSTRACTAcrylamide, a colourless and odourless crystalline solid, formed via the Maillard reaction in food, has been reported with harmful properties for humans, such as toxicity and carcinogenicity. Three hundred and four processed food samples from 17 product types, collected in Hanoi, Vietnam, were analyzed by LC-MS/MS to measure the acrylamide concentration. The limit of detection (LOD) and the limit of quantification (LOQ) of acrylamide were 1 µg Kg?1 and 3 µg Kg?1, respectively. Effectively, the highest acrylamide content is usually found in processed food, which is one of the primary reasons of increased acrylamide content in food. All French fried samples contained acrylamide above 500 µg kg?1. Acrylamide concentration in non-fried noodle, vermicelli, rice noodle, ph?, dried vegetable, and rice cracker is lower than in potato chips, fried potatoes, fried cake, and fried noodles. The results could be helpful to estimate exposure and risk assessment of acrylamide in Vietnam. 相似文献
Sotiris Stasinos Constantina Nasopoulou Constantina Tsikrika Ioannis Zabetakis 《Journal of food science》2014,79(5):R765-R780
The bioaccumulation of heavy metals in food tubers (carrots, onions, and potatoes) as a result of polluted irrigation water has been studied in this review paper. Given that heavy metals can cause a considerable oxidative stress, the impact of these metals to the physiology of the plants has also been assessed. The consumption of vegetables cross‐contaminated with heavy metals carries a considerable risk for humans (especially for children and pregnant women) and these dietary implications are discussed while European Food Safety Authority has been urged to look into this matter of concern. 相似文献
Thomas M. Amrein Luca Andres Barbara Schönbächler Béatrice Conde-Petit Felix Escher Renato Amadò 《European Food Research and Technology》2005,221(1-2):14-18
Acrylamide was determined in 86 different almond products, such as roasted almonds, almond-containing bakery products, raw almonds, and marzipan. The highest acrylamide concentrations were found in dark roasted almonds, while only moderate acrylamide contents were determined in bakery products. Roasting experiments under different process conditions showed that acrylamide increases with time and that temperature has a much stronger effect on acrylamide formation than time. During roasting reducing sugars are consumed faster and to a larger extent than free asparagine, suggesting that the content of reducing sugars may be a critical factor for acrylamide formation in roasted almonds. Acrylamide was found to decrease in roasted almonds during storage at room temperature. 相似文献
Javad Keramat Alain LeBail Carole Prost Maryam Jafari 《Food and Bioprocess Technology》2011,4(4):530-543
Acrylamide or 2-propenamide is a chemical compound, with chemical formula CH2=CH–CO–NH2, that can be produced at high levels in high-carbohydrate heat-treated foods. The risks of acrylamide to health and its toxic properties (neurotoxicity, genotoxicity, carcinogenicity and reproductive toxicity) were demonstrated by the Scientific Committee on Toxicity, Ecotoxicity and the Environment in 2001. Potato and bakery products account for around 50% and 20% of human exposure to acrylamide, respectively. Factors affecting acrylamide formation and degradation in foods are acrylamide precursors such as free amino acids (mainly asparagine), reducing sugars and processing conditions (i.e. baking time and temperature, moisture content and matrix of product). The aim of this review was to present some results from recent investigations of the effects of different factors affecting acrylamide formation in bakery products. Finally, recommendations are proposed as guidelines for baking manufacturers to reduce the level of acrylamide in their products. 相似文献
Sun Jin Hur Yohan Yoon Cheorun Jo Jong Youn Jeong Keun Taik Lee 《Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety》2019,18(6):1812-1824
Heme iron overload has been implicated as the main cause of the increased risk of cancer due to the consumption of red meat. However, fish and shellfish, teas, and spices contain up to five times more iron than red meat. There is insufficient evidence that iron intake in dietary red meat is the primary causal factor for colorectal cancer. In addition, harmful substances produced during the preparation of red meat, including heterocyclic amines (HCAs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), N‐nitroso compounds, and acrylamide, are extrinsic factors that increase carcinogenicity. HCAs are produced during the cooking of red meat, poultry meat, and fish. PAHs may also be produced during the cooking of diverse food groups, such as dairy products, fruits, vegetables, and cereals. The average daily intake of red meat among Korean individuals is 62 g; the amount of PAHs entering the body via red meat is less than the average amount of PAHs the body is exposed to in the air. Therefore, it is difficult to conclude that dietary red meat is the main cause of colorectal cancer. Rather, there may be an intricate influence of multiple factors, including fruit and vegetable intake, alcohol consumption, smoking, overweight, obesity, and stress. 相似文献