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This paper considers the problem of guaranteed cost control for uncertain neutral delay systems with a quadratic cost function. The system under consideration is subject to norm‐bounded time‐varying parametric uncertainty appearing in all the matrices of the state‐space model. The problem we address is the design of a state feedback controller such that the closed‐loop system is not only stable but also guarantees an adequate level of performance for all admissible uncertainties. A sufficient condition for the existence of guaranteed cost controllers is given in terms of a linear matrix inequality (LMI). When this condition is feasible, the desired state feedback controller gain matrices can be obtained via convex optimization. An illustrative example is provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Distributed parameter networked control systems mean distributed parameter systems are controlled through a network, where the control loops are closed. In this paper, the problem of guaranteed cost and state feedback controller design is investigated for a class of distributed parameter networked control systems. With the network factors, such as transmission delays, data packet dropouts considered, the distributed parameter networked control system is modeled as a linear closed‐loop system with time‐varying delay and uncertain parameters. By selecting an appropriate Lyapunov‐Krasovskii function and using linear matrix inequality (LMI) approach, the controller is designed to render the system stable and it can keep the cost function less than a certain upper value. In addition, numerical simulation is included to demonstrate the theoretical results.  相似文献   

不确定时延网络控制系统的保性能控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在工程实际网络控制系统中,不仅要求系统能够保持稳定,还要系统具有一定的性能指标,采用状态反馈控制是一种非常有效的控制方式。针对一类线性不确定时延网络控制系统,研究了在有记忆状态反馈控制器下的保性能控制问题。利用Lyapunov函数和线性矩阵不等式的方法,给出了网络控制系统保性能控制律存在的条件和相应的状态反馈控制器的设计方法。最后,通过Matlab数值仿真算例验证了该方法的有效性和正确性。  相似文献   

This paper considers semi‐global output feedback control for more general nonlinear systems with unknown time‐delay and output function whose derivative is unbounded from above. By introducing a new observer and using the backstepping design method and the Razumikhin stability theorem, an output feedback controller is constructed to achieve a semi‐global stability. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper proposes the output feedback optimal guaranteed cost controller design method for uncertain piecewise linear systems based on the piecewise quadratic Lyapunov functions technique. By constructing piecewise quadratic Lyapunov functions for the closed‐loop augmented systems, the existence of the guaranteed cost controller for closed‐loop uncertain piecewise linear systems is cast as the feasibility of a set of bilinear matrix inequalities (BMIs). Some of the variables in BMIs are set to be searched by genetic algorithm (GA), then for a given chromosome corresponding to the variables in BMIs, the BMIs turn to be linear matrix inequalities (LMIs), and the corresponding non‐convex optimization problem, which minimizes the upper bound on cost function, reduces to a semidefinite programming (SDP) which is convex and can be solved numerically efficiently with the available software. Thus, the output feedback optimal guaranteed cost controller can be obtained by solving the non‐convex optimization problem using the mixed algorithm that combines GA and SDP. Numerical examples show the effectiveness of the proposed method. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文针对控制网络中存在着随机传输时延和数据包丢失的现象,考虑了网络化控制系统的状态反馈保性能控制器设计问题.首先采用时滞相关方法并引入自由权矩阵,给出了基于矩阵不等式的网络化二次型保性能控制器存在的充分条件,然后基于该充分条件获得了基于线性矩阵不等式的控制器设计方法,相应的网络化保性能控制律可以通过求解线性矩阵不等式来构造,并采用锥互补线性化算法给出了网络化次优保性能控制器的设计方法.最后数值示例演示了所得控制器设计结果的应用方法和有效性,并通过仿真比较了传统保性能控制器和网络化保性能控制器在网络化控制系统中的控制性能.  相似文献   

具有结构不确定性的时滞系统的最优非脆弱保性能控制   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
对一类具有结构不确定性的线性时滞系统的最优非脆弱保性能控制问题进行了研究.以线性矩阵不等式的形式给出了设计非脆弱保性能控制律的一个充分条件.然后给出了在使性能指标上界最小的意义下,最优非脆弱保性能控制律的设计算法.最后用例子演示了方法的有效性.  相似文献   

Robust control of parameter‐dependent input delay linear parameter‐varying (LPV) systems via gain‐scheduled dynamic output‐feedback control is considered in this paper. The controller is designed to provide disturbance rejection in the context of the induced ‐norm or the norm of the closed‐loop system in the presence of uncertainty and disturbances. A reciprocally convex approach is employed to bound the Lyapunov‐Krasovskii functional derivative and extract sufficient conditions for the controller characterization in terms of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). The approach does not require the rate of the delay to be bounded, hence encompasses a broader family of input‐delay LPV systems with fast‐varying delays. The method is then applied to the air‐fuel ratio (AFR) control in spark ignition (SI) engines where the delay and the plant parameters are functions of the engine speed and mass air flow. The objectives are to track the commanded AFR signal and to optimize the performance of the three‐way catalytic converter (TWC) through the precise AFR control and oxygen level regulation, resulting in improved fuel efficiency and reduced emissions. The designed AFR controller seeks to provide canister purge disturbance rejection over the full operating envelope of the SI engine in the presence of uncertainties. Closed‐loop simulation results are presented to validate the controller performance and robustness while meeting AFR tracking and disturbance rejection requirements.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with robust quantized output feedback control problems for uncertain discrete‐time systems with time‐varying delay and saturation nonlinearity. It is assumed that the quantizer is of the saturating type. A new framework for the local boundedness stabilization of quantized feedback systems is developed. Attention is focused on finding a quantized static output feedback controller such that all trajectories of the resulting closed‐loop system starting from an admissible initial basin converge to a bounded region strictly within the initial basin. A quantized feedback controller is proposed, which comprises output feedback and the exogenous signal parts. Simulation examples are given to illustrate the effectiveness and advantage of the proposed methods. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, the problem of robust sliding mode control for a class of linear continuous time‐delay systems is studied. The parametric uncertainty considered is a modelling error type of mismatch appearing in the state. A delay‐dependent sufficient condition for the existence of linear sliding surfaces is developed in terms of linear matrix inequality, based on which the corresponding reaching motion controller is designed. A numerical example is given to show the potential of the proposed techniques. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

不确定离散时滞系统的动态输出反馈鲁棒保性能控制   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
研究不确定离散时滞系统的动态输出反馈保性能控制问题, 通过引入动态输出反馈补偿器, 采用线性矩阵不等式的方法, 导出了系统存在保性能控制律的充分条件. 数值算例说明了其有效性.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a method for robust state feedback controller design of networked control systems with interval time‐varying delay and nonlinearity. The key steps in the method are to construct an improved interval‐delay‐dependent Lyapunov functional and to introduce an extended Jessen's inequality. Neither free weighting nor model transformation is employed in the derivation of system stability criteria. It is shown that the maximum allowable bound on the nonlinearity could be computed through solving a constrained convex optimization problem; and the maximum allowable delay bound and the feedback gain of a memoryless controller could be derived by solving a set of linear matrix inequalities. Numerical examples are given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper considers the preview tracking control problem of polytopic uncertain discrete‐time systems with a time‐varying delay subject to a previewable reference signal. First, a model transformation is employed and a discrete‐time system with a time‐invariant delay and an external disturbance is obtained. The difference operator method can be extended to derive an augmented error system that includes future information on the reference signal. Then, a previewable reference signal is fully utilized through reformulation of the output equation while considering the output feedback. Based on the small gain theorem, a static output feedback controller with preview actions is designed such that the output can asymptotically track the reference signal. Finally, numerical simulation examples also illustrate the superiority of the desired preview controller for the uncertain system in the paper.  相似文献   

In this paper, new approaches regarding H2 guaranteed cost stability analysis and controller synthesis problems for a class of discrete‐time fuzzy systems with uncertainties are investigated. The state‐space Takagi‐Sugeno fuzzy model with norm‐bounded parameter uncertainties is adopted. Based on poly‐quadratic Lyapunov functions, sufficient conditions for the existence of the robust H2 fuzzy controller can be obtained in terms of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). Furthermore, a convex optimization problem with LMI constraints is formulated to design a suboptimal fuzzy controller which minimizes the upper bound on the quadratic cost function. The effectiveness of the proposed design approach is illustrated by two examples. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley and Sons Asia Pte Ltd and Chinese Automatic Control Society  相似文献   

This paper deals with the problem of obtaining delay‐dependent stability conditions and L2‐gain analysis for a class of nonlinear time‐delay systems with norm‐bounded and possibly time‐varying uncertainties. No restrictions on the derivative of the time‐varying delay are imposed, though lower and upper bounds of the delay interval are assumed to be known. A Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional approach is proposed to derive novel delay‐dependent stability conditions which are expressed in terms of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). To reduce conservatism, the work exploits the idea of splitting the delay interval in multiple regions, so that specific conditions can be imposed to a unique functional in the different regions. This improves the computed bounds for certain delay‐dependent integral terms, providing less conservative LMI conditions. Examples are provided to demonstrate the reduced conservatism with respect to the available results in the literature. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the delay‐dependent stability and robust stability for uncertain systems with time‐varying delay. Through constructing an appropriate type of Lyapunov‐Krasovskii functional and proving its positive definiteness, using slack matrices and a convex combination condition, the delay‐dependent stability criteria, which are less conservative, are derived in terms of linear matrix inequalities. Numerical examples are also given to illustrate the improvement on the conservatism of the delay bound over some existing results. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley and Sons Asia Pte Ltd and Chinese Automatic Control Society  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with delay‐dependent stability for linear systems with time‐varying delays. By decomposing the delay interval into multiple equidistant subintervals, on which different Lyapunov functionals are chosen, and new Lyapunov‐Krasvskii functionals are then constructed. Employing these new Lyapunov‐Krasvskii functionals, some new delay‐dependent stability criteria are established. The numerical examples show that the obtained results are less conservative than some existing ones in the literature. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, the problem of robust delay‐dependent guaranteed cost control for uncertain nonlinear neutral systems with time‐varying state delay is investigated. The control law is chosen to be a memoryless type one. Neither any model transformation nor bounding of any cross terms are utilized. The system under consideration may be subjected to both norm‐bounded uncertainties and nonlinear parameter perturbations. A delay‐dependent sufficient condition is obtained in terms of a matrix inequality for which a cone complementarity problem is introduced to provide a feasible solution set. Two numerical examples have been demonstrated to show the effective application of the proposed method. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We present a robust H observer for a class of nonlinear discrete‐time systems. The class under study includes an unknown time‐varying delay limited by upper and lower bounds, as well as time‐varying parametric uncertainties. We design a nonlinear H observer, by using the upper and lower bounds of the delay, that guarantees asymptotic stability of the estimation error dynamics and is also robust against time‐varying parametric uncertainties. The described problem is converted to a standard optimization problem, which can be solved in terms of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). Then, we expand the problem to a multi‐objective optimization problem in which the maximum admissible Lipschitz constant and the minimum disturbance attenuation level are the problem objectives. Finally, the proposed observer is illustrated with two examples. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper devotes to the stability of aperiodic sampled‐data systems with time‐delay control, where the delays can impose a positive effect on the stability of the systems. The systems are modeled as impulsive switched systems with fixed switching laws. A novel separation theorem is presented to determine the Schur property of a matrix product and then used to obtain a less conservative stability criterion for the impulsive switched systems with fixed switching laws. By the separation theorem and a loop‐functional approach, some new stability and stabilization criteria for aperiodic sampled‐data systems with time‐delay control are provided in terms of linear matrix inequalities. Finally, the stability and stabilization results are tested on some classical numerical examples to illustrate the efficiency of the proposed method.  相似文献   

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