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M Kiya 《Sadhana》1993,18(3-4):531-552
A three-dimensional vortex blob method was applied to calculate several vortex motions: the deformation of pseudo-elliptic vortex rings, the jet issuing from the pseudo-elliptic nozzle into flow of uniform velocity, the unsteady separated flow around a circular disk with an angle of attack, and the interaction of several vortex rings which approximately reproduced the Kolmogorov spectrum. In the first three cases, the viscous diffusion of vorticity was included. The pseudo-elliptic vortex rings experienced axis switching and split into a few deformed vortex rings. Rolling-up vortices in the pseudo-elliptic jet had a symmetric arrangement in the minor-axis plane and an antisymmetric arrangement in the major-axis plane in the developing region; further downstream, the vortices were arranged antisymmetrically in both planes. The wake behind the disk normal to the main flow reproduced the spiral and columnar modes of instability. A problem in the three-dimensional vortex method is that vorticity tends to diverge at a stage of evolution of the vortex motions. An approximate method of avoiding the divergence of vorticity is proposed.  相似文献   

研究了燃焰法沉积金刚石薄膜的质量均匀性,指出反应气体流量比是影响金刚石薄膜质量均匀性的主要因素,基片表面沉积区径向温度梯度使金刚石膜晶粒尺寸偏离沉积中心距离的增加而减小。  相似文献   

从拉盖尔-高斯涡旋光束表达式出发,基于瑞利衍射理论,通过研究涡旋光束在大气湍流中传输时的旋转相干函数的变化规律,总结了涡旋光束在大气湍流中传输时各轨道角动量之间的串扰情况,使用了拓扑荷数探测概率描述串扰规律,并推导了拓扑荷数探测概率的解析表达式。研究了涡旋光束通过湍流后的拓扑荷数的分布情况,并将结果与涡旋光束通过大气随机相位屏的数值仿真结果进行了对比,给出了理论与仿真的拓扑荷数的探测概率随湍流强度以及初始涡旋光束拓扑荷数大小的关系图对比,验证了推导的拓扑荷数探测概率解析表达式的正确性。通过该表达式可进一步研究大气湍流与涡旋光束相互作用从而影响涡旋光束轨道角动量散射的本质,为涡旋光束的空间光通信中选择合适的拓扑荷数间隔,以及在不同湍流强度下选择合适束腰大小以减少串扰带来的误码率提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

Structural optimization methods based on the level set method are a new type of structural optimization method where the outlines of target structures can be implicitly represented using the level set function, and updated by solving the so‐called Hamilton–Jacobi equation based on a Eulerian coordinate system. These new methods can allow topological alterations, such as the number of holes, during the optimization process whereas the boundaries of the target structure are clearly defined. However, the re‐initialization scheme used when updating the level set function is a critical problem when seeking to obtain appropriately updated outlines of target structures. In this paper, we propose a new structural optimization method based on the level set method using a new geometry‐based re‐initialization scheme where both the numerical analysis used when solving the equilibrium equations and the updating process of the level set function are performed using the Finite Element Method. The stiffness maximization, eigenfrequency maximization, and eigenfrequency matching problems are considered as optimization problems. Several design examples are presented to confirm the usefulness of the proposed method. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this work we explore the applicability of the RBF method to laminar flame propagation modeling. This problem is an interesting challenge for the RBF method since it involves the solution of two coupled nonlinear parabolic equations in temperature and mass fraction. We show the suitability of the method by solving unsteady flame propagation problems in one and two dimensions. We also apply the method to compute the shape of an anchored flame using both equispaced and non-equispaced nodes.  相似文献   

This paper presents essential numerical procedures in the context of the coupled lattice Boltzmann (LB) and discrete element (DE) solution strategy for the simulation of particle transport in turbulent fluid flows. Key computational issues involved are (1) the standard LB formulation for the solution of incompressible fluid flows, (2) the incorporation of large eddy simulation (LES)‐based turbulence models in the LB equations for turbulent flows, (3) the computation of hydrodynamic interaction forces of the fluid and moving particles; and (4) the DE modelling of the interaction between solid particles. A complete list is provided for the conversion of relevant physical variables to lattice units to facilitate the understanding and implementation of the coupled methodology. Additional contributions made in this work include the application of the Smagorinsky turbulence model to moving particles and the proposal of a subcycling time integration scheme for the DE modelling to ensure an overall stable solution. A particle transport problem comprising 70 large particles and high Reynolds number (around 56 000) is provided to demonstrate the capability of the presented coupling strategy. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


The development of the formation and vortex pairing process in a two‐dimensional shear flow and the associated passive scalar (mass concentration or energy) transport process was numerically simulated by using the Vortex‐in‐Cell (VIC) Method combined with the Upwind Finite Difference Method. The visualized temporal distributions of passive scalars resemble the vortex structures and the turbulent passive scalar fluxes showed a definite connection with the occurrence of entrainment during the formation and pairing interaction of large‐scale vortex structures. The profiles of spatial‐averaged passive scalar ø, turbulent passive scalar fluxes, u'ø’ and v'ø’, turbulent diffusivity of mean‐squared scalar fluctuation, v'ø‘ 2, mean‐squared turbulent passive scalar fluctuation, √ø‘ 2, skewness, and flatness factor of the probability density function of scalar fluctuation ø at three different times are calculated. With the lateral dimension scaled by the momentum thickness and the velocity scaled by the velocity difference across the shear layer, these profiles were shown to be self‐preserved. The probability density function of turbulent scalar fluctuation was found to be asymmetric and double‐peaked.  相似文献   

Experimental studies of the length of vertical isolated burning flames with hydrogen and methane outflow from cylindrical nozzles of diameter 2, 3, 5 and 10 mm into the atmosphere at Re0 = 100–6800 have been made. The data obtained have been approximated by simple calculated dependences. The application of various methods for recording the length of a luminous flame (visual, black-and-white photography, video and digital cameras) has made it possible to not only explain the discrepancies between sizes but also record (at short exposures) elementary bending bright cylindrical jets creating, when superimposed on the another, one known spindle-shaped form of the flame. Translated from Inzhenerno-Fizicheskii Zhurnal, Vol. 82, No. 2, pp. 301–307, March–April, 2009.  相似文献   

Within the context of the sintering process simulation, this paper proposes a numerical strategy for the direct simulation of the matter transport by surface diffusion, in two and three dimensions. The level set formulation of the surface diffusion problem is first established. The resulting equations are solved by using a finite element method. A stabilization technique is then introduced, in order to avoid the spurious oscillations of the grain boundary that are a consequence of the dependence of the surface velocity on the fourth‐order derivative of the level set function. The convergence and the accuracy of this approach are proved by investigating the change in an elliptic interface under surface diffusion. Cases in direct relation with the sintering process are analyzed besides: sintering between two grains of the same size or of two different sizes. Finally, 3D simulations involving a small number of particles show the ability of the proposed strategy to deal with strong deformations of the grain surface (formation of necks) and to access directly important parameters such as the closed porosity rate. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


This paper presents (1) a brief overview of the mathematical models used in the numerical study of turbulent flows; (2) a K‐? model of turbulence; and (3) extensions of the K‐? model to account for some of the effects of compressibility, low Reynolds number, streamline curvature, and preferential stress dissipation.  相似文献   

The level set equation is a non‐linear advection equation, and standard finite‐element and finite‐difference strategies typically employ spatial stabilization techniques to suppress spurious oscillations in the numerical solution. We recast the level set equation in a simpler form by assuming that the level set function remains a signed distance to the front/interface being captured. As with the original level set equation, the use of an extensional velocity helps maintain this signed‐distance function. For some interface‐evolution problems, this approach reduces the original level set equation to an ordinary differential equation that is almost trivial to solve. Further, we find that sufficient accuracy is available through a standard Galerkin formulation without any stabilization or discontinuity‐capturing terms. Several numerical experiments are conducted to assess the ability of the proposed assumed‐gradient level set method to capture the correct solution, particularly in the presence of discontinuities in the extensional velocity or level‐set gradient. We examine the convergence properties of the method and its performance in problems where the simplified level set equation takes the form of a Hamilton–Jacobi equation with convex/non‐convex Hamiltonian. Importantly, discretizations based on structured and unstructured finite‐element meshes of bilinear quadrilateral and linear triangular elements are shown to perform equally well. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

基于角谱衍射理论,利用Johnson传递系统数值模拟非高斯粗糙面,研究了拉盖尔-高斯涡旋光束通过随机非高斯粗糙表面的场分布特性。在分析了非高斯粗糙面方向自相关长度、峰度、偏斜以及均方根粗糙度对涡旋光束场分布影响的基础上,研究了涡旋光束通过随机粗糙表面后光束光强分布变化时的均方根粗糙度取值范围,并通过实验,将实验数据与仿真结果进行了对比分析。结果表明:当非高斯粗糙面方向相关长度为20 mm,偏斜为0.001,峰度为6,均方根粗糙度大于0.12 mm时,拉盖尔-高斯光束透过随机表面的光强分布不再保持空心分布,对应的相位奇点消失。  相似文献   

An algorithm which couples the level set method (LSM) with the extended finite element method (X‐FEM) to model crack growth is described. The level set method is used to represent the crack location, including the location of crack tips. The extended finite element method is used to compute the stress and displacement fields necessary for determining the rate of crack growth. This combined method requires no remeshing as the crack progresses, making the algorithm very efficient. The combination of these methods has a tremendous potential for a wide range of applications. Numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the accuracy of the combined methods. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Although the phenomenon of stress concentration is of paramount importance to engineers when they are designing load‐carrying structures, stiffness is often used as the solely concerned objective or constraint functional in the studies of optimal topology design of continuum structures. Sometimes this will lead to optimal designs with severe stress concentrations that may be highly responsible for the fracture, creep, and fatigue of structures. The aim of the present work is to develop some effective numerical techniques for designing stiff structures with less stress concentrations. This is achieved by introducing some specific stress measures, which are sensitive to the existence of high local stresses, in the problem formulation and resolving the corresponding optimization problem numerically in a level set framework. Our study indicates that with use of the proposed numerical schemes, some intrinsic difficulties in stress‐related topology optimization of continuum structures can be overcome in a natural way. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An algorithm to solve the inverse problem of detecting inclusion interfaces in a piezoelectric structure is proposed. The material interfaces are implicitly represented by level sets which are identified by applying regularization using total variation penalty terms. The inverse problem is solved iteratively and the extended finite element method is used for the analysis of the structure in each iteration. The formulation is presented for three-dimensional structures and inclusions made of different materials are detected by using multiple level sets. The results obtained prove that the iterative procedure proposed can determine the location and approximate shape of material sub-domains in the presence of higher noise levels.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a level‐set based topology optimization method incorporating a boundary tracking mesh generating method and nonlinear programming. Because the boundary tracking mesh is always conformed to the structural boundary, good approximation to the boundary is maintained during optimization; therefore, structural design problems are solved completely without grayscale material. Previously, we introduced the boundary tracking mesh generating method into level‐set based topology optimization and updated the design variables by solving the level‐set equation. In order to adapt our previous method to general structural optimization frameworks, the incorporation of the method with nonlinear programming is investigated in this paper. To successfully incorporate nonlinear programming, the optimization problem is regularized using a double‐well potential. Furthermore, the sensitivities with respect to the design variables are strictly derived to maintain consistency in mathematical programming. We expect the investigation to open up a new class of grayscale‐free topology optimization. The usefulness of the proposed method is demonstrated using several numerical examples targeting two‐dimensional compliant mechanism and metallic waveguide design problems. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A method of measuring the temperatures of a flame and of powder particles in it and also their flight velocities in a gas-flame jet by a photoemission method when depositing coatings is described. An estimate is made of the temperature dynamics of the objects being investigated. The time resolution is 5 μsec and the velocity is 76 m/sec. Translated from Izmeritel’naya Tekhnika, No. 3, pp. 49–54, March, 2009.  相似文献   

This paper describes an adaptive hp-version mesh refinement strategy and its application to the finite element solution of one-dimensional flame propagation problems. The aim is to control the spatial and time discretization errors below a prescribed error tolerance at all time levels. In the algorithm, the optimal time step is first determined in an adaptive manner by considering the variation of the computable error in the reaction zone. Later, the method uses a p-version refinement till the computable a posteriori error is brought down below the tolerance. During the p-version, if the maximum allowable degree of approximation is reached in some elements of the mesh without satisfying the global error tolerance criterion, then conversion from p- to h-version is performed. In the conversion procedure, a gradient based non-uniform h-version refinement has been introduced in the elements of higher degree approximation. In this way, p-version and h-version approaches are used alternately till the a posteriori error criteria are satisfied. The mesh refinement is based on the element error indicators, according to a statistical error equi-distribution procedure. Numerical simulations have been carried out for a linear parabolic problem and premixed flame propagation in one-space dimension. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Jacket structures have many sub-sea appurtenances attached to them. For example, a typical jacket structure has hundreds of sacrificial anodes attached to its members. The fluid loading of these structures is calculated using Morison's formula. The force coefficients used in the equation are based on experiments carried out, for the most part, on single cylinders in laboratories in ideal flow. There are very few experimental data available for the fluid loading of cylinders with appurtenances. Moreover, it is not possible to calculate theoretically the loading on such configurations in flows of practical interest using approaches such as the finite element method. However, appurtenances can contribute significantly to the overall loading on a structure. This paper presents the preliminary theoretical work that has been carried out as part of a programme to establish a rational method for estimating the fluid loading on tubular members with appurtenances.  相似文献   

张可丰  谢永诚 《振动与冲击》2009,28(12):183-187
堆内构件下部防断支承组件是反应堆堆内构件中堆芯下部支承结构的一个重要组成部分,它位于堆芯吊篮组件的下面,并处于堆内流场中复杂的流体交混区,为保持防断组件的结构完整性,必须对其进行流致振动分析。本文以某300MWe反应堆堆内构件防断组件为研究对象,研究了随机湍动力、拟静态湍动力、旋涡脱落、吊篮运动等流体激励机理对防断组件流致振动的影响。用SRSS法对各激励机理作用下防断组件的各阶动态反应进行组合后,计算了由于流致振动引起的结构动态载荷,为防断组件的应力分析与评定提供了依据。  相似文献   

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