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To explore how high flows limit the streamward extent of riparian vegetation we quantified the effects of sediment mobilization and extended inundation on box elder (Acer negundo) saplings along the cobble‐bed Gunnison River in Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Monument, Colorado, USA. We counted and aged box elders in 144 plots of 37.2 m2, and combined a hydraulic model with the hydrologic record to determine the maximum shear stress and number of growing‐season days inundated for each plot in each year of the record. We quantified the effects of the two mortality factors by calculating the extreme values survived during the lifetime of trees sampled in 1994 and by recounting box elders in the plots following a high flow in 1995. Both mortality factors can be modeled as threshold functions; box elders are killed either by inundation for more than 85 days during the growing season or by shear stress that exceeds the critical value for mobilization of the underlying sediment particles. Construction of upstream reservoirs in the 1960s and 1970s reduced the proportion of the canyon bottom annually cleared of box elders by high flows. Furthermore, because the dams decreased the magnitude of high flows more than their duration, flow regulation has decreased the importance of sediment mobilization relative to extended inundation. We use the threshold functions and cross‐section data to develop a response surface predicting the proportion of the canyon bottom cleared at any combination of flow magnitude and duration. This response surface allows vegetation removal to be incorporated into quantitative multi‐objective water management decisions. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Historically, the Kissimmee River Basin consisted of a broad nearly annually inundated riparian wetland similar in character to tropical Southern Hemisphere large rivers. The river was channelized in the 1960s and 1970s, draining the wetland. The river is currently being restored with over 10 000 hectares of wetlands being reconnected to 70 river km of naturalized channel. We monitored riparian wetland sediment dynamics between 2007 and 2010 at 87 sites in the restored reach and 14 sites in an unrestored reference reach. Discharge and sediment transport were measured at the downstream end of the restored reach. There were three flooding events during the study, two as annual flood events and a third as a greater than a 5‐year flood event. Restoration has returned periodic flood flow to the riparian wetland and provides a mean sedimentation rate of 11.3 mm per year over the study period in the restored reach compared with 1.7 mm per year in an unrestored channelized reach. Sedimentation from the two annual floods was within the normal range for alluvial Coastal Plain rivers. Sediment deposits consisted of over 20% organics, similar to eastern blackwater rivers. The Kissimmee River is unique in North America for its hybrid alluvial/blackwater nature. Fluvial suspended‐sediment measurements for the three flood events indicate that a majority of the sediment (70%) was sand, which is important for natural levee construction. Of the total suspended sediment load for the three flood events, 3%–16% was organic and important in floodplain deposition. Sediment yield is similar to low‐gradient rivers draining to the Chesapeake Bay and alluvial rivers of the southeastern USA. Continued monitoring should determine whether observed sediment transport and floodplain deposition rates are normal for this river and determine the relationship between historic vegetation community restoration, hydroperiod restoration, and sedimentation. Published in 2011 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Effects of riparian vegetation on fluvial sediment dynamics depend on morphological traits of the constituent species. Determining the effects of different morphological guilds on sedimentation rates, as influenced by multiple aspects of dam operations, can help identify viable strategies for streamflow and vegetation management to achieve riparian resource goals. Plants of increasing size and branching density or complexity have been found to have greater effects on sedimentation in free‐flowing systems; however, this relationship could differ in regulated rivers. We tested the hypothesis that plant guilds of increasing height and branching complexity would be positively associated with sedimentation rates on 23 sandbars deposited in zones of recirculating flow (eddies) along the Colorado River in Grand Canyon. We used an image‐based vegetation classification and digital elevation models from annual topographic surveys to track associations between six plant morphological guilds and topographic change over 5 years. Vegetation had significant associations with deposition after accounting for geomorphic setting, but the ordinal guild scale was not positively correlated with deposition magnitude. Instead, low‐statured rhizomatous and herbaceous guilds were particularly effective at capturing sediment in the separation zone of sandbars, whereas tall herbs and large shrubs were most effective at capturing sediment in reattachment zones. These nuanced interactions between geomorphic position and morphological guild may be a direct consequence of flow regulation through modifications to physical deposition and erosion processes. Flow regulation may also select for a narrow subset of morphological guilds, reducing the diversity of vegetation feedbacks on sedimentation and emphasizing geomorphic drivers.  相似文献   

Downstream geomorphic responses of stream channels to dams are complex, variable, and difficult to predict, apparently because the effects of local geological, hydrological, and operational details confound and complicate efforts to apply models and generalizations to individual streams. This sort of complex geomorphic response characterizes the Sabine River, along the Texas and Louisiana border, downstream of the Toledo Bend dam and reservoir. Toledo Bend controls the flow of water and essentially prevents the flux of sediment from three‐quarters of the drainage basin to the lower Sabine River. Although the channel is scoured immediately downstream of the dam, further downstream there is little evidence of major changes in sediment transport or deposition, sand supply, or channel morphology attributable to the impoundment. Channels are actively shifting, banks are eroding, and sandbars are migrating, but not in any discernibly different way than before the dam was constructed. The Sabine River continues to transport sand downstream, and alluvial floodplains continue to accrete. The relatively small geomorphic response can be attributed to several factors. While dam releases are unnaturally flashy and abrupt on a day‐to‐day basis, the long‐term pattern of releases combined with some downstream smoothing creates a flow regime in the lower basin which mimics the pre‐dam regime, at least at monthly and annual time scales. Sediment production within the lower Sabine basin is sufficient to satisfy the river's sediment transport capacity and maintain pre‐dam alluvial sedimentation regimes. Toledo Bend reservoir has a capacity: annual inflow ratio of 1.2 and impounds 74% of the Sabine drainage basin, yet there has been minimal geomorphic response in the lower river, which may seem counterintuitive. However, the complex linked geomorphic processes of discharge, sediment transport and loads, tributary inputs, and channel erosion include interactions which might increase as well as decrease sediment loads. Furthermore, if a stream is transport‐limited before impoundment, the reduced sediment supply after damming may have limited impact. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Rivers and their floodplains worldwide have changed dramatically over the last century because of regulation by dams, flow diversions and channel stabilization. Floodplains no longer inundated by river flows following dam‐induced flood reduction comprise large areas of bottomland habitat, but the effects of abandonment on plant communities are not well understood. Using a hydraulic flow model, geomorphic mapping and field surveys, we addressed the following questions along the Bill Williams River, Arizona: (i) What per cent of the bottomland do abandoned floodplains comprise? and (ii) Are abandoned floodplains quantitatively different from adjacent xeric and riparian surfaces in terms of vegetation composition and surface sediment? We found that nearly 70% of active channel and floodplain area was abandoned following dam installation. Abandoned floodplains along the Bill Williams River tend to be similar to each other yet distinct from neighbouring habitats: they have been altered physically from their historic state, leading to distinct combinations of surface sediments, hydrology and plant communities. Abandoned floodplains may transition to xeric communities over time but are likely to retain some riparian qualities as long as there is access to relatively shallow ground water. With expected increases in water demand and drying climatic conditions in many regions, these surfaces and associated vegetation will continue to be extensive in riparian landscapes worldwide. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Reduced streamflow via flow diversion has the potential to limit the sediment‐transport capacity of downstream channels and lead to accumulation of fine sediments and habitat degradation. To investigate, we examined the effects of variable levels of flow diversion on fine‐sediment deposition, hydraulic conditions and geomorphic alteration. Our study consisted of a detailed field analysis pairing reaches above and below diversion dams on 13 mountain streams in north‐central Colorado and southern Wyoming USA. Diversions are ubiquitous across the American West, yet previous comparative studies on the effects of flow diversion have yielded mixed results. Through application of strict site‐selection criteria, multiple fine‐sediment measures, and an intensive sampling scheme, this study found that channels downstream of diversions contained significantly more fine sediment and slow‐flowing habitat as compared to upstream control reaches. Susceptibility to fine‐sediment accumulation was associated with decreasing basin size, decreasing bankfull depth and smaller d84, and it appears to be magnified in streams of less than 3% slope. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Gravel augmentation is used in sediment‐starved streams to improve salmonid spawning habitat. As gravel is added to river channels, water surface elevations may rise in adjacent areas, activating floodplain habitat at lower flows, and floodplains inundate more frequently, potentially affecting the quantity and quality of juvenile salmonid rearing habitat. We analysed 5 years of juvenile Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tschawytscha and steelhead Oncorhynchus mykiss data from snorkel surveys before and after gravel augmentation in the Lower American River, a low‐gradient, highly regulated alluvial river in California's Central Valley. We measured the quality and quantity of rearing habitat (current velocity and areal extent of inundated riparian vegetation) following gravel placement and tested whether these factors affected juvenile abundance. Gravel augmentation increased floodplain extent by 3.7–19.8%, decreased average flow velocity from 1.6 to 0.3 m s?1 and increased the amount of vegetative cover from 0.3% to 22.6%. Juvenile abundances increased significantly for both species following augmentation. However, the strength of the relationship between abundance and habitat variables was greater for smaller salmonids. These results suggest that, in addition to enhancing salmonid spawning habitat, gravel augmentation can improve rearing habitat where channel incision and/or regulated hydrographs disconnect floodplains from main river channels. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Dams and associated river regulation have led to the expansion of riparian vegetation, especially nonnative species, along downstream ecosystems. Nonnative saltcedar is one of the dominant riparian plants along virtually every major river system in the arid western United States, but allochthonous inputs have never been quantified along a segment of a large river that is dominated by saltcedar. We developed a novel method for estimating direct allochthonous inputs along the 387 km‐long reach of the Colorado River downstream of Glen Canyon Dam that utilized a GIS vegetation map developed from aerial photographs, empirical and literature‐derived litter production data for the dominant vegetation types, and virtual shorelines of annual peak discharge (566 m3 s?1 stage elevation). Using this method, we estimate that direct allochthonous inputs from riparian vegetation for the entire reach studied total 186 metric tons year?1, which represents mean inputs of 470 gAFDM m?1 year?1 of shoreline or 5.17 gAFDM m?2 year?1 of river surface. These values are comparable to allochthonous inputs for other large rivers and systems that also have sparse riparian vegetation. Nonnative saltcedar represents a significant component of annual allochthonous inputs (36% of total direct inputs) in the Colorado River. We also estimated direct allochthonous inputs for 46.8 km of the Colorado River prior to closure of Glen Canyon Dam using a vegetation map that was developed from historical photographs. Regulation has led to significant increases in riparian vegetation (270–319% increase in cover, depending on stage elevation), but annual allochthonous inputs appear unaffected by regulation because of the lower flood peaks on the post‐dam river. Published in 2010 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the United States, several thousand stream gages provide what typically is the only source of continuous, long‐term streamflow and channel‐geometry information for the locations being monitored. In this paper, the geomorphic content of stream‐gage information, previous and potential applications of stream‐gage information in fluvial geomorphic research and various possible limitations are described. Documented applications include studies of hydraulic geometry, channel bankfull characteristics, sediment transport and channel geomorphic response to various types of disturbance. Potential applications include studies to determine the geomorphic effectiveness of large floods and in‐stream habitat change in response to disturbance. For certain applications, various spatial, temporal and data limitations may render the stream‐gage information of limited use; however, such information often is of considerable value to enable or enhance geomorphic investigations. Published in 2008 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The flow‐channel fitness model is a conceptual and practical model for predicting the qualitative response of alluvial channels to modifications of flow regimes. ‘Fitness’ refers to the size of channels compared with the flows they convey, with the terminology derived from traditional geomorphic concepts of overfit and underfit streams. The qualitative predictions refer to whether channels experience aggradation, degradation or relative stability, and whether aggradation or degradation is dominated by width or depth. The model is based on transitions among seven possible fitness states, triggered by key thresholds of sediment supply versus transport capacity and shear stress versus shear strength, and requires that potential changes in sediment supply and water surface or energy‐grade slope also be accounted for. The fitness approach can be used where only relative values and changes are known, as is illustrated in three example applications from Texas. The flow‐channel fitness model synthesizes key elements from several existing approaches to predicting geomorphic responses to changes in flow and is intended to augment rather than replace quantitative approaches, providing a predictive tool where the data requirements and assumptions for quantitative models cannot be fully met. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Many Australian river ecosystems have been, and continue to be, adversely affected by increased channel dimensions and sediment supplies occurring in the period since European settlement. One of the key aims of river rehabilitation in these rivers is to help reduce sediment yield by preventing ongoing bank erosion and remobilization of instream bed material stores. While various tools have been developed to help identify sediment sources at the catchment scale, this is often at a resolution that is too coarse to be translated directly to on‐ground rehabilitation works, as most riverworks programs are designed and implemented at the reach or within‐reach scale. This paper provides a method of prioritizing rehabilitation at the within‐reach scale by using a high‐resolution reach‐scale modelling approach to examine the relative entrainment potential of sediment stores. The method has been developed for a 10 km reach of the upper Hunter River, NSW, Australia. Shear stress distribution is examined using the widely available model HEC‐RAS, and incorporating a detailed, LiDAR‐derived, representation of the in‐channel vegetation into a spatially distributed Manning's roughness layer. At the geomorphic unit scale, the results highlight that the elevated ‘bench’ units, which represent significant stores of sand and silt, are much more vulnerable to remobilization than the lower elevation gravel bar units. At the sub‐reach scale (500–2000 m) shear stresses are greatest in the most confined sections. While instream geomorphic heterogeneity has been significantly reduced in these locations, ongoing erosion is limited by bedrock and buried coarse gravel terrace material in the bed and banks. These results highlight the need for targeted rehabilitation strategies that account for within‐reach variability in entrainment potential as well as on‐the‐ground knowledge of sediment supply and geological controls. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The fine‐scale structure of the water–sediment boundary in fluvial environments is dynamic and complex, influencing near‐bed flows, sediment transport and instream ecology. However, accurate high‐resolution surveying of marginally or partially inundated areas of river channels is problematic. Previous work has shown that terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) through relatively shallow‐water columns using standard green‐wavelength equipment introduces errors of <5 mm in a static, clear water column. This paper presents seven laboratory and field tests of through‐water TLS under variable flow velocities, depths, suspended sediment concentrations, water colour levels and scan ranges. Flow velocity decreased point accuracy only for supercritical flows, whereas point density decreased as a function of both water depth and suspended sediment concentration. A similar point return threshold was observed for water colour variations with no grains in suspension. Conversely, point precision and accuracy were a function of suspended sediment concentration alone (a threshold of 0.11 g L?1 was observed). Field tests showed larger errors (<10 mm) and lower point precisions. A clear‐water depth‐penetration limit of 0.68 m was identified. Fluvial bathymetry acquired from through‐water TLS is presented for a gravel/boulder bed reach. Despite observed limits, these experiments demonstrate that our approach provides centimetre‐resolution bathymetry and sub‐aerial survey in an integrated dataset without the need for the following: (i) additional financial resources; (ii) concurrent depth measurements; or (iii) extra field effort for bathymetry acquisition, thereby enabling regular surveys to characterize the fine‐scale structure of channel beds and to constrain the geomorphic effect of individual flood events. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Conceptual models are proposed to explain nitrogen fluxes in the soils of riparian zones in relation to the different modalities of water logging and nitrate inputs. Non-submerged, temporarily submerged, and always submerged, sites are considered in both winter and summer. It is shown that capacities for epuration are elevated for nitrate loads from the alluvial aquifer during the lateral transfer of water from agricultural land to the river through the riparian zone. About 30 m of groundwater flow under the riparian wood studied is sufficient to remove all nitrate. Denitrification rates up to 50 mg N2 per m2 per day were observed in the field, but a potential for more denitrification exists. The efficiency of the riparian woods as natural filters regulating nutrient transfers to the river deserves more consideration in river management.  相似文献   

Dendro-ecological studies indicated that radial growth of Populus trichocarpa was significantly related to annual streamflow at 20 riparian sites in the eastern Sierra Nevada of California. The strength of the relationship varied among sites, depending on geomorphology and tree cover. The strongest correlation between streamflow and tree growth occurred at sites in wide, unconfined valleys, where alluvial groundwater typically fluctuates directly with surface water. In such areas, trees on streambanks and in the floodplain showed equally strong relationships between flow and growth. In narrow mountain canyons, relationships between tree growth and streamflow were weaker and showed more within-site variability. Streambank trees in the canyon settings generally showed stronger relationships with streamflow than did floodplain trees. These data suggest that P. trichocarpa trees in confined canyons, in comparison with those in wide alluvial valleys, may rely to a greater extent on water sources that are not in direct hydraulic connection with surface water. Flow-growth models were also stronger at sites where tree basal area and density were low, including sites where flow diversion has caused tree mortality. Sparse tree cover may allow for a greater expression of flow-growth relationships by minimizing the effects of competition for light and other resources, and allowing for greater control of growth by abiotic rather than biotic factors.  相似文献   

Riparian or streamside woodlands include obligate riparian trees and shrubs (obligates) that are restricted to streamside zones, and facultative riparian species that are abundant in, but not restricted to the riparian areas. Due to their distinctive life history requirements, it may be predicted that the ecological specialist obligates would be more vulnerable than the facultative generalists to impacts from river damming and flow regulation. We tested this along the Snake River through Hells Canyon, USA, where two native riparian shrubs dominate: the obligate sandbar willow (Salix exigua), and the facultative, netleaf hackberry (Celtis reticulata). We assessed riparian conditions over the past century by comparing ground‐level and aerial photographs taken after 1907 and in the 1950s in advance of three dams, versus recent conditions. These comparisons revealed three changes downstream from the dams: (1) the depletion of surface sands and sandbars and (2) reductions in sandbar willow versus (3) the proliferation of hackberry in dense bands above the typical high‐water line. The willow decline probably resulted from the depletion of sand following sediment trapping by the reservoirs, combined with changes in the seasonal water flow pattern. The increase in hackberry may have resulted from a beneficial ‘irrigation effect’ of daily water releases for power generation during the summer. The opposing responses reflect the plants' differing life histories and may partially resolve impacts of river regulation on alluvial sediments versus the instream flow pattern. We consider other riparian studies that suggest that obligates such as cottonwoods (Populus angustifolia, P. deltoides and P. fremontii) are highly vulnerable to river regulation, while facultative trees and shrubs such as trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides), wolf‐willow (Elaeagnus commutata) and velvet mesquite (Prosopis velutina) are more resilient. These results suggest that conservation of riparian woodlands should emphasize the ecological specialist obligates, while facultative species may be less vulnerable to river regulation. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The formation of large woody debris (LWD) piles has a profound impact on channel patterns and riparian succession in temperate rivers. The opportunity to study LWD along the Sabie River, a river in the semi‐arid region of Kruger National Park, South Africa, arose in February 2000 after a significant flood (c. 100‐year return interval) removed a large proportion of the fully mature riparian forest and other plant communities. Much of the uprooted vegetation was deposited as LWD piles (woody vegetation accumulations deposited on the ground > 0.1 m3) throughout the riparian and upland zones. In this article we describe the spatial distribution patterns of LWD as related to geomorphic channel type and flood frequency zone, and assess pile composition characteristics six months after the flood. Within the areas surveyed there were 68 LWD piles per hectare, the median size of LWD piles was 4.6 m3 but pile sizes (by volume) varied widely. Pool/rapid geomorphic channel types had the highest density of LWD piles (79 ha?1) and the largest piles (by volume) were in the bedrock anastomosing channels (mean = 124 m3). Piles were larger in the seasonal and ephemeral flood frequency zones (mean = 54 m3 and 55 m3) than piles in the active zone (c. 2 m3). The patterns of distribution and volume of LWD will affect the subsequent development of vegetation communities as debris piles form a mosaic of patches of surviving organisms and propagules that can strongly influence the initial trajectory of succession. The amount, distribution, and subsequent decomposition of LWD are different from that reported for temperate rivers, suggesting that the role of LWD may be different on non‐floodplain rivers such as the Sabie in semi‐arid South Africa. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

For rivers degraded by erosion and channel widening, the re‐establishment of riparian vegetation is essential. We assess the potential for riparian seed banks to facilitate natural channel contraction through the regeneration of plants involved in the biogeomorphic succession of three discrete geomorphic units of increasing age and height above the channel bed: bars, benches and floodplain. Standing vegetation upon each unit type was surveyed for four river reaches in the Hunter catchment of eastern Australia. Seed bank composition was determined using seedling emergence techniques on sediment sampled from the units. We compared species richness and composition, and longevity, growth form and seed dispersal mechanisms between the standing vegetation and seed bank species. The seed bank was similar across bars, benches and floodplain, containing mostly perennial pioneer herbs, sedges and rushes, dispersed by wind and hydrochory (water transport). While bar vegetation was similar to the seed bank, bench and floodplain vegetation included later successional species such as shrubs and trees, significantly more grasses and vines (benches: χ25, N = 402 = 102.033, p < 0.001; floodplain: χ25, N = 792 = 30.324, p < 0.001) and higher proportions of unassisted and animal‐dispersed seeds (benches: χ25, N = 352 = 89.409, p < 0.001; floodplain: χ25, N = 338 = 56.026, p < 0.001). The results suggest that seed banks may support early stages of biogeomorphic succession, via regeneration of pioneer plants. However, plants, such as shrubs and trees that are observed upon units of increasing age and height above the channel bed (i.e. benches and floodplain), are likely sourced from transient seeds produced by local vegetation, rather than seed banks. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Effective management options for mitigating the loss of reservoir water storage capacity to sedimentation depend on improved predictions of bed‐load discharges into the reservoirs. Most predictions of bed‐load discharges, however, are based on the assumption that the rates of bed‐load sediment availability equal the transport capacity of the flow, ignoring the spatio‐temporal variability of the sediment supply. This paper develops a semiquantitative method to characterize bed‐load sediment transport in alluvial channels, assuming a channel reach is non‐supply limited when the bed‐load discharge of a given sediment particle‐size class is functionally related to the energy that is available to transport that fraction of the total bed‐load. The method was applied to 22 alluvial stream channels in the USA to determine whether a channel reach had a supply‐limited or non‐supply‐limited bed‐load transport regime. The non‐supply‐limited transport regime was further subdivided into two groups on the basis of statistical tests. The results indicated the pattern of bed‐load sediment transport in alluvial channels depends on the complete spectrum of sediment particle sizes available for transport rather than individual particle‐size fractions represented by one characteristic particle size. The application of the method developed in this paper should assist reservoir managers in selecting bed‐load sediment transport equations to improve predictions of bed‐load discharge in alluvial streams, thereby significantly increasing the efficiency of management options for maintaining the storage capacity of waterbodies.  相似文献   

Dams have reduced distribution of the endangered Colorado pikeminnow Ptychocheilus lucius in the upper Colorado River basin: low‐head diversion dams blocked upstream passage and large dams inundated free‐flowing segments and cooled downstream reaches with deep‐water releases. To date, range restoration efforts in the Colorado and Gunnison Rivers have focused on building fish ladders around diversion dams to allow recolonization of upstream reaches. Upstream thermal suitability for this warmwater cyprinid was assessed using temperature data and existing distributional information from river reaches where Colorado pikeminnow movements were unrestricted. Among‐site thermal regime comparisons were made using mean annual thermal units (ATU), derived from mean daily temperatures during 1986–2005 and the relation between temperature and Colorado pikeminnow growth. Upstream distributional limits in the Yampa and Gunnison Rivers occurred where in‐channel thermal regimes fell below a long‐term mean of 47–50 ATU, suggesting that two Colorado River fish ladders will make available an estimated 17 km of thermally suitable habitat. A Gunnison River fish ladder successfully re‐established access to 54 km of suitable habitat, but 32 km of critical habitat upstream remains unsuitable. Suitability there could be achieved by raising temperatures only 1–2°C from late May to mid‐October with installation of a temperature control device on an upstream dam. Maximum, main‐channel, summer temperatures did not limit Colorado pikeminnow distribution in downstream reaches of the upper Colorado River. Published in 2010 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Flannelmouth sucker, Catostomus latipinnis, a fish endemic to the Colorado River basin in the western United States, appears to experience poor recruitment to adult size in the Colorado River, downstream of Glen Canyon Dam. Lack or impermanence of rearing areas for young‐of‐year (YOY) fish is hypothesized to be the problem. Knowing the importance of tributary mouths as rearing areas in other river systems, we studied use of the mouth of the Paria River, a tributary of the Colorado River, by YOY flannelmouth suckers, and the availability of rearing area in the mouth at different flow levels in the Colorado River in 1996 and 1997. We also examined the relationship between flash floods in the Paria River and catch‐per‐unit‐effort (CPUE) of YOY in the Paria River between 1991 and 1996. Maximum mean daily discharge in the Paria River was inversely correlated with CPUE of YOY flannelmouth suckers (Spearman Rho=?0.9856, p=0.0003) during their critical rearing period (15 March–30 June). Thus, it appears that YOY flannelmouth suckers rear longer in the Paria River in years when flash flooding is minimal. Recruitment of YOY flannelmouth suckers at the Paria River may also be improved by enhancing pool formation during spring and summer rearing seasons. YOY flannelmouth sucker was captured in a pool created by high Colorado River flows (≥336 m3/s) that inundated the mouth of the Paria River during spring and summer, 1996. In 1997, high flows (about 550–750 m3/s) in the Colorado River during winter and spring initially inundated the Paria River and formed a pool in the mouth. However, these high flows eventually caused 0.5–1.0 m of suspended sediment from the incoming Paria River to deposit in the mouth. Thus, despite higher flows than 1996, the slackwater area formed only occasionally in 1997. Differences in pool formation between 1996 and 1997 demonstrate that pool formation cannot be inferred solely from Colorado River flows. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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