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This paper discusses the resource allocation problem for not-for-profit organizations that have control over several production units of similar functions. A case of budget allocation among the subdistricts of a forest district in Taiwan is exemplified to illustrate the idea. The model proposed is a nonlinear fractional program superimposed upon the data envelopment analysis framework. This nonlinear fractional program can be transformed to a model similar to the generalized linear program and solved by a type of decomposition method. Within prespecified ranges, the district office searches for ways of allocating a fixed amount of budget to its subdistricts to result in a higher aggregate efficiency score. Wider ranges allow for more flexibility in allocating budget; consequently, higher aggregate efficiency scores are experienced. Since this method is more objective, it is more persuasive to the subdistricts in allocating resources. 相似文献
为确保制造网格平台提供的制造资源及服务能够达到使用者的功能与质量要求,建立了基于SLA的资源管理模型,并对模型中的资源调度算法进行了深入研究。该模型以制造资源的服务质量(QoS)属性为评价标准,以服务水平协议(SLA)为约束条件,通过资源调度方法和策略为消费者提供有质量保证的制造服务。最后,以快速成型制造为应用,验证了模型的实用性及资源调度算法的可行性。 相似文献
针对利用Internet上大量空闲计算资源来解决大规模分布式计算问题这一需求,提出了一种低管理开销的网格计算模型。在该模型中,不存在任何节点来管理动态变化的资源,而与之相适应的信息机制、任务调度算法和有限任务复制算法在没有管理节点存在的情况下,以较低的开销使系统在动态的环境中达到自然的协调,实现大规模的分布计算。开发的仿真软件验证了该模型的有效性,并对相关结果进行了初步的性能分析;仿真结果表明,该模型在动态的环境中负载分布合理,资源的计算能力能得到充分利用,为高效地完成参数扫描、蒙特卡罗模拟等大规模易并行计算提供了一个可行的方法。 相似文献
近年来,随着城市的发展,居民购房迁移、外地人口大量涌入,流动人口规模急剧膨胀,人户分离情况尤为突出,给城市社区的管理带来新的挑战。文章以社区网格化管理中的人员管理为切入点,利用深度学习方法下的ReID行人再识别、人脸识别算法与多算法融合技术,对社区内的人员进行人脸、人体图像采集,并进行特征比对、图像聚类处理,形成一人一档数据,实现对社区人员活动轨迹的刻画。某住宅小区自应用以来,已新增登记常住人口561人、暂住人口298人,小区实有人口登记率从41%提升至80%以上。 相似文献
本文针对电网的输电阻塞问题,首先对输电阻塞问题进行了分析和假设,运用线性回归模型对数据进行了拟合,得出了各输电线路的有功潮流与各发电机组出力之间的近似关系;然后,对其进行结果检验和误差分析。最后,得出其最大相对误差为0.0247,合理的设计出了下一时段各机组出力的分配预案,并得到了最优的机组出力分配方案。 相似文献
Infrastructure as a Service clouds are a flexible and fast way to obtain (virtual) resources as demand varies. Grids, on the other hand, are middleware platforms able to combine resources from different administrative domains for task execution. Clouds can be used by grids as providers of devices such as virtual machines, so they only use the resources they need. But this requires grids to be able to decide when to allocate and release those resources. Here we introduce and analyze by simulations an economic mechanism (a) to set resource prices and (b) resolve when to scale resources depending on the users’ demand. This system has a strong emphasis on fairness, so no user hinders the execution of other users’ tasks by getting too many resources.Our simulator is based on the well-known GridSim software for grid simulation, which we expand to simulate infrastructure clouds. The results show how the proposed system can successfully adapt the amount of allocated resources to the demand, while at the same time ensuring that resources are fairly shared among users. 相似文献
The forest fund is a hierarchically structured dynamic system subdivided in management units. In order to get more insights into the dynamic behaviour a simulation model for long and intermediate forecasting of forest fund development and for designing management strategies and tactics was built.Its application is shortly described by means of scenario techniques. 相似文献
网格服务管理是网格计算的核心问题。通过对于目前网格服务管理体系架构的三种模型进行分析和比较,基于开放式服务体系架构(OGSA),探讨了网格服务管理系统的功能需求,进而设计了一种层次化的网格服务管理模型HGSM,描述了模型的工作流程。将网格服务管理分为任务分解、静态调度和动态调度三种层次,讨论了HGSM的各个层次的相关功能模块,以有向无环图和高级随机Petri网分别对于任务分解和服务调度提出了相关算法,算法中的可实施谓词、随机开关、实施速率等描述可以直接在SPN求解软件的编程中实现,从而为构造一种层次化的网格服务管理模型提供一个可实现的有效途径。 相似文献
Fluid-structure interaction (FSI) problems play an important role in many technical applications, for instance, wind turbines, aircraft, injection systems, or pumps. Thus, the optimization of such kind of problems is of high practical importance. Optimization algorithms aim to find the best values for a system’s parameters under various conditions. In this paper, we present a new Backtracking Search Optimization Algorithm for multiobjective optimization, named BSAMO, a new evolutionary algorithm (EA) for solving real-valued numerical optimization problems. EAs are popular stochastic search algorithms that are widely used to solve nonlinear, nondifferentiable and complex numerical optimization problems. In order to test the performance of this algorithm, a well known benchmark multiobjective problem has been chosen from the literature, and for FSI optimization, using a partitioned coupling procedure. The method has been tested through a 2D plate and a 3D wing subjected to aerodynamic loads. The obtained Pareto solutions are then presented and compared to those of the Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm-II (NSGA-II). The numerical results demonstrate the efficiency of BSAMO and also its best performance in tackling real-world multiphysics problems. 相似文献
Job scheduling in computational grid is a complex problem and various heuristics and meta-heuristics have been proposed for the same. These approaches usually optimize specific characteristic parameters while allocating the jobs on the grid resources. Many a times, it is desired to optimize multiple parameters during job scheduling. Non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II) has been observed to be the best meta-heuristic to solve such multi-objective optimization problem. The proposed work applies NSGA-II for job scheduling in computational grid with three conflicting objectives: maximizing reliability of the system for job allocation, minimizing energy consumption and balancing the load on the system. Performance study of the proposed model is done by simulating it on some real data. The result indicates that the proposed model performs well with multiple objectives. 相似文献
设计了一个基于分层模型的校园网格资源管理模型,对其核心部分"服务层"所使用的资源表示机制、资源查找策略、资源调度策略、任务调度策略等一系列机制进行了描述.通过对各种分布的、异构的资源的统一管理,实现对整个网格系统资源的访问并且使资源管理模块具有可扩展性. 相似文献
由于网格计算中的资源具有分布性、自治性、异构性和动态性,对计算网格资源进行高效的管理是一个具有挑战性的问题。提出了把移动代理技术引入网格计算资源管理,从而为资源管理提供一个自适应性的广域资源环境,使网格计算系统能够自动适应环境的变化,为网格计算资源管理的动态自适应性研究指引了方向。 相似文献
In this paper, we developed a framework for efficient resource management within the grid service environment. For considering
the grid service architecture and functions, the resource management is the most important to grid service; therefore, GridRMF
(Grid Resource Management Framework) is modeled and developed in order to respond to such variable characteristics of resources
as accordingly as possible. GridRMF uses the participation level of grid resource as a basis of its hierarchical management.
This hierarchical management divides managing domains into two parts: VMS (Virtual Organization Management System) for virtual
organization management and RMS (Resource Management System) for metadata management. VMS mediates resources according to
optimal virtual organization selection mechanism, and responds to malfunctions of the virtual organization by LRM (Local Resource
Manager) automatic recovery mechanism. RMS, on the other hand, responds to load balance and fault by applying resource status
monitoring information into adaptive performance-based task allocation algorithm.
研究了网格计算客户端,网格资源的发现、分配及资源描述。考虑到市场机制和当前网络资源和网格资源的应用现状,从网格计算应用的角度结合了网格基于市场机制的目录架构,优化了资源自适应协议,并在实际中实现了它们的功能。 相似文献
讨论了基于Web服务资源框架(WSRF)的网格应用模型研究与实践。介绍了WSRF及其在GlobusToolkit4中的实现。重点讲述了GT4框架的基础:公共运行时、信息服务、执行期管理、数据管理、安全性,以及WSRF的核心:WS-Resource。最后结合具体步骤,给出了一种基于GT4平台设计具有良好可伸缩性的Web服务资源的模型。 相似文献
研究了广义人工生命和信息网格的原理与方法,提出了基于广义人工生命的信息网格管理模型(Humanoid Information Grid Management Model,HIGMM)。论述了具有双重管理体制、集散管理模式、多级协调功能等拟人管理特点的信息网格管理模型的设计思想。关键词:网格;信息网格; 人工智能;人工生命;广义人工生命 相似文献
The location of undesirable facilities involves economic, environmental and social impacts. The costs associated and the rejection of facilities by nearby population are crucial concerns. This paper introduces a Multiobjective Mixed-Integer Linear Programming (MMILP) approach to identify locations and capacities of biogas plants to treat animal waste from dairy farms, and assign each farm to a subset of the opened biogas plants. Three objectives were considered in the mathematical model: minimizing initial investment, operation and maintenance costs; minimizing transportation cost; and minimizing social rejection. The proposed model was applied to the Entre-Douro-e-Minho Region in Portugal. The approach provided as output a set of Pareto optimal solutions, represented by maps using a Geographic Information System, each one achieving a unique combination of economic and social performance. 相似文献
针对移动网格规模大、开放、动态等特征,基于模糊集合理论建立动态信任管理模型D-Trust。用基于可变权重的模糊综合评价计算直接信任,对各种因素进行权重的动态分配,避免了权重分配的主观性;推荐信任中通过信任阈值和链路长度等参数的约束,以更加有效的方式构建信任链路,克服了广播式查询信任信息的慢收敛、开销大的问题;在总体信任中以动态权重对直接信任和推荐信任进行加权平均,提高了模型的动态自适应能力。 相似文献
Ensuring the correctness and reliability of large-scale resource sharing and complex job processing is an important task for grid applications. From a formal method perspective, a grid service chain model based on state Pi calculus is pro- posed in this work as the theoretical foundation for the service composition and collaboration in grid. Following the idea of the Web Service Resource Framework (WSRF), state Pi calculus enables the life-cycle management of system states by associating the actions in the original Pi calculus with system states. Moreover, model checking technique is exploited for the design-time and run-time logical verification of grid service chain models. A grid application scenario of the dynamic analysis of material deformation structure is also provided to show the effective- ness of the proposed work. 相似文献
为了配合电网企业建立RFID资产实物标识电子身份证系统,集成资产的实物流、信息流和价值流,实现账、卡、物相符一致,实现资产管理各阶段信息共享及开展资产全生命周期的跟踪管理,同时也为了提高电网设备的现代化管理水平,文章总结了多年来在电网设备RFID实物标识实施的切身体会,对RFID在国内外电力电网设备的应用方面进行了研究,重点对RFID技术在电网资产全寿命周期管理模式进行了探讨。 相似文献