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The meeting was held in the beautiful campus of Pepperdine University situated in Malibu. I am told that the Malibu's first residents, the native American Chumash Indians, named the stretch of beach at the mouth of Malibu Creek “Humaliwo” — or “the surf sounds loudly”. Recreational opportunities abound for the water enthusiast here.  相似文献   

Intel成立了生产太阳能电池新公司SpectraWatt并在美国俄勒冈州建了工厂,IBM在研发新电池技术"Li Air",台积电宣布进入太阳能电池市场,三星电子兴建了太阳能电池生产线……,半导体巨头们跨入太阳能光伏市场的步伐还在加快,而半导体人转向太阳能光伏领域更是比比皆是。  相似文献   

题目作者期页全球信息高速公路的新标准””“””””““252信息化环境下的上海邮电发展策略一程锡元43日本关西宽带实验网印象““”一周利和等4. 531,41上海信息业的希望 —上海邮电公共信息网络…杨海燕623Internet的商业化及中国市场 前景分析·“·“·“·“·“·“··“·““张晓东626中国国家金融网络的规划设计和应用 ““”·“.”·“··”“““”·“··“”一丁捷630一种拨号接人Internet 的技术方案“””“””““““·北方电讯636八,41,矛工 ,‘尸、︸,1,︸,、︶l5l8,、︸,J1 4 12八“0尸」,‘,乙,妇内j尸、︶l…  相似文献   


A wide-band fully differential fractional-N frequency synthesizer for multi-standard application is presented. The single fully differential LC–VCO with 28.5 % tuning rang and a set of dividers, quadrature self-mixer are designed to accomplish the multi-frequency bands with the frequency band from 0.38 to 6 GHz and from 9.0 to 12 GHz. It covers several wireless standards. A novel high isolation multiplexer is presented to achieve the frequency band selection. This chip was implemented with 65 nm CMOS technology and the maximum consumption is 20.05 mA from 1.2 V power supply. It occupies an active area of 1.5 mm2. The measured typical phase noise of the frequency synthesizer is ?114.6 dBc/Hz from 1 MHz offset for 4.85 GHz output.  相似文献   

EDN杂志为进行第七届创新者和创新产品年度竞赛活动,对EDA(电子设计自动化)领域筛选出了6项创新产品,作为评选1996年度最佳创新产品之用。这6项创新产品是指: memBIST存储器控制程序:Fire&Ice和Thunder&Lightning软  相似文献   

A comparative analysis of the main DC and microwave performances of MESFETs made of the commercially available silicon carbide polytypes 3C–SiC, 6H–SiC and 4H–SiC is presented. In this purpose, we have developed an analytical model that takes into account the basic material properties such as field dependent mobility, critical electric field, ionization grade of impurities, and saturation of the charge carrier velocity. For a better precision in appreciating device characteristics in the case of a short gate device, the influences of the gate length and parasitic elements of the structure, e.g. source and drain resistances, are considered too. Cut-off frequency fT, the corresponding output power Pm and the thermal stability are also evaluated and compared with the available experimental data, revealing the specific electrical performances of MESFETs, when any of the three polytypes is used in device fabrication.  相似文献   

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics -  相似文献   

1996年亚太地区环境电磁学学术会议(CEEM’96)征文通知1996年亚太地区环境电磁学学术会议(CEEE’96)将于11月5—7日在西安召开。本次学术会议为科技人员提供交流最新科技成果及工作经验的良好场所,欢迎专家学者踊跃投稿、积极与会。举办单位...  相似文献   

This paper presents a high-gain and low-power balun-LNA for ultra-wideband receiver operating in the upper band (6–9 GHz). Common gate (CG) preamplifier in front of the active balun can provide input matching and suppress noise from the follow-up stages. Active balun shares bias current with the CG stage to reduce power consumption. Capacitor-cross-coupled buffer is cascaded for signal amplitude and phase correction. The balun-LNA is fabricated in TSMC 130 nm CMOS technology and it consumes 5.5 mA current from a 1.3-V supply including buffer. This balun-LNA can achieve wideband gain from 6.5 to 9.0 GHz and the maximum gain is 23 dB. The input return loss is better than 20 dB from 6.5 to 9.0 GHz. The core area of the LNA is 0.53 mm2. Simulated noise figure of the LNA is under 3.2 dB.  相似文献   

姚钢 《电子设计技术》2009,16(8):38-38,42
Intel成立了生产太阳能电池新公司SpectraWatt并在美国俄勒冈州建了工厂,IBM在研发新电池技术“Li Air”,台积电宣布进入太阳能电池市场,三星电子兴建了太阳能电池生产线……,半导体巨头们跨入太阳能光伏市场的步伐还在加快,而半导体人转向太阳能光伏领域更是比比皆是。我们知道,太阳能级硅(SG)Si含量一般在99.9999%,而电子级硅(EG)的Si含量一般要达到99.9999999%。太阳能光伏与半导体的关联性,正是人们所谓的6个9与9个9之别。  相似文献   

对于那些有一定发烧资历的音响玩家来说.乐富豪(Wharfedale)是个不可不知的品牌,当Hi-Fi仅仅是少数人的玩物时.它就以乎易近人的定价策略和富有个性的声音特色而获得人们的推崇。这其中.允以Diamond(钻石)系列受到人门级发烧友的青睐,于是.在这么多年里.Diamond几经改款.变得家喻户晓  相似文献   

在不久前DG推出的伯恩斯坦指挥大全集中收录了他指挥肖斯塔科维奇的第1、7等交响曲,而此次以DVD介质推出的伯恩斯坦指挥维也纳爱乐乐团录制的肖氏第6、9交响曲,则是第一次发行,无论是对于热爱伯恩斯坦指挥艺术的爱乐者,还是对肖斯塔科维奇的交响曲感兴趣的朋友,都是一张极具价值的大制作。这两部交响曲的演出的拍摄,完成于1986年的维也纳金色大厅,特别是其中的《第6交响曲》,即便是在通常的音乐会曲目中也很少演出,能得见伯恩斯坦对这部肖氏“独白性”作品的大师级演绎十分难得;相比之下《第9交响曲》的结构和特性更适合伯恩斯坦的“戏路”,5个乐章的性格都诠释得极其鲜明,第一乐章的诙谐生动,第四乐章的情绪波澜,都刻画得呼之欲出,  相似文献   

一、为什么看上6J9 作为一名发烧友,我也喜欢电子管,接触到一只没有用过的电子管.首先便是要清楚它的特性。对电子管而言.它的特性便犹如美人的外貌一样,是吸引我们的最首要因素,一个偶然的机会,6J9便一下子吸引住了我的目光。  相似文献   

自从FM801-AS芯片推出之后,多数的声卡厂商,都推出了使用这颗芯片的六声道声卡。当然有了声卡后还要有能够搭配的音箱产品。这一款由爵士公司所推出的Rave 5.1音箱,就是一款能够搭配六声道声卡的音箱产品。  相似文献   

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