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In this paper we propose the numerical solution of a steady‐state reaction‐diffusion problem by means of application of a non‐local Lyapunov–Schmidt type reduction originally devised for field theory. A numerical algorithm is developed on the basis of the discretization of the differential operator by means of simple finite differences. The eigendecomposition of the resulting matrix is used to implement a discrete version of the reduction process. By the new algorithm the problem is decomposed into two coupled subproblems of different dimensions. A large subproblem is solved by means of a fixed point iteration completely controlled by the features of the original equation, and a second problem, with dimensions that can be made much smaller than the former, which inherits most of the non‐linear difficulties of the original system. The advantage of this approach is that sophisticated linearization strategies can be used to solve this small non‐linear system, at the expense of a partial eigendecomposition of the discretized linear differential operator. The proposed scheme is used for the solution of a simple non‐linear one‐dimensional problem. The applicability of the procedure is tested and experimental convergence estimates are consolidated. Numerical results are used to show the performance of the new algorithm. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the minimization of functionals of the form ∫Γ(b) f( h ,T( b, h )) dΓ( b ) where variation of the vector b modifies the shape of the domain Ω on which the potential problem, ?2T=0, is defined. The vector h is dependent on non‐linear boundary conditions that are defined on the boundary Γ. The method proposed is founded on the material derivative adjoint variable method traditionally used for shape optimization. Attention is restricted to problems where the shape of Γ is described by a boundary element mesh, where nodal co‐ordinates are used in the definition of b . Propositions are presented to show how design sensitivities for the modified functional ∫Γ(b) f( h ,T ( b, h )) dΓ( b ) +∫Ω(b) λ( b, h ) ?2T( b, h ) dΩ( b ) can be derived more readily with knowledge of the form of the adjoint function λ determined via non‐shape variations. The methods developed in the paper are applied to a problem in pressure die casting, where the objective is the determination of cooling channel shapes for optimum cooling. The results of the method are shown to be highly convergent. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, an exponentially fitted method is used to numerically solve the one‐dimensional Burgers' equation. The performance of the method is tested on the model involving moderately large Reynolds numbers. The obtained numerical results show that the method is efficient, stable and reliable for solving Burgers' equation accurately even involving high Reynolds numbers for which the exact solution fails. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, numerical solution of non‐linear Klein–Gordon equations with power law non‐linearities are obtained by the new application of He's variational iteration method. Numerical illustrations that include non‐linear Klein–Gordon equations and non‐linear partial differential equations are investigated to show the pertinent features of the technique. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new method for solving any combination of linear–non‐linear equations. The method is based on the separation of linear equations in terms of some selected variables from the non‐linear ones. The linear group is solved by means of any method suitable for the linear system. This operation needs no iteration. The non‐linear group, however, is solved by an iteration technique based on a new formula using the Taylor series expansion. The method has been described and demonstrated in several examples of analytical systems with very good results. The new method needs the initial approximations for non‐linear variables only. This requires far less computation than the Newton–Raphson method. The method also has a very good convergence rate. The proposed method is most beneficial for engineering systems that very often involve a large number of linear equations with limited number of non‐linear equations. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Nowadays, most of the ordinary differential equations (ODEs) can be solved by modelica‐based approaches, such as Matlab/Simulink, Dymola and LabView, which use simulation technique (ST). However, these kinds of approaches restrict the users in the enforcement of conditions at any instant of the time domain. This limitation is one of the most important drawbacks of the ST. Another method of solution, differential quadrature method (DQM), leads to very accurate results using only a few grids on the domain. On the other hand, DQM is not flexible for the solution of non‐linear ODEs and it is not so easy to impose multiple conditions on the same location. For these reasons, the author aims to eliminate the mentioned disadvantages of the simulation technique (ST) and DQM using favorable characteristics of each method in the other. This work aims to show how the combining method (CM) works simply by solving some non‐linear problems and how the CM gives more accurate results compared with those of other methods. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper applies He's variational iteration to the wave equations in an infinite one‐dimensional medium and some non‐linear diffusion equations. A suitable choice of an initial solution can lead to the needed exact solution by a few iterations. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper is an attempt to investigate the sensitivity to change of units and co-ordinate systems in computational kinematics when it involves both orientation and displacement in three dimensional space. The focus is on the behaviour of the Newton–Raphson iterative technique for solving customary system of equations for kinematic loop closure. It is shown that with the change of units or co-ordinate systems for some initial points the method does not converge to the same solution. Such behaviour is attributed to the shift of the boundaries of the so-called basins of attraction which play an important role in the theory of Chaos and Fractals. A number of numerical examples have been investigated and presented in tabulated form. To reduce the effect of sensitivity two procedures are suggested. One of them, Non-linear Elimination, is a recent development based on numerical elimination of variables in a system of equations. Investigation presented in this paper is the first of its kind and it is hoped that it will initiate further research to treat the problem of sensitivity in computational kinematics. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The forced spherical pendulum is of intrinsic interest to dynamicists as well as to geophysicists as a simple mechanical analogue of the polarity reversals of the Earth's magnetic field. The system displays chaotic dynamics involving irregular reversals of its direction of motion, both in terms of its angular momentum and of its direction of precession. Here, we analyse the difference between angular-momentum and precession reversals and compare the results of experimental work that has been performed on chaotic reversals in a laboratory pendulum with numerical simulations of the Miles equations that represent the pendulum dynamics; we find good agreement.  相似文献   

This paper presents a finite element model based on mathematical non‐linear programming in order to determine upper bounds of colapse loads of a mechanical structure. The proposed formulation is derived within a kinematical approach framework, employing two simultaneous and independent field approximations for the velocity and strain rate fields. The augmented Lagrangian is used to establish the compatibility between these two fields. In this model, only continuous velocity fields are used. Uzawa's minimization algorithm is applied to determine the optimal kinematical field that minimizes the difference between external and dissipated work rate. The use of this technique allows to bypass the complexity of the non‐linear aspects of the problem, since non‐linearity is addressed as a set of small local subproblems of optimization for each finite element. The obtained model is quite versatile and suitable for solving a wide range of collapse problems. This paper studies 3D strut‐and‐tie structures, 2D plane strain/stress and 3D solid problems. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Dual algorithms are ideally suited for the purpose of topology optimization since they work in the space of Lagrange multipliers associated with the constraints. To date, dual algorithms have been applied only for linear structures. Here we extend this methodology to the case of non‐linear structures. The perimeter constraint is used to make the topology problem well‐posed. We show that the proposed algorithm yields a value of perimeter that is close to that specified by the user. We also address the issue of manufacturability of these designs, by proposing a variant of the standard dual algorithm, which generates designs that are two‐dimensional although the loading and the geometry are three‐dimensional. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The paper presents a means of determining the non‐linear stiffness matrices from expressions for the first and second variation of the Total Potential of a thin‐walled open section finite element that lead to non‐linear stiffness equations. These non‐linear equations can be solved for moderate to large displacements. The variations of the Total Potential have been developed elsewhere by the authors, and their contribution to the various non‐linear matrices is stated herein. It is shown that the method of solution of the non‐linear stiffness matrices is problem dependent. The finite element procedure is used to study non‐linear torsion that illustrates torsional hardening, and the Newton–Raphson method is deployed for this study. However, it is shown that this solution strategy is unsuitable for the second example, namely that of the post‐buckling response of a cantilever, and a direct iteration method is described. The good agreement for both of these problems with the work of independent researchers validates the non‐linear finite element method of analysis. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

铅垂井段钻柱的浑沌运动   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
考虑了外柱即时构形中轴向力对弯曲变形的影响,计及由于钻柱弯曲而产生的轴向附加力,得到了铅垂井段钻柱在周期性波动钻压激励下的非线性参数激励振动系统。将非线性动力系统理论用于钻柱动力学的研究,用Melnikov-Holmes方法得到了外柱可能发生浑沌振动的参数激励的阀值,推导了根据钻柱的物理与几何计算动力系统参数的公式。作者根据本文提供的计算方法和计算公式编制了相应的程序模块,可为钻井现场提供合理的工  相似文献   

This paper describes the use of topology optimization as a synthesis tool for the design of large‐displacement compliant mechanisms. An objective function for the synthesis of large‐displacement mechanisms is proposed together with a formulation for synthesis of path‐generating compliant mechanisms. The responses of the compliant mechanisms are modelled using a total Lagrangian finite element formulation, the sensitivity analysis is performed using the adjoint method and the optimization problem is solved using the method of moving asymptotes. Procedures to circumvent some numerical problems are discussed. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

During the last decade various methods have been proposed to handle linear and non‐linear constraints by using genetic algorithms to solve problems of numerical optimization. The key to success lies in focusing the search space towards a feasible region where a global optimum is located. This study investigates an approach that adaptively shifts and shrinks the size of the search space to the feasible region; it uses two strategies for estimating a point of attraction. Several test cases demonstrate the ability of this approach to reach effectively and accurately the global optimum with a low resolution of the binary representation scheme and without additional computational efforts. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The consistency and stability of a Thomas–Gladwell family of multistage time‐stepping schemes for the solution of first‐order non‐linear differential equations are examined. It is shown that the consistency and stability conditions are less stringent than those derived for second‐order governing equations. Second‐order accuracy is achieved by approximating the solution and its derivative at the same location within the time step. Useful flexibility is available in the evaluation of the non‐linear coefficients and is exploited to develop a new non‐iterative modification of the Thomas–Gladwell method that is second‐order accurate and unconditionally stable. A case study from applied hydrogeology using the non‐linear Richards equation confirms the analytic convergence assessment and demonstrates the efficiency of the non‐iterative formulation. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Various non‐linear equation solvers are adapted to handle linear constraints via the Lagrange‐multiplier technique. This adaptation process turns out to be quite straightforward for Newton–Raphson methods and rank‐two Quasi–Newton methods (BFGS and DFP), but rather more involved for Broyden method. In fact, two Broyden methods can be obtained: the standard one and a modified one, better adapted to the Lagrange‐multiplier environment. Some numerical examples are used to assess the relative performance of the various adapted solvers. These tests illustrate the superiority of the modified Broyden method over the standard one. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The numerical modelling of non‐linear electroelasticity is presented in this work. Based on well‐established basic equations of non‐linear electroelasticity a variational formulation is built and the finite element method is employed to solve the non‐linear electro‐mechanical coupling problem. Numerical examples are presented to show the accuracy of the implemented formulation. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

One of the first multiple objective versions of the tabu search (TS) algorithm is proposed by the author. The idea of applying TS to multiple objective optimization is inspired from its solution structure. TS works with more than one solution (neighbourhood solutions) at a time and this situation gives the opportunity to evaluate multiple objectives simultaneously in one run. The selection and updating stages are modified to enable the original TS algorithm to work with more than one objective. In this paper, the multiple objective tabu search (MOTS) algorithm is applied to multiple objective non‐linear optimization problems with continuous variables using a simple neighbourhood strategy. The algorithm is applied to four mechanical components design problems. The results are compared with several other solution techniques including multiple objective genetic algorithms. It is observed that MOTS is able to find better and much wider spread of solutions than the reported ones. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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