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To assess the functional significance of putative proteins encoded by alternately spliced mRNA of the sheep testicular FSH receptor, a short form cDNA comprising of the first four exons (117 residues mature protein) was engineered for expression in Escherichia coli. The expressed protein of molecular mass 15 kDa was purified to homogeneity and verified by reaction with an antibody against a synthetic peptide sequence unique to the amino (N)-terminal region FSH receptor. The purified FSH receptor domain protein bound 125I-labeled hFSH in a ligand blot on polyvinylidine difluoride membranes. Further analyses by slot blot revealed high affinity of the immobilized protein with significant reaction at 10 pmol. As the immobilized receptor protein also reacted with structurally related hormones (125I-labeled LH/125I-labeled human chorionic gonadotropin), we confirmed that interaction most probably occurred via the common alpha-subunit of these glycoprotein hormones. Our results reveal that this N-terminal portion of the FSH receptor contain(s) major site(s) for hormone recognition that could be mediated via the alpha-subunit. A rabbit antibody to the receptor inhibited FSH action in receptor bearing cells, revealing the utility of such recombinant FSH receptor protein(s) for modulation of hormone action.  相似文献   

The isolation and characterization of a microsomal arylaminopeptidase from rat kidney is reported. By treatment of a microsomal arylaminopeptidase-phosphatase-complex with trypsin and subsequent gel filtration of the solubilized proteins on Sepharose 6B a electrophoretic homogeneous arylaminopeptidase was obtained (yield, 3%; enrichment, 900 times). The following properties of the purified enzyme were determined: 1. Molecular weight: 182000 (gel filtration on Sepharose 6B) to 192000 (SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis). 2. Subunit structure: In the presence of 6 M guanidine - HC1 + 1% BETA-mercaptoethanol the enzyme dissociates into subunits (MW 46700, ESTIMATED BY SDS gel electrophoresis method). 3. Isoelectric point: 4,71 (agarose gel electrophoresis method). 4. UV characteristics: E 280nm/E260NM=1.3. 5. Substrate specifity: optimal substrates L-alanyl derivatives (anilide, beta-naphthyl amide, p-nitroanilide, 4-(phenylazo)-phenylamide and hydrazide). Among these compounds the anilide derivative was hydrolyzed most rapidly. Furthermore, di- and tripeptides, especially L-methionyl-L-leucine, were also split. No hydrolysis was observed with hemoglobin (pH 4.5 and 7.5) and amino acid- or peptide-ester substrates. 6. Optimal pH: 7.5 +/- 0,1; optimal temperature: 45 to 50 degrees C. 7. The enzyme has no transamidation activity with L-alanyl amide both as aminoacyl donator and -acceptor. 8. Influence of effectors: Heavy metal ions (Ni2+, Cd2+, Cu2+, Zn2+), chelating agents (EDTA, o-phenanthroline) and puromycin inhibit the enzyme significantly. SH-group reagents are without any influence. 9. L-alanyl-L-alanyl-4 (phenylazo)-phenylamide, a dipeptide aryl aminopeptidase substrate, is hydrolyzed by the purified enzyme preparation according to a consecutive or step by step mechanism.  相似文献   

A simple procedure to obtain relatively large amounts of purified kallikrein from male mouse submaxillary gland is described. Some chemical and biological properties of this kallikrein have been investigated. The enzyme has a m.w. of 32,000 and shows strong BAEE-esterase activity, as well as kininogenase activity. It is partially inhibited by Aprotinin.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) is an intracellular pathogen which causes disseminated bacterial infection in immunocompromised individuals. This organism predominantly infects macrophages. Attachment of MAC to macrophages is the first step prior to invasion. We have previously shown that a 70 kDa protein of M. avium (Ma) is one of nine monocyte-binding proteins. In the present study, we have purified this protein from sonic extracts of Ma and studied some of its properties. The N-terminal sequence of this protein was identified and found to exhibit a strong homology to the 70 kDa heat shock protein (hsp) of M. leprae (Ml) and M. tuberculosis (Mtb). This protein was found to be present on the surface of the organism and was able to inhibit the attachment of intact Ma to human monocyte derived macrophages (MDM) up to 49% in an in vitro attachment assay using intact fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-labelled Ma. Bovine serum albumin (BSA) and recombinant 70 kDa hsp from Mtb, which were used as controls, inhibited this attachment by 9.8 and 18%, respectively. These results suggest that the 70 kDa protein may have a role in the attachment of intact Ma to MDM. When tested in lymphocyte activation assays, this protein did not appear to significantly stimulate proliferation. However, it was found to stimulate the production of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha by MDM. This protein may be one of several Ma antigens that trigger host immune response by binding to MDM and stimulating the production of inflammatory cytokines such as TNF-alpha by these cells.  相似文献   

A low molecular weight hydroxamic acid was produced by Pseudomonas mildenbergii in iron-deficient media associated with green fluorescent peptides. The chemical structure of this hydroxamic acid has been investigated for comparison to known iron-binding siderophores. The hydroxamic acid was extracted from lyophilized culture media with ethanol and methanol and crystallized as the hydrochloride. The product had a molecular weight of 202.6 and an empirical formula of C9H11O2N X HCl and contained hydroxylamine nitrogen. The infrared, nuclear magnetic resonance, and mass spectral data suggested that the chemical structure was N-methylphenylacetohydroxamic acid. N-Methylphenylacetohydroxamic acid was synthesized, and its melting point, elemental analysis, and molecular weight were identical with those of the natural product. The compound chelated ferric iron, producing a distinctive iron chelate absorption band at 470 nm. Its relationship to the green fluorescent peptides is discussed.  相似文献   

MWapp 116,000 and 29,000 proteins (p116 and p29), major outer membrane proteins of Hyphomonas jannaschiana reproductive cells, were extracted from cell envelopes by dialysis against EDTA, 2 M urea or distilled water. These proteins were precipitated by divalent cations and resolubilized by EDTA-Na, reflecting alternate monomer, multimer states. From two-dimensional gel electrophoresis it was determined that p116 and p29 had a pl of 4.5. Both were glycoproteins. Results suggest that p116 and p29 are surface layer (S-layer) proteins, with p116 a tetramer of the p29. The S-layer could protect the adherent H. jannaschiana reproductive cell from exoenzyme activity, antibiotics and other bacteriocidal molecules produced in the bacterial films formed on many marine surfaces.  相似文献   

Angiotensin II (AT2) has been implicated in the growth and/or differentiation of its target tissues. In the present study, testicular AT2 receptor and its subtypes in hypophysectomized rats were examined using quantitative in vitro autoradiography and Northern blot analysis in an attempt to determine possible involvement of pituitary hormones in their expression. Prepubescent (3 weeks of age) male Sprague-Dawley rats underwent hypophysectomy or sham operation. From 10 days thereafter, they were treated with vehicle, growth hormone, human chorionic gonadotrophin or human menopausal gonadotrophin for 10 days. Testicular AT2 receptors were labelled with 125I-[Sar1,Ile8] AT2 and differentiated into its subtypes (AT1 and FAT2) according to their susceptibility to AT1 (losartan, 5 microM) and AT2 (CGP42112B, 1 microM) antagonists. Hypophysectomy led to a marked increase in AT2 receptor concentration (sham-operated rats: 0.7 +/- 0.2 fmol/mg protein, hypophysectomized rats: 2.5 +/- 0.6 fmol/mg protein, mean +/- SEM, n = 11-12, p < 0.01) with predominant occurrence of AT1 receptors. Both human chorionic gonadotrophin and human menopausal gonadotrophin decreased testicular AT2 receptor concentration, whereas growth hormone did not affect AT2 receptor expression. Northern blot analysis revealed both testicular AT1 and AT2 receptor mRNA expression to be significantly increased after hypophysectomy and reduced by gonadotrophin treatment. These results suggest that the expression of testicular AT2 receptors is regulated by pituitary gonadotrophins and that AT2 may play a role in testicular growth and/or differentiation.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present investigation was to evaluate 99Tcm-labelled alpha-D-glucose 1-phosphate (GP) aerosols for single photon emission computed tomographic (SPECT) ventilation lung imaging in comparison to 99Tcm-diethylenetriaminepentaacetate (DTPA) aerosols. Ten normal nonsmoking male volunteers (aged 20-30 years) were included in this study after obtaining their informed consent. 99Tcm-GP, 30 mCi, in 2 ml was placed in the nebulizer (Venticis II) and inhalation continued for 5 min of normal breathing with oxygen flowing through. In 10 subjects dynamic images were obtained from the posterior position for 90 min with 45 frames on a 64 x 64 matrix by the use of a gamma camera. At the end of the dynamic study planar images of the lung (anterior, posterior and laterals) were recorded. Decay corrected clearance curves and kep values were obtained by the pulmonary epithelial programme and T1/2 values were calculated. The same procedure was followed by the use of 99Tcm-DTPA in the same subjects 2 weeks later. SPECT studies of the lung were performed in five subjects after inhalation of 99Tcm-GP aerosols. Clearance curves were monoexponential. The difference in T1/2 values between the right and left lungs was statistically insignificant (P > 0.10). The mean T1/2 values were 316.5 +/- 44.7 and 80.8 +/- 13.4 min for 99Tcm-GP and 99Tcm-DTPA, respectively. The difference was significant (P < 0.0005). On scintigraphic images 99Tcm-GP showed high alveolar deposition and low adhesion to major airways like 99Tcm-DTPA. However, it is preferred to 99Tcm-DTPA for SPECT studies because of its prolonged pulmonary clearance.  相似文献   

To estimate energy expenditure (EE) in elderly subjects, more age-specific data are required on energy costs of standardized activities. EE was assessed by using indirect calorimetry in 28 women aged 72 +/- 4 y (mean +/- SD) and in 29 middle-aged women (42 +/- 1 y) at rest (resting metabolic rate; RMR) and during sitting, sitting with standardized arm activity, and walking on a treadmill at 3 km/h. RMR and EE during sitting, and sitting with standardized arm activity did not differ significantly between the groups, although EE expressed as a ratio of arm activity to RMR (physical activity ratio, PAR) tended to be higher in the elderly subjects. Walking EE was significantly higher in the elderly women (16.4 +/- 4.0 kJ/min) than in the middle-aged women (12.7 +/- 2.3 kJ/min), also when expressed as PAR. It is suggested that elderly women walk less efficiently. Because PARs are frequently used to estimate daily EE, it is important to note that additional age-specific data might be required.  相似文献   

Cytochrome oxidase (COX) is considered to integrate in a single enzyme two consecutive mechanistically different redox activities--oxidase and peroxidase--that can be catalyzed elsewhere by separate hemoproteins. From the viewpoint of energy transduction, the enzyme is essentially a proton pumping peroxidase with a built-in auxiliary eu-oxidase module that activates oxygen and prepares in situ H2O2, a thermodynamically efficient but potentially hazardous electron acceptor for the proton pumping peroxidase. The eu-oxidase and peroxidase phases of the catalytic cycle may be performed by different structural states of COX. Resolution of the proton pumping peroxidase activity of COX and identification of individual charge translocation steps inherent in this reaction are discussed, as well as the specific role of the two input proton channels in proton translocation.  相似文献   

Phospholamban, a prominent modulator of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca(2+)-ATPase activity and basal contractility in the mammalian heart, has been proposed to form pentamers in native SR membranes. However, the monomeric form of phospholamban, which is associated with mutating Cys41 to Phe41, was shown to be as effective as pentameric phospholamban in inhibiting Ca2+ transport in expression systems. To determine whether this monomeric form of phospholamban is also functional in vivo, we generated transgenic mice with cardiac-specific overexpression of the mutant (Cys41-->Phe41) phospholamban. Quantitative immunoblotting indicated a 2-fold increase in the cardiac phospholamban protein levels compared with wild-type controls, with approximately equal to 50% of phospholamban migrating as monomers and approximately 50% as pentamers upon SDS-PAGE. The mutant-phospholamban transgenic hearts were analyzed in parallel with transgenic hearts overexpressing (2-fold) wild-type phospholamban, which migrated as pentamers upon SDS-PAGE. SR Ca(2+)-uptake assays revealed that the EC50 values for Ca2+ were as follows: 0.32 +/- 0.01 mumol/L in hearts overexpressing monomeric phospholamban, 0.49 +/- 0.05 mumol/L in hearts overexpressing wild-type phospholamban, and 0.26 +/- 0.01 mumol/L in wild-type control mouse hearts. Analysis of cardiomyocyte mechanics and Ca2+ kinetics indicated that the inhibitory effects of mutant-phospholamban overexpression (mt) were less pronounced than those of wild-type phospholamban overexpression (ov) as assessed by depression of the following: (1) shortening fraction (25% mt versus 45% ov), (2) rates of shortening (27% mt versus 48% ov), (3) rates of relengthening (25% mt versus 50% ov) (4) amplitude of the Ca2+ signal (21% mt versus 40% ov), and (5) time for decay of the Ca2+ signal (25% mt versus 106% ov) compared with control (100%) myocytes. The differences in basal cardiac, myocyte mechanics and Ca2+ transients among the animal groups overexpressing monomeric or wild-type phospholamban and wild-type control mice were abolished upon isoproterenol stimulation. These findings suggest that pentameric assembly of phospholamban is important for mediating its optimal regulatory effects on myocardial contractility in vivo.  相似文献   

利用液体选择培养基、固体选择培养基从污泥中筛选出一种可以氧化低价硫的菌株,该菌为革兰氏阴性菌,在光学显微镜下有较强的运动能力.对含有该菌的培养基进行pH值检测,在培养的第3天发现pH值有显著下降,继续培养一周左右,pH值下降到0.6;用离子色谱进行检测,培养5天,液体培养基中硫酸根含量从249.2mg·L-1增加到3679.7mg·L-1;将菌液加入FeS培养基中,培养2周后,FeS被氧化,培养基颜色变浅.  相似文献   

Transfusion of blood from a simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV)- and simian T-cell lymphotropic virus-infected sooty mangabey (designated FGb) to rhesus and pig-tailed macaques resulted in the development of neurologic disease in addition to AIDS. To investigate the role of SIV in neurologic disease, virus was isolated from a lymph node of a pig-tailed macaque (designated PGm) and the cerebrospinal fluid of a rhesus macaque (designated ROn2) and passaged to additional macaques. SIV-related neuropathogenic effects were observed in 100% of the pig-tailed macaques inoculated with either virus. Lesions in these animals included extensive formation of SIV RNA-positive giant cells in the brain parenchyma and meninges. Based upon morphology, the majority of infected cells in both lymphoid and brain tissue appeared to be of macrophage lineage. The virus isolates replicated very well in pig-tailed and rhesus macaque peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) with rapid kinetics. Differential replicative abilities were observed in both PBMC and macrophage populations, with viruses growing to higher titers in pig-tailed macaque cells than in rhesus macaque cells. An infectious molecular clone of virus derived from the isolate from macaque PGm (PGm5.3) was generated and was shown to have in vitro replication characteristics similar to those of the uncloned virus stock. While molecular analyses of this virus revealed its similarity to SIV isolates from sooty mangabeys, significant amino acid differences in Env and Nef were observed. This virus should provide an excellent system for investigating the mechanism of lentivirus-induced neurologic disease.  相似文献   

Porphyromonas gingivalis W50 (ATCC 53978) possesses the gene for fimbriae; however, the surface-expressed fimbriae are sparse and have not been previously isolated and characterized. We purified fimbriae from strain W50 to homogeneity by ammonium sulfate precipitation and reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography [H. T. Sojar, N. Hamada, and R. J. Genco, Protein Expr. Purif. 9(1):49-52, 1997]. Negative staining of purified fimbriae viewed by electron microscopy revealed that the fimbriae were identical in diameter to fimbriae of other P. gingivalis strains, such as 2561, but were shorter in length. On sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) analysis, the apparent molecular weight of isolated fimbrillin from strain W50 was found to be identical to that of the fimbrillin molecule of strain 2561. Unlike 2561 fimbriae, W50 fimbriae, under reducing condition, exhibited a monomeric structure on SDS-PAGE at room temperature. However, under nonreduced conditions, even at 100 degrees C, no monomer was observed. In immunoblot analysis as well as immunogold labeling of isolated fimbriae, polyclonal antibodies against 2561 fimbriae, as well as antibodies against peptide I (V-V-M-A-N-T-G-A-M-E-V-G-K-T-L-A-E-V-K-Cys) and peptide J (A-L-T-T-E-L-T-A-E-N-Q-E-A-A-G-L-I-M-T-A-E-P-Cys), reacted. However, antifimbrial antibodies against strain 2561 reacted very weakly compared to anti-peptide I and anti-peptide J. Negative staining of whole W50 cells, as well as immunogold electron microscopy with anti-peptide I and anti-peptide J, showed fimbriae shorter in length and very few in number compared to those of strain 2561. Purified fimbriae showed no hemagglutinating activity. Amino acid composition was very similar to that of previously reported fimbriae of the 2561 strain.  相似文献   

Hemoglobin Hope (beta(H14)136gly leads to asp), a mildly unstable variant, was found to have decreased oxygen affinity, a normal Bohr effect and diminished cooperativity. Decreased oxygen affinity of hemoglobin Hope may explain the previous failure to find an appropriate response to hemolysis in individuals studied who were heterozygous for both hemoglobin Hope and sickle hemoglobin. Salt bridge formation between NA1 valine and H14 aspartic acid may stabilize the beta Hope subunit in its deoxy form thus producing intrinsically low oxygen affinity and reduced cooperativity.  相似文献   

A dynamic intervertebral disc prosthesis (DIDP) has been developed. It consists of a CoCrMo body and uses Ti6Al4V springs to replicate the mechanical function of the lumbar joint. Wear studies have been performed previously on the DIDP using two specialized simulators to test the wear properties of the moving parts of the disc prosthesis. A pin-in-slot simulator generates wear that would occur in the hinge-pin assembly of the prosthesis. A spring-in-pocket simulator approximates the conditions under which the springs would wear against the body of the prosthesis. The spring-pocket interface is responsible for the production of approximately 90% of the total wear occurring in the prosthesis, and is therefore the main focus of this study. Bovine serum with a preservative has been used as a lubricant in both simulators. The spring-in-pocket simulator compares the effects of two different manufacturing techniques of CoCrMo (HIPing and forging) on their wear characteristics against Ti6Al4V springs. Debris from the spring-in-pocket simulator has been isolated from the serum lubricant and characterized using scanning electron microscopy techniques. The morphology of the Ti6Al4V fragments is rough and irregularly shaped. The size of these fragments ranges from < 1 microns to > 30 microns. The forged CoCrMo alloy debris has an irregular polyhedral shape, with sizes in the same range as the spring fragments. The morphology of the HIPed CoCrMo debris is spherical with a size range < 5 microns to > 30 microns. Length and width measurements of micron-size particles were made with the particle measurements feature of the scanning electron microscope. Micron-size particles were found in all stations. This article provides a unique way to isolate and analyze debris from serum lubricants used in simulators.  相似文献   

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