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BACKGROUND: Indication of liver transplantation for patients infected with hepatitis B virus (HBV) remains controversial because of the high incidence of posttransplant HBV recurrence and aggressive involvement of the allograft. In this article, we provide evidence that the introduction of lamivudine may favorably alter the prognosis of these patients. METHODS: Lamivudine was used in 40 HBV-infected adult patients suffering from chronic end-stage liver disease who underwent liver transplantation. The drug was used in the following settings: failure of prolonged passive immunoprophylaxis, elective conversion from immunoprophylaxis, de novo posttransplant HBV infection, and primary treatment with lamivudine which started before and continued after transplantation. Twenty patients (50%) had viral replication at the time lamivudine was started. Posttransplant and antiviral treatment follow-ups were 8-64 months (median follow-up: 27.5 months) and 9-39 months (median follow-up: 19 months), respectively. RESULTS: The patient and graft survival rates were 97.5% (39/40). Thirty-three patients (82.5%) have remained free of viral recurrence. In the seven re-infected patients, the manifestations of HBV involvement of the allograft have been mild. There have been no side effects related to lamivudine, and the treatment is substantially less costly than with other anti-HBV agents. CONCLUSIONS: Compared with historic series utilizing other modalities of treatment, the use of lamivudine has, so far, yielded superior results. This drug may be an important acquisition for antiviral prophylaxis in HBV-infected liver recipients. Because of the risk of viral mutations, however, efforts should proceed to achieve more efficacious methods for prevention and control of HBV recurrence.  相似文献   

The presence of a hepatitis B virus S gene mutant was investigated in a patient being treated with thymosin alpha1. He was seropositive for hepatitis B e antigen throughout therapy but was intermittently seronegative for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) by an RIA. Sequence analysis revealed an S gene mutant in HBsAg-seronegative serum with two consecutive amino acid substitutions: threonine115-to-isoleucine and threonine116-to-asparagine, whereas no amino acid substitution or deletion was found in the pre-S region. A site-directed mutagenesis experiment confirmed that these mutations were responsible for the failure to detect HBsAg. In summary, an S gene mutant was identified in an HBsAg-seronegative patient. The mutations were located outside the putative "a" determinant. The emergence of an S gene mutant during thymosin alpha1 treatment suggests that enhanced host immunity against HBsAg may play a role in its antiviral activity.  相似文献   

This paper considers the contributions by age of the various major groups of deaths to the increase in life expectancy at birth between 1980 and 1990 for both sexes in Singapore. Sixteen cause groups were used in the study. The data were analysed using LIFETIME, a personal computer package with a wide variety of methods for mortality investigations. Respiratory diseases made the largest contribution to the increase in life expectancy for both sexes. In contrast, ischaemic heart disease made a negative contribution of 1% in the gain in female life expectancy but contributed 12% improvement for males. Life tables for Singaporean males and females in the year 2000 were projected by extrapolating the mortality trends observed in earlier periods. The calculations show that the life expectancy at birth in the year 2000 to be 74.72 years for males and 79.48 years for females.  相似文献   

Lamivudine has been shown to be a potent and nontoxic inhibitor of hepatitis B virus (HBV) replication in chronically infected patients. During prolonged treatment, drug resistance may develop, related to a mutation of Met to Val or Ile in the YM552DD motif of the HBV DNA polymerase gene. Analysis of the HBV DNA polymerase gene from 8 chronic hepatitis B patients with suspected resistance to lamivudine showed that in addition to a mutation in the YM552DD motif, a second mutation located in the B domain of this gene, a Leu528-to-Met528 change, was consistently and exclusively found in 4 patients showing the YV552DD motif. This suggests a functional or structural relationship between these domains. Since the presence of both the YI552DD and YV552DD motif sometimes preceded the exclusive presence of the YV552DD motif, we conclude that the YI552DD motif could occur as a temporal intermediate. After cessation of therapy, the wild type sequences reemerged.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Transplantation for terminal hepatitis B virus (HBV) disease is aggravated by a high rate of reinfection and disease recurrence. Lamivudine, a new nucleoside analog, is a potent inhibitor of HBV synthesis, but its use may lead to the emergence of HBV-DNA polymerase mutants resistant to the drug. METHODS AND RESULTS: We describe the case of a patient who developed an HBV recurrence after liver transplantation and was treated with lamivudine. An HBV-DNA breakthrough occurred 7 months after the start of therapy, and the drug was stopped after 9 months. The molecular state of HBV-DNA was analyzed, and a mutation in the YMDD (tyrosine, methionine, aspartate, aspartate) locus of HBV-DNA polymerase was identified. Nine months after the suspension of lamivudine the patient experienced a new hepatic attack accompanied by high HBV-DNA levels. Lamivudine was given again. Serum HBV-DNA levels normalized after 45 days of re-treatment, but lamivudine-resistant mutants were again the prevalent viral population after 3 months. CONCLUSIONS: The case described suggests that retherapy with lamivudine after a first emergence of YMDD mutants is temporarily effective in recontrolling HBV synthesis but ultimately induces the accelerated reemergence of a prevalently mutant population of HBV. This emphasizes the need for combined antiviral therapy.  相似文献   

We have prospectively studied patients with type II cryoglobulinemia since 1985 to assess the efficacy of treatment with interferon-alpha at cumulative doses ranging from 234 to 849 MU. In the present study we retrospectively evaluated in this cohort parameters associated with complete response to therapy in 31 consecutive patients with type II cryoglobulinemia associated with hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. Prevalence of complete response of cryoglobulinemia (disappearance of symptoms and signs of vasculitis and decrease of cryocrit below 10% of the initial value) was 62%, with a median response duration of 33 months and a range of 3 to 100 months. Three patients were putatively cured, as they remained in complete remission for more than 5 years off therapy. Eighteen patients (58%) had liver disease evidenced by histopathology and/or raised transaminase levels. Prevalence of normalization of transaminase levels was 100%, with a median response duration of 36 months. Relapse of hypertransaminasemia occurred in 100% and 8% of patients receiving less than or greater than 621 MU, respectively. By logistic regression analysis, the only pretherapy parameter that associated significantly (P = .0393) with complete response of cryoglobulinemia was the solitary anti-C22 (HCV core) antibody pattern, which was observed in 29% of patients. Association with older age and low cryocrit approached statistical significance (P = . 06), while no significant correlations were found with serum IgM levels, duration of disease, HCV genotype, NS5a gene mutations, liver histology, HLA-DR phenotype, or WA cross-idiotype. Complete responses were also associated, on univariate statistical analysis, with low pretherapy HCV viremia. Responses were accompanied by decrease of viremia, of anti-HCV antibody levels and cryocrit. The usefulness of a high dose regimen is underscored by the higher rates of sustained responses of cryoglobulinemia and transaminase levels compared with previous studies.  相似文献   

The molecular components of the surface of the free-living nematode Caenorhabditis elegans have been identified by surface-specific radioiodination. Four compartments were defined by fractionation of labeled wild type (N2 strain) adult hermaphrodites. Organic solvents extracted cuticular lipids. Homogenization in detergents released a single, non-collagenous, hydrophobic protein. This is not glycosylated and is a heterodimer of 6.5- and 12-kDa subunits. The third compartment, proteins solubilized by reducing agents, included both the cuticular collagens and the heterodimer. Residual material corresponds to the cuticlin fraction. Larval stages showed a similar pattern, except that the dauer larva had an additional 37-kDa detergent-soluble protein. Other species of rhabditid nematodes displayed similar profiles, and comparison with parasitic species suggests that this simple pattern may be primitive in the Nematoda. A C. elegans strain mutant in cuticular collagen (rol-6) had a pattern identical to that of wild type, but another morphological mutant (dpy-3) [corrected] and several mutants that differ in surface reactivity to antibody and lectins (srf mutants) also had striking differences in surface labeling patterns.  相似文献   

Patients with dual infection with hepatitis B virus (HBV) and delta virus (HDV) responded poorly to interferon (IFN) therapy. Little is known about the effect of IFN therapy in patients with HBV and hepatitis C virus (HCV) dual infection. The patients in two randomized controlled trials with chronic HBV infection were retrospectively assayed for HCV markers. The HBV responses to IFN therapy in patients with and without HCV markers were compared. An open trial was conducted in 4 patients who had lost their serum HBV surface antigen (HBsAg) but had continuing HCV viremia and hepatitis. Of the 15 patients seropositive for HCV marker(s), only 1 (6.7%) responded with seroclearance of HBV DNA and HBV e antigen, as compared with 46 (28%) of 164 HCV-negative patients (p = 0.058). Icteric hepatitis developed in 1 patient on emergence of serum HCV RNA in association with seroclearance of HBV DNA. In contrast, good response was demonstrated in 3 of the 4 patients who had lost serum HBsAg before therapy. The results suggest that IFN therapy is not only of limited value in patients with dual infection with HBV and HCV but also has a potential risk of severe hepatitis if the clearance of one virus removes its suppressive effect on and facilitates the emergence of the other. However, patients with continuing HCV hepatitis after termination of the chronic HBsAg carrier state responded well to IFN therapy.  相似文献   

Radicular dentin dysplasia (DD-I) is a rare hereditary dental alteration. It is characterized clinically by almost normal looking crowns and severe hypermobility of the teeth. The radiographic analysis, on the other hand, discloses the obliteration of all pulp chambers, the short, malformed roots and plenty of periapical bone radiolucencies on noncarious teeth. A case of radicular dentin dysplasia is presented. In this 43-year-old woman the diagnosis was supported, besides the clinical and radiographic analysis, by the pedigree of the proband, which showed the autosomal dominant pattern of feature transmission. Further-more, the electron microscopic analysis of one extracted molar revealed the atubular structure of the secondary dentin, and its globular organization.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Thyroid gland dysfunction has been reported to occur with variable frequency during interferon alfa (IFN-alpha) therapy in patients with the hepatitis C virus (HCV). We prospectively evaluated if the prevalence of autoimmune thyroid disease in patients with HCV differs from that in patients with the hepatitis B virus (HBV) before, at the end of, and 6 months after stopping treatment with IFN-alpha. METHODS: One hundred thirty-four patients with HCV and 41 patients with HBV were studied. Measurements of serum free thyroxine, free triiodothyronine, thyrotropin, thyroid peroxidase antibodies (TPOAbs), thyroglobulin antibodies (TgAbs), and thyrotropin-binding inhibitory immunoglobulin were performed. RESULTS: Positive levels of TPOAb and TgAb were found in 20% and 11% of patients with HCV compared with 5% and 3% of patients with HBV, respectively. At the end of IFN-alpha therapy, thyroid gland dysfunction was more prevalent in patients with HCV (12%) compared with those with HBV (3%), with thyrotropin levels significantly higher in the HCV group (P = .03). Titers of TPOAb, TgAb, and thyrotropin-binding inhibitory immunoglobulin increased significantly (P = .02, P = .04, and P = .02, respectively) at the end of IFN-alpha therapy in patients with HCV but not in those with HBV. Patients who developed thyroid gland dysfunction were predominantly female (P = .03), had decreased levels of free triiodothyronine (P<.001), and had a higher prevalence of TPOAb (P = .03) before treatment with IFN-alpha. Thyroid gland dysfunction was reversed in 60% of those with HCV 6 months after discontinuing treatment with IFN-alpha. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with HCV are more susceptible than patients with HBV to autoimmune thyroid disease. Systematic screening of thyroid gland function and TPOAb titers in all patients with HCV before, during, and after IFN-alpha therapy appears warranted. This precaution is not necessary for patients with HBV.  相似文献   

The immunotherapeutic effect of DNA-mediated immunization against chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection has been evaluated in transgenic mice expressing the sequences that code for the envelope proteins of HBV in the liver. In this model of HBV chronic carriers, a single i.m. injection of plasmid DNA encoding HBV envelope proteins is sufficient to generate specific immune responses leading to the clearance of the transgene expression product and the control of HBV mRNA. The relative contributions of the T cell subpopulations induced by DNA immunization were examined using adoptive transfer experiments. It was shown that either CD8+ or CD4+ T lymphocytes from immunocompetent DNA-immunized animals were sufficient to control viral gene expression in the livers of the recipient transgenic mice. This effect was mediated by a cytokine-dependent mechanism common to both T cell subpopulations; this mechanism did not require cell lysis, but did involve the production of IFN-gamma by the activated T cells.  相似文献   

Cardiotoxicity of interferon-alpha or gamma, such as fatal arrhythmia and myocardial infarction, has been reported. Therefore cardiotoxicity of interferon should be seriously considered before administration for patients with a pre-existing heart disease. We treated a patient with chronic active hepatitis type B, coexisted with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, who has had frequent attacks of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. To prevent the occurrence of fatal arrhythmia with an interferon therapy in this patient, we performed radiofrequency catheter ablation of the Kent bundle. After the successful ablation, we could safely administered recombinant interferon alpha-2b for chronic hepatitis type B.  相似文献   

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