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This case report describes the first established pregnancy and birth after induction of ovulation with recombinant human follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) in a woman suffering from chronic clomiphene-resistant anovulation due to polycystic ovary syndrome (elevated serum luteinizing hormone and testosterone concentrations together with polycystic ovaries). Starting on day 3 of a progestagen withdrawal bleeding, 75 IU of rFSH was administered i.m. daily until a single preovulatory follicle was seen upon transvaginal ultrasound examination at day 13. Ovulation was induced by a single i.m. administration of 10,000 IU of human chorionic gonadotrophin, after which a viable singleton pregnancy was revealed at a gestational age of 6 weeks. The course of pregnancy and labour was uneventful and no abnormalities were found upon a paediatric examination.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Hypertension and nephrotoxicity are well-known side-effects of cyclosporine A (CsA). CsA-induced vasoconstriction of the afferent glomerular arteriole probably plays a role in at least the nephrotoxicity. Frequently renal transplant recipients on CsA have to be treated with antihypertensive drugs and for this purpose also beta-blockers are used. Tertatolol is a new beta-blocker with specific vasodilatory properties, and thus might be particularly useful in CsA-treated transplant recipients. METHODS: We studied the systemic and renal haemodynamic effects of atenolol and tertatolol in 12 hypertensive renal transplant recipients on cyclosporine A (CsA). In a cross-over way, all patients were treated with atenolol and tertatolol for 4 weeks each, separated by a wash-out period also of 4 weeks. At the end of each period, the mean arterial pressure (MAP), heart rate, glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and renal plasma flow (RPF) were measured. RESULTS: The mean arterial pressure was lower (P < 0.05) during atenolol (124 +/- 2 mm Hg) and tertatolol (125 +/- 2 mm Hg) treatment compared with washout (132 +/- 4 mm Hg). Also the heart rate was lower (P < 0.01) during atenolol and tertatolol (54 +/- 3 and 55 +/- 2 beats/min respectively) than in the wash-out period (65 +/- 3 beats/min). GFR and RPF were not changed by either beta-blocker. CONCLUSION: In CsA treated renal transplant recipients both atenolol and tertatolol effectively reduced blood pressure. In these patients we found no evidence of a specific vasodilatory effect of tertatolol. Both beta-blockers had no negative influence on renal function. Hence, these cardioprotective agents are an attractive and safe choice for the treatment of hypertension in such patients.  相似文献   

Polycystic ovary syndrome is the most common cause of anovulatory infertility. Anovulation in polycystic ovary syndrome is characterized by the failure of selection of a dominant follicle with arrest of follicle development at the 5-10 mm stage. In an attempt to elucidate the mechanism of anovulation associated with this disorder we have investigated at what follicle size human granulosa cells from normal and polycystic ovaries respond to LH. Granulosa cells were isolated from individual follicles from unstimulated human ovaries and cultured in vitro in serum-free medium 199 in the presence of LH or FSH. At the end of a 48-h incubation period, estradiol (E2) and progesterone (P) were determined in the granulosa cell-conditioned medium by RIA. In ovulatory subjects (with either normal ovaries or polycystic ovaries), granulosa cells responded to LH once follicles reached 9.5/10 mm. In contrast, granulosa cells from anovulatory women with polycystic ovaries responded to LH in smaller follicles of 4 mm. Granulosa cells from anovulatory women with polycystic ovaries were significantly more responsive to LH than granulosa cells from ovulatory women with normal ovaries or polycystic ovaries (E2, P < 0.0003; P, P < 0.03). The median (and range) fold increase in estradiol and progesterone production in response to LH in granulosa cell cultures from size-matched follicles 8 mm or smaller were E2, 1.0 (0.5-3.9) and P, 1.0 (0.3-2.5) in ovulatory women and E2, 1.4 (0.7-25.4) and P, 1.3 (0.3-7.0) in anovulatory women. Granulosa cells from anovulatory (but not ovulatory) women with polycystic ovaries prematurely respond to LH; this may be important in the mechanism of anovulation in this common endocrinopathy.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Our purpose was to compare ovarian performance and hormonal levels, after ovulation induction, in both normal ovulatory women undergoing intrauterine insemination (group 1) and World Health Organization (WHO) group II anovulatory infertile patients (group 2), using two different gonadotropin drugs. METHODS: Patients (n = 20 per group) were treated during consecutive cycles, using the same stimulation protocol, with highly purified urinary FSH (HP-FSH) in the first treatment study cycle and recombinant FSH (rFSH) in the second one. Patients in group 1 were treated according to a late low-dose technique, and WHO group II anovulatory patients (group 2) received chronic low-dose FSH therapy. RESULTS: Compared with HP-FSH, treatment with rFSH in group 2 required significantly less ampules of drug to induce follicular development but resulted in significantly higher plasma levels of estradiol and inhibin A on the day of human chorionic gonadotropin injection. No differences were found when both treatment modalities were compared in group 1. CONCLUSIONS: rFSH is more efficacious than urinary HP-FSH for ovulation induction in WHO group II anovulatory infertile patients as assessed by follicular development, hormonal levels, and the amount of FSH required.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the sensitivity of GH secretion to the suppressive effect of oral glucose administration in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). DESIGN: Comparison of the GH response to an oral glucose load in women with PCOS and in weight-matched normally menstruating women (controls). SETTING: Reproductive endocrinology unit. PATIENT(S): Eighteen obese and 11 nonobese patients and 10 obese and 10 nonobese controls. INTERVENTION(S): After an overnight fast, each woman underwent a 75-g, 3-hour oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). MEAN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): Growth hormone, glucose, and insulin responses to OGTT. RESULT(S): No significant differences in the glycemic and insulinemic responses were found between the patients and the weight-matched controls. No decrease in plasma GH was observed in both obese and nonobese patients and in obese controls during the OGTT, whereas a significant GH decrease occurred in nonobese controls 60 and 120 minutes after glucose intake. CONCLUSION(S): Oral glucose administration was unable to suppress GH levels in nonobese as well as in obese women with PCOS and in obese control women. These data suggest that both PCOS and obesity are associated with a reduced sensitivity of GH secretion to glucose suppression.  相似文献   

The present study adopted a prospective design to explore relationships among various types of social support and depression. Four types of social support, namely network support, instrumental enacted support, socio-emotional enacted support, and perceived support, were assessed in a sample of Chinese adolescents. Results revealed that perceived support was related to a reduction of subsequent depression for both male and female adolescents. In addition, instrumental enacted support was a significant predictor of subsequent depression for male adolescents, whereas socioemotional enacted support was a significant predictor of subsequent depression for female adolescents. Functional differences in the types of social support for Chinese male and female adolescents, as well as implications for clinical intervention, are discussed.  相似文献   

Insulin resistance and increased ovarian cytochrome P450c17 alpha activity (i.e. increased 17 alpha-hydroxylase and, to a lesser extent, increased 17,20-lyase) are both features of the polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Evidence suggests that hyperinsulinemia may stimulate ovarian P450c17 alpha activity in obese women with PCOS. We hypothesized that weight loss would decrease serum insulin and P450c17 alpha activity in PCOS. Therefore, we measured serum steroid concentrations and 17 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone responses to leuprolide administration and performed oral glucose tolerance tests before and after 8 weeks of a hypocaloric diet in 12 obese women with PCOS (PCOS group) and 11 obese women with normal menses (control group). Serum insulin decreased in both groups. In the PCOS group, basal serum 17 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone decreased from 4.2 +/- 0.6 to 3.0 +/- 0.5 nmol/L (P < 0.05), and leuprolide-stimulated peak serum 17 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone decreased from 14.9 +/- 2.6 to 8.9 +/- 0.8 nmol/L (P < 0.025). Serum testosterone decreased from 2.47 +/- 0.52 to 1.56 +/- 0.33 nmol/L (P < 0.05), and free testosterone decreased from 9.03 +/- 1.39 to 5.95 +/- 0.50 pmol/L (P < 0.02). None of these values changed in the control group. Serum sex hormone-binding globulin increased by 4.5- and 3-fold in the PCOS (P < 0.003) and control (P < 0.007) groups, respectively. We conclude that dietary weight loss decreases ovarian P450c17 alpha activity and reduces serum free testosterone concentrations in obese women with PCOS, but not in obese ovulatory women. The changes in women with PCOS may be related to a reduction in serum insulin.  相似文献   

When ovarian mitochondria from patients with polycystic ovary syndrome (POS) were incubated with [7-3H]17alpha-hydroxypregnenolone and [4-14C]-17alpha-hydroxyprogesterone, 11beta-hydroxylated metabolites were obtained. The mitochondria, prepared from pooled, frozen, polycystic ovarian tissue of 5 patients, converted [7-3H]17alpha-hydroxypregnenolone to 3beta, 11beta, 17alpha--trihydroxy-5-pregnen-20-one (yield 0.065%) and to 3beta, 17alpha-dihydroxy-5-pregnene-11,20-dione (0.22%), while [4-14C]17alpha-hydroxyprogesterone was converted to 21-deoxycortisol (0.1%). Incubation of mitochondria, prepared from 4 pooled samples of frozen, normal ovarian tissue, yielded no evidence of 11beta-hydroxylation of either of the substrates. Mitochondria obtained from fresh, polycystic ovarian tissue of a single patient with POS converted [7-3H]17alpha-hydroxypregnenolone to 3beta,17alpha-dihydroxy-5-pregnene-11,20-dione (2.1%) and [4-14C]17alpha-hydroxyprogesterone to 21-deoxycortisol (0.1%). When the same mitochondrial preparation was incubated simultaneously with [7-3H]17alpha-hydroxypregnenolone and [4-14C]11-deoxycortisol, it converted 17alpha-hydroxypregnenolone to 3beta,17alpha-dihydroxy-5-pregnene-11,20-dione (1.9%), but no 11beta-hydroxylated derivatives of 11-deoxycortisol were found. These results demonstrate that ovaries of patients with POS contain an 11beta-hydroxylase active towards C-21-deoxysteroids but inert to C-21-hydroxysteroids such as 11-deoxycortisol.  相似文献   

This study was designed to compare both the effectiveness and safety of two low-dose gonadotrophin regimens (step-up versus sequential step-up and step-down) for ovulation induction in polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) patients. In all, 56 infertile clomiphene citrate-resistant PCOS patients were included in this prospective randomized study. A total of 38 cycles were conducted with a classic step-up protocol, whereas for 35 cycles the follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) threshold dose was reduced by half when the leading follicle reached 14 mm in diameter (sequential protocol). Serum oestradiol, progesterone and luteinizing hormone concentrations and follicular growth rate were evaluated during the cycle. At the time of human chorionic gonadotrophin administration, cycles treated with sequential protocol exhibited significantly lower oestradiol concentrations [434 +/- 45 versus 593 +/- 67 pg/ml (mean +/- SEM)] and the number of medium-sized (14-15 mm) follicles was significantly reduced (0.3 +/- 0.1 versus 0.8 +/- 0.2) compared with cycles treated with the classic step-up protocol. Moreover, in these cycles serum luteal oestradiol concentrations were decreased significantly (350 +/- 77 versus 657 +/- 104 pg/ ml) compared with the classic step-up protocol. A sequential step-up and step-down protocol seems to be a safe and effective regimen for ovulation induction in PCOS patients. Decreasing the FSH dose following step-up follicular selection may be an alternative method to avoid multifollicular development.  相似文献   

Carcinoma of the breast is the second most frequent tumour in African females. Breast carcinomas in African females appear about a decade earlier and follow a more aggressive clinical course than those in developed countries. To elucidate this difference we investigated 63 biopsied benign lesions of the female breast for their potential to malignant progression. We also performed histologic typing and grading of 184 female breast carcinomas received at the Muhimbili University Hospital in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Fibrocystic disease and fibroadenomas were the most frequent lesions. The majority of patients with fibrocystic disease had no proliferative lesion and thus were not at a significantly increased risk of developing breast carcinomas. For fibroadenomas, no indication for precancerous lesions was found. The vast majority of breast carcinomas investigated were invasive. As a striking feature, the majority of those studied (66%) were of the non-special type (NST), displaying a more aggressive behaviour than the remaining tumours of the special type (ST). In the group of ST tumours, cribriform types constituted 41% of the cases which may be a special feature of the carcinomas in African females. Among the NST, the tumours were either of grade II or grade III, whereas in ST, 25% of the cases were of grade I. Since histology observed in this study is comparable to that seen in patients from the Western society, late hospital presentation with advanced tumour stages may be a major reason for differences in clinical behaviour between African and Western females. A genetic factor, however, may be an important contributing factor.  相似文献   

The occurrence of ovulation and serum levels of LH and FSH (measured by radioimmunoassay) were determined in periovulatory hamsters injected with an ovulation-blocking dose of phenobarbital (Phen) combined with progesterone (P), estradiol-17beta (E2), or testosterone (T). Proestrous hamsters were treated at 1300 h with Phen plus oil, P, P plus E2, E2, T, or a second injection of Phen at 2000 h. Each treatment group was divided into 3 subgroups, each of which was serially bled 4 times at 6 h intervals beginning at 1200, 1400, and 1600 h on proestrus. Phen blocked ovulation on the next morning in all animals, while treatments that included P (1 mg) restored the normal complement of ova in 65-75% of the animals. Neither E2 (1, 10 or 50 mug) nor T (0.1 or 1 mg) overcame the Phen block of ovulation. Control hamsters had peak levels of LH between 1400 and 1800 h and a biphasic release of FSH consisting of a peak at 1600 h on proestrus, a return to basal levels at 2200 h, and a second more sustained surge between 2400 and 0800 h on the morning of estrus. Phen completely depressed the proestrous surge of both gonadotropins but only partially inhibited the second FSH elevation on the morning of estrus. In ovulatory animals, P alone or combined with 1 or 10 mug E2 restored peak LH levels at 1600 h. FSH levels on proestrus in hamsters treated with Phen plus P peaked at 1800 h, while the addition of 1 mug E2 resulted in increased FSH levels at 1600 h; peak levels in both groups were about half of control values. No proestrous increase was detected in ovulatory animals treated with P and 10 mug E2. FSH levels on estrus in hamsters injected with P alone or in combination with E2 were intermediate between those of controls and animals given Phen only. Levels of LH and FSH in animals treated with a single or double dose of Phen or Phen plus E2 or T were not different during the periovulatory period.  相似文献   

We report the characterization of two distinct binding sites with receptor characteristics for leukotriene (LT)D4 and LTC4 in membranes from human lung parenchyma. The use of S-decyl-glutathione allowed us to characterize a previously unidentified high affinity binding site for LTC4. Computerized analysis of binding data revealed that each leukotriene interacts with two distinct classes of binding sites (Kd = 0.015 and 105 nM for LTC4 and 0.023 and 230 nM for LTD4) and that despite cross-reactivity, the two high affinity sites are different entities. LTD4 binding sites displayed features of G protein-coupled receptors, whereas LTC4 binding sites did not show any significant modulation by guanosine-5'-(beta, gamma-imido)triphosphate or stimulation of GTPase activity. The antagonists ICI 198,615 and SKF 104353 were unselective for the high and low affinity states of LTD4 receptor, whereas only SKF 104353 was able to recognize the two [3H]LTC4 binding sites although with different affinities. These data indicate that in human lung parenchyma, LTD4 and LTC4 recognize two different binding sites; these binding sites are different entities; and for LTD4, the two binding sites represent the interconvertible affinity states of a G protein-coupled receptor, whereas for LTC4, the high affinity site is likely to be a specific LTC4 receptor.  相似文献   

Rett syndrome is now considered to be a neurodevelopmental disease. Its cause is unknown, but it has been suggested that neuronal growth factors and neurotransmitters play important roles. We measured levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor and glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor in cerebrospinal fluid, and nerve growth factor and brain-derived neurotrophic factor in serum in child and adolescent patients with Rett syndrome. Levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor and glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor in cerebrospinal fluid were below the limit of sensitivity of the methods used. Serum levels of nerve growth factor and brain-derived neurotrophic factor did not differ from control values. In Rett syndrome, the normal serum levels of nerve growth factor together and previously reported low levels of the factor in cerebrospinal fluid indicate that the latter may reflect low levels of nerve growth factor in the central nervous system.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate amniotic fluid placental alkaline phosphatase (PLAP) levels in normal and trisomy 21 pregnancies. DESIGN: Cross sectional study. SETTING: A tertiary referral prenatal diagnostic service. SUBJECTS: Three hundred and eleven women with singleton pregnancies of normal karyotype between 10 and 23 weeks gestation and 31 women with pregnancies associated with trisomy 21 Down's syndrome. OUTCOME MEASURES: PLAP levels were measured by immunoradiometric assay in amniotic fluid obtained by amniocentesis. RESULTS: Amniotic fluid PLAP was detectable from 12 weeks gestation and the median value rose to a peak of 4.57 iu/l at 18 weeks. Pregnancies associated with Down's syndrome had significantly lower levels with a median multiple of median (MoM) of 0.638, (U = 3374, P = 0.0016, 95% CI = 0.50, 0.89). For the 20 women with trisomy 21 pregnancies detected at 16 to 18 weeks, the median MoM was 0.482, (U = 3694, P = 0.0011, 95% CI = 0.37, 0.85). CONCLUSION: These data demonstrates that PLAP levels are reduced in the amniotic fluid of women carrying a fetus with trisomy 21.  相似文献   

The initiation of follicular growth in the mammalian ovary is a gonadotropin-independent phenomenon. Although some of the intraovarian signaling molecules that control the later phases of this process have been recently identified, the factors involved in the acquisition of gonadotropin receptors by early growing follicles have not been fully defined. In the rat, development of the ovarian innervation precedes the onset of folliculogenesis and occurs before follicles acquire responsiveness to gonadotropins. Because vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) and norepinephrine (NE), two of the neurotransmitters contained in ovarian nerves, are present in the ovary before the gland becomes responsive to gonadotropins, we sought to determine if VIP and/or NE are able to act on early follicles to facilitate the process of molecular differentiation that leads to gonadotropin dependency. In vitro exposure of 2-day-old rat ovaries to isoproterenol (ISO), a beta-adrenoreceptor agonist, or VIP, a neurotransmitter contained in both sympathetic and sensory nerves, increased the steady state levels of the messenger RNAs encoding cytochrome P-450 aromatase (P-450arom) and FSH receptors (FSHR) within 8 h of treatment. A similar effect was observed following forskolin-induced activation of cAMP formation. In situ hybridization experiments revealed that both the P-450arom and FSHR hybridization signals were localized to follicles. The increase in FSHR messenger RNA was accompanied by formation of functional receptor molecules, as demonstrated by the ability of FSH to stimulate cAMP formation in ovaries preexposed to either ISO or VIP, but not in untreated ovaries. The stimulatory effect of ISO and VIP on the formation of FSHR coupled to the cAMP generating system was not reproduced by phenylephrine, an alpha-adrenergic agonist, or secretin, a member of the VIP family not recognized by ovarian VIP receptors. Treatment of VIP-primed ovaries with FSH resulted in follicular growth, demonstrating that exposure of the gland to the neurotransmitter led to the formation of a functional complement of FSH receptors. These results suggest that ovarian nerves, acting via neurotransmitters coupled to the cAMP generating system, contribute to the differentiation process by which newly formed primary follicles acquire FSH receptors and responsiveness to FSH. Follicles that begin to grow in more densely innervated ovarian regions, may have a selective advantage over those not exposed to neurotransmitter-activated, cAMP-dependent signals and, thus, may become more rapidly subjected to gonadotropin control.  相似文献   

Polycystic ovary syndrome is a common endocrine disorder, presenting with menstrual irregularities, hirsutism, obesity, infertility and abnormal ovarian morphology. In addition, polycystic ovary syndrome is associated with a self-perpetuating imbalance involving the endocrine system and metabolic pathways, in which carbohydrates, lipids and growth factors are involved. Because of its chronicity, it is considered to be a substantial risk factor for atherogenesis and hormone-dependent neoplasia. The etiology and pathophysiology of the syndrome remain elusive. However, during the last decade, several clues have emerged from human and animal studies that may have significant repercussions in the treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome. Therapeutic maneuvers should be directed towards the dominant abnormalities present in individual patients with polycystic ovary syndrome. Gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists can directly affect the gonadotropin generator and secondary downstream derangements, whereas combined oral contraceptives (COCs) can modify hypothalamic as well as peripheral abnormalities. In view of the fact that GnRH agonistic analogs (GnRH-a) will induce hypoestrogenemia and its sequelae, the add-back strategy of estrogenic supplementation is recommended for preventive reasons and, as it transpires from some studies, for enhancement of GnRH-a effectiveness.  相似文献   

Serum digoxin levels were examined in 55 patients with varying degrees of renal function impairment who were receiving chronic oral digoxin therapy. Three methods of predicting digoxin serum levels were investigated. Each method may be applied using serum creatinine values and does not require urinary data. Correlations between calculated and actual digoxin levels in combined male and female patients were improved when changes in digoxin distribution volumes in renal impairment were considered. Correlations between calculated and actual digoxin levels were poor in male patients but were again improved by incorporating changes in drug distribution volume. Correlations obtained in female patients were superior to those obtained in male patients and appeared to be independent of the method of calculation employed.  相似文献   

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