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A method is proposed to construct radar (or sonar) hyperimages from the knowledge of a backscattering function. Compared to usual imaging, the new feature is to treat on equal footing all parameters characterizing the image: frequency, directivity and position of the bright points in the two-dimensional static case; frequency, velocity, position, and date of existence in the one-dimensional imaging of nonstationary targets. The main interest of such a formulation is to allow the control of the reciprocal relations that are always present in microwave imaging. This possibility can be useful for processing data obtained by today's wide-band radars  相似文献   

Just-in-time and total quality management advocate the use of small lots in production, as they yield higher throughput, better quality, lower response time, less operating expenses, better due date performance, and less work in process. Implementation of the small-lot concept is often resisted by MIS managers and production people who feel that the larger number of lots-the apparently inevitable result of reducing lot size, will entail more information and stronger information technology. By developing a normative model, based on the entropy measurement, this paper claims that the move towards smaller lots implies less information needs. Theorems concerning the relationship between quantity of information and lot size are proved, showing that the new directions that manufacturing is taking entail less information needs  相似文献   

An approach to microwave imaging using a multi-illumination technique is proposed. The numerical solution is reached by a multi-illumination-angle multiview approach based on the moment method. The aim is to extend the application range of the Born approximation by utilizing a-priori information about a scatterer. The basic idea of the approach is outlined, and preliminary results are reported  相似文献   

The multiple signal classification (MUSIC) algorithm developed by Schmidt [1986] is applied for two-dimensional radar imaging. The performance of the MUSIC algorithm using spatial smoothing for decorrelation is demonstrated. Two-dimensional radar images are generated for a simulated target as well as a target measured in the compact range at the University of Pretoria, South Africa  相似文献   

An n-dimensional (n-D) filtered backprojection image reconstruction algorithm has been developed and used in the reconstruction of 4-D spectral-spatial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data. The algorithm uses n-1 successive stages of 2-D filtered backprojection to reconstruct an n-D image. This approach results in a reduction in computational time on the order of N(n-2) relative to the single-stage technique, where N(n) is the number of elements in an n-D image. The authors describe implementation of the algorithm, including digital filtering and sampling requirements. Images obtained from simulated data are presented to illustrate the accuracy and potential utility of the technique.  相似文献   

超宽带技术自从被提出以后,就得到了极大地发展.超宽带雷达是一种基于UWB的技术的短距离目标探测雷达,能够实现对目标的高分辨率测量.但是超宽带雷达的回波色散严重,许多基于频域的成像方法不再适用,常用时域后向投影算法进行成像.本文首先分析了存在障碍物时电磁波传播模型,针对时域后向投影算法计算量大的缺点提出快速成像算法.最终,利用超宽带雷达传感器搭建的冲激雷达系统对目标进行了实测,通过实测结果检验了快速算法的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   

A new analytical three-dimensional cone beam reconstruction algorithm is presented for truncated spherical detection geometry. The basic idea of the proposed algorithm is the formation of spatially invariant 3D blurred back-projected volumetric image by the use of the weighted backprojection of cone beam projection data and subsequent 3D filtering using an acceptance angle dependent rho filter. The backprojection weighting function is calculated on the basis of each given geometrical condition, i.e. detection geometry or degree of truncation, position of cone beam apex, and backprojection point. The proposed algorithm is derived analytically and is computationally efficient. Performance of the algorithm is evaluated by the reconstruction of 3D volumetric images using simulated data from arbitrarily truncated spherical detector geometries.  相似文献   

激光成像雷达前视成像仿真及障碍物识别方法研究   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
飞行器前视激光雷达通过测距得到前方三维距离像,由三维距离像可以获得飞行器前面障碍物的形状、高度、宽度等信息,从而为飞行器进行地形跟踪和障碍物回避提供依据。文中根据激光成像雷达原理,推导了激光雷达前视成像方程。在三维地形图上,由前视成像方程仿真得到激光雷达前视三维距离像。在三维距离像上提出了障碍物信息提取方法,并在三维地形图上进行了前视成像仿真实验和障碍物信息提取实验。  相似文献   

多普勒雷达能够获得目标位置量测的同时,还能获得多普勒量测,即目标径向速度.为解决多普勒雷达量测处理算法过程复杂、计算量大的问题,本文提出一种用不敏卡尔曼滤波处理多普勒量测的改进方法对多普勒雷达量测直接在混合坐标系下进行非线性滤波,实现过程简单,计算量小.仿真结果表明该算法能够达到序贯扩展卡尔曼滤波和序贯不敏卡尔曼滤波算法的状态估计精度,并且明显改善估计的一致性.  相似文献   

一种改善球形目标RAM优化速度的方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用遗传算法设计球形目标雷达吸波材料时,由于适应度函数是以级数形式给出,且随物体尺寸的增大,级数收敛减慢,优化时间成倍增长,为提高设计效率,依物体电尺寸的大小分段使用不同的方法进行优化设计,其次,采用浮点数编码,可以节省计算机内存,简化优化过程,从而大大缩短优化设计的时间,为避免算法陷入局部最优,采用分段变参数遗传算法,提高进化的效率,最后,用Matlab设计算法,通过算例证明方法的快捷、有效。  相似文献   

When the Airborne Early Warning (AEW) radar transmits medial or high Pulse Repetitive Frequency (PRF) signal, the range ambiguity occurs. The clutter of short-range clutter has serious range dependence problem for non-Side Looking Airborne Radar (non-SLAR). As a result, the clutter plus noise covariance matrix can not be estimated correctly, and the performance of clutter suppression obtained by Space-Time Adaptive Processing (STAP) degrades greatly. The uniform linear array has not elevation degrees; therefore, the short-range clutter can not be suppressed directly. A short-range clutter suppression method is proposed. The method first estimate the elevation angles of the am-biguous short-range gate, then eliminates short-range clutter by space time interpolation and adds moving target protection in the procedure. This method can suppress the short-range clutter well. Simulation results show the validity of the method.  相似文献   

High-resolution radar imaging using 2-D linear prediction   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
An algorithm for radar imaging is described. The algorithm is based on two-dimensional (2-D) linear prediction of 2-D Cartesian frequency spectra. It is shown that the algorithm provides much better resolution than the ISAR image obtained using a 2-D inverse Fourier transform. The algorithm is especially useful for imaging targets using small-bandwidth RCS data over limited aspect angle regions  相似文献   

Theoretical aspects of radar imaging using stochastic waveforms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this work, we develop the theory of radar imaging using stochastic waveforms, such as random noise or chaotic signals. Specifically, we consider one-dimensional (1-D) (range profiles) and two-dimensional (2-D) (range-Doppler) radar imaging performed with a random signal radar, in which the transmit signals are assumed to be stationary random processes. We calculate the 1-D and 2-D point-spread functions as the expected value of the radar return. We show that the 2-D point-spread function is spatially invariant; however, the reduction in height and broadening of the mainlobe is small in the case of bandlimited noise. We also derive a formula that is useful in calculating the variance of the radar return under the assumption that the transmit signal is real valued and Gaussian  相似文献   

3-D radar imaging using range migration techniques   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
An imaging system with three-dimensional (3-D) capability can be implemented by using a stepped frequency radar which synthesizes a two-dimensional (2-D) planar aperture. A 3-D image can be formed by coherently integrating the backscatter data over the measured frequency band and the two spatial coordinates of the 2-D synthetic aperture. This paper presents a near-field 3-D synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging algorithm. This algorithm is an extension of the 2-D range migration algorithm (RMA). The presented formulation is justified by using the method of the stationary phase (MSP). Implementation aspects including the sampling criteria, resolutions, and computational complexity are assessed. The high computational efficiency and accurate image reconstruction of the algorithm are demonstrated both with numerical simulations and measurements using an outdoor linear SAR system  相似文献   

A time-domain physical optics inverse scattering identity is derived for real-time use in ultra-wideband radar systems. It is shown that using the band-limited impulse response of a radar target provides an edge-enhanced image. A simulation based on stepped-frequency, multiaspect measurements of aircraft models produces clear images with highly-defined edges  相似文献   

This paper presents an interferometric processing of an aircraft's monostatic and bistatic inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR) signatures for automatic landing. The aircraft's squint angle in this ISAR imaging problem is near 90 degrees . We show that this extreme squint angle does not pose any problem for the ISAR Fourier-based (wavefront) reconstruction algorithm. In fact, the aircraft can be imaged accurately, and without any erroneous shifts in the cross-range domain, within the imposed theoretical resolution. Moreover, the algorithm is accurate enough such that one can utilize the phase of the ISAR monostatic and bistatic measurements for interferometric processing. The resultant interferometric ISAR image is used to detect undesirable rotations in the aircraft's orientation.  相似文献   

介绍了0.22 THz步进频率雷达系统及二维高分辨率ISAR成像方法。该雷达系统的合成带宽为12GHz,可以同时实现近场及远场成像。在近场条件下,该系统在距离向和方位向实现二维高精度成像,通过相位补偿反投影算法,太赫兹ISAR图像的分辨率可以达到厘米量级。研究结果表明,采用同样的太赫兹频率步进雷达系统,基于反投影算法的太赫兹ISAR成像可以实现更高的精度和更精细的分辨率。为了加速成像过程,采用了GPU的加速平台,该方法为进一步开展近场高分辨率雷达成像,特别是太赫兹波段雷达成像提供了研究基础。  相似文献   

Simplified approach to probe-corrected spherical near-field scanning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Yaghjian  A.D. 《Electronics letters》1984,20(5):195-196
A multipole representation for the response of an arbitrary receiving antenna is derived that allows the formulation of probe-corrected spherical near-field scanning simply in terms of conventional vector spherical harmonics. Both the representation and formulation are free of rotational and translational addition theorems. A sampling theorem derived for Legendre functions is used to evaluate the resulting orthogonality integrals by direct summation in a computer time proportional to (ka)3.  相似文献   

利用奇异值特征的激光成像雷达目标识别   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
随着激光技术的发展,激光成像雷达在现代战争复杂战场环境中逐渐获得了广泛的应用,目前激光成像雷达目标识别技术已成为国内外研究的热点.基于激光成像雷达的距离像,以地面军事目标为识别对象,提出了针对奇异值特征的激光成像雷达目标识别算法.利用奇异值特征表征图像具有良好的稳定性,通过分析识别率与奇异值特征数目的关系,从激光成像雷...  相似文献   

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