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The high-temperature flexural strength of hot-pressed silicon nitride (Si3N4) and Si3N4-whisker-reinforced Si3N4-matrix composites has been measured at a crosshead speed of 1.27 mm/min and temperatures up to 1400°C in a nitrogen atmosphere. Load–displacement curves for whisker-reinforced composites showed nonelastic fracture behavior at 1400°C. In contrast, such behavior was not observed for monolithic Si3N4. Microstructures of both materials have been examined by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The results indicate that grain-boundary sliding could be responsible for strength degradation in both monolithic Si3N4 and its whisker composites. The origin of the nonelastic failure behavior of Si3N4-whisker composite at 1400°C was not positively identified but several possibilities are discussed.  相似文献   

The mixed-mode fracture of hot-pressed Si3N4 was investigated using inclined indentation surface flaws in bending and large crack geometries in combined tension/torsion. Non-coplanar fracture was observed in all cases. Values of KIc, KIIc, and KIIIc stress intensity factors were obtained, with ratios KIIc/KIc= 0.79 and KIIIc/KIc= 1.55 observed. For large cracks, mode II conditions had more of an effect on mode I fracture than mode III conditions. The mixed-mode I-II fracture of surface flaws was significantly different from that for large cracks, suggesting surface flaw shear resistance effects. A model describing these effects was derived, based on the ratio of the crack-opening displacement to the crack surface asperity height.  相似文献   

Impurity phases in commercial hot-pressed Si3N4 were investigated using transmission electron microscopy. In addition to the dominant, β-Si3N4 phase, small amounts of Si2N2O, SiC, and WC were found. Significantly, a continuous grain-boundary phase was observed in the ∼ 25 high-angle boundaries examined. This film is ∼ 10 Å thick between, β-Si3N4 grains and ∼ 30 Å thick between Si2N2O and β-Si3N4 grains.  相似文献   

The cyclic fatigue behavior of two grades of hot-pressed silicon nitride was investigated. Flat, cantilever-type specimens were tested at temperatures up to 1300°C, in air, where the load was applied by an eccentric driver rotating at 1800 rpm, with a zero mean stress. The lifetime of the lower purity material at temperatures up to 1200°C was controlled by a stress corrosion mechanism. Above 1200°, and for both grades of material, plastic deformation, probably by grain boundary sliding, was rate controlling.  相似文献   

The development of microstructure in hot-pressed SiaN4 was studiehd for a typical Si3N4 powder with and without BeSiN2 as a densification aid. The effect of hot-pressing temperature on density, α- to β-Si3N4 conversion and specific surface area showed that BeSiN2 appears to increase the mobility of the system by enhancing densification, α- to β-Si3N4 transformation, and grain growth at temperatures between 1450° and 1800°. These processes appear to occur in the presence of a liquid phase.  相似文献   

Surface flaws of controlled size and shape were produced in high-strength hot-pressed Si3N4 with a Knoop microhardness indenter. Fracture was initiated at a single suitably oriented flaw on the tensile surface of a 4-point-bend specimen, with attendant reduction in the measured magnitude and scatter of the fracture strength. The stress required to propagate the controlled flaw was used to calculate the critical stress-intensity factor, K IC, from standard fracture-mechanics formulas for semielliptical surface flaws in bending. After the bend specimen had been annealed, the room-temperature K IC values for HS-130 Si3N4 increased to a level consistent with values obtained from conventional fracture-mechanics tests. It was postulated that annealing reduces the residual stresses produced by the microhardness indentation. The presence of residual stresses may account for the low K IC, values. Elevated-temperature KIC values for HS-130 Si3N4 were consistent with double-torsion data. Controlled flaws in HS-130 Si3N4 exhibited slow crack growth at high temperatures.  相似文献   

The densification behavior of Si3N4 containing MgO was studied in detail. It was concluded that MgO forms a liquid phase (most likely a magnesium silicate). This liquid wets and allows atomic transfer of Si3N4. Evidence of a second-phase material between the Si3N4 grains was obtained through etching studies. Transformation of α- to β-Si3N4 during hot-pressing is not necessary for densification.  相似文献   

The high-temperature strength of commercial hot-pressed Si3N4 was obtained for (1) two materials with different impurity contents, (2) the weak and strong material directions, (3) air and Ar ambients, and (4) different stressing rates. Strength degradation occurred at a lower temperature for the less pure material; both material directions exhibit the same rate of strength degradation. The testing ambient did not affect strength. The strength at temperatures ∼1200°C depended strongly on stressing rate. The presence of rough, crack-shaped topographical features on the fracture surface and the observation of large cracks that formed during stressing are reported as evidence for subcritical crack growth at high temperatures. It is hypothesized that accelerated creep caused by grain-boundary sliding at preexisting crack fronts is the mechanism responsible for the observed subcritical crack growth.  相似文献   

Hot-pressed silicon nitride plates were grooved by single diamond points with varying degrees of flatness mounted on a wheel rotating at varying speeds. The plates were divided into bars and the remaining strengths were measured. The depths of damage were measured and used to calculate the theoretical strengths. For sharp diamonds and in some cases for diamonds with flat tips, the measured strengths were less than the theoretical strengths. The differences between the measured strengths and the theoretical strengths are attributed to the presence of residual loads acting to wedge open the cracks.  相似文献   

The room-temperature mixed-mode fracture of commercial hot-pressed Si3N4 was examined using controlled surface flaws in 4-point bending, oriented at various angles 6 with respect to the outer fiber tensile stress direction. Catastrophic fracture paths were non-coplanar with the initial flaw plane, and the stress intensity factor ratio KI/KIC was < 1 for fracture in modes II and III. A non-coplanar maximum strain-energy release rate fracture criterion best described mixed-mode fracture.  相似文献   

In hot-pressed Si3N4 subjected to single-point diamond grinding, the damage penetration ( c ) at low vertical loads ( Pv ) is approximately related by Pvαc , whereas at high loads the load dependence of the crack length is much greater. The results at low loads are discussed in terms of available analyses. An analysis, based on the combined effect of the residual stresses and contact loads, is presented to model the behavior at high loads.  相似文献   

We report here the study on tribological behavior of α-Sialon in aqueous medium. The results derived from a wide range of test conditions are briefly discussed. A reduction in friction coefficient from 0.7 to 0.03 and a decrease in wear rate by two orders of magnitude were achieved under low load (9.8 N) and high speed (>0.54 m/s) conditions. The tribological behavior of α-Sialon/Si3N4 ceramics was then compared with Si3N4/Si3N4 tribopairs.  相似文献   

Temperature dependence of KIC values for Si3N4 bodies sintered at high pressures without additives was studied from room temperature to 1400°C. Little change in KK was found in this range.  相似文献   

Uniaxial tensile stress rupture testing of hot-pressed silicon nitride NC-132 was carried out at 1000°, 1200°, and 1300°C in air at various applied stress levels and the corresponding times-to-failure were measured. Fracture occurred from both surface and internally initiated flaws. Fractographic evidence for failure-initiation sites and the associated presence of subcritical (slow) crack growth are presented. Limited flexural stress rupture tests at 1200°C in air were also carried out and the data are compared. The uniaxial tensile and flexural stress rupture tests are much more sensitive in revealing the time-dependent crack-growth behavior than flexural stress rate tests.  相似文献   

Hot isostatically pressed silicon nitride was produced by densifying Si3N4 powder compacts and reaction-bonded Si3N4 (RBSN) parts with yttria as a sintering additive. The microstructure was analyzed using scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and density measurements. The influence of the microstructure on fracture strength, creep, and oxidation behavior was investigated. It is assumed that the higher amount of oxygen in the Si3N4 starting powder compared with the RBSN starting material leads to an increased amount of liquid phase during densification. This results in grain growth and in a larger amount of grain boundary phase in the hot isostatically pressed material. Compared with the hot isostatically pressed RBSN samples therefore, strength decreases whereas the creep rate and the weight gain during oxidation increase.  相似文献   

The elevated-temperature slow-crack-growth behavior of HS-130 Si3N4 was studied by extending "controlled" surface cracks in bars loaded in 4-point bending. Several such nonin-teracting cracks were produced on the tensile surfaces of bend bars by Knoop microhardness indentation. The stress and dimensions of the subcritically growing cracks were used to calculate the stress-intensity factor, K1 , from fracture-mechanics formulas for semielliptical surface cracks in bending. The crack-growth velocity, v, was obtained by dividing crack extension by loading time interval. The data indicated very large scatter in measured velocities for given K1 values, which was interpreted as due to the interaction of the small cracks with local material heterogeneities. No simple functional relation between K I and v could be established for HS-130 Si3N 4 from the v − K 1 data.  相似文献   

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