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<正>丁建生于1962年10月中国中元国际工程公司总裁、总建筑师、国务院津贴专家,研究员级高级工程师,国家一级注册建筑师、注册城市规划师、注册咨询师(投资)陈南大学、合肥工业大学、北京工业大学、北京建筑工程学院兼职教授现任中国建筑学会副理事长、中国勘察设计协会常务理事、中国勘察设计协会建筑设计分会副会长、北京市勘察设计协会副会长等职先后获中国机械工业集团有限公司高层次专家,中国建筑师协会优秀专家,住房和城乡建设部勘察设计行业发展战略专家委员会委员,中国勘察设计协会现代管理优秀企业家等荣誉  相似文献   

<正>"Where there is a will,there is a way."It is my motto.I believe I can succeed as long as I work hard.Actually,I didn’t feel confident before,because I had many shortcomings and I didn’t want to make efforts.This made me often screw up a lot of things.At that time I didn’t know how to change myself,so I asked my father about this.He told me,"Where there is a will,there is a way."It means I should make more efforts than before.  相似文献   

A method is presented for the evaluation of the permeability–porosity relationship in a low-permeability porous material using the results of a single transient test. This method accounts for both elastic and non-elastic deformations of the sample during the test, and is applied to a hardened class G oil well cement paste. An initial hydrostatic undrained loading is applied to the sample. The generated excess pore pressure is then released at one end of the sample while monitoring the pore pressure at the other end and the radial strain in the middle of the sample during the dissipation of the pore pressure. These measurements are back-analysed to evaluate the permeability and its evolution with porosity change. The effect of creep of the sample during the test on the measured pore pressure and volume change is taken into account in the analysis. This approach permits to calibrate a power law permeability–porosity relationship for the tested hardened cement paste. The porosity sensitivity exponent of the power–law is evaluated equal to 11, and is shown to be mostly independent of the stress level and of the creep strains.  相似文献   

Practically all the numbers associated with China are breathtakingly large. For example, the country boasts a population of 1.3 billion, an area of 9.6 million square kilometers, and an economy growing at a startling 9% a  相似文献   

<正>"每天清晨,我想做的第一件事就是能以一种舒适和快乐的心情开始我的设计工作。我曾经梦想的办公住宅并不应该是设在像胡志明市这样一个交通阻塞频繁和高度污染的城市,而这个小面积、非方正的小房子不仅符合设计预算,而且所处位置远离闹市且仅十分钟就可以抵达市中心。其条件非常符合我选择它作为新办公地点的最佳选地。"设计师Toan说到。  相似文献   

<正>"每天清晨,我想做的第一件事就是能以一种舒适和快乐的心情开始我的设计工作。我曾经梦想的办公住宅并不应该是设在像胡志明市这样一个交通阻塞频繁和高度污染的城市,而这个小面积、非方正的小房子不仅符合设计预算,而且所处位置远离闹市且仅十分钟就可以抵达市中心。其条件非常符合我选择它作为新办公地点的最佳选地。"设计师Toan说到。  相似文献   

《Material Religion》2013,9(1):54-84

This article is part of a larger field-based study of contemporary festivity and religious tourism in Lutherland, a geographic and symbolic place associated with the life and work of Martin Luther. My aim, with reference to the work of Lindsay Jones and Victor Turner, is to develop an approach for studying the intersection of material culture and ritual. Material culture does not simply signify into empty space, shining meanings into its surrounding environment as a street lamp does light. Rather, material culture is produced, handled, used in a variety of ways. An exemplary case for studying how built space and ritual performance intersect is the Thesenportal of Wittenberg's Schlosskirche, an object and performative space commemorating the origin of the German Reformation.  相似文献   

相信这部经典的机器人战斗 RPG 是众多动漫迷们的志爱,而即将要推出的这部崭新续作会掀起令一场狂潮。所以我们会连续刊登,将最新的情报告知大家。  相似文献   

What is a City?     
On the 75th anniversary of Lewis Mumford's rhetorical essay ‘What is a City?’, Austin Williams asks whether we risk defining cities out of existence. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The paper deals with a new, arch road bridge made from structural corrugated plates, over the Plawna Stream, on a local road between Bystrzyca Klodzka and Ladek Zdroj in Stary Waliszow, Poland. The bridge replaced the old stone arch bridge that was destroyed during the flood of 1997. The steel bridge is founded on two continuous footings made of reinforced concrete. Its effective span is 10.00 m and its clear height is 4.02 m. The results of tests carried out on the bridge under three static load schemes after four years of service are presented. The average values of the measured displacements and strains in selected points and elements of the steel shell structure were found to be considerably lower than the ones calculated for the same load. Since designs of this type are more and more often adopted for small- and medium-size bridges, the conclusions drawn from the presented tests can be generalised to the whole class of such bridge structures.  相似文献   

适当的标点符号并不局限于文字印刷。比如说.浴室墙就可以看成一个合适的标点。IngaSempe给Moustache设计的两个口袋架选择了厚熏的实心山毛榉木材。Benitier圆弧形的边缘抬升了38厘米,提升了化妆间在细节处理上的能力。  相似文献   

Since Roback’s seminal work (J Polit Econ 90(6):1257–1278, 1982), the literature on hedonic prices has evaluated the role of amenities in equilibrating regional differentials in nominal wages and prices. While these studies generally find evidence for traditional amenities and disamenities in developed countries, there remains little research on how characteristics such as violence affect the equilibrium in less developed countries. This article explores violence and other local characteristics as an amenity or disamenity for Mexico and employs the hedonic wage and rent theory proposed by Roback. This research uses a multilevel estimation technique using data from the Mexican Household Income and Expenditure Survey, along with other information from the municipal and state levels. This article finds evidence to suggest that illegal earning opportunities outweigh crime disamenity by inhabitants of some traditional drug-trafficking regions, because such crime appears to be the modus vivendi in those regions in a way that does not reduce economic performance.  相似文献   

During the past 15 years tooth decay rates have declined markedly amongst children in many parts of the industrialised world. Over the same period, however, decay rates have increased dramatically in children in developing countries. For many years it has been claimed that water fluoridation is the most important and cost-effective method for controlling dental caries. A series of recent papers in the scientific literature have challenged the 'fluoridation hypothesis', since the decline in decay reported in the developed countries has occurred in both fluoridated and unfluoridated areas. In some countries of the developing world, tooth decay is now reaching crisis proportions, hence it is important to know whether fluoridation really can "reduce tooth decay by about 60 per cent", or if the dental profession has been promoting a 'flawed' hypothesis for more than 40 years.  相似文献   

the difference between this algorithm and the algorithm cited in some classical teaching material is discussed.White noise; intersymbol interference; decision-feedback0电子科技It Age22-25TN  相似文献   

<正>脂蛋白(a)是1963年由Berg等[1]从血浆中分离出来的一种与低密度脂蛋白(low density lipoprotein,LDL)相似的蛋白质。与LDL相比,脂蛋白(a)具有更强的氧化活性及致炎作用,因此其致动脉粥样硬化(As)的能力更强[2-3]。这与其分子组成密切相关。脂蛋白(a)是由载脂蛋白B100[apolipoprotein B100,apo B100]和富含神经氨酸的糖蛋白apo(a)[apolipoprotein(a),apo(a)]通过二硫键共价结合而成[1,4]。脂蛋白(a)的致病作用主要源于其脂  相似文献   

北欧建筑向来以创新与环保闻名于世,与自然的巧妙结合显示了他们对自然的崇敬,是一种悠然而又严谨的生存姿态.本案这座隐没在树林里的别墅就极具北欧风格,从建筑的外观上可以看到人与自然之间的角力与融合,进入室内又是典型的极简风格.别墅由当地的设计师团队pS Arkitektur设计完成,这个因设计了创意迭出的Skype总部而为大家所熟悉的设计团队,这次放弃了让人眼花缭乱的设计,用最简洁的手法来为我们展现当下瑞典设计的态度.  相似文献   


Cultural/Creative Quarters/Clusters/Districts’ (CCC) have become very popular local development strategies in the last 30 years as reflected within the Urban Planning, Geography, Economics and Cultural Studies literature. However, this multi-disciplinarity has rendered the CCC academic field of research quite fuzzy as authors offers their own definition or borrow from each other without clear explanations. In order to address this issue, this paper presents a systematic literature review and analyses the ways these concepts have evolved, what have been the themes and dimensions associated with them, how they have been studied and researched, and then suggest a renewed research agenda.  相似文献   

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