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本刊报道:近日,以专注打印跻身美国《财富》500强的著名打印解决方案供应商利盟国际有限公司(NYSE:LXK)宣布委任李建民先生为中国大陆及香港地区总裁一职。李建民先生出任新职后将常驻北京,负责利盟中国喷墨及激光打印机业务。  相似文献   

近日,以专注打印跻身美国《财富》500强的著名打印解决方案供应商利盟国际有限公司(NYSE:LXK)宣布委任李建民先生为中国大陆及香港地区总裁一职。李建民先生出任新职后将常驻北京,负责利盟中国喷墨及激光打印机业务。  相似文献   

积极拓展渠道业务,强化中国市场竞争优势2005年5月25日-全球电脑核心系统软件(CoreSystemSoftware,CSS)领导厂商美商凤凰科技(PhoenixTechnologies),正式宣布任命资深经理人张钟联先生(RogerCheung),担任中国大陆和香港地区总经理(China&HKGeneralManager),负责凤凰科技在中  相似文献   

11月9日,诺基亚宣布任命赵科林担任诺基亚中国新总裁。赵科林现任诺基亚大中国区客户及市场运营高级副总裁,他将继任于何庆源。诺基亚方面表示,何庆源将转入诺基亚西门子网络公司,成为该公司中国区董事长。与此同时,赵科林还将继续领导诺基亚大中国区客户及市场运营。赵科林4年前扛起了诺基亚中国区手机业务的大旗,并取得不菲业绩。据悉,他将从诺基亚西门子网络公司正式运营,何庆源转入新公司后开始接任这个新职位。  相似文献   

近日微软宣布微软将组建中国研发集团(全称为微软中国研究开发集团),这800名员工将划入新集团的范畴,而张亚勤正式出任第一任总裁。  相似文献   

记者:金总裁,您好!感谢您接受我们《电子展望与决策:杂志的专访。我们知道,Novell公司自1983年成立以来,一直是计算机网络软件方面的佼佼者。这次Novell公司通过“美国信息产业”专刊第一次与我刊读者见面,我们想请金总裁简单介绍一下Novell公司的发展情况。金明:每一个成功公司的背后,都有一段传奇式的经历我们Novell也不例外。说起N(。veil的创立过程,我想我们必须先了解一下Novell创立时计算机产业的发展状况。以前的网络系统都是建立在大型主机之间,用电缆连接很多非智能终端。由于所采用的操作系统比较原始,普通用户很…  相似文献   

2009年1月9日,霍尼韦尔(NYSE:HON)宣布任命Norman Gilsdorf为其过程控制部新任总裁(以下简称Norm)。Gilsdorf此前任霍尼韦尔过程控制部全球副总裁,欧洲、中东以及非洲区总经理。原霍尼韦尔过程控制部总裁JackBolick先生光荣退休,JackBolick先生在过去10年中一直供职于霍尼韦尔,其中6年担任霍尼韦尔过程控制部总裁职务。  相似文献   

2009年1月9日,霍尼韦尔(NYSE:HON)宣布任命Norman Gilsdorf为其过程控制部新任总裁(以下简称Norm)。Gilsdorf此前任霍尼韦尔过程控制部全球副总裁,欧洲、中东以及非洲区总经理。原霍尼韦尔过程控制部总裁Jack Bolick先生光荣退休,Jack Bolick先生在过去10年中一直供职于霍尼韦尔,其中6年担任霍尼韦尔过程控制部总裁职务。  相似文献   

据国外媒体今日报道,惠普日前起诉了几家台湾和香港的打印机墨盒生产商,称其侵犯了惠普的技术专利,盗窃了惠普的产品而进行销售。惠普向美国旧金山联邦地方法院提交了长达28页的诉讼文件,称台湾研能科技(MicroJet  相似文献   

This research evaluated Hong Kong Chinese and Korean comprehension of American security safety symbols, and how successfully they could guess the meaning of the symbols in relation to their ratings of the appropriateness of the design of each of the symbols. Symbol comprehension scores, symbol guessing scores, design appropriateness ratings, and demographic information were obtained for 81 Hong Kong Chinese and 60 Koreans. For all the symbols tested, comprehension scores for the Hong Kong Chinese and Koreans were much lower than for Americans. The finding that Americans were better at interpreting American symbols than Hong Kong Chinese and Koreans indicates that problems are likely to arise if such symbols are used by non-Americans. Gender did not affect guessing performance, and success at guessing symbols was not related to the subjective ratings of design appropriateness for the symbols. The findings here reveal the importance of developing security safety symbols with the end users in mind.

Relevance to industry

Designing effective pictorial security safety symbols to cover the many potential situations and scenarios for a specific population is a difficult business. The findings of this study underline the importance of developing security safety symbols with the end users in mind. The results provide useful information to assist in the design of more user-friendly security safety symbols.  相似文献   

云融合安全与存储解决方案领导厂商梭子鱼网络宣布任命存储与渠道行业资深人士 Chris Ross 担任全球渠道管理高级副总裁。Ross拥有超过23年的技术行业经验,其中15年在存储软件行业,加入梭子鱼之前在 Arcserve 担任全球营销副总裁。  相似文献   


An anthropometric study of the hand dimensions of Hong Kong Chinese female workers was carried out using 100 subjects. Twenty-three hand dimensions were measured and compared with data from the United Kingdom, Japan and the United States of America. The Hong Kong Chinese had overall smaller hands than the United Kingdom and the United States of America females and larger hands than Japanese females. Comparisons were also made between the Hong Kong Chinese and United Kingdom females on the basis of age and ethnic group. In every case where a significant difference occurred the Hong Kong females had shorter, narrower hands with longer fingers than all other groups.  相似文献   

Forward sloping seats are universally accepted based on their increased trunk-thigh angle during sitting. However, these seats are not preferred by some individuals due to reasons such as excessive pressure on knees, difficulties during ingress and egress, and postural fixity during sitting. Some researchers have claimed that forward sloped sitting preserves the lumbar lordosis, thereby making it more comfortable for the sitter. This claim has not been validated across all populations and, therefore, appears to have some disagreement among researchers. In this study, spinal shape during standing and sitting in forward sloping chairs is measured and quantified using a three-dimensional sonic digitizer. Twenty subjects (ten Hong Kong Chinese and ten Indian) have participated in the experiment. Fifteen points on the spine are digitized during standing and sitting in a forward-sloping seat with trunk–thigh angles of 70°, 80°, 90°, 100°, 110°, and 120°. Different measures are used to analyze and differentiate the spinal shape. The correlation between the length of spine during standing and a subject's height is low, but significant. The behavior of the spinal shape change during sitting differs between the populations as shown by the maximum lumbar and maximum thoracic deviations. The Indian subjects seem to approach the standing curvatures in the thoracic region during 30° forward sloping sitting. The Hong Kong Chinese subjects, on the other hand, do not show any resemblance to the standing curvatures during forward sloping sitting. One possible reason could be the differences in arch angle between the two populations. The variations in spinal shape among subjects appear to be similar within a population.Relevance to industryForward sloping seats may not be appropriate for all populations since changes in the spinal shape differ between populations. The arch angle may be an indicator and possibly a predictor of the appropriateness of forward sloping seats for different populations, if spinal shape is related to sitter discomfort.  相似文献   

国内电子商务发展分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
电子商务作为一种崭新的生产力,在它的直接作用和间接作用下,产业经济、国民经济乃至世界经济正生长出许多新的增长点.相比人类历史上由使用铁器开始的农业革命和使用蒸汽机开始的工业革命,当今使用电子工具开始的这场流通(商业)革命将会对人类社会经济产生更加深远的影响,对人类社会进步发挥更大的作用.  相似文献   

We present a comprehensive system for weather data visualization. Weather data are multivariate and contain vector fields formed by wind speed and direction. Several well-established visualization techniques such as parallel coordinates and polar systems are integrated into our system. We also develop various novel methods, including circular pixel bar charts embedded into polar systems, enhanced parallel coordinates with S-shape axis, and weighted complete graphs. Our system was used to analyze the air pollution problem in Hong Kong and some interesting patterns have been found.  相似文献   

<正>尊敬的邬贺铨主席、邓寿鹏主席:女士们、先生们:在北京红叶飘香的美好时节,OA’2008办公自动化国际学术研讨会召开了。首先,我代表北京市委、市政府,对OA’2008办公自动化国际学术研讨会的召开,表示热烈的祝贺和欢迎!由国家信息中心等单位主办,办公自动化杂志社等单位承办的办公自动化国际学  相似文献   

有句话说的很经典."民族的就是世界的".当2008年12月16日国际标准组织AIM global(全球自动识别和移动技术协会)正式批准发布来自中国矽感公司的网格矩阵码(简称GM码)二维条码AIM国际码制标准时,GM码就不再仅仅属于中国,而是为全世界共同享有.  相似文献   

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