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Wind energy is a kind of clean renewable energy, which is also relatively mature in technology, with large-scale development conditions and prospect for the commercialization. Wind energy’s development and utilization is an important measure to increase energy supply, adjust energy structure, ensure energy security, protect the ecological environment, reduce greenhouse gas emission and build a harmonious society.
Wind energy is a kind of clean renewable energy, which is also relatively mature in technology, with large-scale development conditions and prospect for the commercialization. The development of wind energy is a systematic project, involving policy, law, technology, economy, society, environment, education and other aspects. The relationship among all the aspects should be well treated and coordinated. This paper has discussed the following relationships which should be well coordinated: relationship between wind resources and wind energy development, relationship between the wind turbine generator system and the components, relationship between wind energy technology and wind energy industry, relationship between off-grid wind power and grid-connected wind power, relationship between wind farm and the power grid, relationship between onshore wind power and offshore wind power, relationship between wind energy and other energies, relationship between technology introduction and self-innovation, relationship among foreign-funded, joint ventured and domestic-funded enterprises and relationship between the government guidance and the market regulation, as well as giving out some suggestions. 相似文献
Nataliya Shakhovska Mykola Medykovskyy Roman Melnyk Nataliya Kryvinska 《计算机、材料和连续体(英文)》2021,69(3):3065-3078
The article presents the results of research on the possibilities of using genetic algorithms for solving the multicriteria optimization problem of determining the active components of a wind farm. Optimization is carried out on two parameters: efficiency factor of wind farm use (integrated parameter calculated on the basis of 6 parameters of each of the wind farm), average power deviation level (average difference between the load power and energy generation capabilities of the active wind farm). That was done an analysis of publications on the use of genetic algorithms to solve multicriteria optimization problems. Computer simulations were performed, which allowed us to analyze the obtained statistical data and determine the main optimization indicators. That was carried out a comparative analysis of the obtained results with other methods, such as the dynamic programming method; the dynamic programming method with the general increase of the set loading; the modified dynamic programming method, neural networks. It is established that the average power deviation for the genetic algorithm and for the modified dynamic programming method is located at the same level, 33.7 and 28.8 kW, respectively. The average value of the efficiency coefficient of wind turbine used for the genetic algorithm is 2.4% less than for the modified dynamic programming method. However, the time of finding the solution by the genetic algorithm is 3.6 times less than for the modified dynamic programming method. The obtained results provide an opportunity to implement an effective decision support system in energy flow management. 相似文献
This article presents a multi-scenario decomposition with complementarity constraints approach to wind farm layout design to maximize wind energy production under region boundary and inter-turbine distance constraints. A complementarity formulation technique is introduced such that the wind farm layout design can be described with a continuously differentiable optimization model, and a multi-scenario decomposition approach is proposed to ensure efficient solution with local optimality. To combine global exploration and local optimization, a hybrid solution algorithm is presented, which combines the multi-scenario approach with a bi-objective genetic algorithm that maximizes energy production and minimizes constraint violations simultaneously. A numerical case study demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed approach. 相似文献
海上风资源特性对海上风电场的建设具有重大影响,是海上风机选型及排布的关键因素,因此对其进行研究十分必要。利用测风塔测量得到上海芦潮港地区风速数据,并分析了该地区风速、风向、风能密度分布及其变化特性。结果表明:在芦潮港地区海上风速分布描述上,Logistic函数具有最好的精度,Weibull函数很难描述单月风速分布;芦潮港地区风向主要来自正北与东北方向;随着芦潮港地区测风塔测风高度的增加,年平均海上风速逐步趋于8 m/s;芦潮港地区年平均风能密度不低于290 W/m2,具有较为充足的风能资源,可为风电场收益提供保障。 相似文献
由于风电固有的随机性与间歇性,使得风电场输出功率往往具有较大的波动。然而考虑到储能装置的昂贵成本,单独为风电场配置储能装置不利于其经济运行。为此,文中针对考虑电动汽车参与的风电场输出功率波动平抑方法进行了研究。根据国家标准中风电“有功功率变化”的要求,通过爬坡率概念来描述风电场输出功率变化率。采用鲁棒优化的方法处理风电出力的不确定性,建立风电机组和电动汽车协调控制的双层优化模型:上层模型决策者是风电场,以风电场售电收益最大化为目标函数;下层模型决策者是电动汽车车主,以电动汽车电费支出成本最小化为目标函数。通过线性规划对偶定理和Karush-KuhnTucker(KKT)最优性条件将此鲁棒优化模型转化为混合整数线性规划问题进行求解。最后,通过仿真结果验证了所提模型和方法的有效性。 相似文献
This paper proposes a combined model for port selection and supply chain optimisation for the installation phase of an offshore wind farm. Two strategic models are proposed where the first model, based on Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), aims to select the most suitable installation port. The second model is developed using Integer Linear Programming (ILP) in order to determine the optimal transportation schedule of the components from suppliers to the chosen installation port. The proposed models are evaluated for the West Gabbard (UK) offshore wind farm located in southern part of the North Sea. According to the computational results, the AHP model chooses port of Oostende, Belgium as the most suitable installation port for this offshore wind farm whereas the proposed supply chain model shows that the total transportation cost makes up 9% of total supply chain cost. 相似文献
粘弹性阻尼器(VED)是一种十分有效的耗能减震装置。本文介绍了粘弹性阻尼器的耗能减震原理和性能,以及粘弹性阻尼器的两种布置方法。通过一常用实例进行分析,得出了三种情况下的地震反应,证明了粘弹性阻尼器对结构地震响应控制的有效性,并对比了粘弹性阻尼器的两种布置方法的减震效果。 相似文献
位移型消能器在结构减震控制中的位置优化研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
提出一种位移型消能器优化布置的新型数学模型,考虑了地震作用下三种不同的结构控制指标。首先,通过试算给定新型优化模型的五种加权系数组合;然后,在阻尼器数量一定的前提下,利用遗传算法对不同形式的结构在四类场地条件地震动作用下的阻尼器进行优化布置研究;最后,按照基于新模型中不同系数组合情况获得的阻尼器优化结果,进行三种有控结构在不同类型场地条件下的时程反应分析,得到目标函数中加权系数最佳取值组合,体现综合控制效果上的最优。数值算例验证了新模型的有效性,给出可以指导消能器优化布置方面的经验性结论。 相似文献
This article explores an automated approach for the efficient placement of substations and the design of an inter-array electrical collection network for an offshore wind farm through the minimization of the cost. To accomplish this, the problem is represented as a number of sub-problems that are solved in series using a combination of heuristic algorithms. The overall problem is first solved by clustering the turbines to generate valid substation positions. From this, a navigational mesh pathfinding algorithm based on Delaunay triangulation is applied to identify valid cable paths, which are then used in a mixed-integer linear programming problem to solve for a constrained capacitated minimum spanning tree considering all realistic constraints. The final tree that is produced represents the solution to the inter-array cable problem. This method is applied to a planned wind farm to illustrate the suitability of the approach and the resulting layout that is generated. 相似文献
根据海岸滩涂和浅水海域风电场建设及运行维护工程保障的需求,提出了一系列的工程保障方案,主要包括:适应于潮上带滩涂风电场的系列道路构筑方案、适应于潮间带滩涂风电场的承压浮箱及浮箱栈桥保障方案、适应于潮下带5 m以上水深风电场的浅吃水自升式海上风电场工程平台以及风电场运行维护期间的两栖进入方案,并对这些方案的适应性、可行性及技术要点进行了探讨。提出的系列工程保障方案针对潮上带、潮间带至潮下带不同滩涂区域对施工工程技术的不同要求,以系列技术保障措施分段保障,较好地解决了海岸滩涂及浅水海域风电场建设的工程保障问题。 相似文献
阐述了海上风电场的分类,并对漂浮式风电场风电机组的浮式基础作了详细的介绍。随着风电开发技术的成熟,风机容量大型化、垂直轴风机的应用及建立非并网风电多元化应用系统将是以后漂浮式风电场发展的趋势。 相似文献
平面不规则结构在水平地震作用下由于结构刚心和质心不重合而引起的结构扭转耦联使得结构位移比不满足规范要求。在平面不规则结构中布置位移型阻尼器能有效的减小结构的位移比,但阻尼器的参数和位置直接决定了对结构的扭转反应控制效果。首先设计简单的双向偏心框架结构算例,研究位移型阻尼器布置位置和参数对平面不规则结构扭转响应的控制规律。在此基础上基于基本人工鱼群算法结合有限元软件SAP2000API开发一种针对偏心结构中位移型阻尼器布置的优化模型,模型面向多维多自由度实际有限元结构模型,可同时对结构各层位移型阻尼器的布置位置和参数进行优化。最后,利用该文建立的优化模型对某位移比超限的多层不均匀偏心实际结构中的位移型阻尼器进行优化布置,结果表明该文优化模型计算出的位移型阻尼器布置方案使结构的位移比得到了有效的控制。 相似文献
提出一种风电场配置锂离子电池和超级电容混合储能系统的新方法,利用小波包分频技术对原始风功率进行分解,得到混合储能系统补偿功率。以混合储能配置方案为优化变量,引入改进后的全寿命周期成本,建立了净收益-波动性-弃风量的多目标储能系统配置模型。采用改进概率变异粒子群优化(probabilistic mutation particle swarm optimization, PMPSO)算法对该模型进行求解,得到Pareto解集,对解集进行归一化处理,得出熵权最优配置方案,并与单目标最优方案进行对比,验证了熵权最优配置方案对经济性和功能性的兼容性。通过与自适应量子粒子群优化算法(adaptive quantum particle swarm optimization,AQPSO)进行对比,验证了改进PMPSO算法得到的熵权最优配置方案在保证弃风量和波动性较小的同时,配置更小容量的储能以获得更大的收益,满足多目标配置需求。 相似文献
This paper investigates the resource optimization problem for a multi-cell massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) network in which each base station (BS) is equipped with a large number of antennas and each base station (BS) adapts the number of antennas to the daily load profile (DLP). This paper takes into consideration user location distribution (ULD) variation and evaluates its impact on the energy efficiency of load adaptive massive MIMO system. ULD variation is modeled by dividing the cell into two coverage areas with different user densities: boundary focused (BF) and center focused (CF) ULD. All cells are assumed identical in terms of BS configurations, cell loading, and ULD variation and each BS is modeled as an M/G/m/m state dependent queue that can serve a maximum number of users at the peak load. Together with energy efficiency (EE) we analyzed deployment and spectrum efficiency in our adaptive massive MIMO system by evaluating the impact of cell size, available bandwidth, output power level of the BS, and maximum output power of the power amplifier (PA) at different cell loading. We also analyzed average energy consumption on an hourly basis per BS for the model proposed for data traffic in Europe and also the model proposed for business, residential, street, and highway areas. 相似文献
论我国海上风电场建设重大工程问题 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
发展海上风电具有重大战略意义,应予高度重视,加大支持力度;发展海上风电面临严峻挑战,应予科学应对,切忌浮躁冒进。我国海上风电发展,必须坚持科学发展理念,坚持高起点上的理性、有序发展,坚持创新和特色结合的跨越式、可持续发展。成本、效益、风险制约海上风电的发展,通过科技进步,风电核心技术掌握和规划建设能力的提高,可以有效解决重大制约发展的因素,确保海上风电健康发展。针对我国海上风电又好又快发展,建设高质量、高效益的海上风电场,提出了若干建议。 相似文献
Assessment of wind energy potential in China 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
In this paper, China wind atlas is made by numerical simulating and the wind energy potential in China is calculated. The model system for wind energy resource assessment is set up based on Canadian Wind Energy Simulating Toolkit (WEST) and the simulating method is as follow. First, the weather classes are obtained depend on meteorological data of 30 years. Then, driven by the initial meteorological field produced by each weather class, the mesosclae model runs for the distribution of wind energy resources according each weather class condition one by one. Finally, averaging all the modeling output weighted by the occurrence frequency of each weather class, the annual mean distribution of wind energy resources is worked out. Compared the simulated wind energy potential with other results from several activities and studies for wind energy resource assessment, it is found that the simulated wind energy potential in mainland of China is 3 times that from the second and the third investigations for wind energy resources by CMA, and is similar to the wind energy potential obtained by NREL in SWERA project. The simulated offshore wind energy potential of China seems smaller than the true value.
Although there is difference in method and conclusion for wind energy resource assessment by different institutes, the important conclusion accepted by the all is that China has rich wind energy resources. According to the simulated results of CMA and considering lots of limited factors to wind energy development, the final conclusion can be obtained that the wind energy availability in China is 700-1200 GW, in which 600-1000 GW is in mainland and 100-200 GW is on offshore, and wind power will become the important part of energy composition in future. 相似文献
Codes in current use in India for specifying design wind loads for structures are analysed, and shown to be inconsistent with
available data on extremes. Thus, it is found that while the National Building Code specifies the highest wind loads on the
east coast and western Gujarat, the observed extreme winds are highest in the eastern Gangetic valley. As the consequences
of under-specification can be serious, a careful re-examination of the code seems called for. It is argued that although the
available data on extremes may not be complete, they provide a more rational basis for formulating a building code; as wind
loads become more important in construction engineering a serious effort at generating and analysing the required meteorological
data seems highly worthwhile. However, procedures followed elsewhere for predicting extreme winds and the nature of gusts
need to be validated for the country. In addition there is also a need to study certain meteorological phenomena peculiar
to the Indian subcontinent like the duststorms and the nor’westers of north India.
The work reported here was carried out under a project “Design, Fabrication and Testing of a 10,000 litres/hour Windpump”,
financed and administered by the Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
An erratum to this article is available at . 相似文献