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饶戎  董翔 《风景园林》2011,(1):52-57
昌平东沙河湿地作为国家十一五科技支撑计划的示范项目,从生态湿地规划与设计的内涵出发,探讨了东沙河生态湿地的内涵、定位、规划设计的目标和方法,在现状信息的基础上,通过生态分析,开展了生态湿地规划及水环境规划、绿地系统规划、光环境规划、声环境规划、能源规划等专项规划.  相似文献   

Practitioners in the fields of landscape planning and design seem less taking advantage of, or even paying no attention to, existing findings of scientific research in other disciplines; and, they often conduct so-called “transdisciplinary” study on their own, but most of the outcomes are uncompetitive with those proven research findings in relevant fields. The author believed that it is essentially resulted from several dislocations between landscape practice and modern scientific research, that are, the gaps between holism and deconstruction, elements and functions, as well as graphics and texts. To bridge such gaps, this article puts forward two solutions: one is problem-finding and-addressing, and the other is synthesizing and visualization of research results, particularly through graphical interpretation.  相似文献   

Nature is a cultural construct, and a symbolic form to our cultural landscape. It plays a critical role in the profession of Landscape Architecture, shaping both the practice in the constructed environment as well as the conception of landscape in Pedagogy. This article evaluates contemporary landscape architecture practice in the U.S. through the lens of planting design and ecological design approaches. This retrospect situates selected individuals and their practices in the field of landscape architecture in the past two decades, in parallel with the evolving ecological understanding. These individuals and their works demonstrate the changes in planting design and ecological thinking in the professional practice, and most importantly how these changes contribute to current ecological design methodologies, landscape aesthetics, and public perception of landscape. In addition, the article aims to illustrate a shifting conception of Nature over time and in different cultural context, in which different conceptions of Nature facilitate various approaches to addressing environmental issues. By situating in such context, the article hopes to provide a critical view of contemporary American landscape architecture practice and the current ecological agenda, in order to enable discussions regarding the professional practice in the future.  相似文献   

A true understanding of Ecological Civilization Construction is key to comprehend the connotation and goals of China’s territorial spatial planning, which echoes the ideological keynote of the country’s upgrade of socio-economic development mode. Missioned as a means to public policy making, territorial spatial planning develops roadmaps for Ecological Civilization Construction by addressing macro spatial governance problems such as the shortage of resources, severe environmental pollution, and ecosystem degradation. Furthermore, the author interprets the relationship between ecological restoration and territorial spatial planning system, and argues that the territorial spatial planning system should employ a macro-medium-micro hierarchy in scale while focusing on life-circle ecological restoration planning and implementation. In addition to the necessity of developing crossadministrative border plans, the author emphasizes the importance of multi-disciplinary cooperation. Then, he points out that The Two Assessment Standards should value regional characteristics and avoid to indiscriminately apply planning and design patterns in different cases. Finally, the author puts forward suggestions to practitioners in Landscape Architecture and other allied professions to prepare themselves by selfretraining with new concepts, methodologies, and technologies to be more competent for the contemporary needs of territorial spatial planning.  相似文献   

Since 1997, LA PKU has conducted a series of studies on China’s traditional ecological wisdom and related application in contemporary landscape planning and design. This paper first reviews the background and the course of LA PKU’s research: In early years, they studied on Feng-shui and vernacular landscapes that stemmed from their understanding and response to local natural and human processes in planning and design practice; In 2006, Kongjian Yu proposed the concept that Landscape Architecture is a discipline concentrating on the art of survival, which has greatly promoted the study and revival of traditional eco-wisdom, not only providing a historical base for the modern development of Landscape Architecture, but also applying the research results in responding to contemporary environmental and ecological problems; In 2014, developed upon the achievement on the art of survival, LA PKU further explored the deep form of China’s traditional landscapes by studying local spatial forms and design strategies on micro- and site-scales and translating such ecological solutions into China’s contemporary landscape design. The paper also reviews on LA PKU’s important research results over the past two decades, including traditional agricultural landscapes, vernacular settlements, and traditional water-adaptive landscapes.  相似文献   

Mount Kumgang, located in the middle of the eastern coastal area of the Korean Peninsula, has been a cultural symbol of this region historically. It stretches across two countries, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) and the Republic of Korea (ROK). The former enjoys two thirds of the total area and rich natural landscape and cultural relics, which is now known as the Mount Kumgang International Tourist Zone. The design responds to the bond of both DPRK and ROK people through design approaches while celebrating the rich natural and cultural resources of Mount Kumgang. By building a tourist zone planning system based on a visual network, the design would improve the sight-seeing system for the both sides of Mount Kumgang and provide references for the local government on the future development of the area. However, when faced with challenges such as the inadequacy of literature, missing data, and difficulties in field survey, the author explored into the Korean culture and studied the blue-and-green-color landscape painting and line drawing techniques from the famous Korean painting Geumgang Jeondo and the “Panorama Map of Diamond Mountain” (1939), combining with computer-generated graphics in the design drawing. Meanwhile, to help audience better read the site and design concepts and strategies, two types of material models were also introduced. Finally, the suitable design strategies and deliberated representation together provide thoughts for the development and construction to Mount Kumgang in the future.  相似文献   

杭州湘湖规划的核心是修复湘湖水域、完善区域生态系统和组织游览休闲系统,通过将水域深入到两侧山体的山谷之中,有选择地保留现状堤,在浅湖中设置岛屿或种植水生植物,维持现状湖底,保护现有植被,最大程度的保留和再利用积极的历史、文化和地域信息,使湘湖具有独特的景观面貌。  相似文献   

袁雁  李阎魁 《工业建筑》2011,41(11):50-53
随着可持续发展的议题在人类生活中占据了越来越重要的地位,未来的工业发展模式也面临新的课题。以襄阳佳海工业园的规划与建筑设计为研究对象,以园区的生态策略和可持续发展为目标,从规划理念、土地利用、绿化景观、交通组织、建筑语言等多方面探讨了生态型园区的设计方法,旨在为建设生态型工业园区提供案例和参考,为促进工业园区与城市生态...  相似文献   

German landscape planning has gathered many experiences and become an outstandingly working system of the nation’s territorial spatial planning. By reviewing its history, values, and legal framework, this paper summarizes the experience of German landscape planning and draws conclusions for its success into four logics: 1) the normative basis for the evaluation and deduction of objectives is transparent and stems primarily from ethical and cultural values; 2) social development needs are considered in the overall spatial planning and local participation processes; 3) planning methods include ways to effective implementation; and 4) the principle of subsidiary and the scale effect of landscape processes are considered. These logics are reflected and guaranteed by the German legislation. With a profound understanding of China’s reality, the authors argue that China needs more efforts to further separate the right to use and the revenues from the ownership of the spatial resources, and build a balancing mechanism for public-private interest negotiation to ensure the fairness of planning; In addition to enriching the evaluation standards and methodological standards for territorial spatial planning, a greater attention should be given to enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of public participation at lower planning levels by establishing respective routines of bottom up initiatives and processes; Within the “Five- Level and Three-Type Framework,” China should introduce cross-level and cross-regional planning coordination mechanism that facilitates the paid supply and compensation mechanism of ecological public goods like ecosystem services.  相似文献   

Most of the pressing challenges in the Anthropocene era are ecological, such as climate change and environmental degradation, all with profound impacts on socio-economics and equity. While ecology and resilience are among the most salient topics in contemporary landscape architecture, their inherent relationship and differences have deep implications on practice. The authors argue that ecology is all-encompassing and has a strong focus on system complexity without biasing or favoring any specific species or parts of the ecosystem. Resilience, when discussed in the context of planning and design, however, embodies a strong human-centric element. Ecocentric vs. anthropocentric perspectives provoke further discussion around an evolving relationship between ecological function and aesthetic forms that have been heavily informed by cultural and societal contexts. By translating environmental policies and social preferences, landscape architects command tremendous power to connect with the primary users of the built environment — the general public. Collaboration and integrated research are required to make significant progress on the complex environmental challenges the world faces today.  相似文献   

On January 21, 2018, the Forum of the Committee of Landscape Architecture, Chinese Society for Urban Studies was held at the College of Architecture and Landscape in Peking University. More than 30 participants from the fields of landscape, ecology, water management, and planning exchanged ideas on the current Beautiful China and Ecological Civilization Construction movements, as well as the development of Landscape Architecture and interdisciplinary and multi-professional collaborations. A consensus on the urgency and necessity of collaborative ecological practices, while an acknowledgement on the difficulties of such work, was reached. Specifically, problems of competitiveness and responsibility remain in the interdisciplinary practice; and the discipline of Landscape Architecture currently fails to identify its strengths. Thus, Landscape Architecture needs to actively promote disciplinary and industrial integration to meet contemporary needs.  相似文献   

地理学类城市规划教学探索,是以交叉学科的教育理论为基础,探求如何在传统优势学科形成特色专业。在教学思想、研究对象、分析方法上,地理学类城市规划教育有着自身的特点。本文以北京大学城市规划专业为例,介绍社会调查课程和规划设计课程中的"地理规划与设计"的教学思路,"时间—主体—客体"的分析路径,以及"数据采集——模拟分析——方案制定——反馈评价"的训练步骤;最后总结出地理学背景的规划课程教学的特点在于:地理基础、理性分析、理解运用。  相似文献   

There is no doubt that science and technology have progressed rapidly in the past decade and it is constantly challenging and refreshing people’s understanding of urban environment, human life, and even human nature itself. Meanwhile, its impact on urban environment planning and design should not be ignored and needs to be addressed promptly. The concept of science and technology is self-renewing and has no universal or authoritative definition. In a narrow sense, new science and technology may cover any new materials, technologies, and data invented or discovered by a human; in a broader sense, it might also study new behaviors, emotions, concepts, and philosophy arisen by new materials, technologies, and data. This article explores both positive and negative impacts of science and technology development on urban environment planning and design from nine aspects: image technology, image-tamed design, designers’ dilemma, virtual reality, personal mobile electronic devices, big data, human physical limits, public spaces, and nature. Instead of trying to provide definite answers to these questions, this article seeks to encourage readers’ to understand and think of these topics through a brief discussion.  相似文献   

At the beginning of this interview, Zhang Dong, partner of Z+T Studio, believes that landscapes of each nation should be closely rooted in its own culture and designing landscapes which praise China’s cultural identity should be a part of Chinese designers’ values and beliefs. Beside of integrating with strategies of sustainability and resilience, landscape design should also combine with environmental education. Zhang summarizes a landscape design process into “two objective aspects and one subjective aspect,” and points out that a designer’s professional knowledge, social values, and aesthetic preferences together influence his / her acquisition of information from sites and the design what and how he / she will make. While recognizing the importance of ecology and public participation to landscape design, he stresses that design essentially is to solve problems in a creative way and landscape designers should not neglect the fundamentality of spatial creation and aesthetics to the profession and the discipline. Finally, he explains the Whole- Process Participation design mode adopted by Z+T Studio, and how it helps improve designers’ capacity in observation and representation.  相似文献   

城市滨水带游憩规划设计-以上海浦东张家浜为例   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
城市滨水区处在陆地与湿地生态系统的边界,其景观生态边界效应明显,如生物群落结构复杂,生境多样等,但同时也是城市游憩休闲空间的重要载体。以上海浦东张家浜滨水游憩带为例,探讨在滨水区物质环境改善的前提下,如何保护其生态功能与滨水区游憩功能的协调、统一,创造系统完整的滨水景观。  相似文献   

本文以南京南站交通综合体为例,从宏观和微观的角度对客站综合体的规划、设计和工程建设方面进行阐述和思考。对如何建设好我国新的历史发展时期的铁路客站综合体,使之在规划设计,功能布局、交通组织方面与城市融为一体,实现交通功能和城市功能的和谐发展,具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

白宁  段德罡 《城市规划》2011,35(12):70-74,90
对城市规划专业的建筑设计教学提出了全新认识与实践方法,将规划设计条件、建筑计划等概念引入建筑设计教学,使学生了解城市规划与建筑设计之间的关系,理解建筑设计的本质。在教学中强调建筑设计不是简单的形式创作与空间组合,而是应从城市要求及建筑本质入手,客观分析设计背景与社会环境,强调建筑的社会属性,认识城市规划对建筑设计的指导作用,引导学生探索设计的实质和根源,自主拟定建筑设计任务书,进而展开建筑设计方案的创作。  相似文献   

空间规划的战略环境评价在我国仍处于起步阶段。本文介绍了国外和国内空间规划战略环评的现状、方法、内容,分析了在国内开展战略环评对空间规划编制的若干重要影响。  相似文献   

通过分析总结当前交通规划设计工作所面临的挑战,提出以交通设计为核心的精细化交通规划与设计技术方法,具体包括总体交通设计和详细交通设计两个阶段,并通过北川、海口、南昌等城市的实践经验,阐述各个阶段工作总体思路和技术方法.  相似文献   

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