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高校仪器设备网络化共享系统中资源的优化配置   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对高校仪器设备网络化共享系统中的仪器设备资源优化配置问题,提出了一种基于排队论的规划方法,利用排队论对共享系统仪器设备资源优化进行建模分析,建立了仪器设备网络化使用的客户排队模型,从用户平均等待时间和等待时间超过t个单位时间概率两个不同角度,分别给出了仪器设备共享优化准则.最后结合某高校仪器设备网络化共享系统中资源规划实例对上述规划方法进行了应用,对其可行性进行了验证.  相似文献   

最近,Lin和Wu提出了一个防欺诈多秘共享方案。在该方案中,他们声称该方案是基于求解大整数分解和离散对数问题是不可行的。本文对Lin-Wu方案进行了分析,指出他们的方案有两个缺点:一.它不能抵抗来自内部参加者的攻击,二.它的安全性只相当于求解离散对数问题。针对该方案中存在的缺点,我们对其进行了改进。改进后的方案不仅可以抵抗来自内部参加者的攻击,而且使它的安全性真正建立在大整数分解和求解离散对数问题的双重困难数学问题上。  相似文献   

Recent developments in heterogeneous identity federation systems have heightened the need for the related trust management system. The trust management system evaluates, manages, and shares users’ trust values. The service provider (SP)members of the federation system rely on users’ trust values to determine which type and quality of service will be provided to the users. While identity federation systems havethe potential to help federated users save time and energy and improve service experience, the benefits also come with significant privacy risks. So far, there has been little discussion about the privacy protection of users in heterogeneous identity federationsystems. In this paper, we propose a trust value sharing scheme based on a proxy ring signature for the trust management system in heterogeneous identity federation topologies. The ring signature schemes can ensure the validity of the data and hide the original signer, thereby protecting privacy. Moreover, no group manager participating in the ring signature, which naturally matches with our decentralized heterogeneous identity federation topologies. The proxy signature can reduce the workload of the private key owner. The proposed scheme shortens the calculation time for verifying the signature and then reduces the overall time consumption in the process of trust sharing. Our studiesprove that the proposed scheme is privacy-preserving, efficient, and effective.  相似文献   

Numerous industries, especially the medical industry, are likely to exhibit significant developments in the future. Ever since the announcement of the precision medicine initiative by the United States in 2015, interest in the field has considerably increased. The techniques of precision medicine are employed to provide optimal treatment and medical services to patients, in addition to the prevention and management of diseases via the collection and analysis of big data related to their individual genetic characteristics, occupation, living environment, and dietary habits. As this involves the accumulation andutilization of sensitive information, such as patient history, DNA, and personal details, its implementation is difficult if the data are inaccurate, exposed, or forged, and there is also a concern for privacy, as massive amount of data are collected; hence, ensuring the security of information is essential. Therefore, it is necessary to develop methods of securely sharing sensitive data for the establishment of a precision medicine system. An authentication and data sharing scheme is presented in this study on the basis of an analysis of sensitive data. The proposed scheme securely shares sensitive data of each entity in the precision medicine system according to its architecture and data flow.  相似文献   

考虑成员企业公平偏好行为,并引入核心企业对成员企业的监督函数,构建双代理人情形下的供应链知识共享激励与监督模型,剖析成员企业公平偏好对供应链知识共享激励与监督效果的影响。研究结果表明:激励与监督机制对知识共享努力水平的提升具有互补性;随着核心企业监督水平的提升,产出激励系数减少,奖惩系数增加;成员企业公平偏好对供应链知识共享激励系数和供应链知识共享奖惩系数并不总是起到积极作用,但可以提升知识共享努力水平。  相似文献   

In the digital era, electronic medical record (EMR) has been a major way for hospitals to store patients’ medical data. The traditional centralized medical system and semi-trusted cloud storage are difficult to achieve dynamic balance between privacy protection and data sharing. The storage capacity of blockchain is limited and single blockchain schemes have poor scalability and low throughput. To address these issues, we propose a secure and efficient medical data storage and sharing scheme based on double blockchain. In our scheme, we encrypt the original EMR and store it in the cloud. The storage blockchain stores the index of the complete EMR, and the shared blockchain stores the index of the shared part of the EMR. Users with different attributes can make requests to different blockchains to share different parts according to their own permissions. Through experiments, it was found that cloud storage combined with blockchain not only solved the problem of limited storage capacity of blockchain, but also greatly reduced the risk of leakage of the original EMR. Content Extraction Signature (CES) combined with the double blockchain technology realized the separation of the privacy part and the shared part of the original EMR. The symmetric encryption technology combined with Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption (CP–ABE) not only ensures the safe storage of data in the cloud, but also achieves the consistency and convenience of data update, avoiding redundant backup of data. Safety analysis and performance analysis verified the feasibility and effectiveness of our scheme.  相似文献   

秘密共享方案是当今密码学研究的热点之一,它在信息安全领域有重要的应用,而关于秘密共享方案的完备性,即无条件安全性的证明则是一件不容易的事情。本文研究了一类特殊的秘密共享方案,提出了它完备性的条件,这一条件验证起来比较简单,易于操作,因而,对秘密共享方案的研究及设计具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

通过翻转操作来构造图像分存方案的新方法.所构造的分存方案将秘密图像以一种无需任何密码学知识的安全方式进行编码,且无需额外地隐藏处理过程就能生成有意义的分存图像.该分存方案没有像素膨胀,且不需要设计码本.秘密黑色像素的重构是完美的,所有的秘密黑色像素都能够被精准地恢复.首先利用翻转操作构造一个有意义的(2,2)方案,继而扩展出一个有意义的(2,n)方案.理论证明和实验结果表明了提出的分存方案正确和有效.  相似文献   

李实萍  崔毅 《工业工程》2014,17(4):47-53
构建了由2个风险规避的航空公司组成的航空联盟网络的决策模型,并利用均值-标准差(mean standard deviation)风险度量准则建立了航空联盟成员的决策目标函数。首先,分析了航空联盟网络在集中决策下的均衡模型。研究发现航空公司的风险规避特性将会降低机票价格,进而减少联盟整体的效用。其次,研究了航空联盟实施收益共享机制下的分散决策模型,研究结果表明收益共享机制不仅可以实现联盟成员个人的效用最大化,同时可以达到联盟整体效用的最大化。研究还发现,实施收益共享机制可以提高航空联盟成员的绩效水平。绩效水平提升的幅度与价格弹性系数、国内与国际航线的运作成本的比值、航空公司的风险规避度及收益共享系数等因素密切相关。此外,通过数值分析研究了不同参数对航空联盟成员实施收益共享机制后提升的绩效水平的影响程度。  相似文献   

本文在分析了地方性LED产业联盟标准化信息共享服务存在的相关问题和需求的基础上,以广东省LED标准化信息服务平台的建设为例,展示了其标准化信包共享服务的新模式。  相似文献   

With the development of online social networks (OSNs) and modern smartphones, sharing photos with friends has become one of the most popular social activities. Since people usually prefer to give others a positive impression, impression management during photo sharing is becoming increasingly important. However, most of the existing privacy-aware solutions have two main drawbacks: ① Users must decide manually whether to share each photo with others or not, in order to build the desired impression; and ② users run a high risk of leaking sensitive relational information in group photos during photo sharing, such as their position as part of a couple, or their sexual identity. In this paper, we propose a social relation impression-management (SRIM) scheme to protect relational privacy and to automatically recommend an appropriate photo-sharing policy to users. To be more specific, we have designed a lightweight face-distance measurement that calculates the distances between users’ faces within group photos by relying on photo metadata and face-detection results. These distances are then transformed into relations using proxemics. Furthermore, we propose a relation impression evaluation algorithm to evaluate and manage relational impressions. We developed a prototype and employed 21 volunteers to verify the functionalities of the SRIM scheme. The evaluation results show the effectiveness and efficiency of our proposed scheme.  相似文献   

丛晓妮  李实萍  崔毅 《工业工程》2014,17(6):103-110
构建由两个航空公司组成的航空联盟网络的决策模型,研究了航空联盟网络的收益共享机制对其绩效的影响。首先,分析了航空联盟网络在集中决策下的均衡模型,研究发现降低运输成本不仅降低机票的价格、增加旅客运输量,还能提升联盟整体的收益。其次,研究了航空联盟网络在收益共享机制下的分散决策模型,结果表明收益共享机制不仅可以实现联盟成员个人的收益最大,同时可以达到联盟网络整体收益的最大化。研究还发现,实施收益共享机制可以提高联盟成员的绩效水平,绩效水平提升的幅度与收益共享系数、航空公司之间的替代关系、国内与国际航线的运作成本的比值等因素密切相关。此外,通过数值分析进一步研究了在收益共享机制下不同参数对联盟成员绩效的影响程度。  相似文献   

Fixed point theory is one of the most important subjects in the setting of metric spaces since fixed point theorems can be used to determine the existence and the uniqueness of solutions of such mathematical problems. It is known that many problems in applied sciences and engineering can be formulated as functional equations. Such equations can be transferred to fixed point theorems in an easy manner. Moreover, we use the fixed point theory to prove the existence and uniqueness of solutions of such integral and differential equations. Let X be a non-empty set. A fixed point for a self-mapping T on X is a point  相似文献   

Standardization is the basis of e-government construction which aims to link organically government affair systems of different departments through standardized method and provide technical guidelines and specifications for collaborative work in all affair aspects. Standardized coordination and optimization can help to guarantee the safety and reliability of e-government construction and promote efficiency. This article discusses the achievements, existing problems and experience of Shandong e-government standardization.  相似文献   

Hardware implementation of artificial synapses/neurons with 2D solid‐state devices is of great significance for nanoscale brain‐like computational systems. Here, 2D MoS2 synaptic/neuronal transistors are fabricated by using poly(vinyl alcohol) as the laterally coupled, proton‐conducting electrolytes. Fundamental synaptic functions, such as an excitatory postsynaptic current, paired‐pulse facilitation, and a dynamic filter for information transmission of biological synapse, are successfully emulated. Most importantly, with multiple input gates and one modulatory gate, spiking‐dependent logic operation/modulation, multiplicative neural coding, and neuronal gain modulation are also experimentally demonstrated. The results indicate that the intriguing 2D MoS2 transistors are also very promising for the next‐generation of nanoscale neuromorphic device applications.  相似文献   

通过建立一种简单的长鞭效应的数量模型,对之进行数量分析,并给出了无信息共享与信息、共享的图示对比,证实了信息共享时的长鞭效应要明显小于无信息共享时的情况。结合企业实际,提出了提高信息共享的程度,进行信息强化的有效对策。  相似文献   

靳文奎  何人可 《包装工程》2018,39(10):146-149
目的探讨在网络社会中,人们知识共享的诱发机理和体验属性。方法提出知识共享体验设计要素,并以分答这一付费语音问答平台为例,从内容属性、运营机制和交互属性3个方面,解析用户的使用体验。结论通过生活形态解释用户知识共享的内容、行为和背后动机,可以让设计师更好地理解参与知识共享的用户,从而构建系统化、动态化、多层次的知识共享构架。  相似文献   

刘念  马士华 《工业工程》2007,10(2):13-17
结合供应链中信息共享的实际特点与信息传递的一般过程,提出信息共享时间价值体现在决策过程与改变流程与流程之间的依赖关系两个方面.论述了信息共享时间价值的概念与形成机理,定性分析了影响该价值大小的相关因素,指出相应的改善途径.结合实例分析了信息共享给某汽车制造商的流人物流带来的时间压缩效应.从有效压缩响应时间的角度,为供应链企业间进行信息共享的必要性以及如何有效共享提供了理论与实例支持.  相似文献   

文章摘要:详细介绍了三台并列运行压缩机的控制策略。一套完善的控制方案能够有效地保护压缩机组的安全和节能降耗。尤其是在多机组串、并联应用时,采用一套完善的、合理的、自控程度高的控制方案时,只要对整个控制目标(主变参数)进行设定,就完全可以达到控制要求,同时减轻工艺操作人员工作强度。  相似文献   

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