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Urban greenways play a key role to a city’s nonautomobile commuting and help alleviate traffic congestion. Currently, China’s greenway planning research and practice focuses mostly on suburban areas where greenways provide ecological, historical, cultural, and recreational services, while fewer studies explore urban greenways that serve citizens’ daily non-automobile commuting and recreational needs. Compared with suburban ones, urban greenways often face more spatial limits in the built-up areas and need to respond to more challenging demands. Supported by multisource data and the rise of big data technologies, this research explores the methods of urban greenway route planning that are underpinned through GIS spatial analyses (potential evaluation on spatial construction conditions of greenways) and big-data-based user behavior analyses (of citizens’ daily use of greenways). Demonstrating the authentic planning case for Haidian District, Beijing, the research proposes a series of construction strategies to urban corridors of roads, waterways, and railways, respectively, which integrate green spaces with non-automobile system, in order to improve the services of linear spaces in cities.  相似文献   

As one of the eight major green wedges within Shanghai’s overall urban planning in the city center, Sanlin Valley Park serves as an important intersection between ecological corridors along the Huangpu River and Shanghai’s outer ring road. During the rapid urbanization process, the city’s ecology has been facing constant deterioration. Furthermore, the city is experiencing an alarming loss of biodiversity, as well as increasingly severe urban heat island effect. To alleviate these issues, the project adopts a “valley” concept as the core of its design and utilizes thoughtful design strategies in five aspects: water management, wind corridors and micro-climates, ecosystem, transportation, and program and experience. With these strategies, the design team aims to improve the site’s connectivity, restore its ecology, reshape habitats, create a resilient landscape, and forge a vibrant urban hub that can also serve as the city’s ecological research base. During the design process, the design team adopts certain principles of landscape practices within the USA — that a project should encourage public participation of all socio-economic levels and place emphasis on the experience and benefits of the public. This form of multi-lateral cooperation allows for the park to constantly have its design plan reviewed and improved. It also allows for iterative responses to issues on the ground during construction. Last but not least, it instigates careful considerations of how to manage the park and its ecosystem, both in terms of cost and feasibility. By adopting all of these principles, the design team aspires to truly accede to citizens’ needs, all while introducing a sustainable ecosystem that would, ultimately, contribute to a much improved ecology and economy.  相似文献   

Urban streets support citizens’ daily commuting and social and recreational activities. Streetscape is also a visual resource and an important part of urban landscape appearance. Serving as an important ecological base and natural components of urban spatial structure, mountains often determine a city’s spatial layout and landscape identity so as to promote mountaincity integration. The study focuses on the historic downtown of Jinan, a typical mountainous city, analyzes the landscape aesthetic visual characteristics of street pedestrian spaces, and measures their landscape visual aesthetic quality by using panoramic images; the research then evaluates the visibility of high-visual-aesthetic-quality urban mountainous landscape to urban streets; finally, based on the overall landscape visual aesthetic quality evaluation results of urban street pedestrian spaces, the paper proposes a series of optimization suggestions of the streets at different levels to improve the harmony with urban mountain landscapes. The study hopes to provide a reference for the creation of mountain–city-integrated urban landscapes, as well as the healthy and sustainable urban development.  相似文献   

With the increase of population in big cities, urban industrial districts are constantly seeking new development to realize the conversion from single-functional to multifunctional systems, to equip the city with diverse public spaces. The Port of Houston operates at the dynamic confluence of industry, transportation, and ecological systems, and has been a major driver of Houston’s economic growth over the last century. However, behind the prosperous economic growth, the port suffers from the isolation with the surrounding communities. Based on the “2045 Port Houston Master Plan,” the Landscape Planning and Design for the Port of Houston project focuses on urban space activation and ecological environment restoration through landscape planning and design methods, while facing the challenges of ecological environment, urban spatial pattern repositioning, and other urban issues. The project is expected to build an economically, socially, and ecologically healthy industrial waterfront zone. Port Houston, beyond its primary function as an economic driver, becomes a more visible and substantial force in urban governance of advancing the region’s activation and resilience.  相似文献   

我国城市空间规划的理论与研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
何子张 《规划师》2006,22(7):87-90
近年来,我国城市空间研究成果非常丰富,但对于成果应用的研究比较薄弱,其不足表现在研究成果多为总结性、描述性和一般性,基础性的理论研究比较缺乏.寻求适宜于中国发展需要的城市空间结构增长模式及其规划调控机制,是将来城市空间研究的重点.应积极探讨新的城市空间规划技术方法,从城市空间设计转向城市空间政策的制定,开展城市空间规划的比较研究,进而建立有中国特色的城市空间规划体系.  相似文献   

装车油气回收技术的应用分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
霍雪艳  沈万军  宋蓓 《城市勘测》2012,22(1):30-33,48
随着城市的蓬勃发展,城中村的改造和管理变得非常重要。而城中村改造的管理与审批涉及规划、土地、环保等多方面空间信息。为了充分、合理利用城市空间信息,为城中村改造的管理与决策提供信息服务,基于GIS的城中村改造日常办公就成为必然趋势。本文以太原市城中村改造为例,研究了基于GIS的城中村改造信息管理系统的设计与实现。  相似文献   

在全球气候变暖和快速城镇化背景下,城郊自然开放空间在被城市空间替代的过程中,城市绿地面积的减少引发了一系列的气候和环境问题。而构建通风廊道可以通过提升城市通风能力有效缓解热岛效应和雾霾现象,近年来已成为各领域的研究热点。作为风景园林师,从改善城市风环境角度出发,在宏观层面的空间规划中考虑通风廊道构建方案,提升城市在发展过程中应对气候变化的能力,为创造健康舒适的人居环境创造有利条件。以长株潭城市群绿心为研究对象,采用WRF模式定量分析典型天气条件下绿心空间布局变化对城市群风场产生的影响,在此基础上分析绿心的自然通风潜力并提出相应的规划策略。研究成果可为充分挖掘城市开放空间的通风性能和城市通风廊道规划提供科学指引。  相似文献   

空间叙事学源自以历史学、文学等社会科学理论为基础的叙事学;在人文科学空间转型之际,被引入城市地理研究中。在此之际,空间叙事理论与行为主义、后现代主义城市地理学思想、方法融合形成,侧重指导城市规划与设计、定性与定量结合的空间叙事方法,并具体应用于城市情感空间、空间政治、景观规划与设计、遗产地规划的研究。这些研究方法还需在研究范式、理论与方法方面改进,以促进未来理论与实践。  相似文献   

Uncertainty exists in the current urban development of contemporary cities and is getting diversified and complicated. Identifying and adapting to such uncertainty is partly defining the future development of urban planning and design. The concept of “resilient city” is developed from the current scientific demands in urban planning and design. This article suggests that Complex Adaptive System as a new system theory would help resilient city planning and construction. According to the Complex Adaptive System theory, a resilient city should possess the adaptability of its components, diversity, autonomy, appropriate redundancy, slow-variable management, and identification, in order to improve the ecological, social, and economic resilience and vitality of the city.  相似文献   

More than 20 years have passed since the launch of the Child Friendly Cities Initiative. However, relevant practices in China are still insufficient and laggard. This article concludes two reasons: 1) children participation in the design process is far insufficient and results in the failure of the expression of core users’ demands; and 2) landscape architects less think of the holism of such children spaces at a city scale with considerations on city’s cultural identity and societal backdrops, and also ignore the influence of such places on children’s development. With these problems in mind, this article proposes that landscape architects can draw inspiration from the Ecological Systems Theory and Public Participation Theory, actively expanding their responsibilities in the establishment of Child Friendly City. Following that, three international case studies, namely Growing Up Boulder Initiative, Play and Informal Recreation Strategy of London, and Green Schoolyard America, are introduced to demonstrate that landscape architects should not just design proposals, but act as coordinators among different parties and leaders of innovative urban space renovation. As the integrator of the urban spatial framework, landscape architects should go beyond the design of individual playgrounds and focus on improving community environment and the spatial pattern of the whole city, in order to protect child rights and to realize integration and improvement of urban spaces.  相似文献   

城市设计与规划体系的整合运作——新加坡实践与借鉴   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
陈晓东 《规划师》2010,26(2):16-21
城市设计与规划体系的结合,使城市环境二维与三维的控制管理相结合、土地使用和形体环境相结合,有利于提高二者的可操作性和实效性。新加坡从编制内容与体系、编制工作方法、城市设计效力、开发控制与协调、运作机构等方面进行城市设计与规划体系的整合运作实践,并在技术途径和制度途径两方面为我国城市设计与规划体系整合运作提供借鉴。  相似文献   

香港九龙尖沙咀东部商业中心城市设计及实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作者从城市涉及的规划道路组织、用地布局结构、空间环境设计及建筑形体设计四个方面来分析香港九龙尖沙咀东部商业中心区的规划设计。尤其在城市空间环境设计中着重分析了其系统化的城市开放空间设计原则和方法。  相似文献   

城市规划教学中的形态与指标   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘晖  梁励韵 《华中建筑》2010,28(10):182-184
该文针对建筑院校城市规划专业本科生"重形态、轻指标"的现状,提出在4年级《城市规划设计》教学中建立3阶段的"形态—指标"关联性训练:首先通过实地调查,建立起对于常见技术经济指标体系的实地感受,学会从空间形态推算出技术经济指标;继而在场地设计和居住小区设计中细化指标对设计的引导,加深对指标含义和计算方法的理解;最后通过城市设计和控制性详细规划的一体化训练,使学生融会贯通,掌握评价和设定指标。通过关联性训练,将学生培养成既会画图,又会算帐的合格规划师。  相似文献   

The historical cities in Southeast Asia with distinct characteristics are an important part of Asia's cultural heritage system and the ancient capitals of Myanmar are as an example of these civilizational achievements. Their urban forms through history are essential spatial carriers reflecting the traditional local planning thinking. However, the overall understanding has yet to form due to a lack of systematic research. This study aims to complement it by studying the urban forms of almost all Myanmar's ancient capitals based on verifiable spatial elements, works of literature, archaeology documents and field survey. The location, boundary and layout elements are analyzed to classify and characterize these urban forms, and their evolution rules are then summarized. Furthermore, the urban planning characteristics are discussed, indicating that the regulated structure and distinctive image gradually formed, accompanied by increasingly mature planning thinking and methods. The study reveals that the urban form and the planning thinking of Myanmar's ancient capital cities had undergone an evolution with its own characteristics and that the “Golden Royal City” is of unique value in the genealogy of Asian capitals. The findings will contribute to the mutual learning between civilizations and provide a scientific foundation for the heritage conservation.  相似文献   

地域性的空间认同以及人情味的 社区建设,一直是老城更新的追求理念之 一,在现阶段大部分城市向着存量规划以及 精细化设计迈进时,这一目标尤为突出。城市 更新中的事件空间理论,以活动为线索,串联 空间组织,可以有效增加更新片区的空间认同 感,但在我国城市更新工作中尚处于起步阶 段。现以重庆白象街旧城更新为例,以理论 和案例结合的分析路径探讨问题,包括城市 更新过程中事件空间理论运用的适应性,如 何挖掘与组织城市多样性的事件活动,以及 如何运用规划手段,激发市民对更新后片区 空间产生认同感,为城市更新和社区发展带 来新的生命力。  相似文献   

街景动态环视旷奥度可为城市街道空间规划设计提供必要的评价依据。以改善城市街道空间感受为目的,研究城市街景视觉环境特征,从街景动态环视感受及反应的途径入手,通过将街景主观感受与街景客观组成相结合的方法,提取并建立城市街景旷奥度的评价标准和评价指标。以上海虹桥商务区为例,通过动态观看全景照片模拟动态环视感应,借助计算机视觉算法、空间模拟等技术和语义分析法收集指标数据并对其进行统计分析,确立街景旷奥主观感受与客观组成之间的量化感应关系,进而对研究区域内的视觉环境开展定量评价,结果显示研究区域内的街景旷奥度分布呈现明显的空间差异。以客观评价指标为判断,提出基于景观视觉评价的街景优化导向,可为城市街道空间规划设计提供参考。  相似文献   

城市老人乡村休闲游为缓解城市养 老压力和提升乡村经济活力,提供了城乡统筹 发展新路径。通过调查具有乡村休闲经历的 杭州老年群体,分析其乡村休闲地实际选择 的基本特征,并构建logistic回归模型探究影 响机制。结果表明:1-2 h交通圈内依托自然 气候或旅游资源的中低端乡村是城市老人乡 村休闲游的主流选择。个人及行为特征均在 一定程度上对其选择产生影响,其中,身体健 康和亲友相伴对老人长距离乡村休闲起到推 动作用;年龄、经济条件和文化程度与其乡村 消费档次选择密切相关;乡村资源类型选择 受到老人个人和行为特征上的多方面影响。 最后就乡村休闲地规划建设提出建议。  相似文献   

城市空间组织是城市中各种人类活动和功能组织在地域空间上的投影,是城市发展程度、阶段与过程的空间反映,因而成为城市科学各分支学科研究的重要内容之一。着重回顾了城市地理学和城市规划学对城市空间组织的研究历程及其理论成果,并根据当前社会经济和城市发展的新特点,对未来的研究方向和研究重点进行展望。  相似文献   

论述了我国城市文化发展与城市规划的关系。城市文化是以城市空间为载体的文化,城市规划是城市文化发展的智慧结晶。分析了城市规划中的城市文化发展内容:一是历史文化遗产的保护和利用。二是城市空间要素组合的文化表达。三是城市景观风貌和个性特色。四是城市发展建设的思想文化理念。五是城市公共文化事业的发展。指出发展城市文化是城市规划的使命,期待通过城市规划为城市文化的发展繁荣给力,开创城市文化复兴的生动局面。  相似文献   

刘泉 《国际城市规划》2020,(1):79-87,95
TOD地区规划设计的基本布局模式主要包括基于小尺度街廓的方格网模式和环形放射模式,均能从TOD概念诞生以前的轨道站点地区规划发展历史中梳理出演变脉络。1990年代,卡尔索普提出的美国式TOD理念在规划中延续了上述两种基本的布局模式;此外,新加坡发展出了基于大街廓的轨道站点地区规划布局模式。这三种模式对我国的TOD规划实践均产生了影响。本文以布局形式和街廓尺度为重点,结合国外案例及国内实践,对TOD地区的规划布局模式的形态演变进行解读,将三种模式整理为六种主要的布局形态,并总结布局模式的规划设计重点。首先,坚持采用小尺度街廓模式进行TOD规划设计;其次,重视方格网模式的基础作用;再次,突出TOD地区的空间可识别性,在中心地区和重要站点地区,采用环形放射布局依然是一种值得考虑的选项;最后,大街廓模式在现实中普遍存在,因而需要重视这一模式带来的问题。  相似文献   

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