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Distributions of electromagnetic fields and induced forced flow inside a metal melt are crucial to understand the grain refinement of the metal driven by pulsed magneto-oscillation (PMO). In the present study, PMO-induced electromagnetic fields and forced flow in Ga-20wt%In-12wt%Sn liquid metal have been systematically investigated by performing numerical simulations and corresponding experimental measurements. The numerical simulations have been confirmed by magnetic and melt flow measurements. According to the simulated distribution of electromagnetic fields under the application of PMO, the strongest magnetic field, electric eddy current and Lorentz force with inward radial direction inside the melt are concentrated adjacent the sidewall of cylindrical melt at the cross section of middle height of coil. As a result, a global forced flow throughout the whole cylindrical column filled with Ga-20wt%In-12wt%Sn melt is initiated with a flow structure of two pair of symmetric vortex ring. The PMO-induced electromagnetic fields and forced flow in Al-7wt%Si melt have been numerically simulated. The contribution of electromagnetic fields and forced flow to the grain refinement of Al-7wt%Si alloy under the application of PMO is discussed. It indicates that the forced flow may play a key role in the grain size reduction.  相似文献   

The influence of temperature conditions on the grain refinement of pure Cu solidified with low-voltage pulsed magnetic field (LVPMF) was investigated. With the pouring temperature (Tp) and mould temperature (Tm) increasing, the solidified microstructure of pure Cu was gradually changed from fine equiaxed grains to coarse columnar grains and then to the mixed structure of coarse equiaxed grains and columnar grains. Little change was observed from the microstructure of pure Cu solidified with and without LVPMF for the low Tp and Tm. But for the high Tp and Tm, applying LVPFM remarkably reduced the coarse columnar grains and obtained fine equiaxed grains. The grain refinement by LVPFM is considered to be caused by the electromagnetic flow. The smaller cooling rate resulted by higher Tp and Tm offers much acting time for LVPMF and thus better grain refinement can be achieved.  相似文献   

刘明  张海波  黄金 《机床与液压》2022,50(14):34-39
针对磁流变液传动装置转矩偏小和温度升高磁流变液性能下降的问题,提出一种磁流变液和电磁摩擦联合传动装置,并介绍其工作原理。利用Maxwell软件对装置进行磁场有限元分析,得到线圈在不同位置时磁流变液工作区域内的磁场强度和磁感应强度;基于圆筒式磁流变液传动装置转矩公式和电磁吸力公式,计算出磁流变液传递的转矩和电磁摩擦转矩。结果表明:随线圈分布位置距离摩擦盘越近,装置传递的转矩越大;当线圈分布在主动轴两端最外侧且距摩擦盘0 mm时,电磁摩擦转矩达到最大值96.86 N·m,同时磁流变液传递转矩也达到最大值36.60 N·m,总传动转矩为130.25N·m;相较于单一的磁流变液传动,电磁摩擦与磁流变联合传动装置传递转矩性能提升255%。  相似文献   

椭圆线圈在平板电磁成形中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电磁成形过程中工作线圈的形状及尺寸直接影响到工作的受力并对变形结果起关键性的作用。本文通过理论推导、数值计算得出应用椭圆线圈进行成形,工件所受的磁场力的分布规律,并用实验进行了验证;通过与圆形线圈成形工件的比较,得出椭圆线圈的适用情况。  相似文献   

研究了保温电磁搅拌和间断性电磁搅拌对ZA27合金组织的影响,在保温凝固过程中进行电磁搅拌时,晶粒细化效果更明显。保湿搅拌温度存在搅拌效果最理想的临界值Tc。间断性电磁搅拌使得枝晶显著粒化,晶粒分布更加均匀。  相似文献   

刘芳  张璐云 《铸造》2012,61(3):285-290
脉冲磁致振荡可以细化金属晶粒,为了研究其作用机理,采用ANSYS有限元模拟软件对脉冲磁致振荡下纯铝凝固磁场与流场分布进行了数值模拟.模拟结果显示,由于电磁趋肤效应,线圈中脉冲电流只在熔体表面感应产生电磁力,且随时间出现指向内部的压力与指向外部的拉力交替变化,沿径向有指向熔体顶部与底部交替变化.交变电磁力可以振荡熔体表面率先析出的晶核而使之游离,增大熔体形核率.同时感应电磁力迫使熔体产生流动,会利于晶核的均匀分布与温度场、浓度场的均匀化.  相似文献   

阎光明  赵志龙  陈建林  刘林 《铸造技术》2006,27(10):1111-1114
研究了在PRO/E和ANSYS软件环境下对复杂铸造系统进行联合建模的方法,采用PRO/E构建K4169高温合金壳体铸件,导入ANSYS软件构建铸造系统并对其凝固过程中的温度场进行模拟,得到铸件各点温度随时间的变化规律及其温度场的分布特征。根据铸件中各特征点的冷却曲线,采用非连续形核模型获得晶粒组织特征值,基于元胞自动机的方法实现镍基高温合金铸件关键部位凝固组织演变过程的可视化仿真。模拟结果与实测晶粒组织符合较好。  相似文献   

Metallurgical effect of electromagnetic brake (EMBR) could be influenced by many factors. A three-dimensional finite-volume mathematical model of region electromagnetic brake process has been built based on the theory of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and magneto-hydrodynamics (MHD). Three-dimensional numerical simulation is studied by using the commercial software. The results from numerical simulation show that flow field in the mold can be effectively controlled by electromagnetic brake; electromagnetic force is the motive power of braking, the effects of EMBR is associated directly with the intensity magnitude of magnetic field, the reciprocal position between magnetic field and acting region and casting speed, etc.  相似文献   

电磁搅拌对液态金属运动及凝固组织的影响   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:9  
旋转型电磁搅拌在钢的连续铸造、铸件成形与凝固、半固态浆料制备、液态金属电磁净化等工艺过程中的应用受到了材料工作者的高度重视,并不断地取得了电磁搅拌应用技术开发与理论研究的成果.分析了旋转型电磁搅拌作用下液态金属运动特点及电磁力计算,建立了液态金属旋转运动的数学模型,并得到周向速度分布的表达式,研究了旋转型电磁搅拌对连铸坯凝固组织的影响,为在旋转型电磁搅拌应用中工艺参数的优化提供了依据.  相似文献   

利用自制的电磁搅拌装置和淬火技术,研究了励磁电压和搅拌时间对镁合金AZ91D凝固组织的影响。结果表明:增加励磁电压和延长搅拌时间均有利于花瓣状和团块状的初生α—Mg相形成。电磁搅拌极大地改变了熔体中的传热和传质过程,影响了晶体的形核和生长,从而决定了凝固组织。  相似文献   

通过试验研究了电磁搅拌对高温合金GH3030铸坯的凝固组织及凝固过程中溶质分布的影响。GH3030合金的凝固微观组织为单相奥氏体,电磁搅拌可以打碎枝晶、促进形核,明显细化其晶粒,得到组织致密,晶粒细小的凝固组织。没有电磁搅拌的情况下,铸坯的宏观偏析和微观偏析都比较严重。通过施加电磁搅拌,熔体的流动使得熔体内的传热得到改善,凝固前沿温度梯度变小,同时促进溶质富集区液体与熔体其他部分的混合,从而减轻了Cr元素在铸坯中的宏观偏析和微观偏析,使Cr元素分布的更加均匀,铸坯质量得到提高。  相似文献   

电磁成形是一种先进的材料成形加工技术,应用该技术不仅可以实现金属的无坩埚熔化,而且还可以达到无铸型成形的效果,避免了材料在冶炼和成形中的污染,介绍一台自行研制的多功能电磁成形定向凝固设备,该设备不仅可以实现电磁成形定向凝固功能,而且还可以实现HRS法、LMC法和ZMLMC法等定向凝固工艺,超宽的调速范围、稳定的运动性能以及高的真空度和温度梯度使该设备能够完成许多前沿性的科学研究工作。  相似文献   

Ali Sophian  田贵云  Steve Dixon 《无损检测》2007,29(8):443-446,468
在许多情况下,只应用一种NDT技术存在不足,这就迫使NDT操作人员使用一种以上的技术以保证检测出危害被检物使用寿命或功能的缺陷。但分别实施多种技术的检测,就会延长检验时间。介绍了一种新的NDT设施,采用两种不同的非接触无损检测技术进行互补,即电磁声换能器(EMAT)和脉冲涡流(PEC)探头。检测结果表明,脉冲涡流和电磁声换能器因是非接触,所以可应用于材料生产过程中的自动在线检验,也可用于在役检验。  相似文献   

The effect of the pulsed magnetic field on the grain refinement of superalloy K4169 has been studied in directional solidification. In the presence of the solid-liquid interface condition, the distributions of the electromagnetic force, flow field, temperature field, and Joule heat in front of the solid-liquid interface in directional solidification with the pulsed magnetic field are simulated. The calculation results show that the largest electromagnetic force in the melt appears near the solid-liquid interface, and the electromagnetic force is distributed in a gradient. There are intensive electromagnetic vibrations in front of the solid-liquid interface. The forced melt convection is mainly concentrated in front of the solid-liquid interface, accompanied by a larger flow velocity. The simulation results indicate that the grain refinement is attributed to that the electromagnetic vibration and forced convection increase the nucleation rate and the probability of dendrite fragments survival, for making dendrite easily fragmented, homogenizing the melt temperature, and increasing the undercooling in front of the solid-liquid interface.  相似文献   

强脉冲磁场对LY12铝合金组织结构的影响   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:5  
研究了强脉冲磁场对LY12铝合金凝固组织及微观结构的影响,试验表明:在强脉冲磁场作用下,LY12铝合金的凝固组织发生了显著变化,脉冲磁场处理使晶粒明显得到细化,另外,在磁场中凝固的试样与未经磁场处理的试样相比,X-射线衍射谱中的(111)、(200)、(311)以及(222)晶面的衍射蜂得到显著增加。  相似文献   

研究了60Si2Mn弹簧钢半固态电磁搅拌工艺和凝固过程,分析电磁搅拌对60Si2Mn弹簧钢凝固组织的影响规律。结果表明:电磁搅拌可以消除60Si2Mn弹簧钢的凝固组织中发达的柱状枝晶层,随着电磁搅拌的功率的增加,60Si2Mn弹簧钢凝固组织从枝晶或短枝晶向等轴晶转变,随着搅拌时间增加,60Si2Mn弹簧钢凝固组织更为圆整。制备合格的60Si2Mn弹簧钢半固态流变浆料的工艺参数:搅拌功率应不低于8.5 kW,搅拌时间应不少于5 min,连续搅拌终止温度应不高于1 460℃。理论分析认为:在60Si2Mn弹簧钢凝固过程中进行电磁搅拌,引起熔体的强烈流动,使液相区的温度场和溶质含量趋于均匀,晶核数量增加,并减慢了奥氏体的一次臂生长速度,最后发展成细小的等轴晶的凝固组织。  相似文献   

针对液态下化学性质相对活泼的钛合金,采用冷坩埚技术对电磁约束铸造工艺过程进行了试验研究,考察了工艺条件对成形坯件表面质量和内部组织的影响.结果表明:试样抽拉速度变化对表面质量和宏观组织的影响明显,加热功率虽然对组织变化影响不大,但对表面质量影响较为显著.通过优化工艺,可以获得既有较光滑铸造表面又具有一次定向凝固组织的钛合金铸件.讨论了铸造过程裂纹和组织缺陷的形成机理,获得到了表面光滑无裂纹,宏观组织为柱状晶的钛合金大尺寸圆坯.  相似文献   

Numerical and experimental studies on transport phenomena during solidification of an aluminum alloy in the presence of linear electromagnetic stirring are performed. The alloy is electromagnetically stirred to produce semisolid slurry in a cylindrical graphite mould placed in the annulus of a linear electromagnetic stirrer. The mould is cooled at the bottom, such that solidification progresses from the bottom to the top of the cylindrical mould. A numerical model is developed for simulating the transport phenomena associated with the solidification process using a set of single-phase governing equations of mass, momentum, energy, and species conservation. The viscosity variation of the slurry, used in the model, is determined experimentally using a rotary viscometer. The set of governing equations is solved using a pressure-based finite volume technique, along with an enthalpy based phase change algorithm. The numerical study involves prediction of temperature, velocity, species and solid fraction distribution in the mould. Corresponding solidification experiments are performed, with time–temperature history recorded at key locations. The microstructures at various temperature measurement locations in the solidified billet are analyzed. The numerical predictions of temperature variations are in good agreement with experiments, and the predicted flow field evolution correlates well with the microstructures observed at various locations.  相似文献   

在自行研制的多功能冷坩埚电磁约束定向凝固装置上进行了钛合金扁形锭的冷坩埚连续成形试验,考察了工艺参数变化对所成形钛合金锭成形性的影响.结果表明增大感应线圈匝数和增加加热功率可提高铸锭表面质量,但是提高抽拉速度和降低底料与线圈之间的相对位置会降低表面质量.在所研究的参数中,对铸锭表面质量影响的主次因素依次为感应线圈的匝数、加热功率、抽拉速度、底料相对线圈位置.在讨论这些参数的作用原理基础上,提出了可获得良好表面质量的工艺参数,获得了截面为矩形、表面光滑、无裂纹缺陷的钛合金矩形锭.  相似文献   

采用有限元方法,对重轨钢大方坯连铸机的凝固过程温度场分布情况、坯壳生长规律和凝固率进行了模拟,根据凝固末端电磁搅拌对凝固率的要求,为重轨钢大方坯连铸机的凝固末端电磁位置和相应的连铸工艺参数的确定提供理论依据和技术指导。通过射钉实验的方法,验证了模型的正确性。  相似文献   

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