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新媒体具有传统媒体所不具备的即时性、交互性等优势,代表了新兴技术发展的方向。文章结合计算机这一具体学科,从新媒体的特征、传统计算机课程讲授的不足以及新媒体背景下计算机课程授课方式的变革等方面对相关内容进行了论述,探讨了新媒体背景下计算机授课方式的创新思路。  相似文献   

On the time complexity of computer viruses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Computer viruses can disable computer systems not only by destroying data or modifying a system's configuration, but also by consuming most of the computing resources such as CPU time and storage. The latter effects are related to the computational complexity of computer viruses. In this correspondence, we investigate some issues concerning the time complexity of computer viruses, and prove some known experimental results mathematically. We prove that there exist computer viruses with arbitrarily long running time, not only in the infecting procedure but in the executing procedure. Moreover, we prove that there are computer viruses with arbitrarily large time complexity in the detecting procedure, and there are undecidable computer viruses that have no "minimal" detecting procedure.  相似文献   

生产力、科技因计算机技术的发展而得以快速发展,人们的生产工作、生活也因此更为高效、便捷,但破坏性日益严重且层出不穷的病毒却为计算机系统带来诸多威胁以及破坏,人们需对此予以关注,需通过各种措施的运用,与之开展斗争,进而取得斗争的最终胜利。文章从计算机病毒的定义入手,分析了计算机病毒的特性、主要传播途径,并列举了计算机感染病毒后的主要症状,最后提出了一些计算机病毒的防护对策。  相似文献   

根据研究性学习特点,探讨构建基于学科知识系统性和基于网络开放性的大学计算机基础研究性网络课程和构建网络环境下的研究性学习教学模式,使学生在获得系统学科知识的同时,培养和发展学生自身的科学素质和实践能力和创新精神。  相似文献   

《Spectrum, IEEE》2001,38(11):56-60
As in controlling the spread of real diseases, the key to effective defenses against computer viruses is to understand the cause and mechanism of infection, not to focus on the symptoms. A computer virus that erases a user's files may seem very different from one that merely prints out the occasional annoying message, but chances are, they both got into the system in a similar fashion. Malicious software falls, by and large, into three classes: Trojans, viruses, and worms. The way in which these viruses work is explained, as are methods to counteract them  相似文献   

流量疏导对于提高波分复用网络的利用率具有重要的意义.文章基于层叠模型的IP over WDM网络结构,研究了动态组播业务疏导问题,给出了两种动态组播业务疏导方法.仿真结果显示,在IP层和光层都计算最短路径来选取最短路径组建组播树的算法能够获得更低的阻塞率.  相似文献   

低频脉冲磁场是一种常见电磁干扰源,可以在雷电放电、地面核爆炸及生产生活等多种活动中产生,具有低频、低阻和时变等多重特性,可通过直接穿透和磁电感应作用于计算机系统上,对其产生干扰或毁伤.为确定低频脉冲磁场对计算机系统的效应规律,文章利用螺线管脉冲磁场模拟装置,开展了低频脉冲磁场作用下联想品牌计算机(包括2款台式机和一款笔记本)效应的试验研究,得到了扰乱阈值和效应规律,分析了磁场特征参数与效应现象的关系,并与相关研究成果进行了对比.其中脉冲磁场上升时间在数μs至数百μs之间,磁感应强度最大约70 mT.研究结果符合理论预期,并与现有成果逻辑关系一致,可为计算机系统及相近设备的低频脉冲磁场防护提供参考和依据.  相似文献   

随着我国相关科学技术的持续进步发展以及人民生活水平的提升,广播、电视、报纸等各种传统媒体也在逐渐地没落,而现阶段所出现的以计算机和网络技术作为主要载体的新媒体逐渐兴起,导致传媒行业受到了一定程度的冲击。另外,受到计算机技术影响的传媒行业也在逐渐地进行变革,文章就目前新媒体时代背景之下计算机技术在我国传媒行业当中的实际应用进行深入分析,就计算机技术的覆盖广、快捷、高效等方面的优点,对其应用进行剖析,从而推动我国传媒行业的不断进步和发展。  相似文献   

计算机应用技术人才的职业素养培养存在着学生职业素养发展不足、学校对于职业素养的内涵和结构界定不清、教师重视程度低、校企合作缺乏长效机制等问题,严重阻碍了学生职业素养的形成。文章通过文献综述和问卷调查分析,提出了计算机应用技术专业的职业素养内涵和结构,并提出职业素养培养的3个途径:公共教育课程打牢职业素养根基;通过专业宣讲和学徒企业体验进一步形成职业意识;通过师傅带徒弟的企业实践和顶岗实习,不断提升学生的职业能力。  相似文献   

现代信息技术的不断发展,大大转变了教育教学方式。数学学科作为高校基础教育课程,在培养学生综合素质方面起到重要的作用。文章首先从多媒体技术和网络技术应用与数学教学的特点入手;然后以两个实例作为具体案例,就多媒体技术和网络技术给高校数学教学中的应用进行阐述;最后就应用中需要注意的问题进行分析。由此通过计算机技术的应用,将原本抽象化的数学知识转化为更加生活化的方式,最终提高高职数学学习效率和教学质量。  相似文献   

An analogue computer simultaneously using Hall effect and magnetoresistance effect is described. The different states of operation of the computer and the performed mathematical operations are tabulated. The characteristics of the device are presented.  相似文献   

The turn-on delay statistics of laser diodes with optical feedback are investigated by numerical modeling. Under pseudorandom modulation the optical feedback causes an increase in the average turn-on delay and multiplies and jitter considerably. The jitter increase due to optical feedback is largest at highest bias currents. Optical feedback from an external reflectivity of greater than 0.1% can destroy the pattern effects which occur for some operating conditions  相似文献   

Some years before electronic mail and Web-based hypertext became important features of professional communication, Robert Pirsig observed that information has always had higher value if it was organized in small chunks that could be accessed and sequenced at random. The paper discusses dynamic and static communication in electronic media  相似文献   

The stability of the stationary state and periodic oscillations of the radiation intensity of the dual-wavelength vertical external cavity surface-emitting laser is analyzed. It is demonstrated that the stationary state is always stable for the laser with independent active areas that contain quantum dots of different depths. A map of dynamic regimes with the values of parameters that correspond to the cw lasing, periodic oscillations of intensity, and complicated dynamics (quasi-periodic or chaotic regimes) is constructed for the laser with coupled active areas. The dynamics of the laser radiation in the quasi-periodic regime is numerically simulated. It is demonstrated that relatively slow variations in the amplitude with characteristic times of several or several tens of microseconds are typical of the short laser pulses that are formed at time intervals of tens of picoseconds. The period of the pulse train is approximately equal to the round-trip time of the external laser cavity.  相似文献   

Experimentally observed phenomenon of the origination of the mode of negative differential resistance and switching in a tunnel diode under the effect of external microwave signal is theoretically interpreted. The reasons for the existence of the ranges of bias voltages applied to the diode and the power levels of microwave signal for which the phenomenon is observed are clarified.  相似文献   

The model-matching problem for systems described by external models is considered in frameworks of both external and input-output equivalence. Necessary conditions for the solvability of the problem are produced, and it is shown that in certain cases these conditions are also sufficient. In the case where necessary and sufficient conditions exist, the solutions of the problem are obtained in a constructive way and a parametrization of solutions is given.  相似文献   

管理研究目前我们所使用的计算机是一个相当复杂的电子系统,是一个含有多种元器件和许多分系统的数字系统,外来的电磁辐射、内部元件之间、分系统之间、各传送通道间的相互串扰对计算机及其数据信息所产生的干扰与破坏,严重地威胁着计算机工作的稳定性、可靠性和安全性。据国外研究机构最新统计表明,干扰引起的计算机事故占总事故的80%以上,同时计算机本身作为高速运行的电子设备,不可避免地向外辐射电磁波,产生电磁干扰,对环境及环境中的人体、其它设备产生有害干扰或损伤,因此研究计算机与电磁环境的兼容性是电磁兼容领域里的重…  相似文献   

信息时代的到来极大促进了社会经济的发展,同时也使得人类社会的生产和生活方式发生巨大的变化,其具有代表性的计算机网络技术在人类社会发展历程中更是留下了浓墨重彩的一笔。现阶段,人类对该技术的运用水平已经相对成熟,同时也成了人类社会产业升级和发展中的重要环节。据此,文章对计算机网络技术发展模式进行了深层次的探究,从技术发源为切入点分析了当下的现状以及未来的发展走向,希望可以对社会进步和技术掌握提供相应的帮助。  相似文献   

刘飒 《电子测试》2016,(5):90+44
计算机软件的中枢系统就是计算机语言,,要实现软件的基本功能,必须要通过逻辑指令将不同的逻辑语言进行编译。计算机的软件技术是以计算机语言为基础的。它通过对不用领域进行所谓分析制定的逻辑技术开发流程计算机软件的应用,大大的扩展了计算机的应用领域,进一步的形成了相互辅助的结合式技术,并且通过对计算机语言的逻辑开发进行分析,从而向前推进一步分析软件的开发和设计应用。  相似文献   

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