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Overtraining in endurance athletes: a brief review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Overtraining is an imbalance between training and recovery, exercise and exercise capacity, stress and stress tolerance. Stress is the sum of training and nontraining stress factors. Peripheral (short-term overtraining, STO) or peripheral and central fatigue may result (long-term overtraining, LTO). STO lasting a few days up to 2 wk is termed overreaching. STO is associated with fatigue, reduction, or stagnation of the 4 LT performance capacity (performance at 4 mmol lactate or comparable criterion), reduction of maximum performance capacity, and brief competitive incompetence. Recovery is achieved within days, so the prognosis is favorable. LTO lasting weeks or months causes overtraining syndrome or staleness. The symptomatology associated with overtraining syndrome has changed over the last 50 yr from excitation and restlessness (so-called sympathetic form) to phlegmatic behavior and inhibition (so-called parasympathetic form). Increased volume of training at a high-intensity level is likely the culprit. The parasympathetic form of overtraining syndrome dominates in endurance sports. Accumulation of exercise and nonexercise fatigue, stagnation, or reduction of the 4 LT performance capacity, reduction in maximum performance capacity, mood state disturbances, muscle soreness/stiffness, and long-term competitive incompetence can be expected. Complete recovery requires weeks and months, so the prognosis is unfavorable. Other optional or further confirmation requiring findings include changes in blood chemistry variables, hormone levels, and nocturnal urinary catecholamine excretion. Based on the findings reported, recommendations for training monitoring can be made, but their relevance in the practice must still be clarified.  相似文献   

Cardiac transplantation is associated with increased prevalence of vertebral fractures, but the natural history of and risk factors for fracture after this life-saving procedure are unclear. We evaluated 47 patients (34 men and 13 postmenopausal women) before transplantation with spinal radiographs, determination of bone density by dual energy x-ray absorptiometry, and measurement of biochemical indexes of mineral metabolism. During the first year after transplantation, incident fractures were documented radiographically. Associations among demographic characteristics, bone density, biochemistries, and fracture risk were evaluated with logistic regression analysis. Despite supplementation with elemental calcium (1000 mg/day) and vitamin D (400 IU/day), 17 patients (7 women and 10 men) sustained a total of 34 fractures. Most fractures involved the spine, and 85% of the patients who experienced fracture did so within 6 months of transplantation. Fifty-four percent of the women and 29% of the men experienced fracture. Femoral neck bone mineral density was significantly lower in women who experienced fracture than in those who did not (0.604 +/- 0.11 vs. 0.760 +/- 0.12 g/cm2; P < 0.04), but did not differ in men according to fracture outcome. The amount of bone loss at the femoral neck by 6 months after transplantation was significantly greater in men with fracture than in men without fracture (12.0 +/- 6.4% vs. 6.8 +/- 5.3%; P < 0.04), but did not differ in women according to fracture outcome. Pretransplant 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D levels were significantly lower (25 +/- 9 vs. 39 +/- 17 pg/mL; P < 0.007) and intact PTH levels tended to be higher in men who did not experience fracture (37 +/- 15 vs. 69 +/- 46 pg/mL; P < 0.06). Individual pretransplant bone density measurements demonstrated substantial overlap between patients who did and did not experience fracture, and normal bone density did not necessarily protect against fracture after transplantation. We conclude that fractures are a common and early complication of cardiac transplantation. No pretransplant measurement has yet been identified that reliably predicts fracture after transplantation in the individual patient.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether long-term very vigorous endurance training prevents hypertension. DESIGN: Cohort study of master orienteering runners and controls. SETTING: Finland. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: In 1995, a health questionnaire was completed by 264 male orienteering runners (response rate 90.4%) who had been top-ranked in competitions among men aged 35-59 years in 1984, and by 388 similarly aged male controls (response rate 87.1%) who were healthy at the age of 20 years and free of overt ischemic heart disease in 1985. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Self-report of medication for hypertension. RESULTS: In the endurance athlete group, the crude prevalence (8.7%) of subjects who had used medication for hypertension was less than a third of that in the control group (27.8%). Even after adjusting for age and body mass index, the difference between the groups was still significant (odds ratio for athletes 0.43, 95% confidence interval 0.25-0.76). CONCLUSIONS: Long-term vigorous endurance training is associated with a low prevalence of hypertension. Some of the effect can be explained by a lower body mass, but exercise seems to induce a lower rate of hypertension by other mechanisms than by decreasing body weight  相似文献   

Elevated concentrations of lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] have been shown to be an independent risk factor for atherosclerotic disease. Physical activity and physical fitness have been shown to improve lipoprotein metabolism and reduce the risk of coronary artery disease. Studies on the influence of physical activity and physical fitness on Lp(a) levels including a large number of endurance as well as power athletes have not been performed before. Therefore, we determined parameters of physical fitness (maximal oxygen consumption), physical activity, and lipoproteins in 105 endurance athletes, 57 power athletes, and 87 sedentary young men. As expected, we found that endurance athletes with a good physical fitness had significantly higher concentrations of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol than power athletes and sedentary controls. Regarding mean Lp(a) levels (rocket immunoelectrophoresis), however, there were no significant differences between endurance athletes, power athletes, and sedentary controls. Even when including only those with Lp(a) values > 10 mg.dl-1, no differences were observed between the groups. These findings indicate that intensive training over years and good aerobic fitness improve the ratio of low-density lipoprotein to high-density lipoprotein cholesterol but have no or only minor effects on Lp(a) concentrations.  相似文献   

In this observational study, multiplanar three-dimensional ultrasound images were reconstructed from tomographic views obtained by scanning seven cadavaric fetal hearts with various congenital heart defects. Comparisons were made with multiplanar three-dimensional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the hearts. Good-quality echocardiographic images were obtained in all but one of the fetal hearts. Multiplanar as well as three-dimensional reconstructions were possible and allowed accurate assessment of complex cardiac defects. Overall, the MRI projections had better image quality and revealed more structural details than the sonographic views, although both imaging modes showed the same cardiac anatomical abnormalities. Our initial results demonstrate that simultaneous multiplanar display of cross-sectional echocardiographic views can be performed to provide three-dimensional images of the fetal heart, demonstrating structural cardiac malformation. However, the clinical application of three-dimensional fetal echocardiography is at present limited by the time required for image data acquisition and the need for accurate temporal and positional gating in the living fetus.  相似文献   

The prediction that high stimulation seeking 3-yr-olds would have higher IQs by 11 yrs old was tested in 1,795 children on whom behavioral measures of stimulation seeking were taken at 3 yrs, together with cognitive ability at 11 yrs. High 3-yr-old stimulation seekers scored 12 points higher on total IQ at age 11 compared with low stimulation seekers and also had superior scholastic and reading ability. Results replicated across independent samples and were found for all gender and ethnic groups. Effect sizes for the relationship between age 3 stimulation seeking and age 11 IQ ranged from 0.52 to 0.87. Findings appear to be the first to show a prospective link between stimulation seeking and intelligence. It is hypothesized that young stimulation seekers create for themselves an enriched environment that stimulates cognitive development. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This paper reports the findings of a prospective longitudinal study of 272 nulliparous pregnant women, which investigated as one of its objectives the psychological sequelae of obstetric procedures. METHOD: Participants completed structured interviews and standardised, published psychometric questionnaires, including the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale and the Profile of Mood States late in pregnancy and again early in the postpartum period. RESULTS: Little evidence was found to support the notion that the total number of obstetric interventions was linked to a deterioration in postpartum mood. Significant adverse psychological effects were associated with the mode of delivery. Those women who had spontaneous vaginal deliveries were most likely to experience a marked improvement in mood and an elevation in self-esteem across the late pregnancy to early postpartum interval. In contrast, women who had Caesarean deliveries were significantly more likely to experience a deterioration in mood and a diminution in self-esteem. The group who experienced instrumental intervention in vaginal deliveries fell midway between the other two groups, reporting neither an improvement nor a deterioration in mood and self-esteem. CONCLUSIONS: The findings of this study suggest that operative intervention in first childbirth carries significant psychological risks rendering those who experience these procedures vulnerable to a grief reaction or to posttraumatic distress and depression.  相似文献   

To explore the role of psychosocial factors in the development and persistence of idiopathic musculoskeletal pain (IMP) in children, 23 children with IMP and 52 children with juvenile chronic arthritis (JCA) were compared at first admission to hospital and at 9 y follow-up. Semistructured interviews were performed at both assessments. At first admission, the prevalence of psychiatric diagnoses was high both in patients with IMP and patients with JCA, but patients with IMP more often had pain models, reported more school stress and more often lived with one biological parent. At follow-up, overall psychosocial functioning and level of chronic family difficulties were improved in both groups, but patients with IMP had a higher prevalence of psychiatric diagnoses and more chronic family difficulties and life events than patients with JCA. The persistence of IMP at follow-up was related to pain models, school stress, less parental education and more chronic family difficulties at first admission. Findings support the association between psychosocial factors and childhood IMP.  相似文献   

This article reports on the development and long-term evaluation of a marital distress prevention program for German couples, the Ein Partnerschaftliches Lernprogramm (EPL, A Couple's Learning Program). The EPL is a 6-session program designed to teach couples effective communication and problem-solving skills. In the current article, the EPL is evaluated in a prospective, quasi-experimental, controlled trial. The results of the 3-year follow-up are reported, contrasting 55 EPL couples with a control group of 17 couples. Significant differences emerged with regard to the couples' dissolution rates, relationship satisfaction, and positive and negative communication behavior favoring the EPL couples. These results demonstrate the utility of the EPL program in assisting happy couples who are preparing for marriage. The implications of the findings for prevention research and for the dissemination of prevention programs are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Many studies showed an increased occurrence of primary hyperparathyroidism during lithium therapy. We studied 53 patients receiving lithium therapy prospectively for 2 yr. Serum PTH levels were unequivocally elevated. The baseline PTH level was 2.8 +/- 1.2 pmol/L and increased progressively to 3.9 +/- 1.5 pmol/L after 2 yr (P < 0.0005). There was no change in serum calcium, alkaline phosphatase, inorganic phosphate concentrations or tubular reabsorption of phosphate in relation to glomerular filtration rate. Fasting urinary reabsorption of calcium increased significantly (P < 0.0005), which was concordant with the PTH change. Fasting and 24-h urinary excretion of calcium decreased significantly (P < 0.0005), suggesting reduced, rather than enhanced, bone resorption as in primary hyperparathyroidism. This may be the main mechanism in maintaining normocalcemia, despite PTH elevation, during lithium therapy.  相似文献   

The present study examined whether physical and verbal aggression in the family of origin were associated with similar patterns of aggression in young adult couples. Hypotheses were tested using a sample of 213 focal individuals who were followed from adolescence to adulthood. Results suggested that aggression in the family when focal participants were adolescents predicted aggression with romantic partners when participants were adults. The association between interparental aggression and later aggression in adult romantic unions was partially mediated through parents' aggression to focal participants when they were adolescents. Both physical and verbal aggression revealed the same pattern of findings. All together, these findings are consistent with a developmental-interactional perspective (Capaldi & Gorman-Smith, 2003) concerning the developmental origins of aggression in intimate relationships. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A cross-sectional survey was carried out in a sugar estate in central Ethiopia to identify a subgroup for a cohort study on the natural history of HIV infection. HIV prevalence was 2.8% (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.7%-3.9%) in 957 adults aged 15 to 54 years randomly selected for the initial survey. A follow-up survey including only factory workers of the estate aged 18 to 45 years (n = 280) showed a higher HIV prevalence in male factory workers (n = 262) compared with the male estate workers of the same age of the initial survey (n = 484; 8.8% versus 3.1 %; p < .05). Factors independently associated with HIV infection in male factory workers were number of lifetime sexual partners, positive syphilis serology, higher income, and absence of travel outside the residential area. Among male estate workers, only older age was associated with HIV infection. Both factory workers and male estate workers were stable residents and were willing to participate in a long-term study on HIV/ AIDS. However, because of the higher HIV prevalence in factory workers and the higher prevalence of behaviors associated with an increased risk for HIV infection, factory workers were selected for the long-term cohort study on the natural history of HIV infection.  相似文献   

There have been numerous questions regarding the association of polysiloxane with connective tissue disease and alteration of host immune response. C-reactive protein, rheumatoid factor, and anti-streptolysin-O titers were measured in 218 patients. These studies are routinely used in the diagnosis of autoimmune disease and mixed connective tissue disease. This prospective study has been in progress since 1985. The first patients were seen in July of 1985, and those individuals willing to participate were followed from 1985 to 1998. The implants included saline-filled elastomer shells and polysiloxane gel-filled elastomer shells. These groups were examined separately and in combination for changes between preoperative and postoperative states. In each instance, there was no statistical increase or decrease. Each patient underwent a physical examination and completed a questionnaire focusing on signs and symptoms of autoimmune and connective tissue diseases. The laboratory data and subjective clinical results demonstrated no significant differences between a nonimplanted group versus the saline group alone, the gel group alone, or the combined groups. The data failed to suggest any causal relationship between implants and autoimmune or connective tissue diseases over the study period of 13 years (since 1985).  相似文献   

The present study examined whether cognitive variables measured at baseline could predict incident cases of Alzheimer's disease (AD) after a 3-year follow-up period. Twenty-six incident AD adults and 179 very old (M?=?83.5 years) adults without dementia participated in a population-based study. Cognitive performance was indexed by the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and multiple indices of memory and visuospatial and verbal performance. A logistic regression analysis that controlled for age, gender, and education indicated that MMSE scores were reliable indicators of who would develop AD. In addition, recall of organizable words, recognition of faces, and letter fluency were reliable predictors of subsequent dementia status after differences in MMSE performance were partialed out. Thus, although the MMSE is useful in predicting dementia, there is an additional advantage of assessing specific indices of cognitive functioning. Further, supportive episodic memory tasks may be more salient predictors of incident AD than tasks that offer less supportive encoding or retrieval conditions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the association between elite endurance athlete (EEA) status and two restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) at the muscle-specific creatine kinase (CKMM) gene locus. Genomic DNA was extracted from white blood cells or lymphoblastoid cell lines of 124 unrelated Caucasian male EEA (VO2max > 73 mL.kg-1.min-1) and 115 unrelated Caucasian sedentary male controls (SCON). The genetic polymorphism at the CKMM locus was detected by the polymerase chain reaction and DNA digestion with the NcoI and TaqI restriction endonucleases. The allelic frequencies for the NcoI and TaqI RFLPs were not different (P > 0.05) between EEA and SCON subjects. The three expected genotypes for CKMM-NcoI (1170/1170 bp, 1170/985 + 185 bp, and 985 + 185/985 + 185 bp) and CKMM-TaqI (1170/1170 bp, 1170/1020 + 150 bp, and 1020 + 50/1020 + 150 bp) were observed in the EEA and SCON groups. These genotype frequencies were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, but they were not significantly (P > 0.05) different between the EEA and SCON. A strong (P < 0.001) linkage disequilibrium was detected among the NcoI and TaqI RFLPs in both EEA and SCON. These findings indicate that the skeletal muscle CK-NcoI and CK-TaqI gene polymorphisms are not associated with the elite endurance athlete status.  相似文献   

The research explores the antecedents and consequences of attachment disorganization from a prospective longitudinal perspective. The relations of attachment disorganization/disorientation to endogenous (e.g., maternal medical history, infant temperament) and environmental (e.g., maternal caregiving quality, infant history of abuse) antecedents and to behavioral consequences from 24 months to 19 years are examined. For the 157 participants in the longitudinal study, attachment disorganization was correlated significantly with environmental antecedents (e.g., maternal relationship and risk status, caregiving quality, and infant history of maltreatment), but not with available endogenous antecedents. Infant history of attachment disorganization was correlated with consequent variables related to mother-child relationship quality at 24 and 42 months, child behavior problems in preschool, elementary school and high school, and psychopathology and dissociation in adolescence. Structural models suggest that disorganization may mediate the relations between early experience and later psychopathology and dissociation. The findings are considered within a developmental view of psychopathology, that is, pathology defined in terms of process, as a pattern of adaptation constructed by individuals in their environments.  相似文献   

The effects of 3,5-diiodo-L-thyronine (3,5-T2, 2.5-10 microg/100 g BW) on cold tolerance, energy expenditure and oxidative capacity of four metabolically very active tissues (brown adipose tissue, skeletal muscle, liver and heart) were determined in hypothyroid, cold-exposed rats. Hypothyroid rats survived cold for only 3-4 days. 3,5-T2 improved survival dose dependently; with 10 microg/100 g BW the rats survived 3 weeks (limit of observation). This effect was paralleled by an increased energy expenditure of the whole animal for the entire 3 weeks. Similar effects were observed in hypothyroid rats treated with 3,3',5-triiodo-L-thyronine (T3). 3,5-T2 stimulated the specific oxidative capacity (expressed as cytochrome oxidase activity per milligram protein) of all four tissues dose dependently. When the oxidative capacity was expressed as total activity (cytochrome oxidase activity times organ weight), the percentage increases were of the same order. T3 exerted similar effects, but the changes in total activity were much greater than in specific activity, indicating an effect on the tissue trophism. The effect of 3,5-T2 on cold tolerance thus mimics the effect of T3, but via different cellular mechanisms. T3 seems to act primarily on the trophism of the tissues, while 3,5-T2 may act directly on mitochondria without an effect on tissue trophism.  相似文献   

To investigate the role of inhibin in the control of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) secretion, we have measured levels of immunoreactive inhibin (ir-inhibin), inhibin B, Pro-alpha C containing inhibins, FSH, luteinizing hormone (LH), and testosterone in twelve men with hematological malignancies before, during, and after chemotherapy. Inhibin B levels fell significantly by 1 month from a mean +/- SE baseline level of 273.2 +/- 32.8 pg/mL, reaching a nadir of 52.6 +/- 15.3 pg/mL at 4 months (P < 0.0001). FSH levels increased within the first month from a baseline level of 3.9 +/- 0.6 IU/L, reaching a peak level of 22.4 +/- 3.3 IU/L at 4 months (P < 0.0001). FSH and inhibin B were significantly and inversely correlated (r = 0.69, P < 0.0001). Pro-alpha C containing inhibin levels increased significantly (P < 0.05) at 3 months and were significantly and positively correlated with FSH (r = 0.38, P = 0.002). LH levels increased significantly but to a much lesser extent than FSH, the increase becoming evident only 4 months after treatment commenced (P < 0.03). Levels of ir-inhibin and testosterone remained unchanged throughout the study. These data provide strong support to the hypothesis that inhibin B is the physiologically important form of inhibin in men, negatively regulating FSH secretion at the pituitary. Furthermore, they suggest that FSH stimulates inhibin alpha-subunit secretion by the testis.  相似文献   

The aim of this 12-month prospective study was to investigate risk factors for stress fractures in a cohort of 53 female and 58 male track and field athletes, aged 17 to 26 years. Total bone mineral content, regional bone density, and soft tissue composition were measured using dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry and anthropometric techniques. Menstrual characteristics, current dietary intake, and training were assessed using questionnaires. A clinical biomechanical assessment was performed by a physical therapist. The incidence of stress fractures during the study was 21.1% with most injuries located in the tibia. Of the risk factors evaluated, none was able to predict the occurrence of stress fractures in men. However, in female athletes, significant risk factors included lower bone density, a history of menstrual disturbance, less lean mass in the lower limb, a discrepancy in leg length, and a lower fat diet. Multiple logistic regression revealed that age of menarche and calf girth were the best independent predictors of stress fractures in women. This bivariate model correctly assigned 80% of the female athletes into their respective stress fracture or nonstress fracture groups. These results suggest that it may be possible to identify female athletes most at risk for this overuse bone injury.  相似文献   

This study used a naturalistic, longitudinal study to examine predictors of the emergence of major depression among 90 nondepressed patients with panic disorder who were followed for a 2-yr period. 24% of the sample experienced a major depressive episode during the study period. Adequacy and type of medication treatment were not associated with decreased risk. Past history of major depression was associated with a greater risk for a prospective episode. The degree of assertiveness, presence of comorbid generalized anxiety disorder, and severity of agoraphobia were each significant predictors of the occurrence of depression when considered alone and when the influence of past history of depression was statistically controlled. The implications of these findings for the clinical management of patients with panic disorder are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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