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Deleonibus S. Caillat C. Guegan G. Heitzmann M. Nier M.E. Tedesco S. Dal'zotto B. Martin F. Mur P. Papon A.M. Lecarval G. Biswas S. Souil D. 《Electron Device Letters, IEEE》2000,21(4):173-175
We have demonstrated the feasibility of 20-nm gate length NMOSFET's using a two-step hard-mask etching technique. The gate oxide is 1.2-nm thick. We have achieved devices with real N- arsenic implanted extensions and BF2 pockets. The devices operate reasonably well down to 20-nm physical gate length. These devices are the shortest devices ever reported using a conventional architecture 相似文献
P/sup +/-poly-Si gate MOS transistors with atomic-layer-deposited Si-nitride/SiO/sub 2/ stack gate dielectrics (EOT=2.50 nm) have been fabricated. Similar to the reference samples with SiO/sub 2/ gate dielectrics (T/sub ox/=2.45 nm), clear saturation characteristics of drain current are obtained for the samples with stack gate dielectrics. Identical hole-effective mobility is obtained for the samples with the SiO/sub 2/ and the stack gate dielectrics. The maximum value of hole-effective mobility is the same (54 cm/sup 2//Vs) both for the stack and the SiO/sub 2/ samples. Hot carrier-induced mobility degradation in transistors with the stack gate dielectrics was found to be identical to that in transistors with the SiO/sub 2/ gate dielectrics. In addition to the suppression of boron penetration, better TDDB characteristics, and soft breakdown free phenomena for the stack dielectrics (reported previously), the almost equal effective mobility (with respect to that of SiO/sub 2/ dielectrics) has ensured the proposed stack gate dielectrics to be very promising for sub-100-nm technology generations. 相似文献
Rui Li Lee S.J. Yao H.B. Chi D.Z. Yu M.B. Kwong D.-L. 《Electron Device Letters, IEEE》2006,27(6):476-478
Schottky source/drain (S/D) transistors using Pt-germanide and HfO/sub 2//TaN gate stack are fabricated on Ge-substrate with conventional self-aligned top-gate process. It was found that Pt-germanide provides promising properties for p-MOSFET: negative effective hole barrier height, low resistivity, atomically sharp junction with Ge with good morphology. Pt-germanide Ge-p-MOSFETs showed well-behaved I/sub D/-V/sub D/ characteristics and much suppressed I/sub off/ compared to Ni-germanide and conventional heavily doped S/D MOSFETs. 相似文献
Bourdelle K.K. Gossmann H.-J.L. Chaudhry S. Agarwal A. 《Electron Device Letters, IEEE》2001,22(6):284-286
Boron penetration from the gate electrode into the Si substrate presents a significant problem in advanced PMOS device fabrication. Boron penetration, which causes a degradation of many transistor parameters, is further enhanced when BF2 is used to dope the gate electrode. It is known that pile-up of fluorine from the BR gate implant at the polysilicon/gate oxide interface is responsible for the enhanced boron penetration. However, no reports have been made that address enhanced boron penetration due to fluorine from the source/drain (S/D) implants. It is shown here that fluorine from the S/D extension implants is also a significant problem, degrading transistor performance for gate oxide thickness less than 27 Å and gate lengths less than 0.5 μm 相似文献
Jiunn-Yann Tsai Ying Shi Prasad S. Yeh S.W.-C. Rakkhit R. 《Electron Device Letters, IEEE》1998,19(9):348-350
The gate oxide thickness increase in PMOSFET devices with BF2 implanted p+ polysilicon gate is observed even when rapid thermal annealing (RTA) is used as a dopant activation thermal process. The increase of oxide thickness is studied as a function of RTA temperature, RTA time, and initial oxide thickness in the 35 Å regime and is being reported for the first time. It was found that oxide thickness increase could be as significant as 7% in this regime. This phenomenon can be explained by the model of fluorine incorporation, which is found to he effectively suppressed with nitrogen implanted in the polysilicon 相似文献
Isodiana Crupi 《Microelectronic Engineering》2009,86(1):1-3
Charge trapping and trap generation in field-effect transistors with SiO2/HfO2/HfSiO gate stack and TaN metal gate electrode are investigated under uniform and non-uniform charge injection along the channel. Compared to constant voltage stress (CVS), hot carrier stress (HCS) exhibits more severe degradation in transconductance and subthreshold swing. By applying a detrapping bias, it is demonstrated that charge trapping induced degradation is reversible during CVS, while the damage is permanent for hot carrier injection case. 相似文献
The substrate current of high-κ dielectric MOSFETs has been studied using dc sweep and transient (down to 100 μs per I-V curve) electrical measurements. These measurements reveal trap-assisted substrate current components in addition to the traditional bell-shaped impact ionization current. By separating the transversal and lateral electric field contributions, the gate induced drain leakage (GIDL) is shown to dominate the substrate current at low gate biases. At high gate biases, tunneling of valence band electrons from the bulk to the gate dominates. The results show that the GIDL current is the result of band-to-band tunneling assisted by traps located at the HfO2/SiO2 interface and transition layer, and not the result of oxide charging. 相似文献
The trapping/detrapping behavior of charge carriers in ultrathin SiO2/TiO2 stacked gate dielectric during constant current (CCS) and voltage stressing (CVS) has been investigated. Titanium tetrakis iso-propoxides (TTIP) was used as the organometallic source for the deposition of ultra-thin TiO2 films at low temperature (<200 °C) on strained-Si/relaxed-Si0.8Ge0.2 heterolayers by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) in a microwave (700 W, 2.45 GHz) plasma cavity discharge system at a pressure of 66.67 Pa. Stress-induced leakage current (SILC) through SiO2/TiO2 stacked gate dielectric is modeled by taking into account the inelastic trap-assisted tunneling (ITAT) mechanism via traps located below the conduction band of TiO2 layer. The increase in the gate current density observed during CVS from room temperature up to 125 oC has been analyzed and modeled considering both the buildup of charges in the layer as well as the SILC contribution. Trap generation rate and trap cross-section are extracted. A capture cross-section in the range of 10−19 cm2 as compared to 10−16 cm2 in SiO2 has been observed. A temperature-dependent trap generation rate and defects have also been investigated using time-dependent current density variation during CVS. The time dependence of defect density variation is calculated within the dispersive transport model, assuming that these defects are produced during random hopping transport of positively charge species in the insulating high-k stacked layers. SILC generation kinetics, i.e. defect generation probability under different injected fluences for various high-constant stress voltages in both polarities have been studied. An empirical relation between trap generation probability and applied stress voltage for various injected fluences has been developed. 相似文献
Hsieh J.C. Fang Y.K. Chen C.W. Tsai N.S. Lin M.-S. Tseng F.C. 《Electron Device Letters, IEEE》1993,14(5):222-224
The characteristics of BF2- or B-implanted polysilicon gate MOS capacitors with and without POCl3 codoped were studied. It was found that the gate oxide thickness was increased very significantly with the number of high-temperature thermal cycles for BF 2-implanted polysilicon MOS capacitors, but this was not true for POCl3-codoped polysilicon MOS capacitors. A model that interprets this phenomenon well was developed using the results of SIMS (secondary ion ion mass spectrometry) measurements 相似文献
The authors report the use of rapid thermal reoxidized nitrided thin (~90-Å) gate oxides in BF2+-implanted polysilicon gated p-MOSFETs. Although lightly nitrided gate oxides are unable to block the boron penetration, reoxidized nitrided gate oxides are found to have excellent barrier properties against boron penetration. In addition, excellent electrical characteristics in terms of device subthreshold conduction and transconductance are illustrated 相似文献
Isodiana Crupi Robin Degraeve Bogdan Govoreanu David P. Brunco Philippe Roussel Jan Van Houdt 《Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing》2006,9(6):889
In this paper, we present our results on the distribution and generation of traps in a SiO2/Al2O3 transistor. The investigation has been carried out by using charge pumping measurements, both variable voltage and frequency techniques, and constant voltage stress.By increasing the amplitude of the gate pulse we observe an increase of the charge recombined per cycle closely related to the contribution of shallow traps near the SiO2/Al2O3 interface. By reducing the pulse frequency we measure an increase in the charge pumping current due to traps located deeper in the Al2O3. By combining charge pumping and constant voltage stress measurements, we found that the traps are mostly generated near the Si/SiO2 interface. 相似文献
A novel process that implants BF2+ ions into thin bilayered CoSi/a-Si films has been shown to form cobalt silicided p + poly-Si gates with excellent gate oxide integrity and very small flatband shift. The effects of not only using the CoSi layer as an implantation barrier but also keeping the a-Si underlayer during the initial silicide formation both significantly suppress the boron penetration through thin gate oxide 相似文献
Ohe K. Odanaka S. Moriyama K. Hori T. Fuse G. 《Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on》1989,36(6):1110-1116
Narrow-width effects are discussed of n- and p-MOSFETs with shallow trench isolation. MOSFETs with n+-polysilicon gates were fabricated down to channel widths of 0.5 μm by using a novel planarization process with an etch stop. The threshold behavior is characterized as a function of both the sidewall-implanted boron and the three dimensional process/device simulations. The trench-isolated n-MOSFET shows the narrow-width effect with excess boron doses implanted in the sidewalls. It is found that the lateral diffusion of sidewall-implanted boron induces enhancement of the edge current although the devices show narrow-width effects. The trench-isolated p-MOSFETs show narrow-width effects with the buried-channel mode and the inverse-narrow width effect when surface channel conditions dominate at threshold. It is found that the narrow-width effect of p-MOSFETs strongly depends on the threshold adjustment by means of counter doping 相似文献
A novel technique of N2O treatment on NH3-nitrided oxide is used to prepare thin gate oxide. Experiments on MOS capacitors and nMOSFET's with this kind of gate dielectric show that N2O treatment is superior to conventional reoxidation step in suppressing both electron and hole trappings and interface trap creation under high-field stress. Interface hardness against hot-carrier bombardment and neutral electron trap generation are also improved. Thus, N2O treatment on NH3 -nitrided oxide shows excellent electrical and reliability properties, while maintaining sufficiently high nitrogen concentration in gate oxide which offers good resistance to dopant penetration 相似文献
T. Yu C.G. Jin Y.J. Dong D. Cao L.J. Zhuge X.M. Wu 《Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing》2013,16(5):1321-1327
We investigated the temperature dependence of C–V and I–V characteristics in p-type Metal Oxide Semiconductor (MOS) capacitors with HfO2/SiO2 dielectric stacks. Dramatic degradation in the C–V characteristics at/over the measurement temperature of 125 °C was observed, which was caused by the increased effective oxide thickness, oxide trapped charge density, and interfacial density of state (Dit) with rising temperature during bias temperature stress. In the accumulation region, the leakage current density displayed strong temperature dependence in the ?3 V<Vg<0 V region, as expected for the direct tunneling compared to the trap-assisted component (DT+TAT) effect. The conduction mechanism was transformed into Fowler–Nordheim (FN) tunneling (weak T and Vg dependence) from DT+TAT (strong T and Vg dependence) at Vg <?3 V, which was confirmed by FN tunneling fitting. According to the conventional Shockley–Read–Hall model, the different levels in Dit were found at various measurement temperatures to interpret the strong temperature dependence and weak Vg dependence inversion current property. 相似文献
In this letter, we present a comprehensive study on longterm reliability of ultrathin TaN-gated chemical vapor deposition gate stack with EOT=8.5-10.5. It is found that, due to the asymmetric band structure of HfO/sub 2/ gate stack with an interfacial layer, the HfO/sub 2/ gate stack shows polarity-dependent leakage current, critical defect density, and defect generation rate, under gate and substrate injection. However, no such polarity dependence of time-to-breakdown (T/sub BD/) is observed when T/sub BD/ is plotted as a function of gate voltage. The 10-year lifetime of an HfO/sub 2/ gate stack is projected to be Vg=-1.63 V for the equivalent oxide thickness (EOT) =8.6 and Vg=-1.88 V for EOT=10.6 at 25/spl deg/C. These excellent reliability characteristics are attributed to reduced leakage current of HfO/sub 2/ gate stack with physically thicker films that result in larger critical defect density and Weibull slope to that of SiO/sub 2/ for the same EOT. However, at 150/spl deg/C, and with area scaling to 0.1 cm/sup 2/ and low percentile of 0.01%, the maximum allowed voltages are projected to Vg=-0.6 V and -0.75 V for EOT of 8.6, and 10.6, respectively. 相似文献
This work examines different components of leakage current in scaled n-MOSFET's with ultrathin gate oxides (1.4-2.0 nm). Both gate direct tunneling and drain leakage currents are studied by theoretical modeling and experiments, and their effects on the drain current are investigated and compared. It concludes that the source and drain extension to the gate overlap regions have strong effects on device performance in terms of gate tunneling and off-state drain currents 相似文献
Kow-Ming Chang Wen-Chih Yang Chiu-Pao Tsai 《Electron Device Letters, IEEE》2003,24(8):512-514
This investigation is the first to demonstrate a novel tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS)/oxynitride stack gate dielectric for low-temperature poly-Si (LTPS) thin film transistors (TFTs), composed of a plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) thick TEOS oxide/ultrathin oxynitride grown by PECVD N/sub 2/O-plasma. The stack oxide shows a very high electrical breakdown field of 8.4 MV/cm, which is approximately 3 MV/cm larger than traditional PECVD TEOS oxide. The field effective mobility of stack oxide LTPS TFTs is over 4 times than that of traditional TEOS oxide LTPS TFTs. These improvements are attributed to the high quality N/sub 2/O-plasma grown ultrathin oxynitride forming strong Si/spl equiv/N bonds, as well as to reduce the trap density in the oxynitride/poly-Si interface. 相似文献
50 nm long MOSFETs with side-gates were optimised in terms of the side-gate length and successfully fabricated with conventional MOS technology. The simulated and fabricated 50 nm long MOSFET shows a reasonable subthreshold swing of 81 mV/dec and a low drain induced barrier lowering of 77 mV 相似文献