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管道兼有壳体和梁构件的特征 ,可以利用三维守恒律及梁的弯曲理论计算它的应力强度因子。利用裂纹张开能量释放率 ,即G 积分的概念 ,通过特定的积分路径 ,给出了两种对称弯曲下双边裂纹管道的应力强度因子表达式。对于非对称弯曲情况 ,将裂纹截面处的弯矩进行分解 ,进而根据叠加原理 ,给出了非对称弯曲双边裂纹管道的应力强度因子表达式。在此基础上 ,导出了与最大应力强度因子所在裂纹相邻裂尖是否产生应力集中的一个判别式 ,并给出了相应的说明曲线。利用它可以方便地判断非对称弯曲下该裂尖是否有可能引起破坏 ,在工程应用上具有参考意义。  相似文献   

引入一组新的应力函数来讨论平面五次对称准晶的弹性力学问题,将问题中的18个弹性力学基本方程简化成一个高阶偏微分方程,并且应用Fourier变换和对偶积分方程方法,求解了平面五次对称准晶结构中的Grifvfith裂纹问题,得到了应力强度因子和应变能释放率,它们是研究材料变形的断裂的关键物理量。  相似文献   

根据Pak的压电材料Ⅲ型裂纹问题复势解,给出了Ⅲ型裂纹尖端位移、电势、应力和电位移渐近场的具体形式。利用压电材料的变分原理推导出了压电材料而外剪切问题的有限元列式。用推广的J积分给出了压电材料Ⅲ型裂纹的能量释放率和应力强度因子KⅢ及电位移强度因子KⅣ的计算公式,并利用此公式计算了无限板含裂纹长度为2a的压电材料和外剪切。这一方法可广泛应用于压电材料的面外剪切情况的强度因子分析。  相似文献   

分区混合有限无法(简称混合法)是解决复杂工程结构裂缝问题的有效方法之一.目前主要用于均质材料中的裂缝问题.本文将混合法推广应用到界面裂缝之中,不仅扩大了混合法的应用范围,也较满意地解决了界面裂缝的复杂计算问题.  相似文献   

将Palan iswamy能量释放率准则推广到各向异性材料,即认为裂纹沿着最大能量释放率的方向扩展.通过计算支裂纹尖端的应力强度因子得到主裂纹尖端的能量释放率,分析了正交各向异性板I-II复合型裂纹的断裂方向角与KⅠ/KⅡ之间的关系.计算结果表明:随着KⅠ/KⅡ增大,断裂方向角θ减小.当K/K大于7时,θ小于3°,基本上沿裂纹面扩展;当θ等于15°时,KⅠ/KⅡ等于0.894 9,KⅡ的影响已经超过KⅠ的影响;当θ大于35°时,KⅠ/KⅡ,这时基本上为Ⅱ型裂纹.  相似文献   

利用双区域边界元法计算界面裂缝缝端应力场,用缝端应力强度因子KⅠ与应力的关系式求得KⅠ-γ曲线(r为极坐标),从而求得r=0处的应力强度因子.算例表明,边界元法是计算界面裂缝的有效方法.  相似文献   

本文将分区混合有限元用于计算异弹模界面裂缝应力强度出子,扩大了分区混合有限元的应用范围。由实例说明,数字计算结果与试验值相当符合。  相似文献   

一种求解复合型裂纹应力强度因子的组合方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用焦散线法与图象全息光弹法相结合,可有效提高求解复合型裂纹应力强度因子的精度,叙述了此组合方法的原理、方法与技术,用此法研究了工程中所关心的折裂纹问题。实验表明,用相应的斜裂纹来代替计算其应力强度因子是适当的。  相似文献   

复合型三维裂纹应力强度因子计算方法的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了一种计算复合型三维裂纹应力强度因子的单元初始应力法,该法采用退化的1/4节点奇异单元,通过近裂尖最佳应力点应力进行应力强度因子的求解。由该法计算的含有内埋倾斜圆形裂纹圆柱体受远场均布拉力作用下的应力强度因子与手册解相比,KI的最大相对误差为1.44%,KⅡ的最大相对误差为-2.30%,KⅢ的最大相对误差为-1.22%。这种单元初始应力法使用简单,精度高,对于复杂三维裂纹的计算具有较强的实用性,值得推广。  相似文献   

介绍和讨论了斜裂纹应力强度因子的有限元分析方法,分别计算了单轴、双轴压缩下有限大板中存在的中心贯穿斜裂纹的应力强度因子.通过对求得的应力强度因子值与解析解的比较,表明用有限元法计算应力强度因子具有相当高的精度.同时,通过对不同倾角的裂纹尖端应力强度因子的计算,分析得到了裂纹倾角对应力强度因子的影响,为斜裂纹在复杂载荷作用下的断裂判据的计算提供了有效的方法。  相似文献   

针对压力容器接管区处于高应变梯度区和具有严重的应力集中现象的特征,依据模拟试板应力应变场的光弹性试验分析,对接管区建立有限元模型,保证单元的协调性,分析了裂纹尖端处应力强度因子,计算结果表明获得的应力强度因子与试验结果较为吻合,为压力容器接管部位的设计和裂纹疲劳扩展分析提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

双面焊有望改善顶板—纵肋焊接构造细节的疲劳抗力,而初始焊接缺陷是影响该类构造细节疲劳性能的关键因素。基于断裂力学理论,采用FRANC3D-ABAQUS交互技术建立了含初始裂纹的钢桥面板多尺度有限元模型,研究顶板—纵肋连接焊缝疲劳裂纹应力强度因子。分析了焊缝熔透率、顶板厚度、初始裂纹形状比等对双面焊缝疲劳裂纹应力强度因子的影响规律。结果表明:钢桥面板—纵肋连接焊缝细节处疲劳裂纹为Ⅰ型主导的Ⅰ-Ⅱ-Ⅲ复合型疲劳裂纹;双面焊缝顶板焊根处疲劳裂纹应力强度因子最大值比单面焊缝小64.3%,改善了顶板—纵肋焊缝的疲劳性能;焊缝熔透率对顶板—纵肋双面焊接细节疲劳裂纹应力强度因子影响较小;加厚顶板显著降低了顶板—纵肋双面焊接细节疲劳裂纹应力强度因子;随着初始裂纹形状比增大,裂纹应力强度因子减小。  相似文献   

在常规有限元单元形函数中加入模拟裂纹不连续位移场的跳跃函数,在裂纹尖端构造反映位移场奇异性的裂尖增强函数,采用相互作用积分法求得裂尖应力强度因子.算例结果表明,扩展有限元方法在分析断裂力学问题时具有计算精度高,对有限元网格依赖性小,操作简便等优点.  相似文献   

An investigation of computer simulation is presented to analyze the effects of strain localization and damage evolution in large plastic deformation. The simulation is carried out by using an elastic-plastic-damage coupling finite element program that is developed based on the concept of mixed interpolation of displacement/pressure. This program has been incorporated into a damage mechanics model as well as the corresponding damage criterion. To illustrate the performance of the proposed approach, a typical strain localization problem has been simulated. The results show that the proposed approach is of good capability to capture strain localization and predict the damage evolution.  相似文献   

The application of displacement and energy approaches to the determination of stress intensity factors in ultrasonic fatigue crack growth (fcg) studies is discussed.The particular advantages as well as the limitations of the two approaches are evaluated.Two types of ultrasonic fatigue loading with different stress ratios are exerted on the specimen respectively: the ultrasonic fatigue loading with a stress ratio R=-1 and the ultrasonic fatigue excitations superposed upon a static mean stress with R>-1 From comparison the conclusion is formed that the energy approach developed in the investigation is more accurate,concise and suitable than commonly adopted approaches and/or formulas proposed.Experimental fcg data on a titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V and the characteristic mechanism of the ultrasonic fcg are investigated.  相似文献   

钢框架节点焊缝应力强度因子的参数分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为定量地确定荷载作用下钢框架梁柱节点焊缝应力强度因子的大小,提出了断裂力学与有限元分析相结合的方法.有限元分析采用ANSYS软件.判断焊缝开裂的依据是Ⅰ型应力强度因子,应力强度因子通过积分的方法求得.通过有限元计算分析了初始裂缝深度对梁柱节点焊缝应力强度因子的影响,所分析的参数还包括梁截面尺寸、柱截面尺寸、梁柱长度和焊脚尺寸.分别研究了梁上翼缘和下翼缘焊缝的应力强度因子随参数的变化情况.参数分析结果表明,梁下翼缘焊缝比上翼缘更容易开裂,应力强度因子与梁截面参数是增函数关系,与柱截面参数是减函数关系.最后,得出了应力强度因子计算公式.  相似文献   

A new photoelastic method of obtaining mode I stress intensity factor (SIF) is presented. The method considers the influence of far field stress, σ ox , on the value of SIF. The only information needed for K I calculation is the area between isochromatic fringe loops. The method is examined by two kinds of specimen in different load cases. Experimental results show that it is quite simple and of high precision. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China Synopsis of the first author Chen Feng, associate professor, born in October 1949, worked on experimental fracture mechanics in Sweden from 1990 to 1995 as a visiting scholar. Major research fields include perturbation and weight function method and its application, experimental mechanics, rock fracture mechanmics.  相似文献   

The stress path characteristics of surrounding rock in the formation of gob were analyzed and the unloading was solved. Taking Chengchao Iron Mine as the engineering background, the model for analyzing the instability of deep gob was established based on the mechanism of stress relief in deep mining.The energy evolution law was analyzed by introducing the local energy release rate index(LERR), and the energy criterion of the instability of surrounding rock was established based on the cusp catastrophe theory. The results show that the evolution equation of the local energy release of the surrounding rock is a quartic function with one unknown and the release rate increases gradually during the mining process.The calculation results show that the gob is stable. The LERR per unit volume of the bottom structure is relatively smaller which means that the stability is better. The LERR distribution showed that there was main energy release in the horizontal direction and energy concentration in the vertical direction which meets the characteristics of deep mining. In summary, this model could effectively calculate the stability of surrounding rock in the formation of gob. The LERR could reflect the dynamic process of energy release,transfer and dissipation and that provided an important reference for the study of the stability of deep mined out area.  相似文献   

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