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We report two patients who following critical illness presented with generalised paralysis associated with persistent failure to breathe. Both patients eventually recovered and were weaned from the ventilator. The cause of the paralysis was an unusual peripheral neuropathy in the first patient and persistent neuromuscular blockade secondary to vecuronium in the second. It is important to consider a reversible, possibly even iatrogenic, cause of this type of complication.  相似文献   

Denervation injuries in baboons were used to define the time course of the hyperkalemic response to succinylcholine. Half-peak increase in serum potassium (2.78 mEq/l) occurred 8.4 days following injury. Peak increase (5.5 mEq/l) appeared 14 days after injury. However, changes in potassium levels begin as early as four days after injury. Succinylcholine or other depolarizing muscle relaxants should not be used after the fourth day following an injury or denervation that involves two or more limbs.  相似文献   

Neuromuscular blockades induced by clindamycin alone and with d-tubocurarine or pancuronium were examined in the in-vitro guinea pig lumbrical muscle-nerve preparation. Clindamycin, 80-240 mug/ml, initially increased twitch tension. With higher concentrations (180-240 mug/ml) twitch tension subsequently decreased. With 15 to 20 per cent depression of twitch tension by clindamycin, neostigmine (5-20 ng/ml) or calcium (81 mug/ml) slightly but not completely antagonized the blockade. Clindamycin, 40 mug/ml, a dose that did not depress twitch tension, potentiated d-tubocurarine- or pancuronium-induced neuromuscular bloackade. Plasma concentrations of clindamycin of 10-40 mug/ml were recommended for treating serious infections. The authors conclude that the administration of clindamycin may augment nondepolarizing blockade in man, and antagonism by neostigmine and calcium may be incomplete.  相似文献   

Myasthenia gravis is an uncommon disorder of the neuromuscular junction resulting in weakness of all striated voluntary muscles. Therapeutic advances have increased patients' age and survival. Older patients with myasthenia gravis may have additional medication needs. Numerous drugs have experimental and clinical evidence of neuromuscular blockade. A MEDLINE search of the English literature from 1966 to the present pertinent to drug-induced myasthenia gravis was performed. Additional literature was obtained from reference citations of relevant articles. Drugs with several reports of neuromuscular blockade were assessed for causality by a recognized probability scale. Prednisone was most commonly implicated as aggravating myasthenia gravis, and D-penicillamine was most commonly associated with myasthenic syndrome. The greatest frequency of drug-induced neuromuscular blockade was seen with aminoglycoside-induced postoperative respiratory depression. However, drugs most likely to impact myasthenic patients negatively are those used in the treatment of the disease. These include overuse of anticholinesterase drugs, high-dose prednisone, and anesthesia and neuromuscular blockers for thymectomy.  相似文献   

In connection with the development of new anticonvulsant agents with a broad spectrum, we found that N-Cbz-alpha-amino-N-alkylsuccinimides showed significant anticonvulsant activities, and the pharmacological activities of these compounds were dependent on their stereochemistry and N-substituted alkyl group. These results prompted us to define the effects of other functional group on the anticonvulsant activities of these compounds. Therefore a series of N-alkoxycarbonyl-alpha-amino-N-methylsuccinimide were prepared from N-Cbz-aspartic acid and were evaluated with their anticonvulsant activities against the MES and PTZ tests, in order to define the effect of N-substituted alkoxy carbonyl group with the anticonvulsant activities. From these studies, it was found that all the tested N-alkoxycarbonyl-alpha-amino-N-methylsuccinimides exhibited significant anticonvulsant activities in the PTZ test and were not active in the MES test. The most active compound in the PTZ test was (S) N-ethoxycarbonyl-alpha-amino-N-methyl-succinimide. We found that the pharmacological activities in the PTZ test were dependent on their N-alkoxycarbonyl groups. They follow as such; The order of anticonvulsant activities for (R) series as evaluated by ED50 was N-phenoxycarbonyl = N-4-nitrobenzyloxycarbonyl > N-ethoxycarbonyl > N-allyloxycarbonyl > N-tert. butoxycarbonyl compound; For the (S) series N-ethoxycarbonyl > N-phenoxycarbonyl > N-allyloxycarbonyl compound. From the above results, it was conceivable that N-substituted alkoxycarbonyl group had certain effects on the anticonvulsant activities of N-alkoxycarbonyl-alpha-amino-N-methylsuccinimides.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This study evaluated the application of ultrasound (US) guidance in the percutaneous placement of gastric feeding tubes in patients in whom endoscopic placement of a nutrition tube is not possible. METHODS: Thirty-eight patients with upper gastrointestinal obstruction were entered in a prospective study with US-guided nutrition tube application. Feasibility of placement, side effects, and nutritional states were monitored for a mean follow-up of 4 months. RESULTS: Ultrasound allowed rapid puncture after filling of the stomach with water through a nasal tube in 34/38 cases. In four cases a total upper gastrointestinal obstruction required an initial stomach insufflation through a direct puncture. Puncture-related major complications were not observed. Minor complications during the observation time were one late dislocation, five cases with broken material after about 6 months (four could be changed by using the Seldinger technique), and two minor local infections. The nutrition through feeding tubes stabilized body weight and body composition parameters. CONCLUSION: The percutaneous sonographic gastrostomy (PSG) is a safe and minimally invasive procedure for enteral nutrition in all cases with upper gastrointestinal obstruction when endoscopic placement of a feeding tube is not possible. Percutaneous sonographic gastrostomy may help to stabilize the nutritional parameters and general condition in patients with malignant diseases.  相似文献   

To evaluate the potentiating effect of nitrous oxide on the succinylcholine (SCh)-induced neuromuscular blockade, 0.16, 0.20, 0.25 or 0.31 mg.kg-1 of Sch was given during thiamylal-fentanyl anesthesia with or without nitrous oxide, and the evoked electromyograph of hypothenar muscles was measured. ED50 and ED95 in the group receiving nitrous oxide were 0.187 and 0.301 mg.kg-1, and 0.218 and 0.389 mg.kg-1 in the group not receiving nitrous oxide respectively. In the presence of nitrous oxide, the dose-response curve (DRC) was shifted to the left significantly (P < 0.01). By the multiple regression analysis, the degree of the neuromuscular blockade was shown to be affected by dose and nitrous oxide. It was demonstrated that nitrous oxide decreased electromyographically measured SCh requirements by 16.1%. In addition, the dose-effect relationship for SCh-induced neuromuscular blockade varied widely, and gender did not affect the degree of block.  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of some of the current issues involved in sedation and anxiolysis in the intensive care unit. The problems involved in trying to monitor sedation levels are discussed, as are some of the newer options available for physiologic monitoring of the central nervous system. The problem of abnormal mental states in the intensive care unit and the range of antidepressant therapy now available are also covered. The importance of sleep deprivation and the properties of the neuromuscular blockers are also discussed.  相似文献   

Recent reports have demonstrated that puerperal psychosis is preceded by prodromic signs. These signs must be recognized in a multidisciplinary context, opening the way to improved diagnosis, therapy and prognosis. On the basis of our clinical experience, we stress the important of early management in women who present prodromic signs of puerperal psychosis. Specific management relies on intensive psychotherapy with daily sessions centered on filiation. With this approach, the emergence of delusions can generally be prevented, usually allowing an uninterrupted mother-infant relationship. We hypothesize that this approach has a favorable influence on later mother-child interactions and cause profound changes in the mother's psychic organization, resulting in a better long-term prognosis. We illustrate our point with a case report.  相似文献   

Peripheral nerve lesion results in changes in protein expression by neurons and denervated Schwann cells. In the present study we have addressed the question whether similar changes take place following functional denervation. Using immunohistochemistry and immunoelectron microscopy we examined changes in growth-associated protein (GAP-43) and low-affinity nerve growth factor receptor (p75NGFR) in rat gastrocnemius muscle following botulinum toxin-induced paralysis. GAP-43 and p75NGFR were selected because they are not expressed by mature intact motor neurons or Schwann cells, but are expressed following nerve lesion in both motor neurons and denervated Schwann cells. In control muscle, GAP-43 and p75NGFR immunoreactivity was seen only in nerve fibres near blood vessels. Two weeks after toxin injection, GAP-43 immunoreactivity could be seen at the motor endplates and in axons. Intensity of staining increased with longer survival and reached a peak between 4 and 8 weeks post-injection. Ultrastructurally, GAP-43 immunoreactivity was confined to nerve terminals and axons, whereas Schwann cells remained negative. Immunostaining for p75NGFR also increased following toxin injection and was detected in some terminal Schwann cells and in perineurial cells of small nerve fascicles near the paralyzed target cells, but not in axons. These results show that changes in expression of GAP-43 in motor neurons following functional denervation closely resemble the changes following anatomical interruption of nerve-muscle contact. GAP-43 was not expressed in Schwann cells, indicating that its upregulation in these cells is induced by loss of axonal contact or nerve degeneration products. There is no support for a role of p75NGFR in incorporation of neurotrophins in axons. The restriction of p75NGFR expression to terminal Schwann cells and perineurial cells in close proximity to the paralyzed target suggests a role for a target-derived signal or, alternatively, macrophages in eliciting this expression.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate effects of a single high dose of gentamicin on neuromuscular function in horses anesthetized with halothane. ANIMALS: 6 healthy adult horses. PROCEDURE: Halothane-anesthetized horses were positioned in left lateral recumbency, and the right hind limb was immobilized in a reusable fiberglass cast fixed to a steel frame. The hoof was attached to a force transducer, and resting tension of 0.93 +/- 0.16 kg was maintained. A supramaximal train-of-four stimulus of 2 Hz for a duration of 0.25 millisecond was applied to the superficial peroneal nerve every 20 seconds by a square-wave stimulator. The force of the evoked digital extensor tension was recorded to determine first muscle twitch tension, compared with the baseline value (T1%) and the ratio of the force of the fourth twitch to the first twitch (T4/T1). Data were recorded at 5, 10, 15, 30, and 60 minutes after i.v. administration of vehicle or gentamicin (6 mg/kg of body weight). RESULTS: There was a significant (P = 0.04) treatment-time interaction for the effect of gentamicin on T1%; T1% associated with vehicle decreased from 100% to 92% during the 60- minute study period, but no decrease was associated with gentamicin. For T4/T1, there was no significant effect of treatment or time or treatment-time interaction between gentamicin and vehicle. CONCLUSIONS: Gentamicin did not cause a decrease in initial muscular strength, nor did it impair the muscles' ability to sustain strength. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: A single high dose of gentamicin does not cause significant neuromuscular blockade when administered alone to healthy horses anesthetized with halothane.  相似文献   

As noted, quadriparesis with reduced reflexes and difficulty with ventilator weaning may be seen as a result of a number of neuromuscular disorders. The clinical approach relies on exclusion of a central cause first, followed by careful examination of peripheral nerve and muscle function. Persistent neuromuscular blockade should be excluded initially because it is a readily reversible condition. Use of a train of four stimulation with a peripheral twitch monitor can quickly establish integrity of conduction across the neuromuscular junction. If necessary, further electrophysiologic studies allow differentiation among the relevant diagnostic possibilities. CIP is characterized by nerve conduction and EMG findings consistent with axonal degeneration of sensory and motor fibers. GBS is distinguished by evidence of demyelination on nerve conduction studies, in addition to elevated spinal fluid protein. Persistent neuromuscular blockade is identified by a decremental response on repetitive stimulation studies of neuromuscular transmission. The acute myopathy following neuromuscular blockage does not involve sensory responses. Needle EMG examination reflects a myopathic pattern, rather than a neurogenic one as seen in CIP or GBS. In myopathic patients who are unable to move their limbs at all (precluding a full EMG examination), a muscle biopsy identifies muscle as the site of involvement.  相似文献   

Plasma diazepam and N-desmethyl diazepam concentrations were measured in patients receiving diazepam 5 mg or 10 mg i.v. at 4-h intervals for periods of 6-22 days. At both doses there was an accumulation of both diazepam and its metabolite, the latter reaching concentrations of up to two to three times that of the parent drug. Plasma diazepam concentrations reached a plateau after 8 days while the concentration of N-desmethyl metabolite continued to increase throughtout the period of drug administration. On discontinuation of diazepam therapy both diazepam and N-desmethyl diazepam concentrations decreased slowly, the former with a half-life of 2-4 days and the latter with a half-life of 4-8 days.  相似文献   

A case of neuromuscular blockade of about 200 min of duration, in a 9-year-old boy from mivacurium 0.15 mg.kg-1 is reported. The diagnosis was delayed, after onset of the first signs of recovery, due to the lack of monitoring of neuromuscular transmission. The neuromuscular blockade was reversed with neostigmine 0.04 mg.kg-1. Complete reversal required fifty minutes. The presence of an abnormal genetic variant of pseudocholinesterases was demonstrated by the measurements of pseudocholinesterase activity and dibucaine number. The importance of monitoring of neuromuscular transmission for diagnosis and treatment of mivacurium-induced neuromuscular blockade is underlined.  相似文献   

A review of 105 consecutive cases of chymopapain chemonucleolysis for single level lumbar disc herniation was undertaken. Mean follow-up was 12.2 years (range 10-15.3). Patients were assessed using the Oswestry Disability Questionnaire. Eighty-seven patients were available for follow-up. An excellent or good response occurred in 58 patients (67%); four patients (4.5%) had a moderate response but were only minimally disabled. The treatment failed in 25 patients (28.5%) and 21 of these went on to surgery within a mean of 5.2 months (range 3 weeks-12 months). In 15 patients (71%) disc sequestration or lateral recess stenosis was found. Five of the remaining six cases had a large disc herniation at surgery. Surgery resulted in a significant improvement in nine cases. Discitis following chemonucleolysis occurred in six patients (5.7%). Chymopapain chemonucleolysis has a useful role in the management of lumbar intervertebral disc prolapse. However, its efficacy is dependent on careful clinical and radiological patient selection.  相似文献   

Early diagnosis of invasive group A beta streptococcal (GABS) infection has been achieved in a patient using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) complemented by needle aspiration. Life-saving treatments of GABS infection that include immediate surgical debridement along with the administration of i.v. antibiotics, gamma globulin, and hyperbaric oxygen were then implemented successfully to prevent the development of streptococcal toxic shock syndrome. While MRI is valuable in making early diagnosis of GABS, it should not delay surgical intervention.  相似文献   

In an effort to identify further the structural requirements for central dopamine receptor agonists, some monohydroxyl analogs of the known agonist 5,6-dihydroxy-2-dipropylamino-1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene were synthesized. They were examined for production of emesis in dogs and stereotyped behavior in rats. The most potent was 5-hydroxy-2-dipropylamino-1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene, which was more potent than apomorphine but less so than the dihydroxyl analog. The two enantiomers of the monohydroxyl analog were synthesized by conventional methods from an optically active intermediate, 2-benzylamino-5-methoxy-1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene. The resolution of this amine was performed with the aid of mandelic acid. Dopaminergic activity was found to be confined to the levo enantiomer. Requirements for both substitution and chirality in the tetralines were found to correspond closely to those known for the dopaminergic aporphines.  相似文献   

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