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We present studies of the thermal, magnetic, and electrical transport properties of reduced polycrystalline Pr2Ba4Cu7O15−δ (Pr247) showing a superconducting transition at Tc=10-16 K, and compare them with those of as-sintered non-superconducting Pr247. The electrical resistivity in the normal state exhibited T2 dependence up to approximately 150 K. A clear specific heat anomaly was observed at Tc for Pr247 reduced in a vacuum for 24 h, proving the bulk nature of the superconducting state. By the reduction treatment, the magnetic ordering temperature TN of Pr moments decreased from 16 to 11 K, and the entropy associated with the ordering increased, while the effective paramagnetic moments obtained from the DC magnetic susceptibility varied from 2.72 to 3.13μB. The sign of Hall coefficient changed from positive to negative with decreasing temperature in the normal state of a superconducting Pr247, while that of the as-sintered one was positive down to 5 K. The electrical resistivity under high magnetic fields was found to exhibit Tα dependence (α=0.08-0.4) at low temperatures. A possibility of superconductivity in the so-called CuO double chains is discussed.  相似文献   

The intrinsic diamagnetic response of YBa2Cu3O7−δ presintered powders obtained by the citrate pyrolysis method has been studied. The techniques applied were: a.c. susceptibility at zero d.c. field, low field d.c. susceptibility, isothermal magnetization and a.c. susceptibility at varying bias fields up to 5 T. To investigate intragrain links, powders of known sizes were used directly, dispersed in oil and finally in the sintered form. Intragrain inductive critical currents and critical field values are derived. Finally, the experimental results are discussed within the framework of weak link models and flux pinning effects.  相似文献   

From structural analysis we have shown in a previous investigation that the series TlBa2Ca n Cu n+1O2n+5 and Tl2Ba2Ca n Cu n+1O2n+6 are composed of superconductor-semiconductor arrays. In this paper, we demonstrate that the unit cell of the Tl2Ba2Ca n Cu n+1O2n+6 series can further be viewed as composed of a composite block of superconductor-metal-semiconductor, where TlBa2CuO5 is the fundamental superconductor, TlO the metallic unit, and CaCuO2 the semiconductor block. It is indicated that theT c of Tl(2201) can be deduced from that of Tl(1201) based on Kresin's model of composite systems.  相似文献   

PrBa2Cu3O7 superconducts, provided Pr is kept off Ba-sites — experimentally confirming the prediction of the oxygen model and indicating that superconductivity originates in the chains, not in the planes.  相似文献   

Superconducting transport properties of YBa2Cu3O7 grain boundaries have been investigated. The results of these experiments are summarized.  相似文献   

The temperature dependence observed in the mid- and near-infrared optical properties of YBa2Cu3O7 is explained in terms of the Drude model for free charge carriers. In the Drude model, the linear temperature dependence of the dc resistivity arises from the free charge carriers having a temperature-dependent mean free path. This temperature dependence results in the plasmon contribution to the dielectric constant having a damping coefficient which also varies linearly with temperature. We find that the temperature dependence which is observed in the absorption and reflection spectra of YBa2Cu3O7 is consistent with this simple model.  相似文献   

We show that the average lattice disorder in YBa2Cu3O6.9 films grown by ion-beam sputtering is homogeneous and can be quantified by introducing the lattice coherence lengthr c that is extracted from the width of X-ray diffraction rocking curves. The superconducting properties of the films are correlated withr c T c decreases with increasing disorder forT c 10 nm, while the width of the resistive transition and the normal-state resistivity increase.  相似文献   

At present, the development of superconducting YBa2Cu3O7−x coated conductors attracts much attention due to their enormous application potential in electric power systems. Worldwide research is focused on the investigation and improvement of buffer materials and YBa2Cu3O7−x superconducting properties as well as low-cost manufacturing processes in cooperation with industrial companies. Accordingly, chemical solution deposition has emerged as a highly competitive, versatile, and cost-effective technique for fabricating coated conductors of high performance. New chemical solution approaches are under development for buffer layer deposition. In order to achieve high critical current carrying YBa2Cu3O7−x layers, the established trifluoroacetate route is favored. This paper reviews the most recent work on chemical solution deposition within the IFW Dresden while also considering achievements on this specific research topic worldwide.  相似文献   

Composite materials have been synthesized by mixing 90% (or 95%) YBa2Cu3O7 and 10% (or 5%) Bi2Sr2Ca1Cu2O8 by weight, and firing at 900°C to promote grain growth by inducing a liquid phase (Bi2Sr2Ca1Cu2O8) in the system. The influence of the amount of liquid phase on the X-ray diffraction data and electrical properties is reported. Energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) analyses are also reported. The YBiBa2O6 phase is formed during the heat treatment and introduces additional chemical heterogeneities at the grain boundaries. A previously reported 2212-related superconducting phase, Bi2(Sr,Ba)2(Ca,Y)Cu2O8+y, could also be formed during the synthesis process, and its effect on the electrical resistance versus temperature measurements is discussed. Attempts to substitute RE ions (Dy3+, Er3+, Ho3+) for Y3+ in YBiBa2O6 have been successful and are reported in an appendix section. X-ray diffraction data are also reported. EDX analyses have been performed specifically for a typical ErBiBa2O6 compound and reveal the presence of a new Er2Ba4O7 phase.  相似文献   

Multilayer structures containing 24 Å thick DyBa2Cu3O7 layers, separated by 96 Å of an (Y0.6Pr0.4)Ba2Cu3O7 alloy, are studied to investigate the effect of coupling on vortex dynamics. With the magnetic field perpendicular to theab plane, and as a function of the number of superconducting layers in the structure, we find that the activation energy for flux motion increases, first linearly, and then saturates. This linear increase is taken as evidence that pancake vortices belonging to different DyBa2Cu3O7 layers are stacked and have a coupled motion. Above a characteristic number of superconducting layers,N c , shear of the vortex structures becomes important and the thermally activated process only displaces a stack ofN c pancake vortices, meaning that the vortex lattice is turning three dimensional. In these structures we findN c to be 2 to 3.  相似文献   

By means of X-ray diffraction (XRD), neutron diffraction spectra (NDS), electron probe microanalysis (EMPA), and X-ray photo electron spectroscopy (XPS) etc., we studied the superconductivity of doped-Pb Hg-1223 compound. The crystal parameters a and c and the unit cell volume of the Pb-doped sample do not change considerably, but the intercalated O(4) of the sample increases more than that of the pure-phase Hg-1223. As for the valence number of Hg is still 2 and that of Pb is either 2 or 4, the bond length of Cu(2)–O(3) increases, Raman frequency of the AIg mode of the apical O(3) increases, the bond angle of O(2)–Cu(2)–O(2) is smaller and the hole density is approximately uniformly shared between the three CuO2 planes. The above have been affirmed by our experiment data and calculations based on Bond Valence Sums (BVS). Thus, the enhancement in T c of the Pb doping effect is due to the variation of the electronic state and its distribution.  相似文献   

We have expanded our studies on illuminated YBa2Cu3O x grain boundary Josephson junctions (GBJJ) which show both dc Josephson properties (Fraunhofer pattern) and ac Josephson properties (Fiske resonance). Illuminating GBJJs with visible light changes the Josephson coupling. This change is characterized by an increase of the critical current and a large shift in the voltage position of the Fiske resonances. This effect is due to persistent photoinduced superconductivity (PPS) of the oxygen-depleted YBa2Cu3O x barrier, similar to the PPS found in illuminated oxygen-deficient YBa2Cu3O x thin films. From Fiske resonance experiments in GBJJs of different lengths, it is possible to study the velocity of the electromagnetic wave in the barrier and its change after illumination. Information on the parameters of the barrier, before and after illumination, is obtained from this study.  相似文献   

We have fabricated and measured a high-capacity superconducting current lead composed of a Y1Ba2Cu3O7–x cylinder, 20 cm long and 0.9 cm2 cross section. A steady-state, d.c., critical current of 225 A at a temperature of 77 K was measured in this sample, using a voltage criterion of 2×10–7 V/cm (p = 8×10–10 ohm-cm). This current was limited by the currentinduced, self magnetic field. To our knowledge this is the largest d.c. critical current so far reported in a Y1Ba2Cu3O7–x sample and demonstrates the possibility of using hightemperature superconducting HTS materials for current leads to low-temperature superconducting LTS magnets or in power distribution systems.  相似文献   

The structural and superconducting properties of YBa2(CU1–x Ti x )3Oz samples are investigated using X-ray diffraction, ac susceptibility, and oxygen content measurements. The effect of increasing Ti concentration in YBa2(Cu1–x Ti x )3Oz lowers the oxygen content and decreasesT c, which is attributed to hole filling by Ti.  相似文献   

Addition of (LiF) y≤0.15, and of proper amount of (AgO) z=0.45–0.8 as oxidizing agent, to (Cu,C)Ba2Ca3Cu4 O10+δ superconductor is useful to control and to shift the doping characteristics (hole density and distribution, and level of disorder) into the region where the irreversible properties, i.e. fish-tail effect (FTE) and irreversibility fieldH irr are improved. Among notable effects are the development of the second magnetization peak with a higher amplitudeJ c,max and the enhancement ofH irr at high temperatures, above a certain valueT* which depends on bothy LiF andz AgO. The best results are obtained for the sample withy LiF=0.1 andz AgO=0.73. This sample preserves its single phase Cu,C-1234 composition. The influence on the FTE andH irr of the interplay between doping characteristics, controlled by LiF and AgO content, is discussed.  相似文献   

Fabrication of high-T c ceramic superconductor in the system Y2O3-BaO-CuO by melting a mixture of component oxides has been investigated. The compositions of the resulting specimens and the effects of heat treatment have been investigated. It was determined that molten material was composed of phases including BaCuO2, CuO, Y2O3, and Y2BaCuO5. A subsequent heat treatment in air produced a nominal amount of the high-T c phase, while heat treatment in an O2 atmosphere resulted in a significantly large percentage of the superconducting phase.  相似文献   

The magnetization of Gd0.85Y0.15Ba2Cu3O y high-T c superconductor was measured at low fields (<100 Oe) and at a constant temperature of 77 K. The magnetization curves deviate from linearity at 25 Oe, causing the destruction of the weak couplings of the superconducting grains. The hysteresis due to granular superconductivity was also observed.  相似文献   

Thermogravimetric analysis of the individual, binary, ternary, and bismuth-based superconductor mixtures have been carried out to elucidate the excess oxygen content of the Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu4O11+x . Our systematic approach eliminates the need to assume initial phase present, original oxygen content, and degree of reduction as in other TG studies. The excess oxygen content of the bismuth superconductor increases fromx=0.38 tox=0.64 after three heating cycles in oxygen atmosphere. Most of the excess oxygen is associated with the highly oxidized copper (Cu3+) in the superconducting phase/phases.  相似文献   

We present Raman scattering studies ofc-oriented ultrathin-layer superconducting (YBa2Cu3O7) m /(PrBa2Cu3O7) n superlattices. For the superlattice with (m=2,n=1) sequence, Raman spectra reveal a new line in the spectral region around 320 cm–1. It is interpreted as a mode representing a combination of IR optical phonons of the Y-sublayers with an admixture of aB 1g type Raman active vibration in the Pr sublayers. This new line, which is similar to those from the interior of the Brillouin zone of the original lattice, does not exhibit superconductivity-induced self-energy effects, although its counterpart in the pure substance does. No additional line is found in the (m=1,n=2) superlattice in the same region, supporting our interpretation for the (m=2,n=1) sample.  相似文献   

Utilizing atomic layer-by-layer molecular beam epitaxy (ALL-MBE), we have synthesized a series of high-quality superlattices in which ultrathin slabs (one-half unit cell thick) of the high-T c superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 alternate with up to five such layers of the low-T c Bi2Sr2Cu1O6 phase. In all these superlattices we foundT c to be essentially equal to that of the high-T c Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 phase itself, which indicates that this cuprate is a 2D superconductor insofar as the interslab coupling plays at best a secondary role. Furthermore, it is demonstrated thatT c need not be reduced at heterostructure interfaces.  相似文献   

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