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The evaluation and selection of assembly sequences are performed in the planning stage of assembly processes. This paper deals with the effect of selecting particular assembly sequences to the performance of flexible assembly systems(FAS). The performance of FAS is evaluated using the generalized FAS scheduling problem(GFASSP). Compared to the conventional FASSP, GFASSP tries to select the most efficient assembly sequences for each product as well as minimize cycle time to complete the assemblies in FAS environment while considering the transfer time of subassemblies.  相似文献   

A scheme in this paper makes possible to analyze a complex assembly design at an early design stage and generate assembly sequences efficiently. The designer's knowledge is used to obtain the preference module set. The modulability of the set is tested and used to generate assembly sequences hierarchically. Sequences generated by this scheme reflect the designers' preference for modules and facilitates to figure out an assembly line layout from an assembly design. The applicability of the scheme is verified in an example.  相似文献   

An interactive assembly level debugging system has been developed to facilitate program development on an INTEL 8080A/8085 based microcomputer. It has features such as decoding machine level instructions into the assembly language, relocating programs in memory, changing instructions interactively at assembly level etc. This paper deals with the design of the assembly level debugging system and the various facilities and features it provides. The debugging system requires only 4.5K bytes of RAM besides the memory requirements of the application program that has to be debugged.  相似文献   

Accessibility and ergonomic analysis of assembly product and jig designs   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
In the aircraft industry, the design of floor assembly jigs (FAJs) is an important activity that directly affects productivity. It involves tool frame generation and locator and clamp placement to ensure that the assembly components are held properly with respect to each other to meet the required tolerances. The tool designer also has to analyze the design to ensure that the assembly process does not pose accessibility and ergonomics related problems. The current approach is dependent on the experience of the tool designer and the limited visualization possible on commercial CAD systems. This leads to extensive redesign when accessibility and ergonomic related problems are detected on the physical prototype. In this research, an integrated Virtual Reality-based environment is being developed for the analysis of assembly product and jig designs. CAD models of the assembly product and jig are imported into a Virtual Reality (VR)-based visualization system for accessibility analysis. A motion tracking system is integrated to allow ergonomic posture analysis. The combined VR and motion tracking system allows evaluation of alternate assembly sequences and the jig design. In this paper, the theoretical basis for the analysis environment is presented along with details of the prototype implementation of this system.

Relevance to industry

Floor assembly jigs are used extensively by the aircraft industry. Improvement of their design process will lead to savings in better design and reduced development time and cost. Better designs will require fewer changes after the jigs have been fabricated. The overall result will be a reduction in product realization time and cost and improved product quality.  相似文献   

Adaptation plays a fundamental role in case-based design. However, after decades of efforts, automatic adaptation is still an open issue. In works of case-based design, a designer usually chooses a start-up product model (a candidate model) of moderate complexity based on a query model possessing primary new design requirements (kinematic semantics and geometry), then achieves the target design by adapting the candidate model according to the new design requirements and human interventions are often indispensable. To smartly adapt the candidate model to fit the new design requirements, a novel approach to automatic adaptation of assembly models is proposed in this paper. First, in order to effectively identify the corresponding links and interfaces between two non-preregistered assembly models as relevant elements, an attributed kinematic graph is put forward and adopted. Second, based on the attributed kinematic graph, the kinematic semantics of the candidate model is automatically adapted to that of the query model. Third, through performing interface layout transferring, the geometry of the candidate model is automatically adapted to that of the query model based on the corresponding links and interfaces. A prototype system is also implemented to verify the effectiveness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

A successful and profitable product platform strategy requires both product family architecture and assembly process reasoning. New product family member production cost and time can be significantly reduced by utilizing available assembly resources, which can be achieved through systematic assembly process reasoning. A method to utilize existing assembly plant resources, during the development of new product family members, requires comparing feasible assembly processes with exiting assembly plants. The set of feasible assembly sequences for a product family member is modelled by developing an assembly sequence design space, which is combinatorial in nature, and applying constraints on the space. Models that capture effects of constraints on these spaces, explicitly represent feasible regions, and efficiently enumerate designs within this space are investigated. The feasible space is then searched to determine new product assembly sequence that will require minimum change in the current assembly plant. An automotive front structure family is utilized to demonstrate application of the assembly sequence space to perform assembly reasoning to increase exiting assembly plant resource utilization.  相似文献   

Content-based assembly search: A step towards assembly reuse   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The increased use of CAD systems by product development organizations has resulted in the creation of large databases of assemblies. This explosion of assembly data is likely to continue in the future. In many situations, a text-based search alone may not be sufficient to search for assemblies and it may be desirable to search for assemblies based on the content of the assembly models. The ability to perform content-based searches on these databases is expected to help the designers in the following two ways. First, it can facilitate the reuse of existing assembly designs, thereby reducing the design time. Second, a lot of useful designs for manufacturing, and assembly knowledge are implicitly embedded in existing assemblies. Therefore a capability to locate existing assemblies and examine them can be used as a learning tool by designers to learn from the existing assembly designs. This paper describes a system for performing content-based searches on assembly databases. We identify templates for comprehensive search definitions and describe algorithms to perform content-based searches for mechanical assemblies. We also illustrate the capabilities of our system through several examples.  相似文献   

An enhanced genetic algorithm for automated assembly planning   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Automated assembly planning reduces manufacturing manpower requirements and helps simplify product assembly planning, by clearly defining input data, and input data format, needed to complete an assembly plan. In addition, automation provides the computational power needed to find optimal or near-optimal assembly plans, even for complex mechanical products. As a result, modern manufacturing systems use, to an ever greater extent, automated assembly planning rather than technician-scheduled assembly planning. Thus, many current research reports describe efforts to develop more efficient automated assembly planning algorithms. Genetic algorithms show particular promise for automated assembly planning. As a result, several recent research reports present assembly planners based upon traditional genetic algorithms. Although prior genetic assembly planners find improved assembly plans with some success, they also tend to converge prematurely at local-optimal solutions. Thus, we present an assembly planner, based upon an enhanced genetic algorithm, that demonstrates improved searching characteristics over an assembly planner based upon a traditional genetic algorithm. In particular, our planner finds optimal or near-optimal solutions more reliably and more quickly than an assembly planner that uses a traditional genetic algorithm.  相似文献   

The paper describes a novel framework for an assembly-oriented design (AOD) approach as a new functional product lifecycle management (PLM) strategy, by considering product design and assembly sequence planning phases concurrently. Integration issues of product life cycle into the product development process have received much attention over the last two decades, especially at the detailed design stage. The main objective of the research is to define assembly sequence into preliminary design stages by introducing and applying assembly process knowledge in order to provide an assembly context knowledge to support life-oriented product development process, particularly for product structuring. The proposed framework highlights a novel algorithm based on a mathematical model integrating boundary conditions related to DFA rules, engineering decisions for assembly sequence and the product structure definition. This framework has been implemented in a new system called PEGASUS considered as an AOD module for a PLM system. A case study of applying the framework to a catalytic-converter and diesel particulate filter sub-system, belonging to an exhaust system from an industrial automotive supplier, is introduced to illustrate the efficiency of the proposed AOD methodology.  相似文献   

In this article, an approach is described for the development of a process for the determination of geometric feasibility whose binary vector representation corresponds to assembly states. An assembly consisting of four parts is considered as an example. First, contact matrices generate the assembly's connection graph. The developing connection graph was used to model the example assembly. In the assembly's connection graph, each node corresponds to a part in the assembly, and edges in the graph of connections correspond to connecting every pair of nodes. Moreover, in the connection graph, each connection corresponds to an element in the binary vector representation. In the development of the approach, intersection matrices are used to represent interference among assembling parts during the assembly operation. Intersection matrices are defined to along the Cartesian coordinate system's six main directions. The elements of intersection matrices are constituted to Boolean values. Each element of binary vector representations includes a connection between a pair of parts. First, ordered pairs of parts are established. Then, Cartesian products, which are produced from these established ordered pairs of parts, are applied to Boolean operators. Finally, geometric feasibility of these binary vector representations is determined. In this work, some assembly systems are sampled and examined. Among these examples, six assembly sequences for a four-part packing system; two assembly sequences for a five-part shaft bearing system; 373 assembly sequences for a seven-part clutch system and assembly states have been investigated.  相似文献   

This paper presents a method, based on a two-layer dynamic Elman neural network, for detecting faults in the assembly of thread-forming screws. Using torque measurements, the method provides a high degree of reliability in detecting assembly faults. The ability of neural networks to learn and to generalize creates an efficient detection system when there is limited or distorted information available about the assembly process.  相似文献   

Microdevice assembly knowledge is dispersed in different product development phases, such as assembly design, assembly simulation and assembly process, and a lot of essential knowledge is implicit and heterogeneous. It is difficult for researchers and computer-aided systems to share and reuse different assembly knowledge quickly and accurately, leading to inefficient and inaccurate assembly process planning. To integrate and structurally represent the assembly design knowledge, assembly simulation knowledge and assembly process knowledge of microdevice, this paper proposes a hierarchical assembly knowledge representation framework and develops a microdevice assembly ontology. There are four layers in the framework, including the organizational structure, the structural relationship, the assembly accuracy, and the process characteristics. The assembly design knowledge that is integrated involves the basic properties of the assembly object as well as the spatial, mating, and assembly relationship, etc. Assembly simulation knowledge refers to the permissible range of assembly force and contact force. Knowledge of assembly processes comprises assembly sequence and operating method of the part. The microdevice assembly ontology is developed based on METHONTOLOGY, and implemented with Protégé. The corresponding SWRL rules have been established to inference the implicit knowledge in assembly design. An ignition target assembly knowledge model based on the microdevice assembly ontology is constructed. In the assembly task of the ignition target, engineers can quickly and accurately access the required assembly knowledge from the ignition target assembly knowledge model, thus verifying the integrity and validity of the microdevice assembly ontology.  相似文献   

One of the major problems in automotive assembly consists in achieving alignment within the specified tolerances between car panels that make up the exterior bodywork. To reduce errors and time requested to perform the assigned assembly tasks, workers should be guided during these panel fitting operations. Augmented Reality (AR) could be particularly suitable in this regard, as it represents one of the most promising tools to support personnel, with constantly growing applications in production processes. Following this trend, the present work aims to present an AR prototype system for supporting the operator during panel fitting operations of car body assembly, by providing instructions to correct alignment errors in terms of gap and flushness. A real case study concerning the fine alignment of car body panels with respect to the front light projector is also presented.  相似文献   

Optimal assembly plan generation: a simplifying approach   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The main difficulty in the overall process of optimal assembly plan generation is the great number of different ways to assemble a product (typically thousands of solutions). This problem confines the application of most existing automated planning methods to products composed of only a limited number of components. The presented method of assembly plan generation belongs to the approach called “disassembly” and is founded on a new representation of the assembly process, with introduction of a new concept, the equivalence of binary trees. This representation allows to generate the minimal list of all non-redundant (really different) assembly plans. Plan generation is directed by assembly operation constraints and plan-level performance criteria. The method was tested for various assembly applications and compared to other generation approaches. Results show a great reduction in the combinatorial explosion of the number of plans. Therefore, this simplifying approach of assembly sequence modeling allows to handle more complex products with a large number of parts.  相似文献   

The assembly decomposition is to divide the assembly to subassemblies that are to be joined in the final assembly processes. The assembly decomposition decision strongly affects the effectiveness of a product assembly in terms of quality, sequence and supplier selection. This paper presents an assembly-decomposition model to improve product quality. Mixed-integer programming is used to partition the liaison graph of a product assembly. The mixed-integer programming model takes into account the defect rates in components and assembly tasks. The defect rate of the final assembly product is to be minimized considering type II errors in subassembly inspection. A numerical example is presented to demonstrate the methodology, and this numerical study shows that assembly decomposition strongly affects the final assembly defect rate. The developed assembly decomposition method is expected to enhance the decision making in assembly planning.  相似文献   

The factory of the future is steering away from conventional assembly line production with sequential conveyor technology, towards flexible assembly lines, where products dynamically move between work-cells. Flexible assembly lines are significantly more complex to plan compared to sequential lines. Therefore there is an increased need for autonomously generating flexible robot-centered assembly plans. The novel Autonomous Constraint Generation (ACG) method presented here will generate a dynamic assembly plan starting from an initial assembly sequence, which is easier to program. Using a physics simulator, variations of the work-cell configurations from the initial sequence are evaluated and assembly constraints are autonomously deduced. Based on that the method can generate a complete assembly graph that is specific to the robot and work-cell in which it was initially programmed, taking into account both part and robot collisions. A major advantage is that it scales only linearly with the number of parts in the assembly. The method is compared to previous research by applying it to the Cranfield Benchmark problem. Results show a 93% reduction in planning time compared to using Reinforcement Learning Search. Furthermore, it is more accurate compared to generating the assembly graph from human interaction. Finally, applying the method to a real life industrial use case proves that a valid assembly graph is generated within reasonable time for industry.  相似文献   

虚拟装配工艺技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
虚拟装配技术是未来制造领域中的一项重要技术,它使得人们可以通过直接操作的方式完成产品设计、产品维修培训、零件设计验证、装配工艺规划等内容。  相似文献   

提出一种基于OGSA的生物计算网格体系结构,分析研究了生物应用标准化、资源描述、作业描述和作业调度等,对序列拼接应用Phrap在该网格环境下的运行情况进行了讨论。  相似文献   

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